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Dune (2021)
Made for Dune readers and everyone else.
22 October 2021
I must congratulate Mr. Villeneuve. Never have I seen before a Director staying so true to the original source material, the brilliant Novel by Frank Herbert. As a LONG-time Dune reader, I did not know what to expect in this latest adaptation of the book. I was pleasantly surprised that this film captured the very essence and feel of the Dune Universe. It was as if someone reached into my mind and recreated imagery of the majesty and scale of this magnificent masterwork of literature. At the same time impressing the audience with jaw-dropping scenery, the movie also captures the detail and subtlety of the characters in a way that was truly unexpected. I must admit, I didn't think that anybody could have pulled this off, but I was wrong. Also, the cinematography and art direction were absolutely amazing. The scope and beauty of the dessert imagery were captured in a way that is almost reminiscent of the great films of David Lean, ala Lawrence of al. I am amazed that the film was well paced, yet had the good sense to take moments to pause and reflect (even in silence, in some parts)... a refreshing change from the typical action block-busters with intense over-the-top constant action. This is what Cinema is all about. I love that this film series is now in the hands of a master Film Maker, like Mr. Villeneuve. As a devoted fan of the Book series and a lover of great movies, this one will, definitively, stand the test of time. Enjoy!
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Re-watched after a few years
14 September 2019
As an avid Star Wars fan since the age of ten, I never thought anything could supplant the classic trilogy...but I was wrong. The Lord of the Rings with Return of the King as the grand finale, is truly the greatest film of all time. Watching this beloved classic has become a heartwarming and thrilling classic that never gets old, viewed year after year. I am emotionally and spiritually drained and uplifted every time. JRR Tolkien and Peter Jackson have brought to life the most inspiring and enjoyable tale of all time. I have never before or since enjoyed a set of films as I have these. Beautiful and breath-taking beyond words, Lord of the Rings is the Masterpiece for the ages!
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Message for Netflix
29 July 2019
I'll go easy on you, Netflix. I was feeling rather masochistic this weekend,and I can't believe I watched the whole thing. Except for some production value, and the performances from the Katee and William, this show is DOA, crash-and-burn, and completely FUBAR. In a few months when the execs at Netflix start wondering where their bing-worthy material fan-base has gone, they will not need to do any market's pretty simple math. When Disney Plus will have the Mandolorian; Cassian Andor; Clone Wars; Marvel shows...etc and CBS has Star Trek Discovery; Picard; Lower Decks; And Pike's Enterprise,. ....They can look back at this little moment in time when they felt that "Another Life" would be the show to beat. The only thought they may have this time next year may be..."Hey, where'd everybody go?" ---'nuff said.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
A very satisfying conclusion to a wonderful epic tale
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am one of the few folks who thinks that episode 5 was spectacular. A little too abrupt for The mother of Dragons to snap, perhaps (much like the abrupt turn to the Dark-side by Anakin in that other epic series), but we all saw this coming. Her story arch is that of one being at the center of the ultimate "cult of personality", whether is occurs in a medieval fantasy or in actual modern politics. Therefor, there was only one real logical conclusion, someone had to kill her and her "vision" of what she considers "good" and "just". When Jon plunged the dagger into her chest during his final and tearful embrace, it was fitting that he was the one who had to do this. As he lost his love to his duty, it becomes a tragedy of Shakespearean proportions, especially as he is banished to Castle Black. I felt that the melting of the Iron Throne was one of the most memorable moments of all time, and a perfect conclusion to a series whose entire focus was the attainment of ultimate power...almost like the ending to Lord of the Rings, with the undoing of the Ring of Power in the fiery chasm of Mount Doom, but in this case the Mountain was in the form of a Dragon.

