
37 Reviews
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Peninsula (2020)
Tedious and repetitive
30 November 2020
As a big fan of the original movie I was looking forward to this. What a disappointment. The plot is paper thin with no obvious goal for the characters.acting was sub par and hammy. If I wanted to see people shooting out of cars during pointless, never ending car chases I would've watched fast and furious. this is not a zombie horror movie it's a discount car chase movie with some mobile corpses thrown in.
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Annoying stereotypes of young women.
9 October 2019
This is why I don't watch Japanese anime. They have one dimensional characters that we have seen before. The innocent wide eyed Japanese girl who is unwordly and feminine. The black girl who is a tomboy, breaks the law, is mistaken for a prostitute and is streetwise and cheeky. The animation and soundtrack are adequate. Nothing to write home about. I won't be watching any further episodes. I've seen enough of this uninspiring run of the mill show.
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The I-Land (2019)
could have been worse.
14 September 2019
This show struggled to keep my attention halfway through ep 1. but it did improve, not much however. only 2 of the characters are in anyway likeable. Chase (Martinez) and Cooper(Peet). the others are really obnoxious esp the woman played by Kate Bosworth. the script and acting is pitiful with the exception of Martinez and Peet. The overall impression I was left with after the last ep was that I hadwatched a low budget, overlong lifetime movie. I suppose that this could have been worse.... if it had more episodes
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Apocalypto (2006)
why did i wait so long to see this masterpiece?
20 August 2019
This is an epic adventure that i had avoided watching for a few years until i had the time to sit quietly and devote my full attention to it. Boy did it payoff. The acting is outstanding esp from the young lead actor and the relentless leader of the men who attacked his village. THis is a visually stunning movie ( on many occassions my mouth was open in awe). i have no idea of the historical or anthroplogical accuracy. For me, at least, the whole effect was a riveting the runtime seemed to fly, there were no points where the narrative lagged,no scene was superfluous. the scene where the captives enter the temple complex was both stunning and terrifying to watch. another scene about 3 mins from the end when 3 men are standing in the rain brought tears to my eyes because it referenced a pivitol point in the history of the Americas that lead to an orgy of inhumane violence far in excess of anything the Mayans had experienced.

watch this movie, give it your full attention , yes it is bloody but not excessively or gratuitously, it is essential to the story.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Truly dreadful
26 July 2019
His show is laughably bad.add to that boring,badly written and confused. I though I was watching a "zombies in space" show because the acting is so woeful. sackoff is so unappealing and butch she out man's the male characters, most of whom are comically effeminate. The flashes of her family life were out of place and annoying.They were just badly acted visual exposition. The kid who plays her daughter is very annoying; the typical corny, squeaky Hollywood brat version of annoying.

The production values were acceptable but that's where 90% of the budget went, leaving 10% for cast salaries, scriptwriting and all those annoying necessities. Every time I saw sackoff on screen I kept thinking that her jawline looks like a sack of house bricks and I was distracted for the duration of the scene. we can only take so much of her fighting men in her underwear and shouting or grunting at them.This show is just horrible.

Netflix needs a recent sci fi series and this isn't it. but we continue to wait.
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well acted but not thought provoking.
27 May 2019
Very well acted by Amandla Stenberg (who is heartbreakingly beautiful), George Mckay, Abbie Cornish and Christopher Eccleston. They worked very well with the poor script and oversimplistic narrative. there are some jarring ex machina moments that are so unbeliveable that they are more memorable than the overall movie. one scene, about 10 mins from the end ,that i wont spoil, made me gasp out loud and almost burts into tears. looking back it had to happen because the story had reached a bottle neck and we needed to see what happened to this particular character.

