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Death Valley (II) (2021)
Resident Evil Death Valley?
9 May 2022
Leon Kennedy and his team is sent in to rescue a female scientist in an underground bunker. They are ambushed and only Leon and his partner Junior survives. The bunker is filled with zombies and monsters created from human Dna. Will they survive once again and stop the evil Umbrellas plans?

Ok.. its NOT a Res Evil movie but could have been. Everything from the cheesy oneliners to the monsterdesign breathes Res Evil.

A pretty lowbudget affair but cool monsters and a quick pace.

You could do worse then this.
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Hellbender (2021)
The Asylum called
30 April 2022
.. And they want their crappy CGI effects back!

Tbh i didnt know much when i started this movie. First 3 minutes were ok, set in maybe the 1700? Then it fell down the drain quick.

Unlikable cast, a silly story about witches, scenes of a crappy band rehersing. Effects from adobe aftereffects (old version).

I dont know to whom this movie is for? Lonely gothgirls into witches? Maybe?

I onlyknow i turned it off after one hour wich is extremely rare for me. I give it 3 because they obviously put work into it. To bad it failed. But it raises one question. WHY?

Just because you CAN make a movie doesnt mean you SHOULD.
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Indiana Jones and the island of dinosaurs?
26 September 2019
Grant (Sam Neil) is tricked back to be chased by dinosaurs by a couple looking for their missing son. I wont go into the story but its pretty silly. And thats the thing with JP3, I cant take it serious... Grant is here transformed into more or less Indiana Jones (wich i dont beleive more reviewers havent pointed out!) from his cynic manners to always keeping his fedora on (He even gets it back from his sidekick in the end like its his huge trademark) Its also short for a JP movie. Never the less I had quite fun during the time it lasted. And personally i think the effects holds up even today. Really looking forward to Malcolm (Goldblum), Laura Dern and Indys eh... Grants return in the rumored 6th movie! So dont expect a masterpeice, but you will atleast get entertained!
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Sad warden seeks company
21 September 2019
I dont know where to start. What a turkey! Helga seems so sad its comic! She tries to scare her prisoners into having sex with her only to be denied and ends up crying in her bed.. Her "torture" is things like holding the girls head under a running faucet for three seconds and flogging them. Or simply command them back to their dorm! Shes def no Ilsa and the whole movie lacks the punch of those movies.. Its also repetitive and slow... Nothing shocking if thats what your looking for, unless you're very sensitive. Feels like a Jess Franco film more then a sadistic WIP movie.. Not recommended
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Poltergeist (2015)
Lost potential! A total waste!
15 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Bowen family moves into a new house but soon realizes that their new dream house is haunted. This remake of the Hooper/Spielberg 1982 classic looses almost everything. Oh and this review contains SPOILERS! Well soon their little daughter is kidnapped to the other side by restless spirits. The Bowdens must take help from a ghost reality show to get her back.

