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Justified (2010–2015)
Awestruck, forever.
30 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When I watched first season of justified, I thought to myself- Man, how fresh is this show? I got the same feeling that I got when I watched Firefly and even dreaded the same fate for this gem. But thank God that didn't happen. So we got the second season and I found out how the show matured without actually losing any of its inherent charm. Again, setting was perfect and Mags Bannet proved to be another worthy foe….. and then the history of between the clans….. I mean, everything was just pitch-perfect, even better than the first season. So then I asked myself another question. What will happen in later seasons? I mean, it's a great show and all…. But all good things, finally & sadly, do have to come to an end… and how many times do we see an end that is extremely painful, as the show descends into a sad state, trying to rescue itself from a grim fate by using cheap thrills, cameos that are just plain laughable and then network would cancel it anyway. We have all seen this happen to even the best of the shows. So how much juice was left in justified's engine, which was already running at near perfect revolutions per episode. But then, to my amazement, 3rd season happened and then 4th one with the amazing Drew Thompson story. It just kept getting better, against all odds, defying the fundamental laws of writing and acting and production value……it just pushed and pushed ahead. Now people may think that 5th season might have been one of the weakest, but I personally disagree. Crowes were not as vicious as other baddies, but they had their own charm. Even when this show (maybe) dragged, it had a better overall entertainment value than the lot of them. So we got then news (probably mid-season) that 6th was going to be its last season. And I was relieved. Creators and writers and all others involved, made a decision to preserve an image in the minds of the viewers that was different from that of every other successful show I know. And the image was…….Not to crash and burn, but gracefully conclude this modern classic. I know critics look at this show and roll their eyes, nitpicking things that are just miniature compared to the overall impact of this fine piece of entertainment.

Coming back, sixth season started with a bang, and never took its eyes off the prize. Finding at least two worthy foes, who were as charismatic as Raylan….. it's difficult to find anything wrong with this line of thinking. But anyway, in the finale, show skipped a couple of years, to show a time that was simpler (I presume) and they DID leave Harlan alive, and then it ended with simple line. I know, I should have been shedding tears, to see my most beloved show end, and end at such emotional note….. but I somehow tilted towards smiles, that stretched from ear to ear. How clichéd I would sound to say that I wasn't sad that it was over, but rather glad that It happened….. but there….. I said it, I meant it and am here to represent it (while clichés are open and puns are intended). I wish I could have time to analyze each and every episode. I wish that I could repeat every crisp dialog to remind myself of those good times. I wish I could discuss the score, the cinematography, the acting, the spontaneity of plot and tons of other things….. but I can't. All I want to say is…..THANK YOU, to the creators of this wonderful show and every person involved, and now that I have watched Justified, I know I won't be able to enjoy anything else that easily. My sense of morality is even more screwed up after watching this piece of art, but I am better for it. I will re-watch justified till cows come home and I will keep thinking how on earth this marvelous show was created, sustained and concluded, maintaining a level of entertainment that I never find even in the best of show and movies. This just goes to show that something as simple as nice story telling can go a long way. If you haven't watched Justified yet, then please go ahead and give it a try. If it proves to be your cup of tea, you will have the experience of a lifetime watching a simple yet elegant TV show.
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The Dark Pleasure
11 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I can't start talking about this movie in terms of its hype. No other movie, as far as I remember, had so many expectations from it than this one....and believe me, I have watched quite a lot of them. But somehow, only this one was able to give me goose bumps. What makes this latest installment of Batman so special for me, is the mere fact how complicated it is. And I know that for most of us, this doesn't really work for a summer block-buster. Nolan has taken a very bold and ambitious step in trying to make a beacon of hope for those of us, who want more than just another popcorn flick, just another movie based on a comic and just another action thriller with lots of explosions. Well, I, for one, really admire him for his courage. And from the reviews I have read, and the response it has received from general public (in terms of box office), I have to say......So do the many others. There isn't a lot to say, after all that has been said by everyone who was compelled to give his/her two cents. But, somehow, there is void there, which many of us have/might have failed to see. And that may be only discovered (IMHO) after multiple viewings. The very reason that makes it mammoth of a movie i.e. complicated and a long over drawn plot, is the very reason that makes it a little pedestrian. This was my opinion after I had watched it 3 times. But somehow, another viewing, all the pieces fell into their place. All I can say, is that this movie is way too layered, for a summer blockbuster. It's really a piece of art, which you can only enjoy once you have seen it miles away from the conventional bounds of a particular popcorn no-brainer movie. There are many examples, but I will state only one here. The way the movie ended, seemed like a stretch a quite unnecessary. I also thought that there was no need for batman to take the blame. But then after another viewing, I thought, I know why. This is because; he has to become more than a hero. A line that seemed like a cliché the first time. But, No…..It was not. He had to change the minds of the people about him, so that he could be able to do more than what a hero does. Which other action movie has a climax based on an answer after soul searching? This may be way too much for a lot of us to understand and this should be one of the reasons for this movie to be such a big success and not just the performance by Late Heath Ledger. For me the most important thing was the dialogues. They were subtle yet eloquent. Action was better than the previous installment as well. Besides, having learnt that there were less CGI used than your average action flick, was also very good refreshing.

