
27 Reviews
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Broadchurch (2013–2017)
Real, genuine and still interesting!
2 March 2015
I think it should be rated 9.4, not 8.4.

What a show!

One murder, many victims.. this show elaborates and oddly, displays that sentiment beautifully.

David Tennant is fabulous as DI Alec Hardy ;he's one of those few actors who emote so well with their eyes. Beautiful. Ms Colman who plays Ellie Miller is stunning! The way she brings several layers of emotion is amazing. Also, her tempo with that of the mood of the show is extremely fine tuned. I tried to find a flaw with the acting and after some time, gave up. Both the actors were perfect. The story itself is intriguing; I've never seen anything quite like this before and the end will surely leave even season watchers shocked. The treatment and detailed attention given to all the characters is praise worthy. The show deserves awards just for this feat alone. It takes some time to solve a single murder, 8 episodes, but they were all so well done..not one moment felt rushed or too slow..simply perfect!

The background score is apt, brings about a surge of emotion and helped in taking the show a notch higher.

These are the main points that I absolutely loved about the show. Watch it, whether you like murder mysteries or not.
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Whiplash (2014)
Quiet yet loud
19 February 2015
I have to begin by appreciating Miles Teller. He is a brilliant actor! After watching Two night stand, I thought he'd be stuck doing rom coms but he does Whiplash and shines! J.K.Simmons is a seasoned actor but plays his part amazingly. All the tension and nervous energy that we feel in the movie is brought about mainly by Simmons. He's mostly not likable and I, like many others, did not quite approve of his technique of 'pushing kids over the edge'. He should push but should also know when to stop. Also, I felt like the end dragged a bit although during the (long!)final sequence I was cheering Teller for his drumming slap to Simmons. It was definitely a great shot. All in all, I liked the movie very much and initially, because of all the tension, I wanted to stop watching, but I did not and I am glad. It has many golden moments that will make you go whoa! There are a few points which required me to suspend my belief, like the bleeding hands from drumming, but I guess that just made the movie all the more intense. A very good movie and although it did not inspire me, it surely satisfied me and I will not be surprised if it bags more than a few awards.
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Pretty straight forward. Liked it.
16 January 2015
I watched Before I go to sleep and Gone girl on 2 consecutive days and I liked the former much more. First of all, the run time is less and it's not too complicated. You almost have a clear idea of the lead actress's confusion within the first 20 minutes.

Acting was surely good.. Nicole Kidman plays her role very well, but the show stealer was Colin Firth! The neutral element he brings to his character and the way he balances his act throughout the movie were amazing. He alone managed to bring some tension to the movie.

It's no rocket science just have to sit back and the mystery unravels the way you want and when you want it to. Overall, it's not one to be watched in a theater, but makes for a great DVD night or afternoon or whatever's your thing.
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Gone Girl (2014)
I am so glad so many people disliked this!
10 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK. 2 votes, only for the beautiful lead pair and strong performances.. strong performances in an absolutely trashy, ridiculous heap of a movie. 149 minutes of sheer nonsense! Given a score of 8.3 on IMDb, I really expected a gem of a movie; I couldn't have been more wrong! Throughout the movie I kept expecting a breakthrough moment, a moment, a frame that changes the course, shocks me, delights me...anything..but no. All this movie got out of me was confusion that never went away even after the credits started rolling. The only normal character was the woman who plays detective Boney (why that name?).

In so many parts, the movie is just so lame, I cannot begin to imagine why the creators must've made those parts. For instance, Desi's lake house, the fake rape claims and the funniest part being the FBI blindly believing or blind FBI members conducting the investigation. Either way, it was stupid. And what's with the tag line? 'You don't know what you're missing'..The man bloody wanted her gone! And would've been happier had she stayed gone.

I'm glad I haven't read the book, because that would take me longer than watching the movie and that would've been worse. In conclusion, I'd like to congratulate all the people who disliked this movie. You rock!
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Stalker (2014–2015)
Different, though a bit over the top
4 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to watch this show because stalking is a subject which has not been exploited individually as yet on television. Intrigued by the title, I watched the pilot and agreeing with some of the reviews here, I was a bit taken aback to watch a stalker burn a woman alive and then try to kill another. That, for sure, isn't just stalking, it's serial killing. I am not much equipped with the knowledge of stalking, but it still felt a bit over the top, all that killing business.

