
21 Reviews
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Dark, sad, funny, pretty darn real
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure why this film isn't rating higher. There's not a thing wrong with it except that it breaks your heart and will possibly ruin your night. Nell (Keira Knightly) and Simon (Matthew Goode), along with their three sons, are hosting a "friends" Christmas at a beautiful house in the English countryside. At the end of the world.

There's a standard bratty child, a pair of lovely twins, and the moral compass of the story, Art, son to Nell and Simon, a child who thinks the science, the government, the authorities and the adults might be wrong about it being the end of the world. All of the above have provided an "easy" way out. The alternative is unspeakable.

It's a film about sacrifice, faith, family, and how we love each other in spite of past pain, betrayal, squabbles, and discomfitures. The last 20 minutes are unbearable and pretty funny--kudos to Matthew Good and his portrayal of Simon. He's a good dad.

Bleak and unmissable. Not a Christmassy movie, do not put it on for the family--certainly not for the kids. Well done, this is the first feature from director/writer Camille Griffin. How dare she. And also, can't wait to see what she does next.
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The Nest (I) (2020)
All the marriages
20 November 2022
This movie deserves high marks for reality.

A husband moves his family--wife, son, stepdaughter--from New York to London after a series of bad business choices, only to begin anew with the bad business choices once they land. Living outside their means, the husband chases rainbows aggressively and the wife buries her head until she can't. Fantastic performances from every single actor. Great script. Director was on point if not special. Particularly in our times when everyone is gigging for the brass ring, this rings true. A statement on ambition vs what will really serve us. Jude Law is particularly spectacular as Rory, well met by Carrie Coon--who frankly could excel reading her own grocery list.
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Really original!
28 October 2022
I don't know where the hate is coming from, this flick has a super original premise (like wtf?!) and is paced really well. Never a dull moment and lots of twists and jumps. The acting is really good, all the actors killed it. There was a small plot hole in the third act, but they made it work.

A young couple head out to the wilderness for a mini-holiday and are mildly inconvenienced when a family of siblings arrive to have their own camping trip, right beside them in the woods. They are not nice people, as it turns out. It's weird, it's campy, it's unpredictable. It's a great lark.

Some nice ironic nods to the Manson family, good use is made of space, the camera work and direction are great. I think people just hate low budget movies. Thing is ... budget doesn't show in this movie. I highly recommend!
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Split (IX) (2016)
Where's James MacAvoy's Oscar?
24 October 2022
James MacAvoy's performance is the whole of the movie, and he is brilliant. Each personality is more chilling than the last and completely believable. He should have won an Oscar. I think he was nominated. He did not win. He was robbed. Great movie, one of Shyamalan's best.

Three teenaged girls are kidnapped by a "split" personality, actually 23 different personalities in one body. This is MacAvoy. The reason for the abduction is at first vague, but becomes more terrifyingly clear as the story progresses. The girls are insipid as per usual, excepting Casey, played by Anya Taylor-Joy in an equally great performance.

