
32 Reviews
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Ignore this film, they are still the greatest band ever!
1 January 2005
There is no doubt in my mind that Led Zeppelin is the greatest rock band of all time. No band had the personality, talent and body of work that these guys had. Moreover, they did not fart around doing sub-standard stuff as they grew older, they left in their prime (after the tragic death of Bonzo). However, my loyalty and love for this band is not going to make me lie about this film, this film is a mess. Moreover, most of the members of the band have acknowledged this was a bad film. The fantasy scenes are so dated and low budget that you cringe when they are on. However, the real problem is the concert footage. Robert Plant was off that night, no doubt about it, this can be seen in the first song (RocknRoll). Page is Page, he plays incredible guitar, however even he seems to take the concert more in the direction of a jazz fusion experiment. Bonham plays great, he always did. However, all in all, this film seems more than a little uninspired and a tad self indulgent. Even Peter Grant showing us a little of the monster he was rumored to be, cannot save it. If you want live Led Zeppelin, try "How the West Was Won" and other releases that came out after this.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Will Always Be a Classic
27 December 2004
To me, this film is probably as close to perfect as any film ever was. The emotion, the story, the acting, etc. Henry Fonda and Lee J. Cobb squaring off. Different jurors harboring different beliefs, goals, views, etc. And even though this film was made close to fifty years ago, it is still as timely as ever. That is why I was so confused that somebody tried to shoot a re-make? Blasphemy! And by the way, that remake really sucked! Of course, after the first couple of times I saw this film, I was confused. I really though the kid did it. I still kind of think he did. Of course, that is the whole point of the film. Maybe he did do it, maybe not. The point of the story is about everybody getting a fair trial and a fair jury. Moreover, I will always remember the courage of Fonda's character, standing up to those eleven others, will very little to cling to. And how the jury ended up having to do what should have been done in the court room all along, try the case. Perhaps the main point of the film was to indict a society and criminal justice system that had lost it's way, if it ever had a way. But the lasting legacy of the film, is the fact that it just might be the greatest movie ever made.
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Weird is always good, even when it is not Genius
27 December 2004
Wes Anderson is one of my favorite film makers. I consider "Royal Tenenbaums" and "Bottle Rocket" in my top ten. He just has a unique style about the way he writes, films and mixes music into his story. He has been in the past, quite genius. With "The Life Aquatic," Anderson has made his strangest and most unique film. I mean, how do you describe a story who main storyline involves mythical jaguar sharks, cannibalistic pirates, three legged dogs and bi-sexual oceanographers? The film is very eclectic. However, whereas Anderson's other works were tied closely together under a prevalent theme and plot, "Life Aquatic" kind of floats about like a stoned jellyfish. Is that bad? No, not at all. This was an interesting trip and I will always pay to see Bill Murray. I enjoyed this almost comic book adventure. I enjoyed the David Bowie songs done in Portuguese. I enjoyed Willem Dafoe's jealous first mate character. Good film, but genius like his other works? No, not really, but who cares. Just enjoy the ride.
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Quiz Show (1994)
Old Time Film Making from Mr. Redford
22 December 2004
This film really does look like it was shot and made during the 1950s. Be it the sets, the dress, the attitudes, etc.. Moreover, this film also shows us where America start to go wrong. Right at that moment when the Beast that was television was starting to grow up. Based on the actual scandal involving the hit game show of the day 21, this film shows when producers made the decision to forsake integrity for ratings. However, what is really special about this film, are the performances, primarily from Fienes, Turturro and the real-life Charles Van Doren. They are so moving and powerful, especially Turturro. This is a classic film that asks the audience to take a hard and educated look at when TV went wrong.
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The Shootist (1976)
The Duke says Goodbye.
21 December 2004
All of the credit in the world goes to John Wayne for making this film. Here you have the biggest star in Hollywood history, making a film that symbolizes his life. You have an aging actor, whose best days were past him, portraying an aging gunfighter, whose best days were behind him. You have a character trying to fit into a world that had changed too much. Much like Wayne was trying to fit into a changing America. Lastly, you had a character, dying of cancer, trying to accomplish one last thing. Wayne, who was also dying of cancer, like the character, was trying to accomplish one last thing, a great film. To me, this film is special, because you are seeing in real life, a dying icon make his farewell. Like the character JB Books, Wayne was trying to put a brave face on his final days. He was vulnerable and uncertain about what awaited him, but he sought to accomplish one last goal. I don't care if you like Wayne or not, but how someone could not be emotionally effected by seeing this legend on screen for his last time, well, I feel sorry for you. This film is very special to me.
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Undertow (2004)
A White Trash Fairy Tale
12 November 2004
This is one of the more unique films you are ever going to see. It takes place in a nightmarish world that resembles backwoods Georgia, circa 1973. The story centers around a father and his two sons, who live in what could best be described as a dump. The father is demanding, the older son a rebel and the younger son...just plain weird. Well, something evil this way comes and the two sons escape into the backwoods in search of safety. While the boys are on this journey, they meet interesting characters that help them in some way. It really does play like a white trash fairy tale. I applaud the effort put forward by this director. He wanted to make an escapist movie that resembles some classic midnight movie from the 1970s, and he does. The performances and dialog are excellent. I recommend this film for anybody seeking something different and something entertaining.
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Rupert Murdoch and Fox News present...
29 October 2004
Seriously though, I do enjoy practically everything Parker and Stone do. I like South Park and Orgazmo is a classic. However, this was a five minute skit that got stretched into an 80 minute lame gag. OK, they are puppets and they curse, I get it. It seems that the whole comedic principle at work here is that you will just laugh in amazement when you hear puppets curse and get blown away. Yeah,

