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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
I want Season 3!
27 January 2024
I was an occasional fan of the original series, so the big changes did not bother me as much as some. I like how they include Sam Beckett in the storyline and keep hoping they will find him before the story/show ends. I also like how the boss man, "Magic", has a back story of being inhabited by Sam Beckett during the war, which is how he got his nickname.

This was never my favorite show but it does entertain and the acting and writing is pretty good. I have watched every episode. I liked the most recent episodes the best, where the writers have shaken things up quite a bit. Now it is up there with my more favorite shows. The relationships seem more real than they did at first. There are a couple added guest cast members that are intriguing to say the least. I would love to see what happens next for all of the characters and see if Ben Song ever makes it back home. Please bring it back and finish telling the story!
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Wonka (2023)
Did not hit the mark I expected
18 December 2023
This movie seemed to have it all. All of the actors played parts well and Timothee Chalamet is certainly fun to watch. The bits with the Oompah Loompa, played by Hugh Grant, should have been expanded. The sets, costumes and special effects were amazing. The music was from the original Wonka movie so that was nice. The story was almost completely new which I hoped to be nice too. Not so much. The spark I was looking for in the new story was missing for me, even though the actors and director were clearly giving it their best shot at it. I think the writing was the culprit. I was a bit bored in parts. If the writers were looking to get laughs, I don't recall breaking a smile more than once or twice and I think it was something that Rowan Atkinson was doing as the Priest. I did not hear anyone laugh in the theater the whole time. Most of the jokes I think we were supposed to laugh at were pretty lame. I will not be recommending this movie to any adult or child I know. I don't see it appealing to any age unless they are big fans of someone appearing in the film.
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True Lies (2023)
I enjoy this show!
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the horrible rating for this show and think it is undeserved. The series has taken a very wonderful movie and made a show that resembles it but is it's own story too. They changed how the wife finds out her husband is a spy for one thing and we get to see how that revelation changes both of their lives in episodic fashion, rather than the brief glimpse the movie gave. I like that they kept in how surprised the husband is at all his wife's skills and that both realize how much they didn't know about each other. So there's a show right there. I love in the 3rd episode that she figures out the cover given to them in the mission they are sent on isn't going to work and she instantly decides to switch roles with her husband and the whole team has to follow along. It's wonderful. I hope the show doesn't get too formula as it goes along, but as of episode 3 I am still enjoying watching.
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FINALLY! Ready for the next one
17 December 2022
I was not disappointed. Even though 3 hours, 12 minutes long I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. James Cameron's stamp was all over this movie. We got scenes reminiscent of the first Avatar movie, and it is clear there is a huge love of the sea which I think will continue into the next movie. Imaginative sea creatures abound in the new location and it was super cool. There is a scene that reminds one of Moby Dick, one part reminded me of the Jonah and the whale story, and a long sequence takes us back to James Cameron's Titanic. I hope these are not spoilers. There was also plenty of great action scenes so all the quiet parts did not cause sleepiness in such a long movie. The movie opened up a lot of questions that were not answered, so it seems cruel we have to wait two more years to see how that plays out. I thought there was a good deal of story and character development myself and a nice introduction to some new characters. I especially liked Spider. Spectacles are highlighted with brilliant CG. The only thing that bothered me was the casting of Kate Winslet for the voice of the oldest daughter, Ronal. Her voice sounded too old for the part. I also did not understand why she obsessed about her father. I did not see that as relevant here. Perhaps I missed something?
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Disenchanted (2022)
Entertaining sequel, just not great like Enchanted was
23 November 2022
I had no expectations about this movie, but love the movie "Enchanted" which I have seen many times. I do not think this movie was terrible and it looks like the cast had fun making it. I would have preferred a different story for Giselle's disenchantment, without help from Prince Edward and Nancy. I very much enjoyed seeing so many of the cast returning and felt that the daughter, playing an older Morgan, was very believable. Another reason to enjoy this movie is to finally hear Idina Menzel have significant singing parts, although admittedly she blows the other cast members away by doing so.
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Mac and Me (1988)
Recommended on a "so awful it is good" movie list
16 June 2022
I watched this one because I used to be a fan of awful movies. They cracked me up, but were not trying to be funny. This one was trying to be funny and I don't think I laughed once.

I give all the actors credit for being very attractive to watch and also being good actors in the roles played. If it wasn't for them I could not have made it to the end of this muddled and extremely cheesy story.

