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The Predator (2018)
Rated T for Terrible!
16 September 2018
The Predator is another wasted attempt to bring life to a franchise filled with endless potential, ending up being in competion for the title od the worst film in the franchise and one of the worst films ever made.
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I wish they could transform into something good...
29 June 2017
First, the story is a huge mess that jumps from one place to another, (yes, I know what I said about story, but all the previous entries had a great story or premise at its core and focus) without ever explaining anything that's happening or why these characters are where they are, and nothing feels connected. They had so many great story points but instead the writers just don't do anything with them...

To see the full review, please check out my website...

https://filmvstv.wixsite.com/filmvstv/single-post/2017/06/25/Movie- Review-Transformers-The-Last-Knight
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The Mummy (2017)
A waste of potential and talent
11 June 2017
Tom cruise is my favorite actor – well he and dicaprio – and I basicaly watch everything he's in because he's that rare actor that actually only chooses great projects. So even though I wasn't really that excited for a presente day reboot of the mummy, I thought this would be great because Tom cruise chosed to make it. Well I was wrong. Im not gonna say this is terrible but its bad. And i honestly canot think of a single reason why tom cruise decided to be in this...

To see the full review please see it at:

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Deadpool (2016)
The ultimate anti-superhero film, a game changer and a humour festival. Make sure you wear the yellow pants so that no one can see you...
11 February 2016
Deadpool is definitely one of the most original, creative, unique films (superhero or not) ever made, and it completely shattered all huge expectations i had. So what matters to say:

The story is really, really simple. It's an origin story with a revenge story, but the narrative is told in a really fun way, inducing a lot of curiosity and investment. And being this simple is what actually makes the screenplay so good, because it as time to do só much more, like comedy.

It's a comedy with action, not the other way around, though there's plenty of action, and the pace is super fast. There's insane action scenes, with epic showdowns, though the film is very small scale, and once again this is what makes it so good, because it goes against everything you are used to see.

This is one of the most consistent films I've ever seen, from the very first second (where you watch a credits sequence bound to be a classic, setting up the mood in the most perfect way possible) to literally the last one (where you have a post credits sequence that can top the one from the avengers, because of how it plays with the concept and the audience), it constantly delivers and is constantly perfect. I can count on one hand how many films (all comedies) in history made me laugh so hard, and constantly, and i don't think i ever saw an audience laugh so much in a theater, ever! the humour is without equal, with a million jokes, i really cant imagine how someone could come up with so much great stuff for the entire film. The writers really deserve a lot of praise.

The film jokes about everything literally. About fox, how it was made, the marvel films, its system and clichés, tons of other movies, Ryan Reynolds, itself, anything you can imagine, its a pop culture galore, and you will probably enjoy it a little more if you know all about it, though the best part is that its designed so that you can enjoy it even if you don't know.

Its a festival of violence for sure, and it earns its R rating. Ryan Reynolds owns the role and basically gives an unforgettable performance, and the rest of the cast is also quite incredible, and the one that can actually be at the same level as Reynolds is the amazing Morena Baccarin.

The visual effects are great, but not perfect, and it could have benefited from a bit bigger budget for this, but it isn't the most important thing, not by a long distance. The score is really great, though not what it could be and i felt that it didn't add much to the film actually.

Deadpool is the ultimate anti- superhero film, a game changer that will actually make the people behind superhero movies to open their eyes and take things to a new level. Its super fast, super energetic, with a style without equal, mostly thanks to breaking the fourth wall and dark humor approach. Its surprising, as it is different from everything you are used to see in a superhero film. Its a laugh festival, that you have to make sure to wear the yellow pants so no one can see you... Its a film were you are instantly invested and in love with the characters, that no matter how comic and violent it is, it has a huge heart. And everyone, from the writers to the director, to the cast, should have all the praise possible for creating such a perfect film.

Given that this is bound to be a huge success, and the second x-men trilogy is ending, it's a foregone conclusion that a new era is about to come, one where Deadpool will be in everything.
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It never lives up to the true story, nor really makes it justice. But a good film nonetheless.
6 February 2016
The finest hours is a good film, but one that could be great. The story is amazing and epic, and it has so much potential, but in the end the film never feels epic or lives up to its potential.

It has a great cast, lead by Chris Pine and Casey Affleck, both giving really great performances alongside Holliday Grainger. The production values are great, the score is great, but the film is really dark, there's many parts of the films where you cant really see anything, and this is made much worse by the 3D, which the film never really makes much use of it.

There's great possibilities for grand action scenes, but they are just good, and there's never really a sense of suspense. The film feels rather straightforward. Its truly old school and you can almost taste the 50s.

It could have been so much more, but it does something so strange that makes something so epic feel rather low key, and it has a few quite emotional scenes for sure, but it never lives up to the true story, nor really makes it justice. But a good film nonetheless, just one that wastes its potential.
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Carol (2015)
Charming, subtle and in the end it all comes down to Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara's unforgettable, brilliant performances.
6 February 2016
Carol is a good film, with a very important subject, and the script never addresses it head on, rather with class, elegance and subtly.

It's a great love and life story about one woman fighting for her right to be happy and another trying to figure out how can she really be happy. Each of them is the answer to the other.

The script could feature more insight, but then again, the film is supposed to be subtle and let the images speak for themselves. The cinematography is outstanding and the score is downright superb. There's a feeling, a certain atmosphere that makes the film truly peculiar and one of a kind.

But in the end, i think that it all comes down to Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, as they give unforgettable, brilliant performances. They are always perfect of course, but here there's something one of a kind about their performances. Its not only the characters that fall in love with each other, but also you who fall in love with them.

Its charming, important, powerful, resonant, and features two one of kind performances.
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This isn't Tarantino's best work, nor his most commercial, but is a great, twisty, suspenseful, hilarious film.
6 February 2016
Tarantino is one of my favorite directors and i love all his movies, and the hateful 8 is no exception. Though there are a few things to note:

Don't expect a Kill Bill, an Inglourious bastards or a Django, this is much more in line with Jackie Brown. Its 8 people in a room for 2 and a half hours. This doesn't mean that the film is less good, just that this is more about talk, mystery, suspense than adventure or action.

