
23 Reviews
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Unclear and one-perspective only...
4 September 2022
I couldn't make it past episode 1. She never says specifically what happened that was wrong with their relationship or what happened other than the positive 'grooming' things he said. 'You're really good at that, you should do more of it and could be the best' ... Compliment or Grooming?

I'm not passing judgement here, either way, ...except for on this documentary, which I didn't find persuasive or serious. It was only told from her perspective, and assigns blame to every single other person in her life, despite the fact that she continued the relationship, into her adult life, and deceived everyone around her about it.

What also soured it for me was the seemingly joking 'we're gonna get him' comments and attitudes, while snickering, toward the end, that made it feel like revenge, not a documentary to expose and learn from.

I just don't think this was laid out well, or clear, and left the viewer uncertain about the situations and wondering about motives, from all sides.
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Streamline (2021)
Boring and Depressing
26 April 2022
The life got sucked out of this movie by the downtrodden writing. There was just not much excitement in the movie in any way. It's supposed to be inspiring but my god, you just want to rescue this kid from his life. Awful parents, awful friends, in an awful environment that beats you over the head with bullies and despair. I watched 38 minutes in and had to give up. Just nothing to hope for here, except that prospective viewers read this and skip it. Started this on a whim and couldn't wait to turn it off.
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Home Inspector Joe (2022– )
Buzz Kill Joe
7 February 2022
I had to stop 3/4 thru the 1st episode. He is one of those guys that feels like he has to point out everything he can to show everyone how knowledgeable he is. Bleh. Joe's lacking the social skills all the other successful HGTV show hosts have mastered. I wanted this to be good but just couldn't get into it. The hosts have to spark joy, right?
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First of two part response documentary
15 November 2021
First episode didn't produce much but still leaves you with a sick feeling about what went on during Joe's time at the property. Joe's niece spilling the tea was crucial to validating this. I hope there's more to come in the 2nd part. So disgusting what people will do to animals, especially the more awesome creatures. I hope she gets the evidence she needs.

Update: Second episode was worth it. For those who love animals, this is the better docu to watch. I wish there was more than 2 episodes but applaud her struggle and her efforts to turn their wrongs into rights for the animals.
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Nothing about this makes sense.
19 October 2021
The 2nd review was spot on. I wanted to like this one much like other Breaking Glass movies, but this was just frenetic and disjointed.

The characters were at one second yelling and the next second, literally, calm and normal. The parents didn't make any sense, their emotions are upside down when it comes to their own children.

The bully is so obviously what he's accusing the victims of? His 'gf' ... knows? The pacing is uneven, the emotions are opposite of what they should be, and the writing just seems like they wrote a script from a brainstorming session on what gay kids experience.

The whole movie is just unbelievable and truly over the top in the bad way. Just cringe-y all around.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
should be called the gray nothing...
13 July 2021
Lower scored reviews are accurate. This tries above average to be something but not only does it not know what it is, but has no idea how to get there. It tries to have an air of mystery, but instead feels like a sad sitcom that isn't really funny but depressing. The actors were good with what they had, but they can only do so much. It barely gave you 2 sentences at the beginning to keep the mystery that is the point of this show, in existence. I would rather avoid this resort at all costs. I thought this was a new Apple show (see also the awfulness that is Misquito Coast) in that, it's confusing plot and slow pacing with nothing to look forward to, led me to wonder what the hell the point to all of it was. The writer forgot to add something to make you want to watch it further.
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Breakers (2019– )
Interestingly Borrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiing
5 July 2021
I'm always in for this type of story to see how they treat the concept and what's different. There's only one difference between this amateur effort and more successful thought-provoking efforts, nothing new is introduced. I suffered through the first episode, but there's nothing to spur me on, at all. The characters are bland and really, pointless. The plot is almost non-existent other than, 'get out of this'. The main character seems to think the scene remains the same, but everyone's actions are different. Uhh.....That's the same in every one of these 'repeating the same 24 hrs' stories! Idk, I probably won't go back bc it seems like they didn't really put much effort in, so why should I?
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The Mosquito Coast (2021–2023)
Started out good but it's just not, and will leave you disappointed overall.
6 June 2021
One thing someone pointed out that's true is there's not plot advancement in a serious drama that's intending that as it's driver. It's like a sitcom done as a serious drama where you just end up hating all of the characters.

I loved the gorgeous production and cinematography but it gets more unwatchable each episode.

Melissa George does her best, as she does, but every time you root for a character, they let you down. I watched all 7 of the S1 and I'd like never to see it again. The writing is so awful; makes no sense, at all. I'd just avoid this altogether.
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The Unhealer (2020)
Amateur surprise
5 June 2021
I didn't have high hopes going into this, but it kept my interest all the way through. Acting could have been better and it had a small budget but this was surprisingly good. It's not great, but it was definitely entertaining and the story was unique. Glad I watched it.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Slow start but this is a really Fantastic surprise of a show
2 June 2021
I figured I'd suffer through the Netflix foreign purchase translation type show, but I was blown away at this origin story. Although the pacing seems laborious at times, it's well worth it. I was sucked in like I haven't been sucked into a show in a while. I'm glad I started after Season 2 came out bc I binged it.

I can't believe the quality of the camera work, the simple and perfect special effects, the even pacing of the buildup, the character development, the perfect modern day placement. It came out of nowhere!

Season 1 was slow but really worth it (only 6 episodes).

Season 2 picks up and gives you everything you want in a 'next season'.