you do, the first time, and even the second time, and maybe the third time. You get the point. The reality is that this film was really not very imaginative. It is "Revenge of the Nerds" time for Parker and Stone. They get to spend an hour

bashing the liberal elite of Hollywood. You know the ones, the good looking and pseudo-intellectual types that have the nerve to make political stands. Well, Trey Parker does not like their kind, they are too perfect. He does not like to take stands, but he loves to mock those that do. That is fine, but it becomes a little pointless. You know, in this crazy world of ours today, somehow I don't see

liberal Hollywood at the root of all our problems, but they make such an inviting target. And the right wing could truly claim this film as their own, if there was not 500 curse words in it and puppets performing oral sex on one another. So, I

guess Parker and Stone want to slam both sides, in a way, with a story penned by both Rush Limbaugh and Chris Rock. I guess they would tell you they are

equal opportunity offenders. Just a couple of class clowns trashing the geeks and the jocks. But, even that class jerk, who always made fun of people in class, eventually, he got old as well.
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Criminal (2004)
An Implausible Ending Ruins a Good Film
11 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I like movies that center around the "con." It is like watching a complicated puzzle being put together. You pay attention to everything. Moreover, as each little event happens, you analyze the potential hidden importance of it. In

"Criminal", you follow Reilly's character as he comes up with various ways to scam people. His character is a somewhat heartless individual that stopped

having a conscience sometime ago. Still, there is something to him that gives you empathy for the character. Needing a new partner, he recruits a young

confidence man (Luna). Right after recruiting this new partner (in a somewhat random way), the two of them plot a major con. This con is elaborate and rather clever. It is the kind of con that would take months to develop and countless hours of rehearsal. Hence the problem.


This movie has the inevitable big twist at the end. The switch is that the

character played by Luna, is actually scamming Reilly's character. As I watched the first 80 minutes of this film, I really enjoyed it. However, the last two minutes killed it. Why? Because the implausible ending made the whole rest of the film insane. There is no way this elaborate scheme could have been run. After all, it was Reilly that sought out Luna, not the other way. The elaborate set of events that were set up for the big sting were all designed to take place that day. How? How could these relations have been developed? They could not have been.