Coming to the characters, both the lead actors do a fine job and I was pleased to see Dylan McDermott explain the victim-stalker relation so well right on his first day. After all, he's a cop and well versed with the psychology and human behavioral patterns and he wouldn't have been made a part of the TAU if he wasn't. Maggie Q, as usual, plays the tough guy role with ease.

What did seem off to me though, were of course the beginning of the show, the way Maggie Q dresses up - looks very inappropriate for a cop, the fact that she lives in a house, alone, and with minimum security measures when she's been a victim of stalking herself in the past.

I have not seen Criminal minds or similar shows so I do not know what to compare Stalker with.

I'll be watching this show because I'd like to learn more about stalking and stalkers and although, judging by the pilot, this show won't be a foolproof guide, but it's not useless for sure.
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Highway (I) (2014)
Harsh, complex, a stab to the Indian heart
20 July 2014
I wanted to watch this movie for a long time, it released several months ago. Last night I did watch it on my laptop and I loved it and thought what it would be like to watch it in a theater...that would've felt wrong. This movie shows the harsh truth of life behind closed doors, in all classes of our society, in the most transparent way possible.Be it young Alia being abused as a child or the angry man Randeep Hooda fed up of being considered garbage by the upper classes of society. The first 20 minutes or so are pretty brutal and from there on, it softens a bit. What really struck a chord I think, is how the bad things in their pasts form a base for the protagonists to bond over. Of course, the most note worthy point here being Alia Bhatt's mind blowing performance as Veera who wants nothing more than freedom, literally having no affinity for the materialistic world. Randeep Hooda, with his rustic macho personality fits into the character seamlessly and makes it his own. Both the actors have played their parts so beautifully, that I cannot imagine anyone else playing them. The movie takes it time to let the audience soak every scene in without stretching even a single scene too long. Superb editing! You have to watch the last 10 minutes which give a low blow of love, life and their complications. I cried just as I am sure so many others did because the film dares to question what our society considers taboo for convenience. To conclude, I think Highway is long and beautiful and makes you ponder over things you'd not think of otherwise..much like an actual highway. Brilliant!
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Raze (2013)
The bogeyman of my collection
6 February 2014
After reading several reviews claiming this movie was sexist and what not,I was a bit reluctant to watch it;I mean,you watch a movie to have a good time,not to spoil your mood,right? So anyway,I did watch it and it deeply disturbed me. First of all,it is not sexist or against women or is based on the creepy people who get a kick out of bare-hand-naked-weapon woman-on-woman death fights. There have been similar movies in the past with men being captured and made to fight,but this one has women instead. And that makes a lot of difference.

I liked how they've shown the way these women operate when put in such depressing conditions. Inspite of all the gore and helplessness and literally,no ray of hope in any form,some women still bond and such moments make good breathers in an otherwise dark movie. Coming to the performance,I loved Zoe Bell,Rachel Nichols and the ones who play Cody,Theresa and Pheobe. Had it not been for Pheobe,the movie would lose it's dark charm.So she did well.