Well done Benioff and Weiss, and thank you for a very thoughtful and overall very satisfying conclusion to the Journey that was Game of Thrones.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Wow...what an awesome series!
9 May 2019
Fantastic quasi- comedic....drama...something or other...Very original...non-formulaic gem of a story. I had no idea that Christina Applegate's performance could be so on point and completely engrossing...well done. I have always been an uber-fan of Linda Cardinelli...loved her in Blood-line...She is truly an actress with phenomenal range. Hats off to the writers and editing for a very compelling concept which never let's up. I cannot wait to see how this crazy relationship moves forward in season 2.
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Bonding (2018–2021)
Original and refreshing
26 April 2019
I was really surprised...a subject matter I would normally have no interest in...was actually quite interesting. the characters were so quirky and well performed by the entire cast that it actually kept me going. Hats off to a very original and entertaining group of people. I hope to see more.
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One of the truly great War Epics
22 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it has been a few decades since I saw Empire of the Sun. I watched it in the theater, back in 1987, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Now, decades have passed, and I decided to watch it once one more, to see if it stood the test of time. It does, and much more. The emotional core of this film is truly one of inspiration. I am so deeply moved by Jim's journey through the horrors of war, and the loss of his innosense. If ever a war film brought home the point of the futility of war, it is this one. Experiencing these events through the eyes of a child is a unique and moving experience. Separated from his parents and his previous life, touched me deep inside...more so now than ever, myself being a parent for many years...I have an entirely different perspective on the messages brought to light in this epic tale. Christian Bale's performance is perhaps the greatest of any child star that Ive ever seen, driving home an intelligence and longing far more profound than I could have expected. Perhaps Speilberg's talent in directing children was this films greatest asset, as his typical sentimentality really works on every emotional level. The final scene, when Jim is re-united with his parents, had me in tears in 1987, and again 2019. This is truly a rare gem of a film.
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Babylon 5: Severed Dreams (1996)
Season 3, Episode 10
6 February 2019
I haven't seen this in over 20 year, and it still thrills! Hats off to one of the most intense episodes of TV scfi ever. On the edge of my seat the whole time. a great script and superbly acted by the whole crew, this is what it's all about. I wish JMS would come back and thrill us again!
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House of Cards: Chapter 73 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 8
The house of cards just collapsed.
11 November 2018
The writers of this season must have taken a cue from the writers of Dexter. This was their formula: Make a fantastic show for multiple seasons, get the fans thoroughly engaged, intrigued, and personally invested in the characters, plot, and general vibe of the show,....then pull the rug out from under the audience and hit them with the most underwhelming and assanine finale. Give an infinite number of monkeys access to a typewriter, and you would have had a higher probability of a better conclusion to House of Cards. Sad...this was Netflix's one true flagship show, and they blew it!
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Best show on Netflix. Period
27 October 2018
I have to say I was very impressed with season 1. The writing, pace, acting, dialog was so gripping and intense. Season 2 was also very good, and the characters evolved fully into the most memorable I have recently experienced. I thought the crew could not surpass themselves. I was wrong. Season 3 is a masterpiece of television, rivaling just about anything out there. As the rest of the Marvel universe is dazzling the audience with the non-stop action and eye candy of avengers, Ironman and Thor, Dare Devil remains the meat and potatoes of Marvel. It is the adult and very real moral dilemnas and every day ethical struggles that set this apart from the rest of the crowd. Hats off to Charlie Cox and company, and especially to the writing staff. Truly remarkable entertainment through and through! Now...all you have to do is keep it up!!!
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Star Trek V used to be the biggest heartache....until now.
19 December 2017
When I came out of the theater, it was as if I were in one of those know the ones, when you see a horrible version of Star Wars concocted by your sub-conscience in deep REM sleep....The ones filled with Ewok Puppets and smurfs....that cause you to wake up screaming in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat. You know what I'm talking about. Well, this pile of dung was not far from that. I feel as if someone sucker-punched me in the gut, and I am still reeling. Mr. Rian, What happened? No really...I don't get it...Did you just write this as you were filming? Was there a cohesive plot in mind before you began filming? Why did Luke want the Jedi to End? Why was Yoda complicit in his despondent attitude? There seems to be a story with allegory centered around FAILURE. Well, congratulations, The theme of failure has culminated in a film that is most certainly a failure.

RIP Star Wars.