This is his longest film yet, with nearly 3 hours. If you really love Tarantino, time will fly, if you're not his biggest fan you may feel the length a bit, though the film is climatic, is designed to be a crescendo, where things get more intense each minute until the third act where things just explode, revelations are made and twists and turns are the stars. There are a scene or two that feel unnecessary, mainly because they feel a bit repetitive, not offering nothing interesting or fresh.

Many of his favorite actors are back, along with new additions like Channing Tatum and Jennifer Jason Leigh. The cast as you would expect, commits 300% to their roles, because its clear they love them, And with much reason, each character is more peculiar, inventive and interesting than the other. And make no mistake, they are the worst of the worst, there's no heroes, but you can find one that is less bad than the others. This is part of what i loved about the film, because as bad people they don't have limits, so they can do what they want, giving you one heck of a ride.

While Tarantino is the master of dialogue, this isn't his best work, as you feel that this isn't the best he can do, though of course this still means that the dialogue is outstanding. There's many lines throughout the film that are really hilarious, and the conversations between the characters are amazing.

This is not his most commercial film, not really, but i think it is his most straightforward one yet, either the story or dialogue. Anyone can enjoy this, and in fact i think this is also one o his most funny films, there's so much humour and moments that really make you laugh out loud.

There's plenty of explicit violence, as usual, and if you think that he just cant come up with more inventive and fresh violence, you're wrong, because many of the best parts of the film are thanks to the violence.

The cinematography is wonderful and the score is a killer, though the film doesn't use much of it.

This isn't Tarantino's best work, nor the best he can do, but is a really great, hilarious film, filled with twists and turns and unforgettable moments, characters and performances. Its classic Tarantino, with everything you would expect from him. It's surprising all the way until the end, is really a great film, and you have everything to enjoy it, just don't expect this to be an action film.
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Spotlight (I) (2015)
An outstanding film that never lets you go, even when you leave the theater.
6 February 2016
Spotlight is a very powerful drama, featuring a very important subject.

The film has a fast pace, where the story moves forward rapidly, always with a great atmosphere of suspense and mystery. It's very climatic, as you keep finding new information and revelations until the very end.

To say the cast is outstanding is an understatement. Everyone gives perfect performances, but Mark Ruffalo shines just a bit brighter, his performance is truly amazing with phenomenal attention to detail, from the way he speaks to way he moves. And all of them are perfect to represent these real outstanding, brave characters that against the system and everyone fights for the truth. Only if the world had more of this people.

The script shines a light on the most important things, the victims, the perpetrators and the investigators. As you get a clear sense of everything that happened, and shows one very important conclusion, that the church isn't the only one to blame, in fact i think that the people that support their way of dealing with the subject, just because they're the church, and so they must be above the law, are even worse.

This is a very hard and delicate subject, and the film deals amazingly with it, showing you everything thats most important, thought i wouldn't mind to see more of the main characters and their personal lives, how they deal with everything, but i understand why the director focus on whats most important the investigation and their work. Spotlight is an amazing film, and immersive experience, with an outstanding score to elevate things even more, a killer cast with killer performances and a screenplay that never lets you go, even when you leave the theater.
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The Big Short (2015)
Amazing substance meets great style: an huge entertaining lesson.
22 January 2016
The big short is the mother to how turning a complicated subject into perfect entertainment. The film is just amazing.

The screenplay is incredible, wonderfully paced, it just has an amazing rhythm, to the point, wile i would love to see more of the characters, i see what we need. Turns something complicated into something that can be understood with such style that makes it perfect.

The characters are amazing, and the ensemble cast could talk for 2 hours about tiles and you would love it! Everyone just gives killer performances, but Christian Bale and Steve carell are my favorites.

Its a very smart film, that is also quite funny with great humor, that gives you a lesson with amazing style, a great soundtrack, a killer editing, and a fast pace. That's how you do it. its impossible not to like this film. And in the end, the conclusion is that people don't think about things when everything is OK, because they all believe if things are good today, so will they be in 100 years. And its always like this: great things happen, terrible things happen, terrible consequences, people learn from it and resolve things, things are good again, people forget about what just happened, people make the same mistakes all over again. Go figure.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
A film that you either love or not, but will always appreciate it for the unbelievable achievements of its production and the incredible performances.
22 January 2016
The revenant is by far one of the most beautiful films ever. Is poetic, grand, epic, mesmerizing, is a film that is in a completely new level. Inarritu did it again.

One of the reasons i love inarritu films so much, is because they all are super original, have such a unique style and are always groundbreaking.. And the revenant is another showcase of this. The story while being about revenge, is unlike everything i've ever seen. Is so fresh, so unique, its like you are experiencing a poem coming to life. Is really well paced, and its highly climatic. You just want to see what happens next and how will it end keeping you at the edge of your seat.

Is a highly immersive experience, where you feel you are right there with the characters. Part of the reason for this, is because the film is insanely realistic. it's like a documentary. You feel everything the characters feel just by watching. Its like they just traveled back in time and recorded everything. The attention to detail is astonishing. It can be very brutal, but its part of the why the film is so great. The most impressive scene, by far, is the bear scene, where you will refuse to admit that bear isn't real.

The cast is just beyond perfect, and for actors clearly stand out: Domhnall Gleeson, Will Poulter, Tom hardy and Leonardo Dicaprio. But of course, Dicaprio and Hardy are the ones that steal the show. And in the end, the tour-de-force comes from Dicaprio. The fact that he did everything you see, for real, like the true character did, just says it all. His character doesn't have much dialogue, and this is his most physical performance yet, it's not my favorite, but its his most impressive one. With just a look, a move, an expression, he says everything. And the long due Oscar cant go to anyone but him.

