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The Witcher (2019– )
Season 3 went off the rails big time
29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3 has a potential to lift it up - but Cavill is right to leave- what the hell is going on there. How can you screw it up so badly?

The whole fight between the groups are just pointless - and there are just aimless and brainless issues between them while Ciri never seems to have an idea what she can become - we get dragged unwillingly because there is no real engagement between episodes - some parts were potential to spark off but it just keep losing focus.

What's with the tangent storyline of the prince and the bard? Was this even necessary while he goes around bedding ladies in between villages? Why must all the Netflix shows push this unnecessary agenda into the whole story. I find it just tiresome to watch this - then towards the end, the whole story between the two just go completely off.

Towards the end of the first part of Season 3 - it was not going anyway. The second part just went down straight. One whole meandering episode wandering around the desert?

Season 4 will be worst the way this is going. They might as well can the show. It is as well as watching Cavill put up with it, it was really unbearable.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
It's a mixed bag from Nolan...
24 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly in perspective, i am a fan of Nolan movies but in Oppenheimer, i find it is a bags of hits and misses. As a student of Physics, i do know more than a regular person on the Manhattan project and some of the characters there. I find it completely offsetting on what Nolan was trying to convey on the physics behind the bomb. All those visuals and music just don't work -

I also find that Nolan was trying to find an angle for the subject matter and in the end, he put it on the backdrop of the communist witch-hunt done on Oppenheimer by Strauss and here, it fails for me too. The music and the pacing plus all the different layers you need to peel , is just too much. I am not surprised a lot of reviewers here are conflicted on their ratings - on one hand i feel they feel the need to give it some good ratings but it is either boring or a lot of the topics / parts flew past them.

The pace felt rushed, the jumping around of the stories will not be understood by a lot of viewers who has no background knowledge of these issues or even the science itself. The science itself was very paltry and the proper link is not even visble to me, what more for a layperson with no background in physics.

There were no issues on the actors involved (they are all good) and the technicality of the movies from the look, the detailed work in the sets and the competency of the filming done. That however did not go too well in my opinion is the writing of the story. Just on the topic of the atomic vs hydrogen bomb, the issue of fission and fusion. You can see this is one of the key issue that cause the friction between Oppenheimer and his accuser Strauss - but was the topic of fusion and fision between the two made clear? All we hear are some statements - that won't work - it's too complicated. You know in this area Nolan failed to make the science clear and no one watching was any wiser on it.

Granted it is a hard topic to make easier to understand or even that statement about how Einstein was "old" and the new physics was to take over is difficult trying to present context to all these and in that sense, while wanting to throw Einstein into the picture here, i find it is more of a show trying to put some famous scientist into the story. A better approach would be to come from the angle of the the quantum physics - and the excitement of that era in physics as new discoveries in those universities and the result of these discoveries present the issue of bomb (which was related by Oppenheimer in one scene)

When it comes to the era of the inquiry/trial - the music and the way the questions was phased to be punctuated and the stepping of foots (footsteps of wars) - well that is Nolan way of making a point. For this , it fall flat for me.

In my opinion, if this was to be done, it would been better in Oliver Stone interpretation of the JFK shooting where that one event hinge all the other stories and that strong line and clear visual and audio and the feel of that period and the urgency can be conveyed.

I know the scientist who appears in the shows are merely token appearance from Einstein, to Bohr, Heisenberg and then finally the greatest sin, how Feynman was presented as merely a buffoon playing bongo drums. If all Feynman does was just to play his drums, then might as well not put him in. Since there were so many commie checks, a better way was to have Feynman arrested for his safe cracking antics and he was put in front of Oppenheimer to decide if he was some Russian spy. That will be in character of him and it will be a better representation of that brilliant later Nobel prize winner for Physics.
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Rough Diamonds (2023– )
Engaging show into the Hasidic Jews and the diamond trade
25 April 2023
The show shines mostly on the details on the life of the Hasidic Jews and their cultures and the link to the diamond trade in Amsterdam. The people who wrote the story has managed to interweave all these well into the series and the production values and details are a delightful enjoyment to know more about these two.

On the story plot - this is not something new though within the context of their faith, culture and socio-environment of that group and the business there - this was good. The addition of Noah and his links to London was in my opinion a weak point. You can see the ending coming miles ahead.

Having said that, Robbie Cleiren as Eli is a delightful talented actor - the eyes , so much can be seen from the eyes as the pressure and his weakness causes issues for himself and his family -

Lovely series in the details - at times the story plot can be frustrating but in the end it come about -
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Full punch from Zhang Yimou
28 March 2023
I can read some of the comments on these reviews - firstly it is not for the person who don't appreciate layers and nuances of crafty human games. Those who like pure action or hong kong type of simpified plots will not appreciate this and will mark it as low score. However I suspect Zhang is painting on this broad canvass multiple themes with the underlying one on the geopolitics around China now, hence the hit in China with the masses there. That call to arms when they feel besieged by outside forces has a resounding clang from the recitation of the poem of the name of this film. The other reason is, China audience has a much deeper appreciation for their history and cultural reference - and these themes found in the movie has resonance with them.

You can see from his earlier works - where symbolism and the tapestry of how he structure his sets are now pared down to very basic backdrop. The pacing and the dialogue and all the twist and turns as he slowly introduce it while you peel the layers of intrigue built into the whole story. It is for the mature audience who has tasted the games in their worklife and being caught between two rocks - you can sympathise with the characters as they try to wit themselve out of the situation which we had experienced before in different guise in our lives - all through the film you try to keep an even keel whether this whole thing was planned or it was adapt as it go on - this is the feeling you develop as you keep watching.

