
17 Reviews
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Not the best, but still very, very good
31 March 2024
A really enjoyable and fairly thought provoking Show. Whilst not as expansive as Foundation on Apple it's still very much worth a viewing. Most of the actors do a very good job, especially Benedict Wong, Jess Hong, John Bradley and Alex Sharp. The only misfire seems to be the casting of Eliza Gonzalez which in my opinion isn't a good fit for the role. She just appears to have been chosen for her looks and it's a little inconceivable that someone like this would be in the role of a world leading physicist. But this is a minor point and nothing that spoils the quality of the show.

With all book adaptations there will be people giving the Show one star because it doesn't live up to their expectations. There's an easy way around this, which is to look at the spread of scores and discount those with very low scores for example scoring one. Then look at where the majority of the remaining scores are and this will be a true reflection of the quality of the show, Three body problem is more accurately scoring at around 8 out of 10. Definitely recommend and worth a viewing, unless of course you've read the books and then it's the worst show in the world apparently ha ha.
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Criminal Record (2024– )
Extremely high quality drama
17 January 2024
The acting from the two leads doesn't get much better. Jumbo and Capaldi give an absolute masterclass in acting. Cush Jumbo gives an incredibly nuanced performance expressing emotion and feeling with every word and look. Capaldi suitably scary as the big bad cop. The story has twists and turns and keeps you guessing. There really is very little to dislike about this show. If you like quality drama it's definitely worth giving it a go. Some reviewers have decided the show is about white folk always being cast as villains but I'd suggest they're bringing some already existing hang ups and looking for ways to reinforce the view. I didn't find any evidence of any prejudices in the way the story was told or cast.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Very much enjoyed, including the ending
5 November 2023
Wasn't expecting much from this but felt drawn to it more and more with each episode. May have been due to the Norwegian setting, actors and language that gave the whole show an enigmatic vibe which is absent from English speaking shows especially those with actors you're familiar with. The unusual take on the Norse mythology we're mostly used to from Marvel etc is retold here from the view of senior school students in a typical (?) Norwegian town in a stunning valley setting. The show's immediately dominated by the David and Goliath relationship between Magna and his family and the town's infamous Jutul family who own and run the country's fifth largest company. Many here didn't approve of the third and final season but I found by this time you're invested in the character and personally thought the final season was as good as the first two. The ending goes in somewhat of a surprise direction but is by no means dissatisfying. I'll miss my trips to Norway, and probably won't come across the actors again, unless......
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2 September 2022
A genuinely captivating production which is hugely entertaining but hard to believe it's a made for tv show as opposed to some blockbuster event film. Actress playing Galadriel is phenomenal. But the best of all is that there is such a large number of people for whom enjoyment of this spectacular show is impossible because due to, I don't know, a few characters not being played by people with white skin, or totally strict adherence to the original films hasn't been followed. Tragic but good to know their intolerance and small mindedness is being rewarded by their missing out on such brilliant entertainment.
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Red Notice (2021)
Pretty good
12 November 2021
Like Hobbs and Shaw but with added Ryan Reynolds. It's IMDB so expect the usual usual reviews: "it's not the best film ever made so it's a rating of 1" or "don't agree with the low average so will rate it a 10", why do people do this? Numbers do exist between 1 and 10 people. Rant over. The film's enjoyable. The Rock and Reynolds on top form. It's a bit National Treasure and as an added bonus - Gal Gadot. Easily a strong 7. Not a 10. Certainly not a 1. But a 7. One of those between 1 and 10 numbers :)
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Breeders (2020–2023)
Do people really talk to their kids like this?
27 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing against language in tv and film and I could be completely wrong but can't believe most people talk to their very young kids like this. First thing said in episode one of series one is Martin Freeman releasing a torrent of F bombs at his four year old daughter and slightly (not much) older son. Sorry, just don't believe it.
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29 April 2021
If you like your TV dramas to be full of beautiful people with shiny hair and perfect teeth then you're probably not gonna like this. If real and gritty is your thing then highly recommended.