The film is just so beautiful is insane. There's a lot of breathtaking nature vistas, so beautifully shot that nature feels like a main character in the film, and it is. The cinematography is mesmerizing, the fact that the film was shot with natural light just makes this one of the most breathtaking visual experiences ever, and again, the Oscar cant go to anyone else but lubezky. The same goes for everyone else in the crew. The production values in this film are through the roof, so real that is like they don't exist. The make up is amazing. The score is brilliant, because it makes such an eerie atmosphere that is a huge part in the films identity. The camera moves are incredible, and the visual effects, well, what visual effects? i can't distinguish whats real or what's VFX.

A case of both style and substance, this breathtaking journey of man vs nature, vs man, is really immersive, emotional, thrilling, awe inspiring, i could just go on and on. Its a film that you either love or not, but you will always appreciate it for the unbelievable achievements of its production and the incredible performances.
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Point Break (2015)
An elaborate excuse to show cool extreme sports in great style and a huge waste of potential.
19 January 2016
Well this film had everything (almost everything) to be a great action film. The premise is far from being new, but i could generate a million different plots and stories, some of the most beautiful settings ever seen on screen, super cool thrilling extreme sports, and millions of opportunities to make the most daring thrilling action scenes ever made. But... It just didn't happen.

This film is truly a wonder, why? Because it has one of the most beautiful cinematography and visuals ever, a 105 million budget, and at the some time a b movie feel.

The film has a ton of mesmerizing settings around the world, that provide endless opportunities for thrilling action, and yes the film has great action scenes, but they are overall wasted because the director doesn't seem to know how to dramatize the action. The camera moves and shots never really take advantage of the action, and while i usually hate the lack of big shots in action films, here i hate the lack of close ups, since most of the time you never know who you are watching. The action feels too cold and many times, rushed.

A great example of this is the opening of the film, which is really disappointingly lackluster.Characters die unceremoniously without a touch of drama. It all feels like a bunch of things happening, The best action scene probably is the surf one, really great, but then again it could be so much more.

As i said, the cinematography is stunning, i think i never saw this kind of style. Then the visual effects are really amazing, they look super real. But the editing is quite bad. The continuity is awkward, rushed, feels like there's parts missing. Most of the action scenes for example are too short because its like this thing, that thing, instead of a continuous scene of things. Then the sound mixing is terrible, there's some good effects, like the waves, but everything mixed, the dialogue, the score, the music, the effects, seems weird.

The voices are like voice over, with a strange auto tune effect. It seems like everyone just recorded their dialogue in a studio and then someone just placed that recordings on top of everything. The music choices are weird. But the most disappointing thing, to my surprise, was the score by junkie XL. It is probably the most out of tone, out of place score i have ever seen. Its like he made the score without seeing the film. And the score is not bad on its own, but it is nothing more that a rehash of Hans Zimmer's scores, like inception and man of steel, but without the things that made them what they are, and with a ton o cheese, and the volume upped 1000x all the time.

And the script, which is by far the worst of this film. There's almost no plot, but the one there is could be great, but i wasn't. It's just something cool to show cool extreme sports. The dialogue is not a total disaster, but like its script is right there on the verge and you wonder how someone can write this and think its good. And there's some very weird moments. The end is also so strange!

The cast is what it is, and they do the best they can with what they have, and the two leads are fine, but the film could have benefited from some bigger talent.

The film has great style, which is the best it has to offer, with some good action scenes, but they never live up to their potential. There's almost zero drama or thrills, because this is nothing more than an elaborate excuse to show extreme sports. The frustrating part is that behind the elaborate excuse stands a huge potential for a great, thrill ride, filled with high octane drama. A good writer and director would have done wonders with all this ingredients. Truly a waste of potential.
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Brooklyn (2015)
A mesmerizing Saoirse Ronan and tons of charm will make you fall in love with Brooklyn.
18 January 2016
Brooklyn is one of the most charming films ever, it has a palpable charm, that really elevates the film and along with a mesmerizing performance from Saoirse Ronan, makes you fall in love with it.

The screenplay is wonderful, the story is just amazing, and it is a story that you can easily relate to, with its themes of immigration, home, family, and love. While i don't think the second half of the film is as strong as the sublime first half, and i feel it could have benefited with another scene or two exploring the main character, Eilis thoughts, the film as a whole is really great.

The visuals are really beautiful, and the production values are really strong, the cinematography is wonderful, but it definitely would have benefited just a little more with a just a tiny bit bigger budget to show more vistas of Brooklyn, and Ireland.

There's great characters, and the cast is really great, everyone gives stunning performances, especially the two leads, but obviously the one that completely steals the show, is Saoirse Ronan. She makes the amazing one in a million character feel, as is the idea, real, someone that seems to exist. She just makes you fall in love with the film, its like shes the son and you are pulled to her orbit, she's truly mesmerizing and her Oscar nomination for best actress really reflects that.

Brooklyn has a rare feel of reality and enhanced drama. But overall the film seems so real that you cant help but feel like you're watching a true story. And i was surprised at the amount of comedy it has, and think its because of its charm, because the humour is really charming, i never thought to laugh as much as i did, but almost all the humour is on the first half, as the second one is more intense.

Brooklyn is definitely a must see.
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Sisters (III) (2015)
It could have been so great. Tina and Fey are true sisters in real life.
12 January 2016
I had high hopes, because it features one of my favorite actresses and comedians of all time, Tina Fey, along with one of my beloved comedians and actresses Amy Poehler. They are the ultimate BFFs and the fact they are working together is the best hook of this film, and is something that made me have huge hopes for this film. Were they justified? No.

This actresses, writers and comedians are geniuses and their respective TV shows is the ultimate proof of that. But in here, they sure give all they got, but the screenplay and the film itself brings all their efforts down.