i knew of the existence of biracial Germans during WW2, some of whom survived the death camps. their story should be told but not in this syrupy adolescent way. reducing their important story into a teen romance is disrespectful and unforgiveable. overall the feeling this movie left me with is annoyance at this slick piece of race mixing propaganda. it could and should have been much better.
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an engaging and entertaining look at a difficult issue.
19 May 2019
I didnt plan on watching this but found myself with a few hours to kill over the weekend. I was pleasantly surprised. this is an engaging movie aimed at teens. the storytelling is a bit simplistic and does not aim to solve any of the injustices inflicted on the black characters. instead it uses the point of view of a group of teenagers who experience the tragedy of the unjustified police murder of a young black man and as teenagers would, they hatch a plan to go back in time and prevent the killing. this film is not a searing social critique examining police brutality or high concept science fiction. The time travel is a device to examine how young people try to make sense of feeling helpless in the face of monumental injustice. the characters are engaging and well developed they have believable interactions and relationships esp CJ and her brother. Sebastian and Eduardo provide some amusement and cute romantic moments. The 1980's feel reminds us that the police have been murdering unarmed young black men for decades. with the exception of the two young leads who are fantastic, some of the acting is a bit hammy. Some of the Caribbean accents are over done. The pacing is uneven and the uncertain ending is frustrating but these issues are not enough to spoil what is a worthwhile and engaging movie. I'm glad its on netflix as it will reach the wide audience it deserves. Overall, this could have been much worse, as it stands, its a good movie aimed at a younger audience. Did I mention the excellent soundtrack?
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would've been better without......
22 April 2019
T his is a half decent film that waS made almost unwatchable because of Dakota Fanning screaming every five minutes and behaving like a spoilt brat. it ruined every scene she was in. Yes there are some gaping plot holes and the ending waS unforgiveably schalmtzy. but it isnt a terrible highlight was james Spader's performance as the unhinged ggun toting redneck type. All in all this isnt a bad film, i just wish Dakota Fanning would shut the hell up.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
bring back season 1
14 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed season 1because it felt new and unfettered by what went before. i got behind the idea of a female lead called Michael. but by the 4th ep of season 2 its clear that there is no narrative direction things seem to have fallen apart from there. two of the best characters get less and less screen time and the storyline lacks any sense. Yes Tilly is funny and engaging but too much of a good thing is just annoying. i cant understand what Michelle Yeoh's character is saying, is she wearing someone elses dentures? there are the expected cgi heavy moments to make things look futuristic and shiny but wheres the plot? characters seem to wonder around the set without doing very much to advance the plot. that being said the acting isnt too bad. i just wish i knew what was going on. the whole red angel thing has me scratching my head and hoping for something exciting to happen.

i can now understand what some of the angry fan boys were complaing about.

why was Jason Isaacs replaced? Anson Mount is handsome but charmless and uninteresting as the captain. did the writing team change between seasons? this is all very disappointing after such a promising start.
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Screen Two: Deadly Voyage (1996)
Season 14, Episode 2
sadly this still happens
14 April 2019
Some people ask how the events in this film could happen? Instead of asking what type of person could take advantage of, abuse and murder such desperate people? Well watch your evening news for the answer, some people are as evil today as they have been. History is chock full of such individuals and incidents. Its a difficult film to watch, but its riveting and very well made. The acting is completely believable, ill never be able to watch Sean Pertwee again without thinking of his evil character.

Definitely not a date movie unless you are a psychopath or a racist.

No doubt racists will cling to the belief that the stowaways deserved what happened to them , whilst explaining how they would feel the same about any potential illegal immigrant or artefact thief (?) Conveniently forgetting that all civilised people acknowledge that murder is illegal regardless of the race of the victim or how they encountered their murderers. Racism is racism and murder is murder this film has lots of both. Its very telling that some people seem to think that murder is justified because of the race and circumstance of the victim. this is not a bleeding heart liberal movie its a gritty retelling of a series of heinous crimes by a crew of racists.
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Black Summer (2019– )
what happened after ep1?
14 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show is full of plot holes, inconsistancies and unresolved questions (lance's injured hand miraculously heals itself). the are wearing winter clothes in summer, why cant Sun speak English even though she can understand some of what is said to her? The most interesting characters are killed off (Ryan etc) why are there whole episodes with approx 30 secs of dialogue? Tis show is tedious and the characters are too stupid for the viewer to want them to when lance disappears in the final ep we dont care. the ending is beyond woeful and is an insult to anyone who has managed to sit through the eight eps of crap to get there.