Great performances, but the ending was just stupid! I know that this movie is a re-do of an Argentinian film, this does not bother me. However, if the Argentinian film had the same implausible ending as this one, it should not have been

copied at all.
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MTV's "Real World" goes to the Big Screen
27 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Well, reality TV has taken over every aspect of television, so it is a natural assumption to think it will now start to branch out. However, the idea that people will pay $10 to see what they could see for free on regular and basic cable is hard to believe. In the end though, that is what we get. This is a standard,

perform for the camera, mockumentary. We are to believe that we are

experiencing natural events transpire, but like on MTV, we are seeing people

play for the camera. Each actor/character hamming it up in some way. Be it the "fly off the handle" guy, the "too cool" guy, etc. There is no sincerity anywhere to be seen, just like in real "reality" television. Moreover, we must endure two hours of Lars, the most irritating human on earth. Look, if you are a fan of the band, you will like it. If you don't care for the band or have never hear them, what would be the point of seeing this, you can watch 'Big Brother" on CBS.
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Check Please!
27 July 2004
I am not an Austin Powers hater. The first two rank as two of the funniest films ever made. Mike Myers is a certified genius. However, this third installment is as bad of film as I have ever seen. It is a bogus sellout from the start. Cameos everywhere, but not one even slightly amusing. Michael Caine is dry. The Beyonce girl plays in a role that does not have one funny part. The Goldmember character is funny. Myers tries in his other three roles, but nothing looks planned out. The film has a rushed look and feel. Half way through I started to wonder if it was just me or was this film as funny as jock itch? I have a great sense of humor and I love silly humor as much as anybody. However, this is not silly comedy, this is poorly written crap in search of a paycheck. The skit has run its course, let it die. Time for Mike Myers to move on, Lord knows he is talented enough to come up with something new. I just wish he had come up with something new for this poor film.
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It really does try hard
23 July 2004
Yeah, Will Farrell is funny. The problem is finding him a vehicle to convey that humor. For the most part, he has had co-starring and support roles. In them, you can see the humor, but you wonder if he could carry a film by himself. Well, he kind of can. Of course in this film, he does surround himself with some comedic talent, the cast is loaded. Moreover, there are cameos from some of his buddies, Stiller, Wilson, Vaughn, etc.. However, the film does start to falter and almost collapse towards the last thirty minutes. The story, which was somewhat

secondary to begin with, seems to have no real closer. Will this film make you laugh? Yes, it will, some of the one-liners are very funny. Is this a well crafted comedy? No, not even close. So in the end, I give it a mixed review. If you love Farrell and you want to see insanity, go see it! However, if you are looking for some comedy which is perhaps a little more creative, well, have you heard of

"Napoleon Dynamite"?
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As Sappy and Unrealistic as they get
22 July 2004
OK, I live in Texas, grew up here. I have been to every part of it. No place in Texas will you find the kind of lame events that transpired in this stupid film. They do not dress like GQ models in West Texas. They do not talk the way those people did. They do not have towns that neat and cardboard. I literally became sick watching this film. It is like watching one of those old time films about Texas where the actors used these outrageous Southern accents and showed every

where in big ten gallon hats. Just too stupid. By the end, I did not care who left Dancer, as long as I was one of them. This just tries to pull at the heart strings in every scene. It just gets so old, it is like Jerry MacGuire out West. The director wanting you so badly to get emotional. But you are just illl. Yuck, hated this film! Hated it!
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Silly and Moronic
19 July 2004
M. Night is a pretty big star. Which made me wonder why this documentary on him would be on a basic cable station. Actually, it was on one of the cable stations down towards the end that nobody watches. I used to watch it when it had MST 3000 on it. OK, you know which one? Well, after sitting through the most painful first hour of this, I realized why others passed on it. Man! This was horrible! I mean, made for 1st graders, simplistic and silly. It acts like a documentary, but in reality, it is a bunch of bad actors, working without pay, pretending to be part of M. Night's earlier life. Speaking of MST 3000, this actually would have been entertaining, had Mike and the bots gotten hold of it. However, without them, it is just humiliatingly bad. I enjoy his movies, but beware of this foul offering.
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This is a Scary Film !
12 July 2004
I cannot believe all of the brave souls in here that are so quick to denounce this film and pretend that it was not scary. My guess is that most watched it at home with the lights on and a couple of their friends near by. This is a scary and innovative movie. What makes it scary is that it is different from 99% of other horror movies. In most standard horror movies you have a Freddy or Jason to embody terror or evil. You see Michael Myers an you know he is evil and supposed to be scary. However, real terror is terror you cannot see and that is what is so brilliant about this film. The Blair Witch is a mystery and she leaves our imagination to decide so much. I am a creative person with quite the imagination. If you are a lethargic teenager who shut the mind off years ago, you are not going to like this. Because you have no imagination to draw from. However, if you are a reader or someone that likes to fantasize, this will scare the hell out of you!
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True Stories (1986)
David Byrne is a Genius and this movie stinks!
12 July 2004
I preface all my remarks by saying how big of a fan I am of David Byrne. His

