
11 Reviews
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First Man (2018)
We feel you Neil.
18 January 2019
The movie isn't really about accurate biographical portrail of Neil Armstrong during the Appollo program. But rather, it gives you some sense of what it must have been like for Neil Armstrong and others to prepare for what was essentially a suicide mission. As an audience we get to feel the emotional turnmoil that was brewing inside Neil Armstrong during this period of his life, knowing full well that you could die at any moment (even during the training) yet having the courage go on.

Most of the criticisms I have read of the movie are, really, symptomatic of the society we live in at the moment, where people wants to be spoon fed positivity, spoon fed happiness, spoon fed fun and not wanting to ever face up to the struggles that are present in life.

Despite it's slow pace it's gripping from the start to the finish. It's a wonderful movie for those who doesn't mind getting involved emotionally and doesn't mind that there aren't jokes or action sequences at every other minute.
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Bad Boys (1995)
"Freeze Mother Bitches!"
22 February 2018
I watched this in cinema when it came out and watched many times afterwards. This is one of those guilty pleasures, one of my favourite action movies. Don't try to intellectualise this, if you are then you are completely missing the point. Leave your thinking brain on the side, don't really need it, and just get ready to be entertained.

I must say though, performance of Téa Leoni isn't particularly good in this, her acting here is very wooden, but fortunately it isn't enough to spoil the whole movie.
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Transformers (2007)
Forget those pompous naysayers who are rapped up in hollywood feminist agenda, who seem to hate the movie just for being a Michael Bay movie. This is a super fun movie.
21 February 2018
Michael Bay has become something of a love to hate guy among certain section of critics, namely those who wants to promote politically correct feminist agenda who think they are better than others and want to inflict their ideals on others.

Forget those idiots, just watch the movie for what it is, which is a super fun action pack movie which just about anyone can enjoy. Shia Labeouf is fabulous in this movie and the chemistry between him and Megan fox is great. And lets not forget the Transformers themslves which, even after 10 years, the visuals on these robots are still some of the best you'll ever see.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
What went wrong with Arrow?
13 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After achieving dizzying heights in season 2 everything fell apart. Admittedly season 3 wasn't too bad, but season 4 was forgettable and regrettable that I wasted so much time watching it, hoping that it'd eventually get better but that hope turned into a despair with each episode.

Put it short, what once was a crime fighting super hero show that was both fun and exciting has now been turned into as laborious ill fated love drama which seem to be intentionally catered towards girls rather than faithful fans of previous seasons. For this reason, there seem to be a trend of girls giving high ratings for the season 4, citing their love for Olicity...

If I wanted to watch self centred girls exercising girl power in the form of bossing your loved ones and accusing them at every opportunity of some ill doing and lying, then I'd watch Sex and the City. And yet this is what happens in just about every episode of Arrow season4, with Felicity being its main instigator, who is about a couple of steps away from boiling a bunny. I can understand what the writers are trying to do, create strong female character equal to Arrow, but this isn't the way to do it, they couldn't have made a worse example of it. There is no need to get into how awful the Felicity character has turned into this season, many have mentioned that already, but one cannot get away from the fact that she represents everything that is terrible about season 4.

I have no idea what's in store for season 5, but anything short of killing off Felicity will probably mean the continuation of the same drab that was the season 4, and what a shame that would be to completely ruin what once was a great show.
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"We are Groot"
2 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so much fun, I went in the theatre knowing nothing about it, and came out with a beaming smile on my face. The movie doesn't pretend to be anything else, it is what it is, a fun Superhero movie for everyone! It has lots of action, lots of effects, many silly jokes, great music and it is to be enjoyed by children and adults alike, yet it was executed to perfection.

Of course it isn't perfect, no movie is, but because you are having such a great time with it you quickly forget about any short comings. What the movie does extremely well is that, it provides us with characters we quickly get attached to and end up caring about. And because of it not only does the movie take us on an epic adventure filled with action and laughter but also an emotional one.

The movie has so many great moments, who could forget the epic dance off at the end? How about the thesaurus joke? But it wasn't just about being funny, how did you feel when Groot decided to sacrifice himself to save our heroes? What about when Groot lit up the inside of Dark Esther? Which was one the most beautiful cinematic moments, only to be quickly ruined, quite deliberately, by Drax's epic speech!

If only every superhero movie was this good and this much fun!
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Good Star Wars Movie but...
17 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie, on its own without the original movie, I'd say it was excellent, but unfortunately they didn't do too much with the story, you could have easily called this Star Wars episode IV mark 2. It became pretty clear about half way through, that the story is almost exactly the same as New Hope, interchange the characters, interchange the Death Star with Starkiller and you have almost the same movie. At times the unoriginality of this made me appreciate the story arc in prequels, although I'll never be able to get over the poor execution of those movies. Unfortunately, though, too many critics are getting carried away with the euphoria of having a movie that wasn't as poor as the prequels, most of them seem to just completely loose all their objectivity and professionalism and are making this out to be the greatest Star Wars movie, which this really isn't.

