38 Reviews
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Nonsensical Slow Burn with No Resolution
10 December 2019
Initially, I enjoyed the slow build up of tension and the first suggestions of what might be going on. However, as the movie progresses, more and more plot holes and continuity errors stack up to create a frustrating story that leaves a plethora of questions unanswered and does not really come to an end. It is beyond annoying to have so many uncertainties become firmly rooted in the audience members' minds that practically beg them to pay attention to every little detail as each one may be important or relevant later only to not rely upon any of those pieces of information to answer or address any of their concerns. I am honestly angry that nothing is explained and especially that I took the time to watch it. Also, I can say that with almost 100% certainty, a rewatch will do nothing to shed any light on this conundrum of a film.
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Ragini MMS (2011)
Plagiarized, Misogynistic Snoozefest
3 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, this movie is the product (or should I say blatant plagiarism) of Paranormal Activity, The Blair Witch Project, and Gerald's Game. Few ideas in this film are anything close to original.

Then we have the serious problems of misogyny, sexual and physical abuse, and subjugation. All of these anti-woman, patriarchal atrocities are committed by the male lead charcter, Uday, who treats his girlfriend, Ragini, as if she were his personal slave. When she is horny and wants to have sex, he shuts her down by pushing her off of him wherupon she flops violently onto the floor. Yet, when the roles are reversed shortly thereafter, Ragini says no multiple times and Uday flatly ignores her and overpowers her with his physical strength and size. I strongly believe that a rape scene would have followed had the director not thought to put in a ghostly presence indicator at this point. In fact, there is at least one rape joke in the script when Pia handcuffs Vishal to the bedpost and does a sexy dance for him and she says, "I'm going to rape you, baby." Perhaps the director thought this would fly since the line is delivered by a woman?

Uday is an extremely unlikable prick from the moment he comes on screen until the epilogue. The audience is supposed to hate him. He pressures Ragini to do his bidding, whines and begs to get his way, acts like an entitled and selfish "jerk" most of the time, and alienates everyone around him. In fact, Ragini calls Uday a jerk to his face at least twice and one of those times, he slaps her in the face twice and tells her to shut up and be quiet. It was so satisfying watching Uday be possessed and compelled to stab himself in the neck with that metal bell/drum/clacker thing I don't know the name of.

There is little redeemable about this film except Ragini's salvation from Uday's clutches. The myriad stale tropes and endless repetition of the same lines and motifs, especially the ghost's dialogue, bored me to tears and I actually fell asleep halfway through, then went back and watched what I had missed.

Do not waste your time on this steaming pile of landfill fodder.
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What Did I Just Watch?
11 March 2019
From the beginning to the end of this film, which is exactly the same scene by the way, there is very little going for it. The acting is mediocre to terrible. The story itself makes little to no sense. The costumes are strange and never explained. I have no idea what was going on or why, much less why I should care about any of the characters or what was happening. The special effects makeup looks like it was done by a novice.... I could keep going, but this movie doesn't deserve my effort.

After watching this mess, my head hurts, I am mightily confused and a bit angry, and I want my money back even though I did NOT pay to see it. The filmmakers should compensate me for my pain and suffering.

Worst film I've watched in a long time. It's so bad that it isn't even Rifftrax-able.
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Almost a Complete Waste of Time
25 June 2018
Since I watched 13 Reasons Why and fell in love with Dylan Minette's character Clay, I thought this would be a good movie to watch. For his acting chops, he does deliver. However, literally NONE of the bad or scary things that happen are explained. By the end of the movie, which just sort of ends, all viewers are left with is a very large bucket of questions with no answers.