The pacing was excellent, the music designed to be a merge of old and new is supposed to be jarring to create the dissonance between the different scenes and quicken the tension - everyone has an angle and it's like trying to keep an eye on where the ball is in one of the three cups as these are being moved around quickly. As the layers peel more and more, you can identify with the different characters, their motivations and positioning each of them working on - and it's like every single piece of chess is making their own moves on the board within their own confined rules - it is for this reason those who want more depth and layers to their movie watching will appreciate Zhang move to pare down to just basic simple set (not much of sets) and then all the focus is on the characters and the games they all have to play while the sword of death hangs over the two main characters and all those who fall into their orbit.

And at the end of the show - there was an actual final objective - just that there were many ways they had to adapt to finally reach that. And with that Zhang Yimou perform his coda elegantly bringing the symphony to an end. Chapeau Mr Zhang, chapeau !
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Creed III (2023)
Rocky was really needed ..
7 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Creed 3 was a decent movie by itself except that underlying it was the whole series was Rocky soul - maybe the owners of the franchise wanted to really spin it out on its own away from Rocky totally but tried and failed.

The story is a familar one - two friends had an incident, one ran off and did quite well...but the other...well he went to jail and came out feeling he was the setup is there for some unfinished businesses to settle ...

You know Rocky was needed when Adonis found some closure at that point with his mum dying moments but it was an incomplete one, because what he really needed was Rocky to tell him the right way to go and then go all the way with him. This is the problem with this movie - it needed that soul and depth which Rocky can give but they tore it away from this show. So, it become a soulless piece of work.

Oh the tension was great like a hood movie, the scenes, storyline and the action was good but when Adonis start to train , Duke saying the same thing as it was in Rocky Balboa - well it's just ain't the same.

Rocky would have told Adonis what is the right way to go and that will have turn the show into something better but on this note, it falls short. This show is about Creed trying to find his own self without Rocky figuratively and in real life too...

What soul does Rocky give to the movie...that soul is those things that tear him apart that he has to get it out of him and we all know this ourselves, we have our own issues too...that tension which makes him do the right thing and drives him to keep getting up when he is hit down ...and we all know Rocky is not perfect, he knows that too and we all live our lives thru Rocky and that's the soul that is missing in this movie. Sly Stone is right, when they tear him out of the movie, they tore the soul of out it too and i felt it missing in this show even though it try to "recreate it" ...

so do you know what Rocky would have told Adonis - don't fight him, you have nothing to prove, live your life with your wife and kid and get on with it, this is one fight not worth fighting for.
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Xtreme (2021)
This show tops for stupidity
12 June 2021
Contrary to most viewers, I find this show as stupid and towards the end, I had to fast forward and skip to the end to justify the time wasted to watch it. On top of that I wanted to get into the show and shoot the boy Leo myself who was not just a bad actor but acted so badly that it is injustice he is still alive while his family died.

First if you want to do some martial art display show, please do it as a documentary , then at least we are forewarned. Having superfluous movement like taking of a shirt and laying down a katana is stupid because in the whole context of thing, it just don't work - especially for those of us who has watched proper yakuza/japanese triad theme movies.

Secondly the Japanese sidekick while speaking Japanese and practising bushido code, told Finito when he pull up a Chinese was told by the same guy that he's a Korean and she's Chinese. Ok we know there are Koreans who stayed in Japan but a proper yakuza will not be a Korean.

The pace is irregular, the action is boring and repetitious - now John Wick make no pretend of all these, John is an efficient person who does what he need to do quickly. In this movie, no, the director is not clear what he wants to do.

I find the whole movie unbearable even if I left my brain outside - the amoeba cells inside me scream at this stupidity. It is that bad.
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Mulan (2020)
Mulan hit the right spot
8 September 2020
As a person who grew up with Disney shows and also very familiar with the Chinese martial movies of old and new I think it is admirable that a Disney with a western lady director has been able to create this nice mix of folklore with a sound foundation for the Chinese culture.

Some may cynically say it was targeted also for the Chinese market - so I would say yes, and it will be a smart commercial move to do so. But beyond that, on the story merit itself - it stand its ground and Yifei wonderful performance capture the essence of Mulan. Niki has a sensitivity which raise the quality of this movie higher.

for a western director to understand the soul of the Chinese culture, I will give her high marks for this. To add colour and beauty into the set and the cinematography, kudos too in the line of the Zhang Yimou etc - set piece and so on. It was delicate but strong, beautiful and elegant.

This is not the Mulan of the Disney carton which is a soulless work which panders to the western idea of how such stories should be. That is why it didn't resonate with the Asians watching that - it was a farce with songs. I would much prefer Frozen if I want to watch something in that mode which is true to the core of that story.

The reason why a lot of reviewers don't get it especially those from the western culture is, they don't understand. What I say next will probably piss them off, but it is basically the lack of soul , the lack of depth in their own culture and history. That is why I said Niki to her credit, was able to capture the. essence of it as a non Chinese. The other reason is just misplaced notions that they are helping someone by protesting or writing down this movie. The movie should be examined on the basis and merit of its script and work alone and not be imbued with the US-China "war" going on. 90% of the review here has really nothing to to do with the movie per se.

In the end, in future it won't matter as the younger generation moves about more and there are more sharing of such worlds and listening and people will be aware of different cultures and norms and learn to accept and even appreciate it. This movie opens a door for others to share in that folklore which must transmit the soul of the movie - which is universal - it is about family, devotion, loyalty and as Jet Li and Donnie has succinctly put in, the other element which was added by Niki...true - true to yourself - how true, both cultures are slowly merging and finding universal things in themselves and this is why this movie works for me

Yifei convey the new Chinese girl who did what she has to do to protect the family she love - she did not run away , she took the load. In the end, everything work out well and she brought honour to the family - a very Chinese thing - and this is why it has soul. There won't be a bone spur kind of cop out story here.
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