The other great thing about this movie is it is not predictable. Great premise, that is satisfyingly wrapped up. Not to be missed.
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Zombies (I) (2014)
22 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Some things never change and no matter that there's a flesh eating hoarde right outside your door, he's probably still cheating. Hilarious, very well done, stay for the credits, this is an excellent depiction of a long-term relationship. I'm recommending this to EVERYONE.
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The Toybox (2018)
It's okay
7 June 2022
People are being waaay too hard on this nasty little supernatural flick about a haunted RV with a bloody past. It delivers exactly what's promised, great ending, good gore. What do you expect when you watch a B indie about a haunted RV? It delivers. It's good. It's fun. It's gory: just lay back and enjoy!
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Killer acting, killer writing
19 April 2022
Of course you can't get better subject matter, and they chose three of the most interesting first ladies! I love the way the storytelling is laid out, going back and forth between the stories. It's fantastic to see these women as people rather than shadows of their husbands. Loved the pilot, I expect to love the series. Must see!
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Love You To Death (2019 TV Movie)
8 stars for the last act
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie did an excellent job of making the viewer feel the effects of Munchausen by Proxy. The last act, when she is finally free, is extraordinary. Beautiful. And I think probably the part most based on the "true story."
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Kept Woman (2015 TV Movie)
Very original!
18 January 2022
A good original take on the moving to the country to be safe trope. Very good writing and acting separate this from the usual thrillers. Jessica and her fiance move to the country after their apartment is broken into--for the peace and safety. Their professor neighbour is courtly and old-fashioned, to a fault. Jessica gets to know him TOO well.
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Cook Off! (2007)
Shut up, it's good
16 January 2022
I really liked it, Melissa McCarthy was actually the weakest link. It was fun and silly. I thought a couple of the jokes were a bit racist, but the characters are all funny--the cast is incredible.
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Tit for NO DON'T
16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great story about revenge and retribution. Three friends are off on a European adventure. Secrets are revealed. The remaining two are faced with more than they deserve and the karma jar keeps losing and gaining pebbles. Really well done, great acting, great script, excellent direction. Recommend.
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Vicious Fun (2020)
It really IS Vicious Fun!
30 April 2021
A top notch entry into the horror-comedy genre. A hapless, nerdy horror film critic stumbles upon a self-help meeting for serial killers and gets into it up to his neck, learns to fight back. The characters are so likeable, especially. Evan Marsh as Joel and. Amber Goldfarb as Carrie--but shout outs to the whole cast, this cast was unflawed! The script was fantastic, the gore was splashy and fun, expertly directed! Not a wasted minute! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
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The Vigil (2019)
Frightening due to endearing lead actor
23 February 2021
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Immediately the film endears you to Yakov, the young man at the center of the story. He's so sad and vulnerable over a trauma that is unclear for the first act, but it's made clear that the trauma was sufficient to required medication. His awkwardness coupled with the reluctant circumstances of his acting as a shomer or "vigil" for the Orthodox Jewish community which he has just left, makes for a vulnerable and touching opening. The atmosphere is relentless, every shadow looks like something, the body under the sheet on the altar about to move at any second and when the dread is revealed, the mythology is frightening all on its own. Highly recommend, really liked it, some good jumps, and the overall bad feeling stays with you for hours after.
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Better than I expected!
17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting one thing and I got another. Felt very cinema verite, as found footage is supposed to, I guess. Interesting subject matter because as a mother of sons I kept expecting it to resolve itself neatly or kindly or motherly. It does not. Enjoy, don't have expectations and hold your babies close.
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In Plainview (2018)
Fun and surprising
29 January 2021
This is a great entry into the buried/retrieved treasure genre, with excellent casting and great acting. The script and story are really good and in spite of how easy it would be to use all the tropes of this genre, they don't. There are surprise moves that had me shouting at the screen. Great ending. Recommend!
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Deadcon (2019)
26 January 2021
Deadcon never took itself too seriously, and the 3 leads were really good. It was scary, lots of good jump scares, the backstory was pretty obvious, and the haunting was super disturbing. A fun diversion, decent direction, and good acting!
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Funny AND Touching
22 December 2020
I saw Indian Road Trip at the Whistler International Film Festival, and was very pleasantly distracted from the horrors of 2020 for the full run of the film. The two con men at the centre of the story were gorgeous, funny, and utterly compelling. The story is antic, with magic, a road trip, nude beach, and even a miscommunicated heist--something for everyone. See it if you can!
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Small Time (2020)
Incredible performances
22 December 2020
I saw this movie at Whistler International Film Festival Dec 2020. Audrey Grace Marshall, who plays the young girl Emma, is perfectly cast, and does a brilliant job of the dual challenges of being witness to horrors, and maintaining the innocence of childhood. The script is really good, the story heartbreaking and somehow inspiring. Bad guys are sometimes good guys, and there are no real good guys at all. Highly recommend.
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Black Bear (I) (2020)
Bears**t Crazy in the best way
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie never stops delivering. It might be a laugh, a gut punch, a 180 turn, a bear in the trees, Aubrey Plaza without pants, psychological manipulations, emotional manipulation, this movie has it all. Dense narrative that seems to be lies on top of performative actions, rolled in role playing, and gaslighting. Everything was a win, directing, cinematography, sound, music, and Aubrey Plaza might actually BE the voice of her generation. Highly rec. Saw it at a film festival.
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So good to look at
6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Art directed within an inch of its life. A beautiful, sad, horrible, heartbreaking story of the dichotomy of mid-century America. Absolutely awful. Great movie, nightmarish time.
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Strange Empire (2014–2015)
Strange Empire has everything!
17 November 2014
Strange Empire is more than just a Western, although there's plenty of Western action. It's a female-driven, sexy, well-plotted drama. Beautifully shot, well-written, it's really the characters who drive the story. A small wagon train traveling into the west between Montana and Canada border, runs into a mining community that has little more than a brothel, mine, and railroad running through it. When two young girls are hidden from the brothel and mine owner, he extracts his revenge by sicking his men on the wagons, killing all the husbands, fathers, and male children, in order to force the women to work the brothel. The plan mostly blows up thanks to Kat Loving, a fierce wife-made-widow. From then on, it's pretty much war. Hopefully CBC won't cancel this one prematurely while it finds its audience. Hear that, CBC? Don't you dare!
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