Man, I couldn't have enjoyed this more and will recommend to any superhero fan that's Marvel'ed and DC'd out. This is the way you do a quality story.
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Great little documentary
23 May 2021
It does exactly what it set out to do. Brilliant commentary, great intrigue set up, precise documentation, and a reliably solid outcome. Really impressive job done by Cullen Hoback. Of all the info on Q out there and being somewhat versed on it as a whole, this left me a deeper, richer understanding of the motivations behind the movement and how it was fueled. I'm really glad I watched this.
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Pretty boring but had one revealing video
31 January 2021
I almost quit watching halfway thru and decided the reviews merited perseverance. There was one revealing video clip toward the end worth the watch, but the rest was just not that interesting.
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A chore to get through..
31 January 2021
There was a cool military video showing something interesting, that's about it. I wanted to turn it off 15 min in (of 45 min long), but read the reviews here and thought I was going to miss something. Nah, the one video was revealing but that's all there is to this.
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What's the #1 question you'd ask him?
31 January 2021
I think the first thing anyone would ask is, "Why did you come back to this time?" and it's not even in their top 5. He doesn't have any trepidation with sharing a ton of specific information about events in the future. Interesting, but as a home-made Youtube video, or mockumentary. Could've been really good, if they'd thought any of this out.
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Skullz (2020)
High School Projectz
19 December 2020
I cannot believe the 10/10 reviews saying kids loved this. I watched a show like this back in 1980 that was Canadian low budget called Read All About It, and that was better than this. If this was a high school project, then right on. If it was anything else, then it was ultra amateur, at best.
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Rialto (2019)
Who likes boring, sad films? Then this one's for you...
30 November 2020
I thought this would be an interesting look at how 2 worlds collide and would have something fun to take away. WRONG. It was extremely slow and boring. I get what the other reviewers said about each man escaping from the pressures of being a man, but seriously? There are no happy moments at all in this film and an ending that leaves you wondering why on earth you just wasted the time to watch this. I was really wanting .... something out of this, but ... you just leave with nothing. Sadly, this was a waste of time, imo.
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flashy but not much else
8 November 2020
This is more like a preview trailer than a show. Flashy editing and a sassy announcer do not for a substantive show make. There are some interesting facts but it's mostly edited like a preview with some random facts thrown in. I couldn't get through 2 episodes.
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Cuck (2019)
Waste of time...
13 October 2020
Want to watch a sad, pathetic ignoramous dig himself further into a life hole? This is your movie. Nothing to learn from or garner here except a further disdain for the ignorant who can only life to feed their ego. Acting wasn't bad and the scenery fit the mood, but it's just got no dialogue or story to impress you in any way. Skip this one and save yourself 1:45 of head scratching idiocy.
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Tell Me a Story (2018–2020)
They HOPE you keep watching
10 October 2020
The first episode is called Hope, but nothing in it gives you hope. I think it's named that bc they Hope you keep watching through this clunker. Great acting and it kept moving, but nothing really happens that gives you any reason to keep watching, other than meh storylines that seem like anything else you've watched. They destroyed the only storyline that was worth following up on, the newly-engaged couple. But that's over with by end of episode 1 so ...... I'm out.
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Nighthawks (2019)
slow burn w/ little payoff
9 October 2020
Imagine Eyes Wide Shut but the point of the club is a front to make money for college kids with aspirations to be billionaires. Ugh. It had a really promising start but halfway thru, when revealed, it just drones on as Crawford narrates the whole meaning of the story for the rest of the movie. I really tried but just couldn't make it all the way through. Great cast and great acting, but it was so boring. You really won't miss the 80+ minutes if you skip it.
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The Third Day (2020– )
Because it takes 3 days to get thru
15 September 2020
Ever start on a show and then each scene drones on pointlessly to where you can't tell if the character's dreaming or on drugs and you're left 30 min in, going WTAF is going on? That's this disappointment in a nutshell. This and Mark Ruffalo's show on HBO are 2 clunkers. I could barely get thru either's first episode.. If you like atmospheric WTF movies where you're as in the dark as the characters, watch this lemon.
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Magellan (2017)
Throw Science Out The Space Window
15 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm all about low budget sci-fi with a great script Or actors Or plot Or special effects. But this had none of those. I watched it all the way through bc it was so bad it was good. The plot kept me intrigued but they laughed at science while making this.

The idea that only 1 person on Earth talks to the lone astronaut who never ages, eats, or grows hair is preposterous. A lot of minor points thrown in that didn't matter and weren't relevant. Zero emotion from Captain-Makes-Poor-Choices (borrowed from another accurate review) also makes no sense. One room on a gigantic space ship that doesn't spin but has gravity? 2 computers on the whole ship? The Captain follows ZERO protocols for space, first contact, or communications.

While it's all a little ridiculous from a reality stand-point, it really tried to be something. The idea was there but the execution was really juvenile and not well-thought out, at all.
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Underwater (2020)
Intense Action for Fans of Deep Sea Mysteries
12 July 2020
There is no way that people who found this boring even watched this movie. It was intense action from start to finish, literally.

Just like most great Sci-Fi movies, they give you bits and pieces along the way without laying it out for you, as some lazy reviews here prefer. You didn't have time for much character love, but the pacing kept you moving along.

Thank god it didn't suffer from one character dragging the whole film down with an unnecessary affliction. I saw Stewart as brave, stressed to extremes, and brilliant in this role, exemplifying true empowerment thru her decisive actions in crisis.

I couldn't be more happy with a had everything, from being super entertaining, to terrifying, to really making me think about it, far after it ended. I've skipped writing reviews for a ton of movies, but this one does NOT deserve the crappy reviews. This should've been a blockbuster.
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