The premise is really great and it could have been one of the best comedies ever, but somehow the writer seems to just write something that is nothing more than OK, wasting the premise and all its possibilities. There are one or the moments that are really funny, but overall this is one of those films where you smile all the time, but do not laugh. The characters are great for Tina and Amy, and they sure give all they got, and they are the anchor of this film, they are what keeps this film afloat. They can make things that aren't funny, seem funny. The reason i sort of liked the film was because of Tina and Amy.

There's the ingredients, a great cast, a great premise, never ending possibilities, but they are all wasted in a film that constantly disappoints by constantly reminding you how awesome this could have been! If Tina Fey and Amy would have rewritten the film, it would have been so great. but hey, it has a great soundtrack, Tina and Amy (and you can see they were having a blast) and you have fun for sure. Not the one you should and could have, but fun nonetheless.
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Flawed, but Eddie R., Alicia V. and amazing production values makes for a grand film.
12 January 2016
I love true stories, and this one is one of the most important true stories ever. Its current, its complex, its huge. So did the film match the importance of the story and give its heroes Gerda and Einar Wegener (and many others) a deserving honor as big as they were? Well i think that yes, in some ways. But its a flawed homage with quite a few big problems.

The biggest one is the fact that there's no insight, no introspective, the writer and the director seem to assume all the time that you know whats in the characters heads, their reasons and so... and its their reasons that it's also a big problem. You might get the feeling that this film is like a mini series of 6 hours turned into a 2 hour film. And for the most part what you get its the bigger scenes, which are the conclusions to many chapters of this characters lives. They all are huge conclusions thats for sure, but the lack of the path to said conclusions hurts the film and your feelings about it. You see the characters actions, but rarely do you see them discussing their reasons, fears, everything, until they actually do something, in a satisfying way.

And many scenes are too objective, this is specially obvious in the third act, that seems too rushed, barely touching on the surgery and the characters thoughts. And this also makes the film lack in emotional heft. I noticed especially at the end, where the film didn't have the emotional impact on me i expected. If one thing describes this film is to the point.The 2h really fly.

But films are subjective, as they should be, and so you can't argue emotions with logic. You can admit and recognize facts, as this part is bad or good... but if you feel the film is perfect to you or you loved it deep down, the facts, the problems, wont matter much or nothing at all. And this goes the other way around when you hate or dislike. Which is something that most people today refuse to understand, as they declare war against those who loved something they hated or hated something they loved.

And this is what happened with me, as i think this problems are hugely mitigated by 3 things, Eddie Redmayne. Alicia Vikander and the amazing production vales.

The two main leads are so great you just want to cover them with Oscars, and all kinds of awards. There's great performances that you love and then there's performances like this, that leaves you in awe the entire film, wondering how someone can give performances like this. Eddie Redmayne deservedly won the Oscar last year, and no matter how brilliant he is here he wont win, thanks to Leonardo Dicaprio, who is long overdue, which is to say the least, But Alicia Vikander might have a small shot at winning. Its unlikely thanks do Brie Larson and Saoirse Ronan, but who knows?

Eddie R. and Alicia V. are the true homage to the heroes of the story, accompanied by an amazing supporting cast, while the film itself might not reach the heights it could have, the actors more than compensate this, elevating the film to another level, one it possibly couldn't reach without them.

When the screenplay fails to have insight, thoughts, dialogue or scenes necessary to feel in the gaps of the story, the actors compensate with their performances, with their meticulous expressions and especially the film is very objective so there's not the emotional heft it should or could have, they are ones that bring the emotional heft, they are the one that makes you feel the mentions the film fails to evoke.

And of course the production values are brilliant, especially the amazing cinematography and production design, that create an amazing imagery and atmosphere, along with another epic score from Alexandre Desplat that reads the story superbly.

So once again this is a flawed film yes, it fails to achieve what it could have but to me the flaws are hugely mitigated by Eddie, Alicia and the quality of the production and what matters is that this story was told, and the heroes represented. Watch the film, because it really deserves, and i hope you can go beyond the flaws and focus on the grander picture as i did.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Everything you could ever wish for in the Rocky Franchise. Stalone is at his best.
10 January 2016
Well, Rocky is really one of those franchises i could watch new installments forever. But Creed is a sweet surprise, , for being able to recreate the feeling of the Rocky films, while bringing so much more, for being something really new and different, for how great it is.

The story is amazing, the screenplay is just so great. The way it integrates all the elements you love in The Rocky films and the story of one of the best characters in the franchise in a new and exciting story is incredible. There's so many amazing scenes, some really funny, but overall this film has a lot of really epic heartfelt moments that you wont forget.It introduces such a complex, interesting new lead character, one that you just want to see more and more. There's also plenty of other amazing characters, especially Bianca.

But no matter how great the characters are, The actors are the ones that bring them to live. And the film is filled with amazing performances, but of course Michael B. Jordan shines like the sun. He's just so great he deserves tons of awards, But Sylvester Stallone really is at his best, i mean he's always wonderful, but i haven't seen him like this in a long time, he's just so amazing. He definitely will be nominated and win the Oscar for best supporting actor. His character has such a brilliant arc. And the two actors make the perfect duo.

Production values are great, the score is amazing, integrating some of the classic scores you love and bringing a new feel, even if sometimes i wish they used it a little more. And the cinematography is incredible.

There's many references to some of things you love the most in the Rocky films, especially at the end, What a great ending! Its a really immersive film, one that has an amazing story that will glue you to the screen, And i love how they ended Adonis character arc for now. Just watch this amazing film, one that is everything you could ever which for. I cant wait for the sequel!

Right now im close to give it a 10, but i didn't feel it, so im just going to give it a 9 (.8) maybe after a second viewing i will give it a 10.
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Joy (I) (2015)
More than lives up to its title, another huge hit from J Law and David O.
9 January 2016
Well, this is from David O. Russell, has all its favorites, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, and of course the always brilliant Jennifer Lawrence at the center, its a true story based on a genius woman, so whats more to love?!