work with the Talking Heads is legendary. His solo efforts have been equally

great. Musically, the man cannot be topped. Moreover, he is so original and

innovative to boot. In fact, the album "True Stories" is a great release with some of their most fun songs. But this movie, this movie... It is hard to listen to actors sing these great songs, because they completely botch them. It is boring to see this so-called plot, slooooooowwwly develop. There are no great performances, even John Goodman is boring. The film, unlike the Talking Heads' concerts, is drab and lifeless. It was a provocative idea, but lost in translation.
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Murder in Greenwich (2002 TV Movie)
Mark Furhman's Ego trip
11 July 2004
Man, are you serious? Did you read the book or watch this movie? Well, if you did, let me warn you, it is bogus. Mark Furhman has been seeking a job since losing his job with the LAPD. You remember him, don't you? He was the guy that lied on the stand and gave the OJ Simpson defense a foothold they were looking for. Well, he has written three books since then. I have read all three of them. No, I am not a fan, they were given to me. HOWEVER, I will tell you one similarity in all three, they grossly distort the importance of Mark Furhman. He shamelessly exaggerates his stature in all three. In "Murder in Spokane", he pretends that he had something to do with catching the killer, when he had nothing to do with it. In all books he takes great delight in running down local law enforcement efforts. Kind of like his efforts were run down in the OJ trial. In this movie, there are plenty of slow motion shots of ladies looking at Furhman and lusting after him. Many other shots have him at the center of attention, when in reality, I am sure the only thing people were thinking at the time was "hey, isn't that the racist that caused OJ to get off?" This was an interesting real life story, but not a good movie over it.
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The Human Cost
8 July 2004
I know that a lot of Republican pundits have savagely attacked this film as being a distortion of the truth. Heck, some of those people have actually seen the film, not many, but some. Does Moore despise George W. Bush? You bet! Does he hope to tarnish his image with this film? You bet! Does that mean that this film is propoganda, which seeks to distort the truth? Well, let's see. Is the mother who lost her son in this war a distortion? She was military through and through, a flag waving supporter of troops, whose family had more than given to the cause. She turns out to be one of the biggest opponents of the war and Bush. Is she being distorted? Is that Moore feeding her lines? What about the many soldiers that talk about how they were mislead and can think of nothing but leaving a "bogus" war? What about the Bush lies in which he continued to tie Bin Laden with Saddam? When in reality, the Bush family has much closer ties to Bin Laden that Huessein. War has always been used by despots for control of the masses. Give the people an enemy, raise an army and keep people scared and loyal. However, as this war wages on, all I can remember seeing are those Halliburton suits, throwing parties and delighting in the amount of money they were going to make off of this tragedy. The bottom line is the money to be made, not the lives that have been and will be lost. In this country, people say that if you are not supporting the President and the war, you are not patriotic. Well, if patriotic is one that blindly follows a liar and a thief, call me a traitor.
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The Most Rewarding Film of 2004
1 July 2004
I have to admit that I did not know what to expect when I saw this film. I knew it was about this dorky kid that lived in Idaho, that was about it. Well, I am here to tell you, this is one of the funniest and most heart warming movies I have seen in some time and by far the best film I have seen this year. Our hero Napolean lives with his grandmother and older brother somewhere in Idaho. He loves to draw unicorns and reckons himself a bit of a hip rebel. Well, he is not an artist and he is certainly not hip. His 32 year old brother spends all day on the computer, communicating with people via chat rooms. Napolean comes off like James Dean compared to his big bro. His grandmother is a little too hip for both of the two brothers, so she skips out to do some 4-wheeling in the dunes. Enter Uncle Rico, a man searching for a way to travel back in time to 1982, so he can play QB for his high school football team. Rico likes to set up a camera and tape himself throwing footballs. Uncle Rico wears a horrid toupee, lots of jewelry and makes Richard Nixon look classy. Well, the movie details a week or so in the life of Napolean and his buddy Pedro. We see Napolean's love life and maturity grow in a very short time, but don't worry, he does not mature that much. What makes this movie so great, beyond the incredible comedic writing and comedic performances, is the wonderful detail to images and subplots. This movie is finely tuned with every shot well thought out. The lead actor is just great and should be heard from for sometime. This movie has a Wes Anderson feel to it, but leans more on the comedy aspects. I gave it a 10 and encourage anybody looking for some comedic fun to check it out.