It is extremely difficult to make aliens believable in a movie like this. Opening the movie with the aliens was not subtle. The production team seemed to LOVE overexposing the audience with their alien creations, which I believe were actual people in body suits?

I heard about and was interested in seeing the scene at McDonald's, 55 minutes into the movie. It was even more bizarre than I expected. I also did not realize this would be the cheesiest product placement film ever! I believe E. T. was the first to advertise a product in a movie in 1982 with Reese's Pieces. They went ALL OUT in this movie and COKE was used in a similar manner to Reeses Pieces, even to the point of saying "This must be like what they drink on their planet".

Overall, it was not that enjoyable of a movie for me. I hope the actors were able to recover from it.
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What happened? This movie should have stunned or wowed me.
2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was looking forward to the cast, the writers, director and continuation of the story for this timeline in the Wizarding World. I was looking forward to them delving deep into the characters of Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald and answering questions about Credence and Queenie. I would have liked more about Nagini, who did not appear in this movie. Why was she introduced and linked to Credence and Grindelwald in the last movie?

The movie opened well with a new mythical creature at center stage and an evil act by Grindelwald. It took a while to ascertain what our villian was up to. We see younger Dumbledore re-establishing that he had a love relationship with Grindelwald in the past, then see him gathering a team and making plans to defeat Grindelwald and save the world during that time period.

Almost everyone we expected was there and had a part (Porpentina was barely in the movie, which was disappointing). Oddly, I was not moved strongly one way or the other for ANY of the characters this time, but had very strong feelings for all of them in the first and second installment. I still liked Newt, Jacob and Dumbledore, felt sorry for Credence and felt the menace of Grindelwald, but everything seemed a little half baked except all of the special effects, of course.

I was looking forward to Mads playing Grindelwald and thought he would be an improvement over Johnny Depp, but not the case. Johnny Depp played out as way more scary and evil in the part. I was glad to get the back story on Credence, but it was almost downplayed in this movie. It should have been an earth shaking reveal. Dumbledore and his brother are so bland and almost devoid of emotion. Albus Dumbledore making everything seem light and carefree, while stating the opposite, and his brother always looking grumpy and barely saying anything. Maybe that is what he was like as an old man, but it did not seem right he was that way as a younger man too. It would have been a good movie for Aberforth to come out speaking his feelings more, especially since a spicy bit of the story concerned him! Why did young Minerva McGonagall appear in one scene? It did not add anything to the story and she would not have been an adult at that time as well.

I was glad to see how things turned out for Jacob and Queenie, but it happened way too quickly and did not seem very real. Did she brainwash him again?

If there is to be a fourth movie I sincerely hope they figure out what was missing from this movie. Too bad Credence was dying at the end. I feel like they left his story out to dry. There was more to tell, more that should have happened.

One last gripe: There was not enough build-up to have that new mythical creature bow to Albus at the climactic choosing ceremony. Then for Albus to be able to send it away to choose someone else seemed like a muddled way to divert the creature's action.

Bottom line - Everything in this movie seemed watered down or half baked, and lacking the emotional depth of the previous two Fantastic Beasts films. I wonder what happened in the writing of this. Did they lose interest in the series?
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Lots going on, but I still got bored in parts
27 May 2022
It will be hard to write a review without spoilers because the trailers we watched before going in did not spoil anything!

We knew that this would be about the multiverse and we have visited it before in other Marvel installments. For some reason, I find all of the cgi in the Dr. Strange movies very tedious and over done, especially when the characters are flailing through the multiverses, but even sometimes all of the sorcerer stuff, especially when monsters are involved. My favorite parts were 1. That I think this movie brings about some closure for Strangelove and Christine Palmer, over a couple of different universes actually, 2. All the stuff towards the end with death helping to defeat the villian (I can't be specific) and 3. The outtake during the final credits that allude to what is coming next for Strangelove! I guess I was pretty disappointed that this movie went in the opposite direction of where I thought it was going to go.
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Loki (2021–2023)
By 5th episode I am going bonkers!
13 July 2021
After the first episode I would have given this series a 7 and I love Loki. I just wasn't sure I was going to like the new storyline. There was a lot of recap in the story and the new setting was very strange and off-putting. Each episode got more and more interesting and episodes 4 and 5 nearly blew my mind. I cannot wait to see where the story goes next. This is a very well written series that is currently my favorite and definitely my favorite of the 3 current Marvel series (including WandaVision and the Falcon/Winter Soldier series). Also, Tom Hiddleston and the rest of the cast look like they are having a lot of fun filming it.
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Super surprised at how good this is!
13 July 2021
I found this movie browsing my cable movie guide and did not expect much. No big movie star names to draw me in. I was so surprised how great it was. Great writing, acting, directing. It was such a treat I told others and watched it over again just 2 days later. Loved the dog actor and the lead the most. I also loved the strange kind of side ways humor of it all and the narrative style it was done.
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It was good for laughs
28 December 2020
Yes, it was a silly movie but it was very Melissa McCarthy and it made me laugh - starting with the bean bag chair scene. Since we were going full silly, I am glad the car karaoke scene was included. This was just the second movie I have watched on our new HBO Max account. I miss movie theaters.
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Good introduction to the career of RBG
21 September 2020
I decided to watch this movie for the first time, after the recent passing of RBG. She was an amazing lady and I did not know much about how she got started.

