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Marriage (2022)
Divorce should be the title
16 April 2024
Ok this is going to be Harsh (and deservedly so but my opinion) as this was simply a snooze fest And what on Earth were the musical TV department thinking of with the title music and ending as OMG!!

The biggest problem I found overall apart from the Terrible script were the huge silences between conversations,I mean not much really gets said if you look at it on the whole and I found I was constantly waiting for something to happen or be said or just switch off and watch something else. I love Nicola Walker and Sean bean but this Show is so beneath them being two great Tv actors.

Conclusion:- if this is what a long term marriage life is deemed to be like then I just don't find it believable.
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Citadel (2023– )
Great Start
9 June 2023
Just finished Episode 1 and overall I really enjoyed it,Fast Paced,Good Action and although nothing we have not already seen in Some other Guise Still a worthy Contender for what is in general a Spy action Series.

If there's one Caveat or let's Say a Niggle to even the First Episode then I cannot help but Feel this is Literally a Self Casting For Madden aimed at the Bond Franchise.(which he won't get anyway) My only Other Thought which probably annoys me more than anything else in Movies or Tv Series like this has to be the producers using English,Irish,Welsh (Or Scottish Actors) in their American Productions to Fake an American Accent🙈 It just Does not Work!! And Vice Versa using American Actors faking English Accents. Spoils it for me all round.

Note to Producers:- Just find an American Actor to play the part,There's plenty of them.

All told I give this a 9 even if for the first episode So let's hope going forward it does not turn into a Lame Series.
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Ice (2011)
This is going to Hurt
16 May 2023
Where do you start with a movie as bad as this.

Going into it initially I thought ok there's some Half decent actors in this so thought I would give it a go,15minutes in and I could see where this was going with the Cardboard acting and Dialogue worthy of the Hallmark Channel which surprised me as the Actors I figured would step up to warrant their pay cheque just basically turned up for work and that was as depressing to watch as the weather portrayed in the movie.

It's not the Day After Tomorrow and I admit it's not really trying to be but it just falls so far below the bar that it's embarrassing to watch.

As an example and one spoiler there's a young Guy called Rafael Running around in a T Shirt at supposed -40 degrees when everyone else is freezing to death and he's not even remotely bothered let alone looking for a coat? It's Surreal.

Either way the Acting is Basically laughable,The CGI is passable,The Writing is terrible and yet this could have been a Not so bad Tv Movie.....But it is.
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Trollied (2011–2018)
Tried it and Trollied it
25 April 2023
Thought I would give this series a go after seeing a few Favourable reviews.

1St Series Was Watchable even if a bit childish with the Humour.

Enjoyed Margaret's deadpan humour and Mark Addy alway reliable. Jane Horrocks however for all her experience is just annoying beyond belief.

Series 2 more of the same but with Leighton and Colin being so ridiculously Stupid they are actually annoying.

Series 3 NO NO NO NO NO NO!!

This Richard addition and the leaving of mark addy and Kieran has made me switch off.simply unfunny and Ridiculously Childish Humour. I thought we Brits we're good at slapstick Comedy but I was proved wrong.

To Recap Series 1&2 were watchable then it just goes massively Downhill from the start of Series 3 onwards.
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Silent Witness: Star: Part 2 (2023)
Season 26, Episode 6
Really Painful to watch
26 January 2023
I've been a long term advocate of Silent Witness And Prime Suspect with the Former being my favourite...Right Up until series 25 and Now Annoyingly 26 (which seems to have Surpassed Series 25) I could Skirt around the Writing and the Bad acting as well as a Jewish intern who in my opinion just has no right being in this show yet why prolong the obvious.

"It's now a boring,unimaginative,Badly Acted, Show plain and Simple" Star (this episode) has to be the worst so far of series 26.

Deary me I'm 58yrs old with a Replacement hip and Knee Reconstruction yet even I could have Caught the on the Run Star!!!

As for The On Screen Romance between our 2 main characters well that needs addressing as its getting to be just too much airplay in each episode.

A message to the Writers:- Get your Act together for Gods Sake and get back to basics..You know? Like how it used to be? Otherwise I can See this show being cancelled.
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Help (2021 TV Movie)
This is what I think
7 October 2022
How about for starters every single Tory Government member Should be Made to sit and Watch this Movie with no bathroom breaks and no refreshments to hammer home how inept a party they really are and what they did to this countries Public and Care home patients who suffered and needlessly Died with COVID.

This movie on the other hand is also a must watch for everyone else who only read about the Loss and suffering of these Facilities and the Lack of Help and Support they just never got.