I don't know if the film is perfect or not, or if it could explore more of the main true character, and what not, but to me a perfect film is one that no matter what makes you feel it is perfect, makes you have a feeling hard to explain that goes far beyond satisfaction. And so, to me, the film more than lives up to its title and is perfect.

I think the script is just great, showing the most important moments either in the story or of the characters, basically if you see the film you can have a pretty great idea of what an amazing woman Joy is, and what her equal amazing story is. You get all you need from all the characters, that serve their role in the story. There's just so many great moments in this film.

The performances of course are more than perfect, but obviously JLaw just steals the show, as usual, giving a brilliant performance that is just once more proof that she can do anything and shine. She was the perfect choice to portray Joy, because obvious reasons aside, she has that real world natural feeling that makes you believe in everything.

There's plenty of the usual style one would expect from David O. Russell. And also as usual the production values are great, from the production design to the sound and score is just amazing.

This is a film that will glue you to the screen, it's 2 hours that by the time they are over you ask for more because its hard to believe 2 hours have passed by. It's a really immersive film, that showcases what people can really achieve if they believe in themselves no matter what other people say. And thank god we have brilliant, brave people like Joy or this world would be a wasteland, Its such a shame there's so much more of the other people.

Anyway, the only less good thing i have to say is that you don't really have the notion of time, you never really know when the story takes place (unless you are familiar with it) nor do you have notion of time passing by, days, months or years.

But see this film, its a joy to watch, its a drama for sure but you will laugh many times thanks to some very funny scenes throughout. And in the end, no matter how more you would want to see, the arc of Joy and the other characters is closed and will you have a tremendous feeling of hope.
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J.J. Abrams made The Ultimate Star Wars sequel. This is the film you are looking for.
18 December 2015
What J.J. Abrams achieved is astonishing, and something to remember for all eternity. I can't talk about specific things, because this is like the ultimate spoiler film, but...

The story is perfect, yes it shares a few plot lines with episode IV, but the film is so original and creative, taking those plot lines to new surprising directions and adding so much new stuff. I mean they have so much to explain on the next films, which is exciting, because to me the ultimate franchise, is one where each film answers as many questions as it raises, so that you have mysteries and things to really looking for, to discover to be surprised.

The pace of this film is amazing, it's fast paced but in such a great and complete way.

The new main characters shine like the sun. They are lovable from the first frame, and instantly iconic, each representing so much. Especially the two main leads, and even more Rey, as she truly is what this franchise needed, a huge female character besides Leia. The villain is more than perfect, and he has the power and potential to be even bigger than Darth Vader (even so, Darth Vader will always be Darth Vader). But BB-8 probably stands as my favorite new character, because hes so awesome, but if it weren't him, i would either go with Rey or Finn, probably Rey. And Maz Kanata is so cool. And of course there's the original characters, but i cant talk about that. And there's a ton more of new characters, the screenplay focus on the characters needed for the current story, while presenting tons more, that make you wanting to see more of them, and when their time comes you will.

One of the main reasons these new characters are so great, is the actors that perform them. They all give performances so perfect you just feel like this is the best casting ever made. These actors, especially the leads, will have some of the biggest careers ever. Of the original actors, Harrison Ford shines the most, and gives probably his best performance as Han Solo yet, i mean he's just so amazing.

And a curious thing, these time the stormtroopers hit everything, and they are so surprisingly lethal and menacing! There's genius humour to spare, almost everyone (even the Dark Side) gets to make brilliant jokes. But Harrison, Chewbacca, Finn and BB-8 are in this order the ones that make you laugh the most. There's also many jokes made out of references to the older movies, that are so funny. And this film made something really iconic, there's tons of cameos of big stars throughout the film, that are almost impossible to see at first, but brilliant when you see them. You can make a game out of who can spot the most cameos.

But obviously there's also tons of emotional heft, and drama, done in one of the most natural ways I've ever seen, you will cry a lot, not only for the nostalgia factor, (which is really big) but because the film really is something you can relate to, and there's so many powerful scenes and a constant sense of emotional heft.

And then there's the action, my favorite scene is the first with the millennium falcon, which is one of the best action scenes ever made. There's plenty of action, and they are all perfect, original, creative, and so much more. They are so perfectly and thrillingly choreographed! I could talk about forever about how great the action is. One of the reasons, is the way J.J shot them, there's so many iconic camera movements here, is astonishing, i've never seen anything like this.

There's so many great vistas, sets and new planets, and the Starkiller Base is, well, the most awesome thing ever, It makes the Death Star look like a SPA.

There's so many iconic shots, so beautiful they can make you cry of joy. The cinematography is brilliant. The production values are through the roof. The visual and practical effects are so great you just think there are no effects and its all real. Really give them an Oscar already! The score is as great as you would expect from John Williams, even though there are no distinctive iconic themes like the ones we already know. The sound is also amazing, even though there are some new effects that could have been different (the ones from the blasters) but, give them an Oscar already!

This is the ultimate Star wars sequel, filled with mind blowing twists (get ready for the mother of all twists), brilliant writing, comedy, action, iconic characters… everything you could wish for in a star wars movie. J.J. Abrams really has to get all the credit possible for what he did, because its just everything you want and them more. It's about honoring the past while setting the future, and the new cast/characters can continue the legacy in the best way possible.

I've rarely seen a film where everything is so perfect. You just will want more and more and more. This is one of the best films of all time, and the next one has all the ingredients to be even bigger). The first is the first, so i probably put this one as my favorite next to episode IV. Also, if this film will break all records at the box office, thanks to the film itself, but the cliffhanger ending in special, episode VIII is bound to break all of this films records.

This is an experience without equal, one to be seen as many times as you can, because it will only get better with each time. And just watch the film in IMAX 3D because it's the format this film deserves.
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Great substance, terrible style.
17 December 2015
I had big expectations for this, the cast, the Director and a story like this, how could i not have? And...

