
9 Reviews
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worthy entry into the 2010 sundance film fest
26 January 2010
one too many mornings presents a look at two young men in their late 20s grappling with an impending, and somewhat delayed, adulthood. the story is slight but character and incident are rich. i kind of felt like this was a realistic 'slice of life' dramedy about dudes, the likes of which you only get nowadays in mainstream apatow comedies. this is the indie version of that - think of the 'hangout' movies of linklater or early jarmusch (in fact, the beautiful b&w cinematography and extended takes at times recall jarmusch explicitly).

i've heard the term 'mumblecore' bandied about in reference to this new NEXT section at sundance. i'm not really sure i'd say the label applies to OTMM - it's a really controlled work that, while feeling loose, doesn't really meander, and the aesthetic shows the hand of a real filmmaker. pretty assured stuff for a first time feature filmmaker - count me impressed.

if anything, i'd say the film slightly overstays it's welcome at times, particularly in the final stretch, but the laughs are huge and it seems to play well for a packed house. i first heard about the film in a NYT article about YouTube getting into the digital rentals game - kind of a pity most people will probably see this online (the filmmakers are self-distributing and have a website equipped with downloads and dvds) as it seems like a pretty satisfying theatrical experience. the cinematography really elevates this above most indie films of comparable budget and its nice to see someone still shooting b&w. overall, i'd recommend checking it out if you get the chance.

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Catfish (2010)
THE film of the 2010 sundance festival
26 January 2010 least, of the 9 films i've seen so far. this one packs quite an emotional wallop. this had me cracking up at times and on the edge of my seat at others. a gentleman remarked during the excellent q+a after the film: "screw blair witch and paranormal activity - this is real terror," and i would have to agree. what's so terrifying about this movie? you'll have to see it to find out, because to spoil the secrets of this film would rob it of its power. it's a journey to embark on with the filmmakers/friends, ariel schulman, his brother nev, and their friend henry joost. where it takes you is both shocking and strangely moving. this is the reason i keep coming back to sundance - to see films like this, that are genuinely surprising.

oh, and the title is explained in the final 10 minutes of the film and lends it a new and powerful meaning. thought-provoking stuff, indeed.

this film, i've heard, is going to get picked up. avoid the reviews and just go see it when it plays in your town.
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the time will come
26 June 2008
when this film is looked back on and regarded with the level of admiration it deserves. how, in the year of 'there will be blood' and 'no country for old men,' this film did not garner the same recognition is beyond me.

'jesse james' is filled with amazing, heartbreaking performances, transcendent cinematography and music, and an unparalleled directorial vision. the level of detail in this film is so great that one can't help but feel transported into the world of the dying west that dominick and his collaborators have created. and that's not to even discuss the plot itself, which moves toward inevitability with the pace and tangents of real life, and yet somehow feels tautly constructed just the same. a truly overlooked masterpiece.
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a wonderful surprise
24 June 2008
for all its flaws, and there are quite a few (as to be expected from such a low budget, first time feature), i was rather moved by this film. what i liked about it - and what i thought set it apart from "typical" mumblecore movies - was that it was actually about something; namely, the exploration of a certain type of person. you know him, or you've seen him at parties, the guy who loudly professes his conquests, bragging about the girls he's slept with. in this film, you discover that his behavior is actually a front for his insecurity. when i saw the film, i was actually shocked that this guy, gus, was going to be the main character. in mainstream films, he's the loudmouth friend that is always relegated to supporting roles. not so here. and, by the end, we come to understand and perhaps even sympathize with him, knowing that he's taken the first small steps toward a different life.
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Made of Honor (2008)
this movie was so awesome
6 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
man, i really enjoyed this movie, but then i tend to enjoy movies where actors phone in their performances. have you ever seen anyone look as bored as sydney pollack? how 'bout the scene where he repeatedly calls bogart a "pussy." such energy. you can tell he really wanted to say those lines.

also, i like how the way they get you to sympathize with tom is by showing him petting dogs. oh, you missed it the first time? don't worry, they use the same scene about fifty times throughout the course of the movie. it warmed my icey heart.

i also liked the relationship tom had with his male friends. being a man, i felt it was an incredibly realistic portrayal of male bonding and the kinds of friendships i have with guys. again, totally believable. it honestly felt as though all the male characters were actually ONE CHARACTER with their dialogue divided into four different speaking roles. because they all had exactly the same personality.

how 'bout that one guy, dennis? man, he is such a dude. such a stone-cold, rugged, savage dude. "i'm gonna go to a strip club and eat some meat, then get into a fight." way to tell it to 'em, dennis.