Comer and Graham Regardless of what you think of the ending deserve an award for their acting abilities in this movie. It was in my opinion Superb and an eye opener on how this current waste of space government treated these care homes and the UK Public in general.
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Blonde (2022)
Putting A Woman Down Again
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start.... Ok Well if I have to be Blunt then here goes,This has got to be the worst movie I've seen for a long time yet my only thought is how I lasted to the end? Maybe I was waiting for the Boredom to end or even maybe that Marilyn would not be ridiculed and chastised yet again,Yes she obviously wasn't the Sharpest tool in the box but oh my god just let her be,Ana De Armas to be fair looked scarily like Marilyn and As an Actress probably deserved her pay cheque for her role yet the amount of sex and Nudity plus Cringe worthy Surgery situations were just a bit much for any Adult to feel comfortable watching.

I actually felt sorry for her even though I'm probably one of many who's thoughts of Foul Play being the cause of her death will never be proved because of the company she kept.

Either way this movie just did not need to be made and Marilyn needs to just be left in peace.
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A Cook on the Wild Side (1995–1997)
Forget The Rest Hugh is Best
31 August 2022
I've always been a Fan of HFW and Love his no nonsense style of Cooking and foraging but this series is Simply Superb and Harks back to The days of Floyd,You can Forget all the £££ money making Orientated Chefs like Jamie Oliver,Rick Stein,and that Ex Scottish Footballer I certainly find annoying but Hugh at least seems grounded and True to what he does and he does it well. This is a Great Series any foodie should watch and shows how a Food series should be these days. No expensive Kitchens in Celebrity Homes or their Restaurants,Just outdoor foraging and cooking at its best.

I've learned more about cooking over the years from HFW than any Celebrity chef currently doing the rounds and I really do hope in 2022 he brings out another series from River Cottage.
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MI-5: Split Loyalties (2008)
Season 7, Episode 2
Let's just get this right first Shall we?
6 August 2022
Although as in all episodes of Spooks which are led to make us believe any of the promoted episodes themes could actually come true (and Some probably have actually happened) There's always a lot of Mistruths I've found in a lot of the episodes with this one being no different. Take for example the depth at which the Russian Submarine is at supposedly doing the deed of hacking into the Sea floor Fibre Optic Cables,The Depth was shown on screen as 4875ft or 1485 metres?

The deepest Current Russian Sub which is the Oscar Class And a Worlds deepest Submarine which has a maximum depth of.......... Wait for it........830 metres!!

That's a Big bit of 655metres difference and puts the TV Spooks Submarine on the sea floor like a Crushed Coke Can and no Survivors Ruskie or otherwise!!

Get your facts straight SPOOKS.

Otherwise another Good episode.
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Black Bird (2022)
So far it's watchable
23 July 2022
Nothing over the Top in my opinion and Not Spectacular that Some reviews attest to.

Liotta and Kinnear definitely show how to act accordingly and Edgerton let's just say he's out of his Depth and literally Looks like he's trying to act every scene.

The Story Has Potential yet not remotely original and Someone Please Stop Making our English Actors put on an American accent as Most SUCK at it and Edgerton proves this point.

We are ENGLISH!! We Have ENGLISH accents not American so who cares if it's in the Script!!

Hire an American if the US Accent is demanded.
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Stranger Things: Chapter Eight: Papa (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
The Force Is Strong With This One
2 July 2022
Really Enjoying this Series and it's not Disappointing in the least.

11 is Showing Signs Of A Seasoned Jedi doing her Jedi Mind Tricks but overall the Series,Soundtrack and Acting is All Coming together. Nice to see the Actor out of Game of Thrones getting a lot of Air Time.

If I had one Negative it would be Would Someone Please Give Nancy A Good Hearty Meal As She Seriously Looks One Malnourished Individual!!
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The Equalizer (2021– )
It's Not Denzel or Woodward but
24 June 2022
It Does what it says on the Tin.

I'm old enough to have enjoyed Woodwards rendition on Tv Years ago and I was a fan, Denzels 2 movies of the same title I personally thought were great and then I came across this latest Tv Series instalment with Queen Latifah and I was quite Surprised How Good it was.it's not Woke by any means which is refreshing and seriously it's a better watch than some of todays offerings. Yup not bad at all.
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A Bucket of Barbed Wire,And Another Bucket
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where to Start that has not already been said so Eloquently by other Reviewer's.