A terrible thrown together shown made by first year film students who dont want to advance to year two.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
the best part was the trailer
13 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A pointless, tedious film. There is really no excuse for this discount version of 'A Quiet Place'. Its full of cliches that we've seen in a million other movies: 'nice' middle class American family fights to survive the end of the world, elderly, well-meaning grand parent puts the family at risk by being old and well-meaning, family dog barking all the time to alert the monsters to the family's location, etc

I cant see any point to this movie other than to rob me of the time spent watching it.
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good, but then....
19 February 2019
Ireally enjoyed this filem except for thr last 10 mins. up till then i was engaged and interested in the characters. I felt like some one had a great idea for a film including a compelling lead character, but they had no idea how to end it ,so we are left with a very jarring , thrown together ending. on theplus side the cinematography was stunning, Peter Dinklage was outstanding. but nothing could counter the terrible ending.
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First Man (2018)
soooooo slooooow
19 February 2019
I was looking forward to this film but apart from the opening 5 mins it is a boring disappointment. I like ryan godling but he seemed to play his role looking half asleep and as though he didnt want to be there. Consequently Neil Armstrong comes across as a self involved and unlikeable individualnost of the characters wer one dimensional and uninteresting. Where was the excitement and optimism?
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Nightflyers (2018)
Do the actors hate each other?
4 February 2019
I tried very hard to watch this but after struggling through the first ep and only managing 20 mins of ep 2 I gave up. It's a muddled mess of convoluted plot and unlikeable characters so as a viewer it was difficult to find something to keep me engaged. Why do so many characters within the same scene seem to be acting without acknowledging the presence of other actors? I don't care if the L1 is their only means of communicating with the aliens. He can't act without leering at the female characters it's very offputting. Who was responsible for casting so many actors who seem to dislike each other so much?
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The 5th Wave (2016)
An awful YA romance pretending to be a sci fi epic
8 January 2019
Was this written by a 23 Nicholas Sparks? teenage angst, boyfriend troubles and anti government paranoia abound in this major mess of a movie. You'll love it if you are a love lorn 15 yr old blond girl.Otherwise avoidit like an alien invasion. esp the clumsy contrived ex machina twist at the end.
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Radius (2017)
Better than I thought it would be.
2 January 2019
Unfortunately I figured out the big reveal 10 mins into the film so the rest of the film felt redundant. That said the acting is really good and much better than the low budget production values would suggest. Some of the dialogue is a bit clunky, but the overall effect is far superior to many big budget movies that Hollywood churns out. Well worth watching.
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
Erm, what the hell............
16 December 2018
After the 5th ep I had no idea what was going on. It went down hill from there. Did the screen writers deliberately decide to produce something that would only make sense to a small fraction of the audience? This had all the hallmarks of a self-indulgent vanity project that was 5 eps too long and perversely convoluted. I don't know why, but I kept watching, I hate to give up on a challenge. So many plot lines lead nowhere and left unexplained, others were drawn out ad neaseum, in the end I just kept watching in the hope things would start to make sense, they didn't. The acting is very, very good as is the cinematography, but that's about it. But i must confess I'm sick of people blindly running after ghosts when they they have no idea what's ahead. It's such a cliche.As an avid Stephen King fan I'm always on the lookout for adaptions of his work. But what the hell was this? It could and should have been so much better.
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The Meg (2018)
Tedious and annoyingly cliched
10 December 2018
God only knows why this film was ever made or why the actors agreed to be involve with such appalling bs.... oh wait, money.