I felt this movie may have been a glossier version of what it really must have been like for her, but it did help me understand her background and journey better. It is hard to believe she had such a perfect family and support system. The movie makes me want to look up all the facts about her life, family and career.

The overview of some of her judiciary accomplishments at the end of the movie was very helpful and there was another pleasant surprise at the end, especially at a time when we are all grieving her loss.

I would not mind seeing a movie about RBG's life that started before her marriage and the birth of her first child. I wanted more when this movie finished. Thank you to all who made it possible!
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Mulan (2020)
Excellent story, directing, photography. Pays homage to first Mulan
21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was about to explode waiting for this movie, which originally was to premiere in theaters April 2020. So of course I paid to see it before the free December 2020 release on my Disney+ account.

I was NOT DISAPPOINTED. I have not read the dismal reviews of others and it would not matter. I loved the animated Disney Mulan story and music, but was annoyed by the whole ancestral dragon and good luck cricket comedy relief throughout. This movie left all of that out with the more dignified image of the phoenix, sent by a loving father, looking after Mulan; and instead of a cricket we saw a likeable young man named "Cricket". Brilliant! Another aspect of paying homage to the first movie was using words and background music from the first movie very effectively, especially in the "I'm going to make a man out of you" sequence.

Another thing I really, really loved about this movie was that it gave more background for how Mulan was able to achieve all that she did. She inherited it either genetically or through a strong love and admiration for her father, and appeared to have been secretly trained by him? This movie showed a father who was very progressive for his time and culture by being proud of his daughter for her strong qualities/abilities (her Chi), even though society did not approve of those qualities in girls. This similarly happened in the movie "Brave" between father and daughter only in that case the daughter developed obvious strong qualities gained from both parents, not just the father.

I was intrigued by the Huns being helped by a witch who often presented as a hawk or falcon and who interacted and eventually was transformed by Mulan's stronger moral character. In the animated version, it was just a smart hawk spy for the Huns. The Huns were fleshed out pretty well and seemed like a real threat in the story, just as in the animated movie.

And finally, I was very happy they dropped the whole love interest part out of this Mulan movie. Mulan's goals were to show honor for family and country and to save her father. She was very focused and not distracted. These are very admirable qualities and very exciting to see in a Disney movie, that too often has to throw in "and they lived happily ever after" endings for the female leads. I am sure there are those that were hoping she turned out to be a Lesbian or something, but the stronger ending is to leave sexuality out completely and show how strong a female can be in traditionally male skills/ roles. This movie did that well.