If you, too, think Dylan Minnette is a hottie and like to see people go through some super creepy small town weirdness, watch away. If you do choose to sit through it, just know that the last 5 minutes or so are going to leave you with your head cocked to the side and saying aloud, "WTF?!"
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The Boy (2016)
Excellent Build-Up, Disappointing Ending
2 June 2018
I really enjoyed the creepy, uncertain feeling created that genuinely produced an eerie unsettled mood to the movie. This continues and is very well done through the last 15 minutes or so. The closer to the end the action goes, the more predictable everything is. That disappointing turn from truly disturbing, unexplained, bewildering revelations to formulaic, rife-with-tropes resolution left me feeling cold and unsatisfied with the film as a whole. If you're a movie buff, watch it but be forewarned that it may make you a bit angry come the conclusion. Otherwise, skip it. Many of the plot lines have been rehashed from other films.
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Boring. So Very Boring. Gouge Your Eyes Out with a Spoon Boring.
9 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've never watched a movie before that played it's trailer before the feature film. That was a bit offputting and weird, because I thought that the movie had started and was inexplicably jumping around in the story to create a sense of confusion and chaos.

Sarah's accent is very poorly done and amateurish that I cannot tell from which country the character is meant to hail.

So, the metal detector worked without 9 volt batteries. What was the source of it's power? Magic? Yeah, this plot device wasn't working for me at all, because the scene on the beach was anti-climactic, the acting was flat and uninteresting, and there was no build-up of cinematic tension. We have no idea who Tracy is, why she was at the beach, how she knew to be there, what the book is, or why we should even care about her or the action in that scene. I am confused.

How are the pages in the spell book not completely rotten, wet, blurred, or otherwise damaged from spending who knows how long buried in the sand? This is asking me to suspend my disbelief way too much.

Every single actor and actress in this film delivers their lines with little conviction, emotion, or facial expression. I'm just not invested in anyone, don't care about them, and I'm bored to tears.

Tracy reading the Necronomicon over a cup of coffee is kind of funny.

I missed something over the next few minutes, because Tracy suddenly goes crazy and kills the guy who was helping her find out more about the spell book. She now has a semi-psychopathic grin on her face and her hair is disheveled, because messy hair totally means cray-cray.

There are way too many long stretches of action which do not advance the plot and have absolutely no dialogue. I'm already fighting sleep and the movie is only 25 minutes in.

A hacksaw cutting through human flesh and bone would not sound anything like the sound effects put into the dismemberment scene. The sound effects sound like a log being slowly sawed while popcorn is popping in the distance and someone is popping small gauge bubble wrap.

The swarming flies are ripped straight out of The Amityville Horror. Lame! Find your own strange phenomena to demonstrate that something weird is going on. Furthermore, pick up the pace, skip every scene that does not advance the plot, and the truly terrible acting are putting me to sleep *nods off*.

Relative or not, who in their right mind would show up on someone's doorstep unannounced and expect to be taken in for an overnight stay late at night? Weird. Maybe we are supposed to gather that the young blonde girl with green hair is herself weird simply by virtue of her unnatural hair color, tattoos, and multiple piercings? Gee, how stereotypical.

Never before have I been some completely and utterly bored with a low- budget "bad movie" that I fully fell asleep. Twice. Snoozefest!
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Rabid Love (2013)
Terrible Movie, Excellent Soundtrack
26 July 2014
If you can stick with the film long enough to hear all of the music in it, I promise that you will walk away happy. The best song on the soundtrack is "Exit the Building Or Die" by Racecat. It plays during an intense action scene and is very well matched to what is happening on screen. By the second stanza of the song, I was already looking up the soundtrack for the movie and hunting a website where I could download the track. Amazon offers the single for download as well as the movie's entire soundtrack (although the other songs don't do it for me). Also, much to my exquisite delight, Racecat has a presence on Spotify, as the soundtrack is available for streaming through the service. I wish there were more songs by Racecat available, because I am in love with the mellow, ambient, trip-hop sound of "Exit the Building or Die."
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Rampant Racism, Hard to Stomach
24 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Within the first 15 minutes of the movie, we hear ignorant white people casting aspersions about African Americans twice. The first comes from a patron in the bar who makes fun of a white man for dating a black woman. The second comes from the woman's own boyfriend when he says, "I fell in love with the only black woman who sings off key." This kind of talk makes me sick! Although I realize that this movie was made in the 90s and seems to be set in the 80s, there is really no excuse for such blatant racism. I wanted to turn the movie off at this point, but I want to write a fair review, so I am going to try to watch the whole debacle without throwing up from sheer offensive language.