All in all its an enjoyable Star Wars Movie, well executed and well presented, which will undoubtedly immerse you into the Star Wars universe make you excited again, but I just can't help wishing they hadn't simply rehashed the original story. Was JJ Abrhams trying to make a point that the history has tendency to repeat itself? Or were they deliberately trying to make die hard fans so drunk with nostalgia that they lose all ability to complain about the deliberate rehashing of the old story. Either way, although it was enjoyable, when I left the theatre it just seem to leave a bad taste in your mouth and I couldn't help feeling being let down.

This could have been so much more, instead of adding something new and expanding the Star Wars Universe, instead, they just played ultra safe and made it claustrophobic. We can only hope that in next installment we have something that departs from the original story line, because no amount of nostalgia infestation will get them off the hook the second time around.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
Errrm, what just happened?
9 December 2015
The reviews of the movie were nothing but terrible, but I thought to watch it anyway. And I was very surprised to find that I was enjoying the movie and thought why was this getting such terrible reviews? Then the superhero thing happens, and as soon as the main characters obtain their superpowers, the movie takes a hairpin turn and manages to self destruct. I had never seen a movie that take such a turn in quality so suddenly, and when the end comes it feels like someone had just poured a bucket of cold water on you.

Such a shame, it seemed like it was leading up to something great but it just decided to give up. I can't help thinking there is a good movie in there somewhere.
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Blade Runner (1982)
A true master piece of cinema.
20 November 2015
This is one of 2 dozen or so true landmark movie in cinema history. It isn't just a Sci-fi master piece, its a master piece of Cinema. It's so sad that some people watch this movie, especially younger generation, knowing that it's a Sci-fi movie and hence with an expectation of preconceived ideas of what Sci-fi movies should be like, and end up being disappointed. All I can say is that don't expect how it should be, rather be open what will be presented to you.

I think this movie is a case of where, all the right people coming together in just the right moment in time and ended up making a little piece of history. Most movies you watch, you always get the feeling afterwards that things could have been better here or there, but that's not the case here, this is as perfect as a movie will ever be.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
A wonderful movie for all, including children.
29 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Pixar is on form again with Inside Out. Reading the reviews here, there seem to be a lot of complains, particularly from parents, that this isn't a children's movie, but if they know anything about Pixar they should know that they never make just "children's movie".

The movie makes a very poignant point about how being happy is such a focus in people's life today that we aren't allowed to be sad anymore, to be sad is to become a something of a social outcast. We are bombarded with imagery of being happy, idea of happiness, and everyone seem to be so busy being happy that they don't have time for people who aren't. I think the very idea that it's OK to be sad has struck a discord with many of the parents, complaining that the movie is depressing and not suitable for children. Perhaps the main issue isn't really whether or not the movie is for children, but the discord lies with the fact that the movie goes against the "Happy idealism" they hold.

The film works on many levels. I watched it with my two sons, the younger one, who is 5, viewed it mostly as a fabulous adventures of Joy and Sadness getting back to the head quarters to fix all the mess they have created, where as the older one who is 7 did understand some of the issues Riley was having.

This is a wonderful movie, which deals with a lot of deep issues, yet its funny, very touching at times, wonderfully creative, and being a Pixar movie, it can be enjoyed by all, including children.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
"Yes Lisa, Daddie's a teacher", " I'm going to teach you a lesson! I'm going to stand here and watch you smoke every one of those cigarettes! "
24 July 2013
It was the funniest, the most heart warming, the most ingenious, ... , to simply put, it was the best show ever created on TV. But then, as so many have pointed out, something went wrong after 10 seasons or so.

So what went wrong? the simplest way to put it is to say that somewhere along the line the show had lost its soul. Last few episodes I've watched, it was a bit like watching Simpson robots acting out Simpsons, doing and saying what they are supposed to in a Simpson's like story line. Everything was just too forced and too contrived.

Just look at Homer, when the show started despite all his flaws and failings, he had a sweet nature that was endearing. He was a terrible father and a terrible Husband, but still, he was a loving father and a loving husband. He didn't just go on a misguided adventures just for the sake of it, usually they were with good intentions, and we could always count on him to do the right thing when the push came to shove. But in today's Homer Simpson all these characteristics were drained from him and what is left is just a shell, which is nothing more than a programed robot countlessly repeating Homer's catch phrases and acting out only the idiotic nature of what once was a Homer Simpson. There is nothing endearing about the Homer you see today, and you can say the same about the rest of the Simpsons characters.

It is easy to criticise what is wrong about the show today knowing how good the show was and the bar it had set was simply not possible to maintain forever. Simpsons will never reach its golden heights again, but does it need to? The answer is no, its legacy was already set during first 10 seasons, and that has kept the show going some 15 years later, still. I do not watch the new episodes of Simpsons anymore but I rarely turn away from any of the old episodes if I happen to catch them.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Watch it for what it is not what you want it to be.
4 June 2012
Since the movie was hyped up so much, it seems a lot of people went to the movie with a lot of expectations and preconceptions, only to be disappointed.

However, if you consider the movie on its on merit then, its a very good sci-fi movie. Don't expect massive amount of character development nor thrilling dialogs, none of the first 2 alien movies had these nor many of great Sci-fi movies. However this is a thought provoking, visually stunning, and ultimately enjoyable movie.

I do agree though with some here saying that the movie should have been a lot longer. It does feel as though it was rushed at times, but that's the industry of today, 2hr in the theatres and 2.5hr for blu-ray...
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