This so called 'film' is so full of cliches and out dated racial and gender stereotypes it's offensive. Women make stupid descions and have to be rescued by the alpha male lead, cowardly, wise cracking African American male provides comic relief like a discount Kevin Hart without any of his charm, irritatingly cute precocious kid who too cheeky for her own good and of course the irascible Asian dad who regrets being so hard on his daughter when she was a kid... yawn add the terrible script which appears to have been written by a five year old and you have the ingredients of this steaming pile of crap I watched this with a Jason statham fan, yes they exist. After 5 mins I was praying for this film to end and for the more stupid senseless characters to be eaten by "the meg" each time they fell into the water for no good reason. I read somewhere that it was aimed at the Chinese market and it shows, all the beach scenes have 100% Chinese extras with English subtitles.there is an ambulance of pretty Chinese girls falling into the water wearing skimpy bikinis. I suppose this abortion of a film could be enjoyed if you were drunk, otherwise avoid it like the plague, it's terrible, truly terrible. I hate this film.
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wonderful and epic
8 December 2018
I had planned to wait till Christmas to watch this but I just couldnt wait. This is a wonderfully lush production that is visually captivating and thoroughly engrossing.I couldnt take my eyes off the screen. There are momentsof true drama that had me on the edge of my seat. Some cute and funny moments too. The cast are perfect esp the young lead who steals every scenes he is in. I never read the book and avoided previous film adaptations but Im so gald that I got to see this glorious production. THERE IS END TO ANDY SERKIS' TALENTS.
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The Toybox (2018)
Hands down the worst film of 2018
3 December 2018
OMG who is responsible for this steaming pile of trash? terrible acting and appallingly bad script are the start of this downhill journey in a cursed RV. Denise Richards needs to go back to whichever plastic surgeon carved up her face and demand a refund. Her expressionless attempts at acting are pure unintentional comedy gold. Time for her to retire instead of pursuing the impossible dream of stardom, or go back to her pre acting profession. We all know what that was. This film is neither horror or drama, there is very little dramatic tension to hold your interest. 10 mins in and it was clear that the only believable character was the dog. The director should have told the cast that their is more to acting than staring into the camera with your mouth open. Don't waste your time on this awful mess of a movie. Wash the dishes instead, I promise you will enjoy it more.
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Greed, Arrogance and buckets of oily adventure.
17 November 2018
This whale obviously heard about the atrocities that take place at Sea World. Sorry but i was on the side of the whale, I was hoping for the crew to all die. Chris Hemsworth should stick to being a super hero , he's no dramatic actor. this film was an OK adventure yarn with good set piece action scenes but very little character development or reason to be in their corner. Not one of them was likeable or sympathetic. I disliked them all even Nickerson, who retells the tale of the Essex of Nantucket to one Mr Melville who went on to write Moby Dick.
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The Invasion (I) (2007)
derivitive and awful
16 November 2018
This is a truly awful rip off of the far superior invasion of the body snatchers. It's not helped by nicole kidman's inability to convincingly convey any emotion, she's a very overated actress of limited talent. this film is an annoying mish mas of cliches and lacks any real dramatic tension, characters repeatedly make stupid inexplicable decisions that serve no purpose to the plot. spotting the numerous continuity errors was the only reason we kept watching after the first 40mins.
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An enjoyable ADULT guilty pleasure
28 October 2018
I'm old enough to remember the 1980's tv show which I loved and hurried home from school to watch. This is so much darker and definitely not for children. I never read the comics so cannot say if this interpretation differs from them. I understand the claims about there being an "agenda". It has a number of non white characters and a gay male character and so on. So what? The world has moved onand who cares if some closed minded bigots are upset about inclusion?This is a very enjoyable, darkly comic guilt pleasure for those like me are old enough to be doing more productive things than binge watching Netflix. The acting is very competent. Esp the actors playing Aunt Hilda and Ambrose. I was surprised at the 1950's style aesthetic, but it adds to the quirkiness. Can't wait for season 2 I've already become invested in the show and its characters.
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A Masterpiece, as perfect as a tv show can be.
20 October 2018
I ususlly avoid haunted house / person shows because they tend to rely too heavily on jump scares and gore. THHH is leaps and bounds above any horror I have seen. The acting is flawless, even the youngest characters are fully developed and sensitively portrayed. The young actors playing childhood Nell and Luke were a revelation and a pleasure to watch. There are some truly terrifying moments. The house itself is a fully drawn character but not the villain of the piece. The inner worlds of the characters esp the parents is where the true horror resides. This will leave you questioning what you are seeing on screen and whether you survived your own childhood and family with your sanity intact. Im so glad this was not a movie, the story would have been ruined if any attempt was made to squeeze it into 90mins. The plot requires that the characters and viewers have the time to descend into the nighmare of their tormented lives as shaped by their childhood in Hill House. We are treated to the luxury of the entire season being available on netflix, so, if like me you are hooked after the first 30 mins you can binge watch and immerse yourself in Hill House over a single weekend. I defy you to watch without falling in love with at least one of the children and hating one or both parents.
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