That said, it is not without its flaws. Some technology used, is not very plausible. The way, Two-face transforms into a villain, may seem like understandable at first……..but doesn't really hold up, once you consider, why he didn't kill the joker, when he had the chance. The way, the movie stretches and keeps on going to include at least two features in one, also makes it a little over the top. But, even after all that, one has to take into account the complexity of the plot, loyalty to its source material, and the will of the Chris Nolan to make it critical study of the world we live in. No one said that art is perfect (unless, it's abstract). Things change with the seeing eyes and one cannot dismiss what they see (Unless it's criticism just for the sake of criticism). But in the end, after all is said and done, one has to see……what I can see and that is, changing the way summer blockbusters are these days. If you have not watched this movie, and it really doesn't matter the type of movies that you like, WATCH IT (with an open mind). It transcends the genre, it represents. Lastly, what gets to me, is this talk about how good a movie it is? Does it really deserve an Oscar? Its current position on IMDb top 250? ……..What is all that? Why can't we just watch a movie and not try to make another argument based on our personal likes and dislikes. I have read all the comments of the people who think, it deserves 1 out of 10. I don't agree with them, but I don't have a bone to pick with them either. What matters is that for many sensible people, it's just a movie. It's not perfect. It may have offended many batman fans, by being not the way they envisioned a batman movie. Still, it has its appeal and mostly, it is different from all the other movies based on comics. For those, who wouldn't listen; why not try to save your energy for more important issues? My opinion is, it's a great movie. It will stand the test of time, and has raised the bar for all the action, thriller and comic movies.
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Music Within (2007)
Every crowd has a silver lining
2 April 2008
I watched this movie last night. I prefer to think myself as an avid movie's collector and most of my all time favorite movies are movies like this one. This movie had everything a great storyline, exceptionally good acting, humor (both dark and light), and above all it was based on a true story. I was particularly moved by Michael Sheen's performance, which should be Oscar worthy by all standards. Ron Livingston was great too. What made me really appreciate the movie was its dialogs. Most of the situations were too heavy in terms of the sheer drama surrounding the characters, yet the dialogs were just very down to earth and sometimes even mixed with a unique humor to augment an already perfect setting. Writers did not pull any punches when it came for a character to shine in the spot light, yet most of the lines delivered were very humble and didn't, in any way, make the situation more dramatic....hence complementing the scene by cushioning the throbbing emotions of the people involved rather than over stating and pushing things over the edge.

Start of the movie was really great and Ron's brand of narration just rightly set the tone for the events to come. My interpretation of the movie was just the whole deal with disabled people until it came to that point when Ron's character drew the parallel between him and "them". The highs and lows to follow, did the story quite a lot of justice.

The ending was just absolutely breath-taking. It was soft and just concluded this ride with a whimper, but measured bang on the rechter scale.

This movie is here to win hearts of viewers and unlike many movies that i have watched lately, it is here to make a winning statement with perfection. Watch it and buy yourself a conscious, if you don't have one already.
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Rocky Balboa (2006)
The most over used word "Incredible"
10 March 2007
Let me first start by saying, I've watched any of the Rocky movies until this one. All I knew about Rocky movies was the sound tracks like "Eye of the Tiger" and "Burning Heart". Anyway, coming to the point, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. I mean, if you see it like this, it should be just a boxing movie...or a any other movie based on a sporting event, in which there is a underdog side, and the more up-to-the-challenge one. So, there will be no change in the formula. Well, that is right. The same goes for Rocky balboa. But there was something else. I read the reviews and most of them were good, but all that couldn't prepare me enough for what I was about to witness in that movie. This is the movie with a heart. Something that you'd like yourself to be reassured time after time. It was basically a boxing movie and the climax certainly was the fight. But there was a build to that. There was nothing new to really, just some new reassurances and affirmation, that they keep projecting in almost every other movie these days. But don't be fooled by that. To me the most important thing in this movie was its characters. They all stood out. Not only, that there were some exceptionally good performances from Sylvester Stallone and the rest of the cast, but there were these dialogs, witty one-liners and all that. And though the score was a little off-base (and sometimes, just plain irritating), it didn't take away a lot from this beautiful movie.

Its a movie that you want to watch over and over again and you wanna watch it with your friends and family. I watched it last night and watched again this morning and I'm planning to watch it again with my best friend and my girl friend.

My opinion, watch the movie with high expectation and all of those will be rewarded.
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