I will be watching this movie over and over. Kudos to all involved with it's production!
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Man Up (I) (2015)
Love the script, acting, directing. Very rewatchable!
6 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie during COVID-19 Shelter in Place and love it so much I have seen it maybe 5 times in one month. I was surprised to find out Lake Bell is not really British. Her accent sounds so real. This movie made me into a huge Simon Pegg fan. The comic timing and delivery between these two was amazing in this film. The rest of the cast was great too, especially Rory Kinnear, who played Sean. I loved how over-the-top he played his part. The movie really delivers on the two central characters really getting to know each other in a short time and being surprised by what becomes of it. What a great climactic ending as well. Highly recommend as one of my favorite love stories.
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Sweet discovery to watch over and over!
6 July 2020
I found this little gem of a movie while stuck at home during COVID-19 Shelter in Place. I love it so much that I ended up buying it and watch it over and over, especially those romantic scenes. All of the acting is superb, especially the angry father and Anthony Quinn as the friendly grandfather. I watch it to feel good. The music soundtrack is intoxicating and top notch, reminding me a bit of Dr. Zhivago's soundtrack. I wish I knew what happened next in their story. Oh well!
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Knives Out (2019)
Much better than I expected
25 December 2019
I went to this movie because I love a good mystery. I thought it would be hysterically funny, but it wasn't. The characters were well defined in a brief period of time and every single actor got a juicy part in the story. Almost all of them got to show a bit of humor in their part, which is probably one reason it has comedy in the movie description. I find if I say anything about any one of those characters I MIGHT give too much away. Kudos to writer, director, actors and that wonderful house setting. This is the kind of movie you will want to watch again to see what more you might spot the second time.
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Great effort to match the original while missing the mark
23 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I came wanting to feel that magic again and my expectations were high. You could see how much care went into making this movie look and feel like the classic that Mary Poppins was. The casting, the artwork, the London landscape scenes and the background music were all lovely. The arrival of Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins was exciting and believable. So what was wrong? Primarily the songs. Not one of them will be remembered after today. Some of the scenes I felt went on too long, possibly because the music wasn't engaging enough. The best parts for us was to see Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury in brief, but wonderful performances. The Topsy Turvy scene with Meryl Streep was a sad attempt to recreate something like the "I Love to Laugh" scene in the original. I am not a fan of all those animated sequences, but I didn't like them when I saw the original as a kid either. Loved all the music in the original however!
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Fun to see these Supers back again
20 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the movie. It was nice that 3 of the actors talked to us before the movie began to explain the 14 year gap between the original and it's sequel, which at times I thought was 14 years later for the characters as well, however the kids had not aged, so I guess not? Jack Jack turned out to be a very fun addition to the family with a ridiculous number of super abilities by the end. I guess more than 17? I had trouble watching the crazy fast-paced chasing of the Underminer scene toward the beginning. Too much, too early for me. The humor and animation were the best parts of this movie and Edna was in top form. Loved how she interacted with Jack Jack. It was good all the new supers turned evil for awhile so we could see their abilities were more useful than parlor tricks. Reflux man was particularly gross however!
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Roseanne (1988–2018)
Low expectations - Just as fresh as ever - Pleasantly surprised
16 May 2018
Wow. Whoever writes the material for this show is gutsy and has quite the knack for pointing out issues in our society (on the show and with the critics). I enjoyed the first run of the Roseanne show and thought the return might not measure up, but it really, really does! I am also amazed at how they are able to get all of the original cast back. It especially blew me away to see Roseanne's mom, Beverly, come back at age 90 and as cantankerous as ever. I wonder if Leon, Fred, Arnie or Booker will find a way back into an episode? Just about everyone else I remember has, as of episode 8. Amazed and hooked.
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What a triumph for Marvel! It just keeps getting better :D
1 May 2018
I never give 10 stars but I can't stop thinking about this movie days after seeing it. All the story lines are brilliantly intertwined for all the varied superheroes and past movies. We were left devastated, but hopeful at the end of this one. I had to run out and rent Thor: Ragnorok the next day to help make sense of a few things. Glad I saw most of the others because it makes this film all the richer. I just need to see the Dr. Strange movie to get a totally complete picture, then you can be sure I will be watching Infinity War again! This movie pulls on just about every emotion and leaves us craving more story, more answers. Who will return and who will not. This is what it's all about. We are getting attached to every character, love them teaming together in fun, battle and in tragic times. They are each fantastic in their own way. I can't wait until May to see Part 2, and all the Marvel movies that are to come. Final note: Iron Spider MUST LIVE!
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Exploration into a myriad of prejudices and discrimination against anyone with differences
1 May 2018
The movie ranked highly for me in being well acted and artistically framed. The message was clear. The movie was set in a time we can safely think we have evolved away from, to more easily show the cruelties of prejudice and discrimination toward job rank and education, people with disabilities, women, people of color, homosexuals, people who believe differently (the Russian scientist) and non-humans. The crazed "villian" was motivated mostly by his ambition and his extreme limitations as a person, not because he was evil. It was surreal seeing him in his happy 50's or early 60's home environment, as if his family had no clue to who he was. I wished the movie included a truly fleshed out back story for the characters, especially the two lovers. All of the central characters gave us bits and pieces of their backstory, but not enough for me to really latch onto and feel engaged enough to care deeply about them. I think that would have helped me in this story. I do like how the artist friend speaks his assumptions about how it ended for the lovers, however I am not sure that was to be believed. I would not care to watch this movie again. Final opinion of the movie: A message movie which is artistic and sometimes beautiful, yet heavy handed at the same time.
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Logan (2017)
Major violence, foul language and sadness abounds
21 March 2017
I read a few other reviews and cannot imagine how this movie could be called a beautiful swan song for Logan or Xavier. Logan is a grumpy old alcoholic with lethal tendencies who is soured by the horrors of his life. The story in this movie confirms that he has good reason to be this way. It was not my kind of comic book material. I only give it a 7 because it wasn't horrible as a movie. Just really over the top with swearing and horrific reality-based violence compared with other X- Men movies. I rate it less than other X-Men movies because the mutant powers are not shown as much as I think they could have been, other than the heavy use of claws. For example - Caliban was a pretty important character and I don't feel we really ever knew what his mutant power was. Certainly it wasn't just being sensitive to sunlight.

