
10 Reviews
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Great movie!
15 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Hard to believe, this movie is still this good and scary after all of these years. This is a movie about a teenage girl named Nancy, who is getting haunted in her dreams at night by a mythical creature named Freddy Krueger (Who can hate the guy? Seriously, he's a movie icon.), who is getting revenge for being killed by the townspeople in the forties. The reason to this, is because Freddy Krueger used to kidnap and kill children, and was not put in jail for lack of evidence.

Everyone is working hard in this film. The two people who shine the most though, are John Saxson and Heather Langenkamp. Both seemed like they were having fun in their roles. Let's not forget Robert Englund, for his fantastic performance as Freddy.

The gore isn't what people will truly expect. Sometimes, the gore and deaths are funny, in a Dead-Alive kind of way. But other times, the scenes are amazingly scary, and the fact that Nancy's PARENTS were two of the mob that killed people, make this a shock. Nancy's alcoholic mother is a creep in the film, and is sometimes weirder than Freddy. Don't forget about Johnny Depp getting sucked into the bed! Rating: **** (out of ****.)
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Super Sloppy Double Dare (1986–1989)
15 December 2004
Possibly THE best form of Double Dare. EVERYONE was trying so hard in this version. First, let's talk about the 1987 version. While the 1987 version was called Super Sloppy, it was basically the same format as Double Dare, although it was filmed in New York, had a messy obstacle course, and some fan interactivity, it wasn't as great as the 1989 version. Now, the 1989 version. Marc talking to Robin and Dave didn't happen as much, but when it did happen, it produced great moments. Harvey was great once again, just being the cool dude he is. The obstacles and physical challenges were much more different and sloppy. There were a lot of of specials, like Salute to Baseball, Halloween, Super Slop O Mania 1 and 2, Stupid Hat Day, Be Kind to Animals day, Wink Martindale day, amongst others. I highly recommend the 1989 version over the 1987 version, yet both of them were great.
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Double Dare (1986–1988)
11 December 2004
This is one of the very few shows i've seen from the first episode, to the last episode (1993 Family Double Dare.). It's just that great! This form (The original.) is a great form, but can't hold a candle to the later versions of Double Dare. The physical challenges, though unique, felt like an old "Beat the Clock" episode. None were too messy, except for the egg stunts. The obstacle course on the other hand, was very messy and nothing will EVER hold a candle to it. That's why I think any form of Double Dare, is the best game show ever. And I haven't even talked about the greatness that is Harvey, Marc, Robin, and Dave! Marc Summers is easily the best host you can think of, and he knew when to act professional, and he knew when to act funny. Harvey was the perfect announcer, and it was fun seeing him act out a physical challenge or obstacle course (Sometimes with Marc!). Dave and Robin were also very funny! Anyone else remember the saga of "Hey!"?
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THE best sequel to the blockbuster hit.
25 May 2004
You heard it right. I think this is much better than the others.

Why? Because of alot of things. First, let's go with the story. One of the reasons why this movie gets no good reviews is because of the story where Michael and Dr. Sam Loomis was burned. To put a rest to all of that, I'll give you the scoop. Originally, the beginning of this movie would have the burning hospital with Loomis coming out. The Fire department tries to put the fire out but Loomis would of said "No! Let him burn!". Unfortunatlly, it cost too much money to re-do that scene so it was dropped, thus hopefully ending all of the confusion.

Now what was I saying? Oh yes, now, Michael is back. And as usual, he isn't taking any prisoners. Now, Laurie died in a car accident, so her daughter Jaimie (Probably an inside joke to Jaimie Lee Curtis) has to be taken care of by another family. Meanwhile, the mental instituion is about to take Michael away (With an EXCELLENT cameo by Raymond O' Connor, who makes alot of great quotes. Including one where you hear a mental guy screaming with the person picking Michael up saying "Jesus!" to which Raymond says "Jesus ain't got nothing to do with this place".). In the ambulance, Michael murders both the people picking him up, and the driver. Nice death in which he drives his thumb through a guys mouth and rams it again the wall repeatedly.

Now, Dr. Loomis and Michael both meet up, and alot of deaths later, Micheal is once again gone, for now...

I don't see why this movie doesen't get good reviews, the person in the Michael mask did an exceptional job here. As did the actors, with another great performance by Donald Pleasence. Honestly, I found this MUCH better than my original favorite sequel: Halloween 2. While 5, 6, 7, and 8 were mediocore films, this one comes out on top as the best of the sequels.

Thumbs up, recommended,

RATING ***1/2 out of ****
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Shrek 2 (2004)
With how much commercial advertising and hype this film has gotten, this has expectations of being as great as The Shawshank Redemption...
19 May 2004
It's sad that most Disney sequels turn out to be lackluster films, with Toy Story 2 being the only Disney film to actually be better than the first. But can Shrek 2 do the same?

Sorry to spoil, but it doesen't.

Now that Shrek (Mike Myers) and Fiona (Cameron Diaz) are married, they have returned to their swamp to find that Donkey (Eddie Murphy) has been taking care of the place. They get an invatationto have a celebration at Fiona's old home in the land that's Far Far Away. When they get there, Fiona's father (John Cleese) and Shrek start to feud. When Fiona starts looking at old things in her room, she starts to cry which prompts The Fairy Godmother to enter in. Apparently, The Fairy Godmother's son Prince Charming was supposed to save Fiona, but he came there too late, since Shrek had already saved her, and he finds The Wolf. Now, the Godmother and The King make a plan to have Prince Charming to fall for Fiona. After a few mix-ups and things involving a new friend for Shrek and Donkey (Antonio Banderas, in a movie saving role), the gang all are able to stop The Fairy Godmother's plan, which involves The King to save his daughter Fiona, and turn into a frog.