Help use, George Lucas, you're our only hope.
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Caprica (2009–2010)
Caprica Canceled ?!?!?..WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?
1 May 2012
Wow. I just finished watching Season 1 of Caprica, and I was really amazed how beautifully crafted this story was. I have not seen such intelligent Sci-Fi on TV since....well....never. It felt almost like a great Asimov Story, but even better. The way A.I., religion, morality...etc. are explored was very refreshing and inventive. This is the only "prequel" of any kind that is actually successful in its concept and execution. I was exremely impressed, and I believe for true hard-core sci-fi novel fans, this show exceeded our expectations, surpassing BSG itself with regard to real thought-provoking and relateable ideas. It is truly a great shame that our average American viewing audience, these days, has been systematically dumbed-down to accept any old crap that the networks put out, but a real meaty-mind-blower like Caprica gets cancelled after the first season. This is Even worse than what they did to Firefly. It's a real crying shame. Anyway, Caprica still stands on its own as a little Sci-Fi rare Jewel in a world of faux gems.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
I am TRON. I fight for he Users (of IMDb).
27 December 2010
I just watched it at an IMAX 3D, last night, and I was extremely impressed. As a sequel to the original I think it lived up to all of my expectations and went well beyond the original story line. First let me just say that the special effects were totally awesome, or as Flynn would say in 80's vernacular "radical". The plot was original and did not stray too far off the path of the "digital" reality world as laid out in the first one. Jeff bridges was geat, as always, Olivia Wild was just....well...wild (to look at), but TRON was practically non-existent in this movie (strange that they should call this movie "Tron" and not show the main character for 99 percent of the movie....(this is what they did back in 1982, as well...strange, huh?) Anyway, the movie is a fun roller-coaster ride. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and with the exception of a few flaws, it was definitely an "E"-ticket!
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Fecal MATTER. Movies like this DON'T .
25 November 2010
If there was a way to enter a -10 on IMDb, I would. This film makes Ed Wood's "Plan 9 from Outer Space" look like Citizen Kane. Thankfully, this movie was only 90 minutes long (although it felt like an eternity.) The first 30 minutes felt like eating out of a dog-food bowl; the second 30 minutes felt like eating someone's dog-food-based-feces; and the last 30 minutes felt like eating feces-based-feces (and thankfully keeling over in the process) I mean,what would posses someone to make a film like this?...maybe a snuff film director who just got bored with the industry? This was without a doubt the worst movie EVER made. I challenge anyone with even questionable taste to challenge this. If you can, avoid this mindless escapade at all costs. The imagery will be difficult to get out of your head for a while...yuchhhh !!!!
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The Guild (2007–2013)
Funniest web...uh...thing....ever
4 August 2010
I watched the first three seasons of "The Guild" and I haven't laughed so hard in years. My wife doesn't get it; My friends do't get it, but I do, and that's all that counts. Although I am an older dude (in my 40's and I am an X-Box gamer) and I don't do any on-line role playing, I was heavily into Dungeons and Dragons as a teen, so I can totally appreciate and relate to all of the characters' personality types. I can especially relate to Vork as "the Dungeon Master" type, taking his little world way too seriously to the point of being oblivious to life's nuances. Bladezz - I knew a kid who looked and sounded just like him, in the 80's, ...Didn't we all? Clara, the mom who neglects her family in favor of the Guild (hey, that's me!). Tink, the ultimate opportunist....And Codex....ahhh....Codex, trying to keep it all together. Felicia Day is absolutely a comic genius...I wonder if she realizes this yet. Anyway, watch The Guild, you'll laugh yourself silly.
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Knowing (2009)
A Rare Gem
5 April 2010
Wow. Now this was an unexpected gem of a movie. I missed it in the theater, but I caught it on blu-ray, and I must say I was impressed. I loved the story and the pace kept me on the edge of my seat. Suspenseful, emotional, and overall a great experience. Hat's off to the screen writers who must have had a tough assignment bringing this concept to the big screen in such a way that keeps the audience thinking. As a scientifically possible apocalypse, the film works on one level, and as the predicive nature of the numbers comes to light, all of our fears of doom are highlighted as the emotional level comes to a rolling boil. In an age when every typical Holly-wood-Michael-Bay-Transformer-Teenage-explosion-laden-shootem-up gets really tedious, this refreshing and intelligently written film is a real change of pace, most definitely making "Knowing" the sleeper of the year.
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Justified (2010–2015)
Unrealistic and Slowwwww
17 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well, as far as Elmore Leonard works this is fairly standard fair. No real complaints, there. Tim Olyphant and Walter Goggins, as usual, are perfectly suited in their roles as likable Hero and Villain. The show, however, was just missing certain elements: Pace, intensity, and realism. What we see here is a failure of the show's ability to connect with the audience, emotionally, or in any realistic way. We see that a main character (the blonde...I forgot her name) has recently shot and killed her husband, and she is describing how she cleaned up the bloody mess, and there is a large blood stain on the carpet...AND SHE IS TELLING THE COP !!! Now, I don't care how laid back things are in this part of Kentucky, or the relationship she had with the guy in the past...In real life, she would be booked and sitting in jail on first degree murder charge (regardless if she can help the law get to her brother-in-law). Also (and this is really plain stupid), Walter Goggins character threatens him (A POLICE OFFICER...and with Murder!!!) I don't know about you, but if you even insult or threaten a law man in any way, you get arrested...I mean c'mon where is the believability??? I think this lack of realism is what really killed it for me, even more so than the snail's pace of this snooze-fest. Anyway, the actors performances are solid (no question there). I think the makers of the show really need to re-examine how the edit the show, and man-o-man, get a technical adviser (or legal consultant) for cryin' out loud...geez!
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Avatar (2009)
Best Sc-fi film of all time
4 January 2010
This is the M.O.A.B. - The mother of all Blockbusters.