I was 11yrs Old when this was released and one of the few I surmise actually allowed to watch it in 1976 with my Mother and grandparents,They were Liberal folks,Must admit at the time I never understood the whole Scenarios shown on screen yet now seeing as I have the Full DVD Disc box set of both Series I thought I would relive some Nostalgia and fond Memories of watching this with my grand parents.

My first initial thoughts were I suppose pretty Shocked to say the least as in a Nutshell and in Layman's terms I could see the fascination of what was promoted back in the day yet also wax lyrical that the likes of this show would struggle to get any current air time in 2022 or Ever I suspect,Love thy Neighbour also springs to mind For the same reason,Bouquet was overall very well acted if not for the Silver Spoons that seem rammed in the Mouths of all the Actors involved I'm a Geordie So Listening to The Dialogue of the Middle Class era made me think Do Posh Well to do people actually Speak and go on like this. Maybe they do!!

The 70's Fashion made me Cringe yet it was the Bees Knees at the time,Even if Frank Finlay's Tie Knots Seemed Rather Huge as well as Trampling over todays Windsor Knots. Burtons Menswear must have got a lot of Suit Publicity!!

The Be all and End all is Eve seems the Only one who never slept with anyone.(I think Clive James Said that) Pru was the Most annoying Narcissistic Woman I have ever had the displeasure of Listening to with her mind games yet I was Surprised She was Killed off so soon and thus giving all the other actors more Scope to Season their Roles.

Sarah seemed the 70's Version of Being a Bit of a Bike but they were all at it regardless,Gavin I guess is the Male Version of Sarah who Seemed to Ride anything with a Pulse,Frank literally Just Fell Apart,but Being cast as a very intelligent Man with a thriving Business he took me as the Most Insecure and Mentally Retarded of the Lot.

Cassie fell into the same trap as everyone else Eventually Opening her legs at any opportunity for anyone showing her interest yet tried her best to keep things from falling apart.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed Rewatching something that would be classed as far too Risqué Tv to be shown in todays PC Society Even if it Did Annoy the Life out of me at how Pathetic Some people were promoted in the Series.

Final Note:-Did anyone else take Freddie's look for being a 13yr old in a Suit Doing his utmost to grow Any kind of Moustache.

I also got the feeling he wanted a Go of Sarah😮 I'm sure She would have Accommodated him either way if he had Tried.
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Silent Witness: History - Part Six (2022)
Season 25, Episode 6
A Suitable 5 Stars is all I can give this one.
8 June 2022
I'm finding that The new Series Albeit this is the final part has Dragged Somewhat with new Storylines not living up to expectations,My god they had enough down time with COVID etc and delays to get series 25 in the bag and Perfect but I think they overall failed miserably.

Hmmmm Series 26 (if there is one) needs to be really thought out and maybe go back to basics with the writing. Only time will tell.

Oh and For Jack supposedly being Able to handle himself with his earlier episodes MMA background I found it hilarious he was easily overcome by an overweight Lorry Driver🙈 Come on Writers get your act together!!
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Garden Rescue (2016– )
Go on Charlie
29 May 2022
Being an Original Ground Force Fan I was curious on how Charlie Sort of on her own would Do as the Main host and No1 of her own Tv show. Ground Rescue Delivered without doubt.

If I had to be negative in the slightest I found some of the Tamped down plain gravel paths a bit cheap and boring but over a period of watching I also worked out why the Rich Brothers lost out to Charlie's designs so many times and that is::::::::-COLOUR GUYS!!

The Printed Designs Are very Computer Generated,Always look the same and are Always Just GREEN!! Add Some colour guys like the rest of the designers and I reckon you would have been chosen more regularly. (my Opinion Obviously)
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The wait is over
28 May 2022
Yet why was I absolutely bored to tears watching the start of a new Series,The final Episode of Series 3 left everyone up in the air with so much promise but Sorry this is NOT it.

Disappointed to say the least.

I will give Episode 2 the benefit of the doubt but no improvement on this 80's Themed Rubbish and I'm off like a bucket of prawns in the Sun!!
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Memory (I) (2022)
Just my opinion
19 May 2022
5 I gave it a 5 and to be fair that was being generous.

If I Had to Sum it up in Layman's Terms then My thoughts are Sgt Murtaugh From Lethal Weapon stating:- I'm too old for this S#@t!!

Problem is Neeson is actually too old to be doing the Action hero type movies anymore and he's starting to go down the Lines of Steven Seagal with Below par Scripts and Bad acting. Leave it at that Mr Neeson you've done your bit over the years so don't spoil it.