Overall,I wouldn't call this movie entertaining,at least for women.It is dark,brutal and very violent.Watch it for the spin in the otherwise washed out death-tournament genre and if you are not faint hearted. Also,it's a bogeyman in my collection,because I never imagined a horror without a ghost.The horror rating is justified. Watch it.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Great show drowned by poor acting
10 November 2013
I will be following this show ,because I saw the pilot recently and it impressed me and so did the next few episodes. What I did not like was the acting- Spader tries to play the mastermind nobody can touch until he wants them to,but somehow I am not convinced he fits the bill.Megan Boone looks good,but her acting is so dull .Same is the case with the supporting cast. About the show,it's definitely fresh and has that complex feel that viewers find intriguing. Overall,the show has an interesting plot and might even have many seasons ahead,but I just wish the actors get it together.The only saving grace in terms of convincing acting are Spader and the woman who plays Meera Malik -the leads could take a tip or two from her. It will be interesting to see where it goes from here. The blacklist is surely on the top of my "watchlist" :)
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Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016)
Beautiful, romantic and beastly...
4 October 2013
I'd read a lot of mixed reviews about this show and I finally decided to watch the pilot because I had nothing else to watch.Might I add,I was not very impressed with the pilot although the second episode was better and I still decided to watch the third and then,I was sucked right in! This is truly one of those shows where you have to be very patient,because all the characters are shaped by a lot of disturbing history. Once you come at par with their past and present,you begin enjoying the show tremendously. I am some 10 episodes into this one right now and every episode is an edge of the seat ride and it gets better! 7 stars because it has some obvious loopholes,especially about the cop Kat,that you just cannot ignore.Apart from that,I totally recommend it.
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Go Goa Gone (2013)
Fun zombie ride!
23 September 2013
I was not expecting much from this movie,but it really impressed me. It was refreshing to see Bollywood venture into a different genre and with a lot of quirk. The movie is hilarious with small scares once in a while. In short,once it starts,you wont yawn or crib until it ends,because it is precise with just the right amount of songs and background score and it is the actors especially that impress ed me a lot. All the actors were amazing in their respective roles and the characters were tailor made for them. While being a zombie flick,I really liked how it discouraged the youth from adhering to drugs,drinking,etc. All in all,it was a fun little movie I enjoyed with a lot of popcorn and a lot of laughs and I left the movie hall with a smile. Thank you Go Goa gone for the entertainment. :)
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Why was this movie made?
23 September 2013
Ranbir-Deepika..the hottest pair of this decade. There was so much hype about this one,I wondered how mind blowing it would be. Then,the movie started. An hour into the movie and I could not figure out what was different about this one than the so many zillion formulaic movies made before..I could not think of one difference. Also,it's very lengthy,almost 3 hours. It felt like Ayan Mukherjee had to remind people he was still in the industry and he made a meaningless movie to prove this and he had an unlimited budget for this. Yes,the songs are great,the actors are too good and it's shot in very scenic locations,but it is the story or the absence of one that let me down. By the end of it,it felt like 4 great actors were thrown in front of the camera and asked to relive their earlier years. Nonetheless,it has a lot of dreamy content and it does make you feel good because of its good music and an unrealistic happy ending. Watch it if you're a big fan of the romantic genre.
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Home Sweet Home (III) (2013)
Uniquely terrible..please give it a miss.
3 August 2013
I read a few good reviews about this one and decided to watch it. Now I want those 80 minutes of my life back..those 80 minutes that I spent on watching the disaster of a movie, which is Home sweet home. The beginning shows a mysterious man ,who is the invader and whose face is revealed only in the end,that too for a split second. The beginning itself drags for so long..if I'd known this earlier,I'd taken a quick nap through it. You feel the pressure build up a bit,then you are on the border of getting bored,then you are just plain bored..and even then,the movie is still dragging towards some "twist". An hour into the movie,and then you see some action,which is quite horrible ,but by then,you are so fed up,you don't care.There's "the" twist in the end,but I don't think even the actors cared about that one. It tries to give an art house film feel and that too,a boring one and yes,it succeeds at that.
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Devious Maids (2013–2016)
The Help meets Desperate Housewives
3 August 2013
Five maids,all ambitious in their own ways;four families that employ them-each family has a past and dark secrets and that's fodder for the maids' gossip which will last them a lifetime. When there's a huge star cast,it gives an advantage of adding many twists,episode after episode,thus leaving the audience guessing and wanting more. The creators of this show are well aware of this and they've used it very well to their advantage. It's very entertaining,I'll give it that,but it's quite clichéd too. The pilot sort of picks up from the Desperate housewives' final season-a murder,families harboring secrets,relationships being get the point. Nevertheless,it's a colorful show(in every way you can imagine) and makes sure you do not yawn,at all. I am not hooked to it,given the known plot spool,but I'd definitely choose it to have a good light time.
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Pretty Little Liars (2010– )
Intense, amazing 'mystery' ride!
2 July 2013
I only just started following this show since the last one year as it premiered late in India and I am totally hooked! At first I thought how the makers would continue to build the plot around a single point through so many seasons,and believe me,this thought will cross your mind if you follow this show..but the show surprises me with every single episode and every season is actually equally good or better than the last. Four friends,their trials and tribulations as they face an anonymous foe who is hell bent on destroying their lives,their romance(s),friendship,chemistry are all very engrossing. Although the group of the lead characters is young for an adult theme,they have been handled well without seeming over the top(at most times). Most of the characters are given fair screen space although some are bound to be left out once in a while due to the large star cast. Also,it never lags in pace because of so many characters and their respective secrets. :P Overall,I love this show because of the way it maintains its mysterious quotient and is sweet and quite regular-ish at the same time.