Finally, a movie that lives up to all the hype and expense, and then surpasses all my wildest expectations. Hats off to James Cameron for creating this marvelous spectacle that is the Epic of Avatar.

This movie is so incredibly well executed from beginning to end. I consider it the perfect film. The story is an old tried and true plot, but with a fantastic sci-fi plot. The effects are phenomenal, and at times visually stunning...beyond words.

Folks, this is a film an a massive scope...Epic to the extreme...not to be missed. Do not wait for it to come to hove video. This one needs to be experience on the big screen and in stunning 3D. James Cameron has now joined the ranks of the big Director-Gods, such as Lucas and Jackson. This one is one for the history books as the greatest sci-fi epic of them all!
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1 star for the movie / 10 for Mr. Bay
25 June 2009
OK, let me start off by saying that I am not a racist, but I think Transformers with gold-teeth is completely "whack". This film caters to the lowest common denominator in society. I know its just a summer action flick, but c'mon, Mr. Bay, can't you do better than this?...apparently not. Look, I love a great robot fight, and explosions as much as the next immature 41-year-old, but please, at least make an effort to employ the context of a plot or at least some interesting characters. If I wanted to sit through a Saturday morning 2 1/2-hour long toy commercial, I would have stayed home in my P.J.'s and watched the adverts on Nickelodeon. Anyway, congratulations Mr. Bay, you have now joined the ranks of such great filmmakers as Paul Verhoven, Mc "D" (I mean "G"), and Ed Wood. Uh,...never mind, at least Ed Wood made an effort,... oh, and he had no money...

To sum it up, 1 star for the movie, and 10 Stars for Mr. Bay, as the worst Director in Movie History.

Good Luck with Transformers III, Revenge of the Movie-going Public. I hear it stars Shia Labarf, Will Smith, and Kianu Reeves.

Here is an sample of the script: "Dude, Yo, Whoah!!!"

-nuff said.
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If Cameron were dead he would be spinning in his grave.
20 May 2009
Phenomenal special effects. CGI second to none. Good score. Great sound.

If these are the reasons for you giving up your 10 bucks, then this is the movie for you.

If, however, you enjoy those small luxuries, like a plot; solid performances; character to care about; and a point to it all, you may want to redirect your $10 to something else....anything else.

Don't get me wrong...I am a major fan of the Terminator films. I know them inside and out. I genuinely love these movies (3 was tolerable), but this one is a travesty.

The actors, (particularly Christian Bale) seem to be much more interested in appearing super-cool (very "Matix-esque") and striking a pose for the camera, than actually getting down and delivering convincing performances as people caught up in this future war. (No Oscar Schindler/Liam Neeson performances here.) The result is very card-board-cut-out characters that the audience can not connect with on any appreciable emotional level, which is a shame, considering how well Christian Bale can perform in other films.

Also, the editing pace is way too frenetic at times. I's the new generation of film makers that believe if you can not keep the audience involved in the story or characters, throw a lot of images and sound at such an intense rate, essentially bombard them, that the audience will be convinced they got their dollar's worth.

The film suffers on another level. There was so much anticipation for it's release, and figuring a good cast and the stamp of approval from Cameron's group that this should have turned out fairly decent. This could have been good Science-Fiction. Instead, we get a loud,obnoxious, mindless made-for-MTV video for the masses!
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"I am your new Star Wars"....Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
25 August 2008
Wow, what a waste of time and effort (not that there was much effort involved). I can't believe that I sat through the whole thing. This had to be the most shameless utterly pathetic attempt at a Star Wars movie I could ever hope to imagine. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about this pile of Bantha Poo-doo. I mean I really lowered my expectations going into see this (after viewing the trailers), but I have to say it truly exceeded my thoughts of how bad this movie could suck. And DID it suck,...OMG. This must be a major embarrassment to Lucasfilm. It opened in third place at the box-office, and then things rapidly disintegrated from there, and rightfully so. This film deserved to bomb, and the public did not disappoint in their dissapproval. This movie was nothing more than an ad to sell more toys at Wal-Mart. 'nuff said....
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Episode IV: The Indiana Menace....Noooooooooo!!!!
16 June 2008
OK. Let me start by saying I did not have very high expectations to begin with going into this one. With all the news about the script constantly being revised to such a major extent, I thought this can only spell disaster. I was right. I just didn't realize how bad it could be until I watched this train wreck for the first time, last night.