Monica Bellucci Still looks Hot though.
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I enjoyed it BUT.......
13 May 2022
The problem I had or have is after watching this Movie I have already Seen (around 30 Times) the original version of this (the 1957 movie ("The Man Who Never Was") which comparing both my Opinion sways towards the 1957 version not just because of nostalgia ( although that plays some part) but simply because it's just better!! There's hype around this rehash movie obviously as I'm sure not many have had the pleasure of Watching The Man Who Never Was so I will always be biased. I erred on the side of caution giving this a 5/10 seeing as it's 2022 and I expected more. Good effort all the same but my opinion...Watch the Original.
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The Northman (2022)
Not sure what I've just put myself through
13 May 2022
But I know I never enjoyed any of it!!

7,8,9 out of 10 People?? What's wrong with you.

The Acting was Second rate,Cinematography was Dire like a Movie from the Hallmark channel yet above all else.... What on Earth was it about.

Kidman is Done acting and obviously spending all her Pay Cheques on Botox and face lifts as she was simply 2nd rate in this debacle. Defoe was good for his 12 total minutes and obviously Got paid and legged it. Clae bang I like as an actor as he was great in Dracula but Seriously Watch the Revenant again or even game of thrones if you want this type of movie genre fix as your definitely not going to get it here.

It's a big NO from me.
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I've started to notice something
16 April 2022
Enjoyed this episode as I've binge watched series 1-15 so I'm on the last leg and although I've gone through the exits of some of the Original cast (which I've preferred) and also enjoyed some of the new Blood like Morgan I've also noticed Fins addition (elisabeth Shue) the Blood expert who in my opinion does a great job but like Catherine in her latter episodes seems to just sleep with anyone with a Pulse and I find it a bit too much of a repetitive Scenario and not needed.
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Blunt Force Trauma (Again)
15 April 2022
Is it just me or is blunt Force Trauma used far too often as cause of death? Come on CSI find something else for cause of death because as soon as David is asked it's always the answer.

My other gripe is I just wish my own camera focused as quick as any CSI Camera and when using my mobile phone it was answered literally as soon as the Button is pressed like any CSI Mobile call?

Apart from that I'm a fan but still miss the days of Catherine and Grissom but that's just me.
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What's Going on
11 April 2022
Is it me or Are there a lot of new Movies recently released that have Some Big Hitters as actors failing miserably after Signing on the Dotted line for their Services,then because of Either Very Poor Story Lines or A Poor Director coupled with some below par Acting the Movie just never seems to Deliver? Well this is Another one in my opinion as after watching this Simply Boring offering I could actually Feel it Deleting Cookies in my Brain then realised at the end I actually knew less Stuff!!

My 1 Star was Really only because it seemed another Opportunity for Newton To get her kit off even though the Sex scenes were completely uncalled for.
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I'm Going to struggle
11 April 2022
My Title means I am really going to struggle to come up with anything positive about this Movie.

Seriously this has to be the most Boring film I have ever endured,I gave Dustin Hoffman the benefit of the Doubt going by his pedigree yet even he is scraping the Barrel with this one or maybe he just needed to pay an exorbitant Gas Bill with his pay Cheque,Either way my only advice is Give this a huge wide Berth as you will never get the time back. A BAD MOVIE!!
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Black Widow (2021)
The Female of The Species is more Deadly
8 April 2022
Marvel Managed to get this one Right after a Mediocre Couple of Mishaps with Thor the Dark World and then Loki the Series which Did nothing for me and was a huge Disappointment.

So to Hit the Mark With Black Widow in all respects of Story,Action and Outright Chemistry between Johannsen and Pugh was Enlightening.

If I had to Give any Negative then it would be why oh why Cast Ray Winstone as a Russian Baddie when He can really only do a Cockney Accent in every Movie he does,I'm Sure there were better options for his part. Other than that a Great Offering from Marvel.
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Firefox (1982)
Clint..."What A Machine"
3 April 2022
I'm maybe being Biased a bit here as I am a Fan of Craig Thomas the Author of the Books Firefox and Firefox Down where the Movie Stemmed from but this movie is and still remains in my Top 5 movies ever,yes the Firefox Does show its a model being used in some shots but come on it was the 80's and who cares as Superman 1978 Was comical compared to this.

Clint does a great Job in my opinion and it's simply a leave your brain at the door movie and enjoy for a couple of hours.my only wish is that The Second Book "Firefox Down" which is a great read has enough action with probably a better story than the first to make a Sequel but it never happened.
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