Well it is far from meeting my expectations, but it's a good film overall.

The ensemble cast is amazing, and give great performances and the story is breathtaking. The screenplay isn't perfect, it could have done something more with the characters, something to make them more complete,and in the end you feel like there's a great beginning and ending but its missing a great middle. It's definitely missing something, the whale for instance, you never feel like there's a satisfying goodbye.

But the film is very interesting, and thrilling even if it just contents with being OK, rather than reaching the huge potential of an epic tale like this, that seems rather less epic that it definitely is. But what really fails? The director!

How a director like Ron Howard made so many wrong decisions is astonishing. The hue problem i had with the film, is its style. The camera movements for most of the time seem like were made by a drunk running. And then someone just had a huge day of fun, throwing every effect possible to make sure you couldn't see a thing.

Most of the time, the scenes are just extremely close ups, or the camera is placed in such weird places you only rarely see a normal shot. Then there's a game of focus and the acknowledgement of the camera, its the sea so they thought it would be a good idea to throw flares all over the screen, splash tons of water to the camera, and manny more effects like this, which makes almost impossible to see a thing, especially in the action scenes.

And on top of that the in many scenes it seems like they shot the film right in front of the sun! The shots they think are amazing are actually terrible, and you never get a truly great shot of the whale. There are rare shots that are beautiful, but the cinematography is one of the worst i've seen. There's tons of potential on a tale like this to make haunting visuals, and the action scenes are really great and thrilling, it's such a shame you cant see them properly. There's such a great film under all that visual style.

The sound is just perfect, as is the production design and production values overall, there's a very rich world and vistas, the special effects are great, but many times the cinematography just wastes them. The score has its moments, but is far from being what this story deserves.

Overall there's a greater film that the sum of its parts. The ensemble cast and the story being the best of the film, which i can't love because of its style decisions.
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A big hearted and insanely funny sequel.
17 December 2015
I loved the first one, so i was more than happy to see a second one, and more than happy i left the theater.

The film continues to make the kind of humour the shrek made so popular, pop culture mixed with century old characters and worlds, to make tons of laughs constantly. The film adds another level by once more descontruct thoughts and stereotypes about this characters, which happen to be monsters, and this is where the film makes most of its gags, which are even more than the first one.

Its impossible not to laugh the entire movie, as the characters we already know come back better than ever, and new ones join in to make this a huge ensemble of top tier monsters and humans alike, as jonathan's family is now part of the gang. But no matter how funny the film is, the film shines the most with the blend of comedy and very rich drama.

The film could have gone in so many clichés directions that is quite a surprise the way they went. This time they leave the hotel most of the film, which leads to grand adventures and there's even more story, with themes like home, being part of a group even if you're different, growing up, being who you are, strict family traditions vs adapting to a new world of possibilities and without limits, in the end its all about being who you are and family values.

There's plenty of dance music, comedy, drama, valuable lessons, overall a great film, which can be as entertaining and funny as very big hearted and emotional. Tons of fun all the way. Know bring on the third installment.
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Another masterpiece from the grand master.
26 November 2015
Well What can i say? Spielberg did it again! This is a film that has that instant feeling you just love it and you're watching something truly special. And its a true story, and i'm a sucker for true stories.

The story its another great lesson to be learned by humanity, and the screenplay does an outstanding job telling it. It has all the ingredients Spielberg is known for, the hope in humanity, the believe in the mans power to change the course of history for the good, the true selfless, and so on.

The cast is beyond perfect, and everyone gives amazing performances, but of course Tom Hanks steals the show, he gives one of his most likable performances, in the end the character helps a lot. Its just a bigger than life character which fits like a glove in Tom Hanks. The other characters are also amazing, but the one that stands the most to me, even if hes not the one to appear the most, is the Russian spy (Mark Rylance) hes just one of those characters that his so unique and likable that is amazing.

The production values are just top notch as one would expect from a Spielberg film. The visuals are hauntingly beautiful and perfectly illustrate the feel of the cold war. The film is amazingly shot, there's a scene with an aircraft that is breathtaking. The special effects are perfect. The production design is bound to be nominated for an Oscar, special attention to the Berlin settings. The score is another hit for Thomas Newman, though the film has this amazing atmosphere were there's very little score and the one there is is mainly in the final minutes. This gives a very authentic and realistic feeling to the film, its like you are really rgere. Thats why i was surprised that the length of the score is almost 50 minutes!

Overall the film has a lot in common with Lincoln, its really the perfect follower to that amazing picture. This is one of those films where you just get lost in the story, it's a very immersive film, a true masterpiece thats bound to get a ton of nominations from the academy.
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Huge waste of potential, talks and talks, yet it doesn't say what it should.
19 November 2015
I had high expectations for this, the last installment wasn't my favorite, but i still enjoyed it, and i thought that they used the split of the last book in two movies, to leave all the slower material and more introduction like, to the first part, so that the juicy stuff could kick ass in the second part. Well...

I can definitely say that wasn't the case, and the film was a sort of disappointment, but i have to say that it could be much worse if it wasn't for the humongous love i have for the first 3 installments, especially the first 2, and the epic amazing ensemble cast lead by the scene stealing, one in a million Jennifer Lawrence. The first films were different from everything and forever changed this genre of film, they were unique, creative, original, breathtaking a huge breath of fresh air. Then the 3rd installment went in a total different direction, a mainly grim political direction, that i wasn't definitely expecting but enjoyed a lot, and was the drum rolls to the grand finale, but...

It is far from having the feel of a grand finale to a franchise that deserved one. All the characters are back, but instead of focusing on their development and closure they just appear as some sort of cameos with nothing to do but the occasional word, battle plans, and the ones that do talk more, like Peeta and Gale are bound to speak about the same theme because the narrative doesn't really lets them move on until the film is over. Many characters like Haymitch, Plutarch and Johanna that should be in the center of the narrative, are sidelined to the point of barely registering as cameos.