This was, undoubtedly the most idiotic, childish and over-the-top adventure flick I have seen in a long time. The other Indy flicks, (Which I absolutely loved) had, at their core, at least a plausible intelligent plot, that would carry you through one action scene to the next, in a fun whirlwind of adventure. This one had the most convoluted x-files-esquire story with action that seemed to be derived from very flimsy Ideas at best...Cmon guys, you know you could do better. The CGI was also cheesy, not very believable at all (i.e. the ant scene)and the monkey-laden Chase scene in the jungle,...not to mention the unexplained crazy Hollywood-extra natives living in the pyramid. Oh, and I must not forget Miss Blanchet's wonderful fake Russian accent..OMG...How pathetic.

A side note: I noticed that only a few months ago, on, Actor John Hurt was listed as playing the character "Abner Ravenwood" (Marion's Dad - who, in "Raiders" was mentioned as dead when Indiana returned to Marion in Nepal. First, I think that this would have been infinitely more interesting, and secondly, It shows how poorly the script must have been, that they had to change major characters and plot element s around at the very last minute. This movie felt as if it was assembled on the factory floor with very little heart or thought for the audiences' intelligence. Note to Lucas and Spielburg: We are not THAT dumb....(Yet).

To top it all off, I must say, above all else,...Keep your aliens out of My Indy....Nuff said.
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Iron Man (2008)
Wow, very impressive !!!!
21 April 2008

This is the movie I have been waiting for for a very long time. I am an avid Ironman reader. I have collected the comics all my life (from #1 in 1968 to the latest in 2008)...40 years of Ironman. Since I was a kid, I used to say to my friends that they should make an Ironman movie, but everyone laughed and said that the special effects would look ridiculous...mind you, that was back in like in the early 1980's. But, now we are in the age of CGI, and what an age it is. Just for you Ironman fans, to see him come to life with such spectacular graphics is reason enough to spend your hard-earned $10. The plot is also pretty well thought out, and the acting is just fine. What better pick could you have for Tony Stark than Robert Downey Jr.? (just wait for the sequels when they can delve into his alcoholism...Mr. Downey has been there and beyond...that's probably why they chose him for the role...fore-thought)The rest of the cast is right on par, as well. The pace is brisk, and the whole thing works as a great addition to the Marvel Universe in the Cinema!! Enjoy!
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A very enjoyable film.
16 January 2007
From the very beginning, this movie grabs you and never lets go. A very imaginative plot propels the audience in this spell-binding whirlwind and thrusts us into utter chaos. The combination of Director and actors seems to be a perfect fit for this story-line...(hat's off to them and the casting director). As in previous "Cecerian" flics, there is an edge of gritti-ness that really shines through with regard to the characters' plight. It is very difficult to achieve that kind of dynamic tension in a script and actually have it translate beautifully in the final shots. Also, In response to previous posts, I think that the gore and use of profanity fits like a glove, adding to the realism and intensity of the performances across the board, very much in the Scorcesian manner of film-making. A very enjoyable film all around...I am certainly looking forward to Mr. Cecere's next movie.
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The year of LET-DOWNS !!!!!!!
11 May 2005
This is the year of let downs. Star Wars Episode III turned out to be an over-hyped, video-game-esquire, poorly acted, under-directed, repetitive-fx-laden, sad excuse for a movie. I dare say that the characters are more card-board than ever, and the dialog was soooo cheesy, it gives cheesy dialog a bad rep. The effects are just as good as in previous episodes, just more of it. There were so many battle sequences that it completely lost touch with those little luxuries like um....character development (or at least character interest), realism, and oh yeah did I mention dialog?!?!. Hayden Christiansen is so incredibly poor as an actor, that his presence on the screen just makes me cringe (he is sub-keanu...yes, it's true)...and his portrayal as whiney/stoic Anakin is horrible...he is supposed to become DARTH VADER, DARK LORD OF THE SITH!!!...argh!!!Wow, what a mess. I mean I am a MAJOR Star Wars fan, and I came in with fairly good expectations, not high, but not low....but man oh man...This came right on the heels of that horrible version of Hitchhiker's Guide....there is nothing here for me now.....I am now just a sad little man.
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