
3 Reviews
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Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001)
There is a Walker in all of us
20 April 2011
The year was 1993 and there was darkness across television. Chuck Norris appeared and decreed: "let there be a show starring myself as a Texas Ranger named Walker." Now there was show called Walker Texas Ranger. And that is how the show got started. Chuck Norris did not have to persuade CBS to broadcast his program; he simply demanded it and it was done. Thus begins my wonderful journey into the kingdom of Walker Texas Ranger.

Yes the formula for Walker Texas Ranger was simple but effective. Case in point: Walker and his partner Trivette would be cruising down the streets in their Dodge Ram and notice some illicit activity going down in the park. They would get out investigate said activity--- and by now everyone knows the shady looking characters are dealing dope. The 6 or 7 dope dealers feeling very cocky think they can take on Walker and his partner. Big mistake! Apparently the dope dealers have never seen Norris's action blockbuster: TOP DOG because if they had, they would known that Norris was an 8th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. After Walker and his partner punch and kick justice into the lowlifes, they learn the dope is being shipped and concealed through cans of baby formulas and thus begins the story.

Walker Texas Ranger would adhere to that type of story line every single week and BINGO, the viewers were awarded 9 years of bliss. Of course the critics and elitists would pooh-pooh the show calling it over-the-top and badly acted, but they don't understand the appeal of those types of shows. The viewers enjoyed Walker Texas Ranger because they know the bad guys will get what's coming to them at end, but like to see Walker karate chop his way to the point.

I know Chuck Norris is very busy selling the TOTAL GYM but if ever have the chance to meet him I would shake his hand and tell him THANK YOU for bring Walker Texas Ranger into my home and my life every Saturday Night.
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Titanic II (2010 Video)
A worthy sequel to Titanic 1
20 April 2011
How do you top the 1997 James Cameron blockbuster of the same name? Well you make a sequel that leaves the original in its wake. Get it?

No easy task since the original was highly successful at the box office and critically acclaimed as well, but the producer of Titanic 2 did it.

Here is the premise: A second Titanic has been built and is ready to set sail and well...

I am not going to spoil the surprise! Well the ship make it across the ocean safely or will mayhem and destruction occur? You are going to have to the watch the movie to find out!!!

Some highlights of the movie

-Bruce Davison- You may remember him from X-men as Senator Kelly and as in the X-men, he does an outstanding job in this movie as well

-CGI-Better than the original? YES. Amazing how far the special effects industry has come since 1997. The best CGI I have ever witnessed

These are just the 'tip of the iceberg' of all the highlights offered by this movie. \ So what are you waiting for? Go SEE THIS MOVIE
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Saved by the Bell (1989–1992)
There needs to be a national holiday dedicated to this show
18 January 2004
Saved by the Bell is one of the television shows that a vast majority of people born after 1970 has probably seen at least an episode once. I, on the other hand, have seen every Saved by the Bell episode (note: not the lame New Class or College Years) at least several times over and it all began back in the wonderful year of 1992.

I had just started junior high that year and naturally after a long week of school, Saturday finally came. I would usually sleep until 11 and wake up in time for American Gladiators, but one Saturday morning I inadvertently woke up at 10 and caught a show and that show was Saved by the Bell. I was instantaneously hooked to that show and watched every episode up to the special graduation ceremony NBC aired on prime time T.V. In fact, in a junior high poll conducted that year about what students at my school defined as the most monumental moment in their lives. Yes, it was when Zach and the gang graduated high school.

The question that should be asked is why was I hooked and still hooked to Saved by the Bell. The story lines were never original and the jokes were never funny. (Example: When Jessie reveals her middle name to be Myrtle and Zach quips and says Myrtle is his turtle's name. ). And that kind of cornball joke was just the tip of the iceberg in a show that was inundated with not-funny jokes. At one point I thought Slater was the coolest person in the world with his mullet, and at one time I actually tried to grow such a mullet but I soon realized it was pure blasphemy to be like Slater because I am not Slater. So I thought what I stated in the previous sentence is why I was hooked, but alas it wasn't the case. Perhaps a team of Ivy League School Researchers could conduct a study why so many Americans and people aboard watched and are still watching Saved by the Bell.

The show, perfect in every shape and form, had some problems, mainly due to continuity errors. For example:

In one episode Kelly enters a talent contest at Bayside High. She is going to sing a song, but unfortunately she appears to be tone deaf and can't carry a tune. HOWEVER, in an episode later on, Kelly somehow has a beautiful voice while proving backup vocals for the Zack Attack.

Such a blatant disregard for continuity. Did the producers of SBTB actually think they could get away with it?


Let's face the facts here: The world would have been into a second Dark Age if Saved by the Bell never aired.
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