
7 Reviews
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Bully (I) (2011)
Full of emotions
28 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie gives you an inside look on what goes on with children that are bullied and their family. You get to see that its not just the bullied that are effected, but their families too who have to deal with the aftermath and watch their child or sibling suffer through it. Even if you have no personal experience with this, like me, you will feel all of their emotions. I was angry, happy and sad at various points in the film.

Spoiler: The Vice Principal was useless. She lives in a bubblegum world where a child can do no wrong. She forces a kid who is being bullied to shake hands with the bully, and tells him he is wrong for not wanting to. He then tells her of all the incidents that he reported about the bully, and she tells him if its reported then its been taken care of. Obviously not if it is still occurring. One child's parents tell her about the bullying occurring on the bus, after watching videos of it happen, and her response is that the kids on his bus are good as gold. All they do is talk and tell these parents kids will be kids, or let them work it out. No action is ever taken. They try to make it seem like the person who is being bully is doing something wrong. That is the main issue, no one with authority ever takes action until something extreme takes place.
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Pretty nice documentary
11 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This showed that there are still people out there who are willing to help strangers out the kindness of their heart. I think it may have gone a bit different had there been no camera or if this had been hidden camera. People he just met were too anxious to let him spend the night at their place, and at one point a female who initially said "no" went back and let him spend the night. I think knowing it was a documentary people felt a little safer and more willing to lend a hand. It was still great to see people helping one another. I felt he forced his emotions to make things seem more dramatic. His tears didn't seem 100% authentic to me. I expected a much more exciting adventure, but it may just be because Joe himself is so monotone. Still a good documentary and well worth the watch.
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Way to blow it
21 January 2013
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I never have high hopes for remakes of any old movies, because they usually cannot get the essence of what made the original(s) so good. However, some remakes can change it up where it is the same concept with a fresh story and brand new look making it its own thing. This was not one of those movies. The acting for the most part was not bad. The movie was very predictable, but what makes it so bad is the ending. After leather face has killed all of her friends and a total of 7-8 people in this film a lone not to mention the teens he killed before the film they act as if all is well. The sheriff lets him walk away with no consequences and it appears as if his cousin, whose friends leather face torturs and killed, decides to care for him as her grandmother did. For one, the sheriff should have tried to kill or arrest him, but a more fitting ending would have been if she decided to torch the house and he escapes once again. Anything would have been better than them acting as if he was not a mass murder who that same night had just went on a killing spree. The movie would have gotten a 7 out of 10 because it is watchable, but that ending leaves such a bad taste in my mouth I had to drop it to a 5.
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Remains (II) (2011)
If you have nothing better to watch why not.
21 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Cliché zombie movie setup. Something goes wrong unleashing the zombie plague on humanity with only a few survivors. The plot for this movie was not original, but it had a lot of potential. The acting was poor especially at times where it was suppose to make the audience feel emotion. There was no character development at all, and there were moments were the CGI was awful. I'm a lover of zombie movies, so I was able to bear with it and hope it would get better. It did not. It felt like a made for TV movie, and I would have to compare it to a Syfy movie. Transition from scene to scene for the most part did not flow smoothly. What really put the nail in the coffin were the same mistakes that most horror films make. 1) Unwarranted sex (or almost sex). 2) One of the main characters does something that makes no sense. At one point one of the characters decides to leave their gun on the bed and check out another room. To no one's surprise they is attacked by a zombie. 3) The o'so overused ending where they make it out, but at the very end before the credits there is a little something to let you know that it isn't over yet. It got a 4 from me, because it helped that it was a zombie movie and it had some entertaining moments.If you have an hour or so to kill with nothing to do or anything good on TV watch it. It is not boring, but it misses all of the little things that make a movie good and will have you asking why a lot.
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One big Cliché
24 July 2012
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I ran across this film on netflix and the description pulled me in. This film would have received a 7/10 instead of a 6 if it had not been so busy pointing out the clichés that every horror film has, then doing that cliché themselves moments later. It tried so hard to make itself stand out from other horror films by bashing them for clichés that it winds up just like them. The acting was pretty good, but the story was pretty basic. I know a lot of people didn't like it, but to me the ending was nice. Sure I would have liked to know exactly what took place, but it gave me and the people I watched it with something to discuss after wards. If you have some time to kill go and watch this movie, but don't expect it to be a hidden horror gem. There are no jumping out of your seat moments and most of the time you can guess what will happen next, but still a very watchable movie.
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Good movie
5 June 2012
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This was a pretty good movie. The story is pretty cliché, but it is still a good movie. The story was well written, but 50 cent's acting brought down the others at some points. Also, those dreads they had 50 cent wear were pretty funny I was sad to see them go. If you like movies about sports and family then give this movie a try. This being one of 50 cents few acting roles I give him a 3/5, but a more experienced actor should have been cast in the lead role. I'm sure that was a choice to try and bring in viewers, but it was a good story without it. I don't want you to think that I do not like 50 cent or that his acting was horrible, because that is not true. 50 put on a good performance and with the weight he lost for this role you know he was dedicated. Anyone on the fence should watch it I don't see why it has received such low marks.
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Project X (2012)
Mainly for Teens
30 May 2012
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Basic story of uncool kids throwing a party to be cool. I heard comparisons to The Hangover and Superbad, but it was nothing like those two. This was not a comedy and unless you are between the ages of 14-18 (I'm 22) or under the influence of something you won't enjoy this movie as much as others. It was basically flashing lights, music and sex. There was no real dialogue. The ending tries to make it seem like everything turned out for the best, but in all honesty this was too absurd. He burned down his parents house, wrecked his dad's car and was convicted of 3 charges. Anyone who has graduated from high school and moved on with their lives know that there is a lot of living to do after high school. Him ruining his and his parents life for one night of fun and popularity has to be one of the dumbest conclusions I have seen in a while. In other movies the house is trashed, but still in tact and the neighbor hood was not set on fire. This movie is good if you have some time to kill, but does not hold your attention for long. This is not a comedy, but more of a fake documentary. So, if you are looking for laughs try another film because you won't find many if any here.
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