Edit: I just hope they finish this show in not more than another season and they better give us some answers, because right now it's so messed up, I don't think the makers know where to take it anymore. Also the idea of 'A' possibly being a teenager or anyone and being so cruel and omnipresent is rather disturbing. Also I hope the girls graduate soon;they look way too old to be teenagers anymore! Please finish this series real soon!!!
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Furious 6 (2013)
Mind blowing action..absolutely fast,totally furious! To be watched only in theatres!!
27 May 2013
What an addition to the already top class franchise! This is Paul Walker's best performance of all the parts..Vin Diesel plays Dom well,as always and Dwayne Johnson is the quirky,smart,big cop.Luke Evans plays Shaw so well,he's one of the best villains of the series. The entire star cast looks well adapted to their respective character which makes the plot more believable. The action sequences are crazy! Letty returns,makes it even crazier. Inspite of such a crowded star cast,there's no confusion whatsoever throughout the movie. Gal Gadot's tragic end is is Han's. Overall,the movie may not have such a strong storyline,but it more than makes up for it with it's soul,it's 12 year old core,superb action,great actors,crazy stunts and of course,that background score. Also,it's wonderful how the value of family is showcased. For me,its super-hit,adrenaline packed entertainment!
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Rookie Blue (2010–2015)
It's not just a job...
26 May 2013 it's fiction. The show is filled with various facets of human emotion-friendship,duty,love,etc.. So it does not really showcase what really goes on in a cop's line of duty,but seriously ,would you watch the show if it showed so much of just that? It's TV entertainment and hey,it's supposed to entertain! As far as I am concerned ,I get my share of really good looking cops and their cop drama,a dose of their personal lives and yep,that entertains me alright. It's not meant for people who are looking for hard core police action simply because it's a light cop drama. And of course,it's's not a cop reality show..I don't see a reason to's totally entertaining,totally digest-able.
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Safe Haven (I) (2013)
Had so much potential...could have been so much better!
20 May 2013,there's romance and suspense and mystery..a rare combination. But the filmmakers go ahead and make a royal mess of it! Why? No idea. The actress fits the bill and plays her part well while Josh Duhamel is a total waste of talent..he tries to play the character well,but he does not fit into it,at all! The location chosen for filming is very scenic,but not utilized well. Many scenes are repetitive and somehow,in spite of so much potential,the plot seems to drag. Towards the end,it seems like they're trying to wrap up the movie as fast as possible and more than the rest of the movie,it's end fails terribly to convince. Not recommended. Watch it if you have got nothing else to watch. I know I did :(
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Nashville (2012–2018)
Why such low rating IMDb?!
20 May 2013
Its such a lovely show! I cannot think of a reason for such low ratings! There's music,great star cast (who can actually act) and edgy drama..what's not to love about this one? Every episode is filled with it's own set of twists and of course,the melodious musical score to make it all the more watch-worthy. Irrespective of these unfair ratings,I really enjoy this show and going by the other reviews,I am sure everyone else loves it too. This one's definitely a notch higher than the other mindless dramas out there. They recently released its music and its very good too. I hope it keeps up the pace and quality and continues into further seasons. :) Most definitely recommend it!
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The First Time (I) (2012)
Hodgeman to the rescue...lucky girl ..!!
14 April 2013
Just when rom-coms got all boring and oh-so-predictable and we decided to write them off of our Sunday evenings, Jon Kasdan presented this cute,funny movie- the first time. Thank you!