Why this film wasn't rated PG-13, is beyond me. TOO much sexually implied humor was in this film. The worst coming from The Gingerbread finding out that Pinnochio wears a pink thong. There isn't much kiddie humor, which is why this is NOT a kids film at all. Most kids, well, atleast the ones I know, wanted to see this film for COMEDY THAT IS AIMED TOWARDS KIDS. There isn't any in this film. It's more of a film for us adults rather than children. THAT'S why I don't like this film as much as the first.

The humor is dry, the movie never gets fully interesting, and there's too much sexual humor. Sounds like a teen movie to me.

Unless you're over 13, don't take your kids to see this movie.

Not recommended.

RATING: ** out of ****
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A Huge Surprise
14 May 2004
Wow. I didn't think I would like this movie at all, since the first was very lackluster. I was wrong. This is MUCH funnier than the first film, and is a fresh change. A man named Trevor (Played by Tim Matheson) claims to be Carol's (Shelly Long) long lost husband. But, Trevor's partner was Carol's husband, who had died, and Trevor is trying to get a treasure he left her. Mike (Gary Cole) and the kids must help stop this from happening.

There are some great storyline extras here (George Glass most definitely.) but some things seemed tasteless, like with the Greg and Marcia incest relationship (Though technically...). I thought most of those parts were unfunny. Look for alot of cameos in here, like in the first one.

A very comedic movie. Recommended.

RATING: *** out of ****
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E.T. (1982)
If you don't like this film, then something is wrong with you.
5 May 2004
I hate you Steven Speilberg.

You're one of the few directors who can make a movie that after all of these years, still makes me cry.

E.T. is a true classic that stands the test of time. It's a movie about a boy who's parents are divorced, and befriends a loveable alien who is lost after his family leave without him. Both go through a change in each other's personality and life, as the boy (Named Elliot.) must learn to share his new friend with others, while making sure his Mother (Played EXCELLENTLY by Dee Wallace Stone, as usual when she acts in films.) doesen't know that he is keeping that special alien with him. Sure, there are some disturbing scenes, but the good outweighs the bad here. When this came out, I was only 4 years old, and it has truly affected me. I was amazed by this film when I was young, and still am now. To me, this is the greatest film of all time.Yes, I like this more than Star Wars, The Godfather, Titanic, and other films that have achieved greatness. Why? Because it affected me in such a way back then, and still does now-a-days.

I still cry when I watch this movie. I'll admit it. I still cry. Especially when E.T. becomes sick and is being experimented on. It is just such an emotional film, that stands the test of time better than any other movie could.

Recommended: Forever.

RATING: **** of ****
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Overrated snooze-fest
1 May 2004
I simply cannot understand why everyone considers this movie "A classic", as it seems to fail in that category. This movie just shows that as long as you have some blood in a movie, it shall be deemed as a classic. Classic my ass. This movie is just another slasher, which would set up for more boring slasher flicks from this series, until "Jason Goes to Hell". This movie is about a camp known as "Camp Crystal Lake" that re-opens 23 years after the death of Jason Voorhees: who had drowned while the camp counselors were having sex. His Mother, who is aptly known as "Mrs. Voorhees", decides to seek revenge by killing every camp counselor who joins up in the return of the camp. What I don't understand, is why she decided to go after the new counselors, who had nothing to do with the counselors from when Jason passed away. I can see where they were trying to go, with her being some psychotic woman, but it just feels too sloppy. This film has some nice death sequences (I always feel queasy when I see a death via an axe.), including Kevin Bacon's death. This movie has an "Iffy" be-heading scene with Mrs. Voorhees head popping off. One positive spot is near the end; the out of nowhere scene where Jason pops out of the water to attack the final camper: Who survives.

One thing that this movie lacks, is continuity. Most parts tend to drag on, and the only real time when the film gets interesting is when Mrs. Voorhees (Played excellently by Betsy Palmer.) finally shows up. Ignore this snooze-fest and check out the sequels instead.

RATING: ** out of ****
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The Earth Day Special (1990 TV Special)
26 April 2004
VERY interesting documentary. There are alot of interesting things here that alot of celebrities talk about. Basically, Bette Midler is Mother Earth, and thanks to everyone polluting and ruining the Earth, she is sick and dying. I remember EVERYTHING that happened in this show, and even own a VHS copy. There were alot of segments, including sitcom segments that included the likes of Cheers, The Golden Girls, Married... With Children, etc... It's a very interesting special, with alot of celebrities who seem to like doing this. However, I still remember trying to make a difference for a week, yet forgetting to do so a week later. It seems as though we stopped caring about saving the Earth. I can remember having a huge talk in school about this.

Very interesting and Recommended.

RATING: **** out of ****
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Alligator (1980)
24 April 2004
I decided to finally watch this movie on Sci-Fi, since it seems to be on there every weekend that Sci-Fi decides to show horror/thriller movies. At first, I thought it was going to be some lame movie where the alligator in the beginning after chomping on the alligator wrestler, was going to go on a rampage. I was wrong (Thankfully) and it's really about a little girl who buys a baby alligator, and her Father goes berzerk about it and flushes the thing down the drain. It starts to live and grow in the sewers. Nice chomp-em-up movie that at some parts made me slightly cringe(Like when the movie finally started to get good when the alligator ate people at the party.). The alligator looks a little realistic too. Some parts tend to drag on(Like horror movies.), but I can still slightly recommend it.

RATING: ** out of ****
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