
2 Reviews
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Back to it's Roots? Disney should Keep Moving Forward
16 January 2010
I was very excited to see this movie with my mom. I am 22 and have always seen the Disney summer blockbusters with her, so when this came out we could not wait.

Overall, the animation was nice (bright colors, very New Orleans) but the story line and the music did not compare to Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast or even Hercules. Leaving the theater I was not humming a tune or looking to go get the soundtrack. I actually could not remember many of the songs and the only ones I could were very repetitive and not good. I was very surprised when I saw Toy Story composer Randy Newman also did this movie.

Princess Tiana was adorable but you do not see much of her. I remember reading an article when the movie was first released that some people of color were upset that Disney made a black princess but she's a frog the entire movie. They were absolutely right. Princess Tiana was a frog for at least 90% of this movie and honestly, watching a frog for almost an hour and a half was slow and not visually appealing. I would rather have seen her change back sooner because it was drawn out quite a bit.

Most of the characters were likable. Tiana's friend Charolette was cute and the villain was very very intriguing. He was probably my favorite character. However, while listening to Prince Naveen speak, I could only think of Kevin Klein's accent in the movie French Kiss (you get the picture). Charolette's father, voiced by John Goodman was a surprise and made me think of Sully; warm and caring. Their swamp friends had some potential as well; the alligator and the firefly captured New Orleans very well.

Overall if you go in to this movie with low expectations you will probably find it enjoyable. For Disney though, how can you go in thinking it would be bad? If Disney plans on going back to it's 2D animation roots, they should go back to their amazing story lines and memorable music as well. Otherwise, keep moving forward.
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Go see Pride & Prejudice if you want a GOOD love story
15 January 2006
When I first saw the preview for this movie I wasn't all that excited about it (because I don't think that James Franco is that great of an actor) until I heard the rest of the story about how Tristan wins Isolde over for his king. Then I was interested.

I went to see it with some friends yesterday where the theater was packed. The movie was pretty OK getting set up and whatnot. The acting was kind of corny in the beginning.

As the movie went on I found that I felt more emotion for the outside characters than I did Tristan and Isolde. The feelings just weren't there for me. I felt that they had no chemistry really because they're relationship wasn't really built. I loved the king and his nephew more-so than the couple. At some point I was hoping that maybe I could root for their love, but I just didn't care.

The story of the wars was interesting. The alliances being built and broken was really the only thing that kept me into it. The fights were good, along with the wars and the battle amongst the kingdoms. The love story seemed like a side-note.

In my opinion James Franco isn't that great of an actor. He's alright to look at but speaking his lines- you just don't feel it. I wasn't a fan of him in Spiderman because I thought he was wimpy and not believable at all and in this movie he didn't seem to say much at all. He stared angrily a lot and the lines he did say were stupid and had no emotion. I liked him more towards the end but even after that I didn't care what happened to him.

I was very disappointed in this movie. I thought I'd be seeing a love story but it just didn't cut it.
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