Now, first off all the family's reaction on their daughters abduction is mild to say the least. They aren't hardly showing sadness or concern. They pretty much joke and act normal! Second, remember Tangina and the eerie ghosts from the original? These are replaced with A funny jokester and samey looking CGI generated zombies/Ghosts which looks basically like Jack Skellington! The pool of corpses? Gone! The face ripping? Gone! And why exactly are these ghosts so evil? Sure, they talk about the cemetery on which the house was build early on but why isn't anyone else experiencing these activitys! And without "The Beast" from the original this seems even more silly! Nope, no Beast, just a bunch of angry Jack Skellingtons who seems stuck in some pile of purgatory-zombie- mass! So don't expect any "they don't know that they have passed on.." Are there other people in the neighbour hood? We never know.. We only see The Bowdens. Jerry Goldsmiths both eerie and beautiful score is replaced with something i don't even remember. Now, i Could rate this as a stand alone horror flick.. And then i would give it a 5. BUT it bears the poltergeist title and must be treated as a remake. And as such this movie actually is worthless! It does not improve anything, just cuts outs the good stuff! I pray Gil Keenan never touches horror again. And Raimi should prob stick to splatter comedys! The acting is okayish but a bit wooden. I do like Carrigan Burke (Harris) and Maddy.. But otherwise.. Nah! Keep with the original this is just plain bad!
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Lara Croft and the devils tomb?
26 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this movie despite hating the found footage genre. First off its NOT a found footage movie. Nobody finds this footage.. So, young archaeologist/adventurer Scarlett sets out on a quest to find the philosophers stone, which is believed to be in the deepest parts of the Paris catacombs. She and her crew must evade traps, solve riddles and ultimately face hell itself! Luckily Scarlett is an expert tomb raider who also know self defense which comes in handily when she must climb, run and fight off "stone demons"! As you can see this basically sounds like a Tomb Raider game? And thats what it basically is, its an adventure movie with a hefty dose of mythological horror. Perhaps a bit misdirected in the posters and trailers? Anyways, loved it and felt it was something different than all other gloomy horror films where everybody dies/it was just in their heads. A big surprise which i really recommends to everybody who loves Indiana Jones/Lara croft/demons and adventure! Thumbs up!
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The Abandoned (2006)
And You shall live in terror! The Abandoned..
10 June 2014
Its been a long time since i was at least a little touched by a modern horror film. I kind of watched this mostly because i had nothing left to watch that night. Without spoiling anything I can just say that I was blown away with this ghastly movie. I see it in the same way as Lucio Fulci's masterpiece The Beyond. Yes, it got plot holes and everything is not spelled out for you. Its like a surreal nightmare. Actually it shares a lot with The Beyond. An eerie house, zombie-like apparitions,the same sense of dread.Gory deaths and so on. It might not be for the ADHD generation (You got Transformers!)or people who wants answers for everything.But for true genre fans its a true gem. Not to be missed!
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The Haunting (1999)
No Paranormal activity
23 October 2013
This movie has been dumped on by several people. I liked it..a lot! A young woman played by Lili Taylor, in need of money signs up for an "sleep experiment" in the old creepy Hill house. Once there she meet the other test subjects. Clive Owen, Luke, Cathrine-Zeta Jones, Theo, and the professor played by Liam Neeson. Very soon things starts to go bumping in the night.. When I say that this is no Paranormal activity (which I hate with a passion) I mean that in this one You actually got to see things! Creepy statues move on their own, Ghostly figures and faces are seen everywhere! Its like a supernatural roller-coaster ride! I don't understand everybody's complaints! Sure, sometimes less is enough but sometimes I just wish to see all those ghastly apparitions.. The music and setting of the movie is eerie, and it captures that kind off Speilbergish feeling which made Poltergeist so haunting. Sure some of the Cgi is dated now but still effective. So I give this one a solid 8/10 perfect if You like eerie ghost story's. I like the original too, but just bending and slamming doors makes it feel kind off like a disappointment..
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Fright Night 2 (2013 Video)
Not as bad as some say...
6 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so this is actually not a sequel, but a remake of the first Fright night from 1985. But the twist this time is that the vampire Jerry is a she, Gerry. I wont go into detail about the story since i bet everybody with the slightest interest already knows about Charlie, Amy , Peter Vincent and Evil Ed. So, is it as horrid as people say? Well, yes and no. For once, Evil Ed is much closer to Geoffreys portrayal in the original. Charley is okayish, Amy too. But Vincent comes of as pretty humorless and boring, which is a shame, since both Roddy McDowall and David Tennant made the character pretty cool. Wish they could have gone with a British actor. The movie itself is at least not boring. And the vampire is OK. the best part! The effects! Remember those horrible cgi effects in the remake? Even the blood was cgi for Christs sake! Here practical effects is used with a minimum of cgi. Crosses rammed into eyeballs, throat slashings...etc..everything looks great! The only bad thing is actually the demise of Gerry.. Which is a let down.. A combination of these effects, this versions Ed, Farells Jerry, Tennants Vincent and Brad Feidels music from the original would had make the perfect remake. And please, next time You will remake this, have Jerry have his ghoulish day guard! Well, its much more fun then to stare at a concrete wall for 90 minutes. But cant top the original, although its a bit better the the remake when it comes to effects. Sorry for my bad spelling, I'm Swedish and i wrote this on my ipad early in the morning..
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Not at all a bad movie!
11 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Went in with no expectations att all regarding this. And i must say i was positively amazed. The story centers on a couple moving into a new house. Soon weird things start to happen, things which can only be described as a haunting. Seems like the boyfreind was part of an experiment that went awry. They tried to contact an entity from the other side and succeeded with catastrophic consequences. One of the team was sucked in to the other side. Anyways, now the apparition is out to get the rest of the team, which unfortenatly includes the girlfriend. (I mean what the heck? Why say no to an extra snack) As far as the movie goes its pretty standard haunted house business. But its pretty well done. Jumpscares galore, sure but it does it pretty well. The acting is OK to, fun to see Tom felton again. The effects are sparse but executed well, including spooky shadows and otherwordly noises. SPOILERS! The end reminded me of Kairo, other spirits uses the rift the team created and seem to bring on the end of days! So, I know this movie has taken a lot of crap, but really, how whiny can you get! Its a fun horror flick, no more no less, and i sure recommends it to fans of haunted house movies.
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