On a side note about Xavier. We saw him die in X-Men: The Last Stand. Then we saw him alive at the end of The Wolverine, at a time Logan was grieving dead Jean Grey. Logan looked surprised at Xavier's appearance but there was no explanation other than "I have a few tricks up my sleeve". I am wondering if this was explained in Days of Future Past and I just don't remember it. His death back in The Last Stand really hit hard and he was dead a good 7 years between movies, only to be alive up until the year 2029 and well, you will know when you see the movie.
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Very nice remake of 1991 animated classic
17 March 2017
The biggest impression from seeing this remake was "Wow, it's just like the 1991 animated movie!" The biggest changes are that both Beauty and the Beast are given back stories about their parents, you glean more about the enchantress that cast the spell, and there are a few character changes that are very slight, including a Wardrobe with a more amazing singing voice than Jo Ann Worley who has an unlikely hookup with the Cadenza played by-over-the top Stanley Tucci. Most of the music is the same, with different voices of course. It's all very nice, but leaves you yearning for the original singers nonetheless, especially Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Potts and Jerry Obach as Lumiere. Emma Thompson makes a fine Mrs Potts, but it is hard to replace Angela Lansbury.

Kevin Kline inevitably made the part of Maurice, Belle's father, more engaging and memorable. Kudos to Luke Evans Gaston and Josh Gad's LeFou. They really let loose to actually become their animated over-the-top counterparts. The twist on LeFou's character at the end made perfect sense!

There are a couple songs I don't remember from the original, perhaps because they are less memorable altogether? At the end is a powerful rendition of "Evermore" where I was thinking that the Beast, played by Dan Stevens, has a much better singing voice than I thought. Then the credits rolled by and I saw that song was by Josh Grogan. Very, very nice!

Go see this movie. Then you will also want to watch the 1991 version again I bet.
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Went with no expectations. Very pleased. STAY TO THE END!
9 March 2017
I came to watch another movie and ended up in the Kong theater. The previews I had seen before looked promising; however, I have never liked Kong movies before. This one was very different. I liked the changes and all the surprises in this version, taking place in 1973 after the Vietnam War. Some parts of the film were very intense and violent and parts were sprinkled with welcome humor, mostly because of the character of Hank Marlow, played by John C Reilly. I recommend this movie for adult viewing. The acting, writing, directing, filming, sets and cgi/special effects were all top notch. If you haven't seen the movie yet I have 2 recommendations for you. Watch all the way past the credits for the surprise ending AND keep your eye on the actor Toby Kebbell, who until now I thought just played the part of the soldier, Jack Chapman. I can't say any more without ruining this review with spoilers. Go see the movie.
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Robin Hood (2010)
Robin Hood told very differently
6 March 2017
There are numerous Robin Hood stories told throughout history and this one was one of the most different. I don't know why it is not highly rated because I really loved this one's unique take on the Robin Hood legend, giving him an origin story and a totally different love interest and merry band and taking place with Robin as an older man. It was refreshing, well acted and directed.

I can watch it repeatedly and enjoy the varied emotions it evokes: the humor, the sadness, the pain and suffering, the lurking evil and the joy of getting back. I was intrigued by the many back stories introduced, such as the French intervention, the military influences, the royal intrigues and craziness. That last arrow shot by Robin was thrilling to watch. It was the epitome of climactic for a movie. I hope that is not considered a spoiler. Thoroughly enjoyable.
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