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The Great Robert Duval at his Very Best
29 June 2004
Something tells me that when it is all said and done, and people are trying to come up with that definitive "greatest actor of all-time" winner, it will be Robert Duval. I know that this is a bold statement. The Jimmy Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Burt Lancaster, Paul Newman and Henry Fonda fans (among others) will scream and protest. Sure, it is subjective, but then again, maybe it is not. Sometimes there is supporting evidence out there, maybe because of one particular role. I think Robert Duval's performance in "Tender Mercies" is the greatest performance by an actor in the history of film. It is a subdued performance, but underneath, so powerful. Duval plays a washed up Country music singer and song writer named Mac Sledge. His better days are in the past. Now, he finds his only comfort in a whiskey bottle. His ex-wife has gone on to use his songs to become a huge star. She detests him because of the way he had become in his later years with her (alcohol). She even denies him the right to see their daughter. Mac has closed himself off to the world, he does not want to become emotionally attached to anybody or anything. The only time Mac was ever happy, bad things ended up as a result. However, Mac will soon come into contact with a widow and her young son and he gets a second chance to join the living. In this film you see a Duval character different from any other he has ever played. You see the rebirth of a spirit, long suffering. The supporting roles are incredible as well. I still find this one of the most emotionally satisfying movies ever made, every time I watch it.
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When the US needed leadership, they got none.
25 June 2004
I knew going into this film that Moore was going to go about trying to make George W. Bush look bad. However, as you watch this film, it is not Moore trying to make Bush look bad, it is Bush making himself look bad. This is scary! Nobody thought Bush was a genius or great leader when he became President, but few knew how far from those characteristics he really was. This is a man that hears from an aide that we have just had war declared on us by terrorists and what does he do? He sits there reading a kid's book! What!? Then he jumps into Air Force One and is not heard from for sometime. However, he does find time to show up at the WTC wreckage and give one of the most shameless pep rallys in human history. Only made more disgraceful by the fact that thousands of dead bodies still remained buried underneath the wreckage he was shamelessly standing over. This is a President that had been on vacation for four of the first eight months of his term. Translation, while the terrorists plotted, Dubya was off playing golf. He never had one meeting over terrorism before 9/11. However, Clinton had weekly meetings over terrorism while he was President. He even tried to warn Bush about Bin Laden when power was transferred. But the frat boy son of a President did not care to listen. No, Mr. Moore did not open my eyes to what a bad President George W. Bush has been, George W. Bush opened up my eyes!
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Airheads (1994)
The Opposite of Funny
24 June 2004
This might be one of the worst movies ever made. How do you amass such an assortment of talent and then turn out such a boring and lame film. Adam Sandler, wasted! Steve Buscemi, wasted! Michael Richards, wasted! And so on and so on. Perhaps the biggest problem with the film is in its casting of Branden Fraser as the lead of a "death metal" band. He just does not sell it at all. Joe Mantegna is beyond irritating, when I think, he was supposed to be the hero here. The music is poor and the story inane. This was just a really bad film. Which is sad, because the story and cast had potential. Hmmm, I need ten lines do I? Hard to find stuff worthy of talking about, when it comes to this film. Let me enter this again.
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Stiller makes it fly
18 June 2004
OK, this might be a paint by the numbers, summer flick. You have the routine