Beautiful (literally) characters,witty dialogues,good background score and decent acting make this a great option for the rom-com genre fans. The movie did not leave me feeling all mushy and longing for romance...but it was definitely a feel good actually lifted my spirits :)

Try not to miss it.You will like it,if not love..but it's hard to dislike such a "from the heart" love story. Do watch's not a waste of time..pure entertainment.
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Revenge (2011–2015)
Wish we had more shows in a week
16 October 2012
Fair and innocent-looking Emily aka Amanda is back for revenge and wont stop until she gets it. The actors play their parts beautifully and each character gets fair screen time ,so you see them develop (and go down) well. Although the show is based on something negative-revenge-it is very delightful to watch and is pretty addictive,many will agree. Whoever said it cannot be one man (woman,in this case) against the world,go watch revenge!You'll be surprised and shocked too. And the tag line , ' what goes around,comes around' , fits the plot perfectly. Only, whatever has gone around ,comes back tenfold! It's smart and fast-paced and worthy entertainment as opposed to the mindless entertainment so many shows provide. Try not to miss it.
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The Pact (II) (2012)
16 October 2012
Going by the reviews, I assumed this movie would be neither horrific nor have much suspense. I was wrong! It is definitely not for the faint of heart. By the end of the movie, I was hoping for it to get over , not because it's bad,but because I was that scared! The lead actress has done a great job and the movie has a lot of thrills and chills. The supporting cast has also been chosen well, which makes the movie all the more believable and hence,scary. I am not a big horror fan ,but that said, horror movies don't easily scare me. But this one did and how! The pact will be a treat for the horror buffs. The rest, please look elsewhere. 9 points only because it does full justice to the horror-thriller-suspense genre.
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Quite the nail-biting thriller
16 October 2012
The movie begins with Sam Worthington being shown as a prisoner. Why he's in prison and whether he's actually a con-man or innocent unravels throughout the movie. It's fast-paced and in the second-half ,I was on the edge of my seat, guessing and enjoying every second of the ex-cop-now-con,good detective,dirty cop,bad friend,cool family,funny onlookers cocktail ! Elizabeth Banks gives a stellar performance as the thought-of-as-mental detective. The entire star cast has good timing and there is chemistry between characters where necessary, so that's a plus point. It is funny and quirky and you can enjoy it ,even if you are not a suspense-thriller fan. It does not get bracketed into one particular genre, which makes it a delightful watch for various genre fans. So, go watch it if you haven't already.
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You Again (2010)
When you have nothing to watch, YOU AGAIN it is!
16 October 2012
A Cheerleader turns into a nurse who doesn't think about money or fame..unbelievable. A geeky kid turns into a PR big-shot who has everything...unbelievable. The geek's older brother decides to marry that cheerleader and surprisingly, does not know of her true colors from her past, even when they went to the same school...astonishing and unbelievable! Some parts of the above could be true , but not all of them at once! So, why watch it? Watch it for Kristen Bell and her granny and her mom in the movie..they put up quite a show and entertain you. You may not want to watch it again ,given the seen-it-before idea of the movie..I didn't. Like I said, watch it when you've nothing else to watch or do.
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Truth or Die (II) (2012)
Very entertaining,with big loopholes!
16 October 2012
So,the big brother's out to get revenge for his silly-always-made-fun-of younger brother's death... Only ,it's not what it seems like.. You find that out towards the end. There are moments when you get frustrated, because the characters are not acting/reacting the way they should, but hey, they are being tortured in a place where they hoped they would party hard and what not. Apart from these, there are some obvious loopholes and they do make a (negative)difference. For instance, in the end, the reason for the big bro's revenge is trashed and then you think , "what?! these kids were tortured in vain!" But the kids are smart and they they too get their revenge alright. If you can ignore the slight silliness of it here and there and some drawbacks , then you can definitely enjoy the movie. And no,it's not horror. Watch it because it's sexy,quite smart,quite original,has good looking actors and has a satisfactory ending.
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Beautiful visuals..a feel good ride...with bad acting
1 October 2012
To begin with, yes, the young girl cast as Snow white is very good and, well, looks snow white. Kristen Stewart, on the other hand, doesn't live up to the princess mark. She's very pale, but lucky for her, she got a great make-up artist who made her look fairer(but not better) than Charlize Theron.Her acting lacks the anger and fire you would expect from a queen-to-be while trying to get her kingdom back on it's feet.But the visuals are very good and the movie is well paced. Throughout, the movie entertains you and that, I think, is what really counts. Chris Hemsworth looks good and plays his part well. There is NO sensuality between the characters, barring one scene where Kristen locks lips with William, but that's not William then(you'll know when you watch the movie). I would say, if you are looking for a good movie-time with family or friends, then this one will not disappoint you. It will leave you with a smile on your face and of course, make you think of other actresses who could have played the lead role better! Good movie. Worth the money, worth your time.
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