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Great action movie
18 September 2020
Ignore the incels giving the film low marks. They're getting their knickers all in a twist due to the three strong female leads. No, obviously not as good as T1&2 but that doesn't mean it has to be terrible. Action and effects are very good. The necessary sense of unstoppable force meeting immovable object that gave T1 its unique quality is here in this film too. Lots of Easter eggs for fans of the original films. Tim Miller (Deadpool) directs so you know it's going to be quality.
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Stands on its own
4 July 2020
Judging the quality of this show from the comments can only be done by ignoring all those that refer to the original Penny Dreadful. This is its own show. From what I can see after two episodes this has nothing to do with the original. If you can't forgive this then trot on this is not for you. The show is exquisite in the representation of the period, production values are extremely high, Nathalie Dormer, Nathan Lane are captivating especially the former. Occasional appearance of Lorenza Izzo a special treat. Give this a watch. It's extremely high quality programming.
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The Aeronauts (2019)
Could have been better
27 March 2020
Two great lead actors and an intrepid story should have made this a success. It is watchable, slow in parts, I think they should have injected more action rather than focussing too much on backstory. It is a shame however that some folk cannot get past the fact the Felicity Jones character is based on a male figure. Really can't understand why people get their knickers all knotted over this. Who cares.
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Aladdin (2019)
Perfectly entertaining remake
1 February 2020
Story follows the original fairly closely and the setting is perfectly believable. All actors well cast possibly with exception of Jaffur. Are decent film which I'm glad I watched (twice)
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Cobra (2020–2023)
Pretty good effort
30 January 2020
Ignore the poor reviews. I'm convinced folks award one star if a show isn't the best thing they've ever seen period. It's no House if Cards but it's a good in most places, very good in some. Lots of tense stand-offs and believable character.
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A Christmas Carol (2019– )
Great new telling of an old classic
24 December 2019
Mesmerising adaptation of the story, charismatic acting from all the main characters and production values very high. Totally absorbing from start to finish. Warning, it's a new version of the story and it deviates from the original fairly frequently, there is swearing, one scene with some mild nudity and there are actors are of different ethnicities. I mention this as if this will ruin the experience for you then please don't watch as this seems to have upset so many (see one star reviews). If you can enjoy the series for what it is, on its own merits then it's extremely highly recommended
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Ignore the HG Wells fan boys
24 November 2019
Admittedly have only watched the first episode but so far very much enjoying the period framer which is based on the classic. Please note it is note an exact copy of the book, it is an adaptation meaning some story elements have been changed, added or removed. That said the production values are reasonable and the actors top notch. This show has so far attracted the usual rush from the pearl clutching (HG Wells) fan boys who have given 1/10 reviews because it's not identical to the original. Please don't let this put you off a very well made BBC adaptation
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American Gods: House on the Rock (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
11 March 2019
Just a bit to dream sequency for my liking. Bad trip
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9 March 2019
No it's not the best Marvel film ever but NO WHERE NEAR as bad as some reviewers are saying. Brie does a good job as do all the supporting cast. There's some humour (obviously, it's Marvel) and the story hangs together as well as any other from the Franchise. Strongly recommend you don't believe all the poor reviews, go and make your own mind up. But remember, these film aren't, nor are they meant to be, Oscar winning Shakespeare adaptations, set reasonable expectations people. And enjoy
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Other reviewers you have ten numbers to choose
18 April 2018
Anyone else getting tired of people who trash perfectly good shows for massively pedantic reasons. This is a perfectly watchable show, the script isn't fantastic but is not terrible either. The actors are from shows like House of Cards, would they really employ people who can't act! The stories are believable, in keeping with the spirit of the original, Dr Smith is suitable evil as she should be, the kids are likeable enough and the leads do a perfectly fine job. Too many reviewers are far too critical and award one out of ten simply because it's not the best show ever made or the science doesn't quite fit together. IT's SCI FI.
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