good guys vs. bad guys. You have the "if only we could win this tournament, we could...." Yes, in that respect, this film is not creating anything too new. However, where this film succeeds, where so many others like it fail, is due to the great Ben Stiller. Stiller plays an outrageous, narcissistic, borderline homosexual, bad guy. When Stiller is on the screen, laughter abounds. Somewhat strangely, he is not on the screen as much as you think he would be. This movie is told around Vince Vaughn's character, who is trying to hold on to his sleepy little gym, which is being threatened for takeover by Stiller's "Globo-Gym." Vaughn reluctantly agrees to enter a dodgeball tourney to win the $50,000 Grand Prize. Of course, $50,000 is the exact amount him and his oddballs that call the gym home, need to keep it. Well, it is a summer Hollywood film, so you can guess what happens. There are some really nice cameos here and the film is entertaining. Is it as brilliant as "Zoolander"? No, but it is better than "Starskey and Hutch." I guess that is something.
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A Movie Classic
11 June 2004
I know that many historians have been critical of this film. They point to the fact that this was not a factual re-telling of the actual incident. Man, they don't get it. This was a movie. It was based on an actual incident, but in the end, it was a movie. As a movie, it portrays the South and the issue of racism better than any movie before it. Director Parker creates excellent characters that embody the different perspectives of those that were involved in the civil rights crisis. Whether it is the idealist FBI agent portrayed by DeFoe or the Southern FBI

realist so brilliantly portrayed by Hackman. This movie shows us why people

tried to change the South and why other people tried to preserve that South. The result is a violent and disturbing film, which both educates and entertains. OK, the FBI actually used huge cash payoffs to get Klan members to testify against others in the real case. No, the FBI did not have a black agent that helped them to crack the case. However, let us not forget, that's right, it was a movie.
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This was one of the WORST films ever !
4 June 2004
I loved "El Mariachi." I liked "Desperado" a lot. I was a little concerned when Rodriguez than chose to make a series of kids movies. However, I was relieved to hear that he was returning to his El Mariachi series. When I saw the heavyweight talent that he had assembled for this, I considered it a can't miss. Sure, there were stories floating around down here in Austin that this was a stinker. Rodriguez gave an early screening of it down here and even the his fellow Austinites were holding their noses. However, I was a fan and willing to give it a fair shot. Well, I saw it and it was probably the most difficult movie I have ever had to sit through. This thing was so bad on so many levels. You had actors literally being wasted in front of your eyes. You had a script that was as lifeless as the phoned in performances. Moreover, this film had a look like it had been recorded on a cheap camcorder. The whole film looks like a bad soap opera on the Mexican cable station. How anybody could give high marks to this video amazes me. However, I would guess that the fans of this film, did not see the other two. It is sad, because after "From Dusk Till Dawn," I thought Rodriguez would be a great film maker. I now realize that all he is interested in is making bad films geared towards a large and uneducated market. Fine, Austin still has a lot more talented directors.
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Holden and Wayne earn their pay
30 May 2004
The Horse Soldiers is one of many John Ford and John Wayne collaborations.

Moreover, it is one of their better. The story involves a daring mission by union troops into the heart of the confederacy, in order to cut supply lines. Wayne is leading the daring plan. However, also going on the mission are an insolent

surgeon (played by William Holden) and a Southern Belle, complete with slave

(played by tennis star Althea Gibson). Where this film shines are in the excellent performances turned in by the big two stars. Rumor was that this film had many shutdowns and stoppages, the kind of thing that can make someone hornery.

Well, you see that in the relationship between the Holden and Wayne

characters, they genuinely despise each other. To me, this was one of Wayne's most underrated performances. He shows real emotion in his rather complex

character. As usual, Holden is excellent. Being a Ford film, the story and

scenery are both epic. Moreover, it does not take the Hollywood path towards

the obvious. I really enjoyed this film and was anxious to see just how it would end.
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