Instead the focus is only on Katniss, and i could understand that, but there's nothing really great that justifies that, and even when there is, it is addressed in such a simple way, that it barely registers. There's tons of things happening around the districts, specialty in the capitol of course, and instead of actually show that, the battles, the tortures, the consequences of war, we only get to see Katniss underground sitting, talking, sitting, talking, resting, talking, thinking, talking... they speak on and on about the war plans but we don't get to see nothing of that, and even when there's an action scene here or there (theres like 3 in the entire film) the camera never gets away from katniss face for we actually see what is happening (i mean i get it, its Jennifer Lawrence, but for gods sake!).

We also never get to see Snows side, and instead of making an interesting analysis of the two sides, we get to see Snow for like 2 minutes and then they sort of make that analysis in the end but in a very sublime way, so overall we never get to see whats really so bad about Snows dictatorship aside from the obvious things that we assume and get to know in talks, but would it be so hard to actually show what the heck is happening, it all feels like a biography of katniss and Katniss Face. People fighting for their freedom, people dying, the world in ruins, snows ideals and thoughts, no! Lets see some sewers instead.

The narrative never really moves, is stale, and if you think about it, it seems there's nothing happening (it is happening, we just don't get to see it). There's a huge twist that i really enjoyed, and in the end that leads to a huge, very smart take on what has happened and is happening in the real world, something that has tons of potential but once again is shown in a very sublime way, but thats the thing, the film has tons of potential on political analysis, on tons of themes discussions, the narrative could have gone in so many great directions it's astounding, but what gets to appear on scream is all in the underlines and so sublime if you blink you wont see it. Tons of potential material wasted.

I get that the film had to be serious, but it doesn't have none of the charm of the first 2 films, and even when they attempt to show hope it is so grim it doesn't even look like hope. It went in an unexpected direction in the end, but i still enjoyed some things, now the ending itself, well i hated it. It is completely out of character for Katniss, and feels so forced, so out of place , its like they took an ending from another completely different film and attached it to this one.

As for production values, they are top notch, the visuals are great, the production design has little to do, the score is amazing but it doesn't get much to score either, the visual effects are great, even if we don't get to see many, and so on.

Overall there's some magic that makes you appreciate the film, and Jennifer Lawrence is a tour de force, she gives an unforgettable performance and makes you not take your eyes of the screen, even if the problem of the film is mainly the over focus on her characters perspective. The irony! But the film is a huge waste of potential, and instead of ending a franchise in an exciting, thoughtful, thrill ride, it ends in a dark, underdevelopment film, that is a completely different one that i would have expected (and most people i think).

P.S. My rating should be worse, but the love from previous installments speaks higher.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
It has all the ingredients to be the perfect bond film, the script just wastes them.
17 November 2015
First off let me say that Daniel Craig as bond at first was far from being my favorite choice, but he actually won me over very soon, because he delivers a very different, interesting mysterious 007. Now his films are another matter, and while none is to me a true James Bond movie, Casino Royale was a very good film and Skyfall was just beyond perfect, not the true old school James bond film, but the closest of the Craig era films to the old formula. And to me if all his films continue on that path, it would be just perfect. Thats why when Sam Mendes decided to return, and with a title like spectre, my expectations were to an all time high (see what i did there). So...

Well the film has a very strange feeling, it is the first film in the Craig era to follow the old James bond formula to every letter. Which i loved, but somehow it didn't make for a perfect film, or something close. There's everything, the gun barrel at the beginning, the extravagant long opening sequence, the song, the car, the action, the bond girls, the villain, the exotic locations, the dry humour, the sex, the catch phrases, everything on the checklist! But...

The opening sequence has an insanely epic single take shot, but somehow the action that follows feels stretched and not very elaborate, and while cool it never reaches the standards set by the previous opening sequence of Skyfall which was breathtaking.

Then the song, the credits are just perfect, and among my favorites, but the song while fine, its far from being good, and definitely not for a 007 film, and when comparing to the previous one (Skyfall) it gets obliterated.

Then the story, which i think its the biggest problem of the film, it doesn't have a clear plot nor a definite objective to drive the narrative. It feels very stretched and like nothing is happening, so when you really think about it, there's little to be interested or to grab your attention. The Bond girls are amazing, but unfortunately Monica bellucci appears for only 5 minutes, which is a waste of her talent. The Villain could be the best, but the insanely talented Christoph waltz doesn't do nothing to differentiate his character from his own character in Inglourious Basterds. But thats not his fault, the script simply doesn't do anything with him aside from a few weird scenes and a torture scene. Another character and talent wasted. The Spectre organization doesn't do anything either.

The film also has an homage feel, where it has tons of throwbacks to the old movies, like in the beginning of the film that has something very iconic in Live and let Die and so on. Even the action scenes and settings reminds the old movies.

The action is cool, there's many action scenes, each one in a different location around the world, but somehow they all feel stretched, very simple and not very elaborate. Definitely not very creative. And the big climax has a strange feeling. But there's a fight between 007 and Hinx (a great character) that is definitely one of the best ever made. The characters remain cool, but while Ralph Fiennes is an huge actor and very charismatic, they don't do nothing really great with his character to not make us miss the insanely charismatic Judi Dench, that delivered the perfect, scene stealing M.

The visuals remain their Oscar winning quality. The score remains perfect, but even the score from Skyfall was better, or at least fresher. And thats the thing, this has all the ingredients to make the best bond film ever, but it didn't happen. It's like eating a pizza with all your favorite ingredients but the mass is burnt. It is a good film, but is far from being the best, and a think they wasted so many things here thanks to a script that just doesn't deliver. The film compared to Skyfall just makes it look bad. The old formula is finally back, now they just have to be creative and bring an interesting story and try to create new iconic moments.
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Pan (2015)
What the heck were they thinking?!
5 November 2015
There's some things that never cease to amaze me in the film world. Huge films with great potential loved by tons of people and then bomb, and then outright flops that flop. The first is surprising because there's no way anyone can see the flop coming (like Steve Jobs), the latter is surprising because everyone can see the flop coming yet the studio and everyone involved thinks it will be a huge success, like Pan.