i also like how after tom and hannah got into a fight, all was resolved 24 hours later and they never mentioned it again. yep.

i think sydney pollack summed up this movie with one word (culled from the aforementioned, destined-to-be-a-classic "pussy" scene): "crap." but say it with extremely low energy, 'cause that's all this movie deserves.
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4 October 2007
there's not much i can add that hasn't already been written, except to say that this is a film that should be studied by all aspiring filmmakers and cinematographers. bergman and ace cinematographer sven nyksvist's use of light and shadow is awe-inspiring. this is the profound, affecting work of a master filmmaker. and it would be a crime to overlook von sydow, who turns in one of the best performances i've ever seen in a film: one wrought of economy and restraint as much as anguish. the shot in which he wrestles a lone tree to the ground made an indelible impact on me and, i must say, is one of the finest moments of cinematic expression i've had the privilege of beholding.
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one of the worst movies i've ever seen
19 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
first off, i don't understand why or how dane cook became so successful. there is nothing funny about him. he doesn't tell jokes - he relates "stories" with very animated facial and physical gestures. and, often, looks like a monkey. dan fogler, too, is quite possibly the most annoying human being on the planet... especially his character in this movie. he is a disgusting, misogynistic pig. i would love for lionsgate to make "hostel III" starring dane cook and dan fogler - that would be a movie i would pay to see twice. now, on to the movie itself: the concept is ludicrous and makes absolutely no sense. seriously, this film must have been written by and made for people with nonexistent IQ's... because anybody that can tie their own shoes would realize how absurd this movie is and would never plunk down $10 for this piece of cinematic tripe. to even suggest that hundreds of beautiful women could never find a decent man on their own, and would have to resort to sleeping with a d-bag like dane cook to find a husband, is an offense to women everywhere. this movie is so incredibly misogynistic... where women are depicted as clueless, desperate pieces of "t+a"... that even i, a man and non-feminist, was offended by it. and we're supposed to like this schmuck because he agrees to sleep with his overweight secretary out of the goodness of his heart and says, "i'll only think of you (when we have sex)." please. please, please, please, if there is any justice in the world this movie will make $2 at the box office and garbage like this will STOP BEING MADE! this movie is not funny - it is an insult to anyone with a brain or a heart. just see "knocked up" or "superbad" instead, to see how to actually make a comedy that is both hilarious and heartfelt.
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The Room (2003)
an incompetent masterpiece
31 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
is it possible that tommy wiseau intended the film to be a "black comedy" all along, as the posters would lead one to believe? i don't think so - to have made a film this incompetent on almost every level is nothing short of a miracle. that's right, "the room" is a miracle, part of the holy trinity of bad movies that includes "troll 2" and "dangerous men" (another work of genius), and maybe even "the apple" depending on who you talk to (but then that wouldn't really be a trinity anymore, would it?).


the film is full of many brilliant cinematic devices. the sight of tommy wiseau's naked torso causes men and women to scream in terror, as does "pleasantly plump" juliette danielle's throbbing neck. could it be that images like these were inspired by wiseau's deep affection for the cinema of David Cronenberg?

wiseau also has a mastery of staging that is unheralded in modern cinema, as is evinced by the scene in which denny and lisa kneel on the ground with an empty chair visible in the foreground of the shot. i have a feeling that the empty chair is not insignificant, or as claudette would say, "that is not nothing!" on the subject of claudette, i feel that in addition to her "definite" case of breast cancer she may suffer from dementia as well, given that she and lisa seem to have nearly identical conversations every time they share the screen. she may want to get that checked out.

and you may want to check out "the room." it will change your life and the lives of those around you forever. in the words of wiseau, "you may not like it, but you will learn something. that's what entertainment is: the process of learning."
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Birth (2004)
a thoughtful film with great performances
14 March 2005
mr. huston's quiet, smoldering performance was the highlight of the film for me, even more so than ms. kidman's excellent work. i think the major problem people are going to have with this movie is that it ISN'T what one believes it to be about. "reincarnation" is simply a macguffin in the hitchcock tradition to explore themes of love and belief - mainly, what one chooses to believe in (just as kidman's character believes, rather erroneously, that marrying mr. huston will make her happy). add to the fact that the film features a haunting, magnificent score by alexandre desplat and gorgeous widescreen cinema by harris savides. this is not a film for everyone, but patient viewers with a tolerance for thoughtful, slow-paced movies will find birth to be a rewarding experience.
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