It there's something that really makes my jaw drop, and my tension to rise, is how the heck can a studio, that has tons of people that breathe films can greenlight a high budget flop of this size when there's flop written all over it. And then, how can someone write and direct this and think its a good thing they are doing. How, how i ask? Is everyone blind? I mean is way easier to have something great on the path to success and thinking it is bound to flop than to have something bad bound to succeed.

But hey, they keep doing it. And once here and there i keep falling. This film is just so poorly written it can be quite surprising, there's no point in the story, it goes on and on going nowhere, and without a sense of reason, is just things happening with no substance. Its like well i think this should happen, but then there's nothing to support that. Is like putting a romance out of nowhere in the film and then never talk about it, it just happened and now we have to deal with it.

The dialogue is quite bad, the performances are not good (aside from one, but i will get there in a moment), Hugh Jackman gives a weird performance, and so does Garrett Hedlund, Rooney Mara, poor thing, she does the best she can with what she has (which is barely something), but thats it, the performances are like this mainly because they don't have nothing to work with. Though Levi Miller gives an outstanding performance as Pan, something that should be awarded just for being able to be so great in something bad.

The action is one the few things that is satisfying, even though it is far from being something great. The production design has its moments but there's some very weird things, like the fairy world. the special effects are terrible but are far from being good, and when this happens in a film that is 99% CGI, well there's something wrong going on. The score is really the best thing is this film alongside Levi Miller. It is quite energetic and gives a special flavor that the film never produces.

In the end, i really don't know what was the point in making this origin story, that barely has a story, where a 6 year old kid could write a far better film. You just can't see this film and shake the feeling of what was the point? This is just a very weird film, it is not terrible, you are entertained, but really, what were they thinking?!
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Black Mass (2015)
A spaceship flying at cruise altitude, but at least we can see Johnny Depp in his best.
5 November 2015
Black mass is a good film, unfortunately it could have been great. There's tons of great material to achieve an unforgettable film, but watching black mass is like watching a brand new top of the line airplane that can reach altitudes like no other yet it still only flies cruise altitude. It looks great, but never leaves that level to achieve something that could blow minds.

It is highly entertaining, thrilling, interesting, and it grabs you, but you cant shake that feeling that its missing something, and this is more apparent when the film ends, because it just seems to go by and end in the exactly same level it began rather that achieving a crescendo that would end with a bang. But sadly no. It's easy to resume what the movie is missing to one word: energy. It needed an adrenaline shot. No let me rephrase, two words; Martin Scorsese! He would have done amazing things with this, that is what this film really needed.

The cast is by far the best thing, and this is one of those films, that while, once again, good, it all comes down to the ensemble cast. I think that the academy will have a huge day with this film in the acting categories, because every actor/actress gives an enormous performance. There's two huge main performances, Joel Edgerton, that deserves a supporting nomination, and of course the grandest of them all, the return to form, Johny Depp. This is a leading actor winner right from the first frame with him. And if you really want to resume things, this film is Johny Depp.

The production values are great, but the score could, like the film overall, be more energetic.

Jimmy White Bulger is very easily one of the grandest real life villains of all time, a terrifying person that can put on a smile and say everything is alright in a second and kill you in the worst way possible in the next. The greatest moments of the film is when he kills someone, because each death is more terrifying than the previous and with each death you get to know more of the killer.

And while we see plenty of crime, we never really see what seems to be the best parts of the story, we should have seen more of what this gangs really does, where the money comes from. But all we seem to see is the backstage of one of the biggest crime reigns in America. And this weakens the film a lot, because the story loses some light for not showing what the fuss is all about. You hear he is one of biggest crime lords of all time, that Boston has crime at every corner thanks to him, but you never can quite see this.

In the end this could have been a huge film. There's material for it, because the story is epic. But it doesn't bring anything new, it just is what it is, a common good film, with a grander than life performances.
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Crimson Peak (2015)
There's style (breathtaking style) and substance, but the substance is just wasted in the by the numbers narrative structre.
31 October 2015
Guillermo del Toro is just one of those incredible, one in a million, talented directors, with a huge unique imagination, and his films always live up to his talent, my favourite being Pan's Labyrinth. Unfortunately his transition to big budget movies disappointed me, quite a bit (pacific rim). He's back into his original style, and i had high hopes. Now, did the film meet them?

Not quite. The films is good, but unfortunately if some things had been done differently it could be great. The film has breathtaking visuals that just screams "oscar for best production design", something quite usual for del Toro. But here, they are so thrilling is quite impressive. Then there's just an ensemble cast that delivers performances as big as the Sharpe manor, particularly Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska. Then there's the thrilling eerie atmosphere. These three elements of the film are definitely the films biggest guns and what takes the film to another level. The four main actors obviously being what makes the film engaging.

But what about the story? Well there's certainly no lack of compelling story, plot and backgrounds, unfortunately the problem, and to me, the biggest problem of the film, is the way the narrative unfolds. The film goes on until the last frame as a big mystery film, where everything is unveiled in the last act, but what they will reveal, you already have thought throughout the film. Is just a matter of being thoughtful and picking up the very obvious clues. So in reality there is no mysteries aside from a a thing or two, because the narrative is not constructed in a clever way to tease you and play with your mind, it just seems to say it all, and thinks that it isn't saying.

It all feels by the numbers, and for an attentive viewer it is quite easy to figure out much of the mysteries early on. And even what you don't know for sure, you think about it, so there's no shocks. This ultimately is what weakens the film. The writers could very easily construct the narrative to be more mysterious and manipulative so that you could never guess what's coming, but unfortunately thats not what they did.
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