It irritates me to no end that the characters keep referring to their snowmobiles as "sleds." Those words are not synonymous and mean entirely different things!

Oh, my goodness these people are so whiny and obnoxious. They cannot keep cool or calm in a crisis and do nothing but snap at each other and swear loudly which only breaks down the lines of communication further.

Bad special effects, terribly cheesy soundtrack (if I hear that awesomely 80s country song again, my ears will literally bleed), forgettable characters, a narrator who sounds like he/she (I can't tell) smoked 3 packs a day from birth, and a non-ending (rather, the movie just stops with no real explanation as to what happened or why), I am so glad that this awful flick is over.
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Stripped (I) (2013)
This Movie Should Have Been Called "Hostel Lite"
21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Is anything in this movie original? I mean, come on now, the intro and outro are from Plan 9 from Outer Space. Also, the plot is essentially Hostel on American soil.

The guys use the words "gay" and "fag" as pejoratives several times in addition to swearing too much. Really?! Did this movie need gay- bashing and homophobia to make the audience realize that these young men are unlikable? No, not so much.

The guys are annoying with their talking over each other, drunken antics, trashing the posh hotel room, treatment of each other, and assertion that women are only good for one thing: their sexual gratification. I couldn't care less about any of the characters, so why should I have any kind of emotional response when the guys start falling victim to the organ-harvesting doctor/surgeon at the brothel? In fact, I cheered, because they were finally going to stop whining, moaning, complaining, and picking fights with each other.

Okay, everybody's dead. Lame excuse for a movie is over. Yay! Don't waste your time on this one. It's not worth it unless you just want to laugh at how awful it is or provide your own Rifftrax, which would be fun.
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To Jennifer (2013)
Two Douchebags Talk Smack About a Girl
21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING: This movie glorifies alcoholism, cyber-bullying, cyber-crime, drunkenness, fighting, gossip, hacking, homophobia, irresponsibility, marijuana, misogyny, name-calling, objectification of women, rape culture, revenge, sexual harassment, swearing, and more.

Two friends who swear too much, Joey and Steven, conspire to make a video to catch Joey's girlfriend, Jennifer, red-handed cheating on Joey which he suspects. They call her several misogynistic names which I do not care to repeat here, perpetuate the ill-treatment of women in general with their male chauvinistic pig behavior and language, and are generally unlikable from the first moments of the movie.

Steven is a douchebaggy jerk and a tool who deserves to be slapped and banished from Joey's life immediately. Steven is the sole reason that Joey started freaking out on the plane and had a panic attack which landed Joey in the hospital for four days. What kind of a "friend" does that?! Steven is a major jerk and I already hate him and the movie hasn't even been playing for ten minutes.

When the guys get to the demolished hotel, which they stop at for some completely asinine reason, they claim that there is blood on the wall. Um, that is clearly paint. These guys are obnoxiously loud, annoying, argumentative, and generally irritating. I really want them to shut up, but I have to watch the movie to the end, because I'm not a quitter. Also, there has to be some kind of a twist ending (or so I suspect) to make watching this terrible excuse for a plot line redeemable.

Then, the misogyny and maltreatment of women gets even worse when one of the guys brings two prostitutes to sleep with Joey to mellow him out. Seriously, the way women are treated and portrayed in this movie makes me really angry.

By the end of the movie, I wanted to strangle the guys if they said any variation of the word "fuck" or screamed at each other one more time. I hate each and every one of the three main characters (Joey, Steven, and Martin) with an unwavering passion. Seriously, I want them all dead. Right now. They deserve to die for how annoying their characters are. Oh, Martin's already dead and wrapped in trash bags in the trunk? Awesome! Only two more guys need to die. SWEET! Joey killed Jennifer's other boyfriend, stabs Steven in the back as Steven tries to escape down the stairs after discovering the boyfriend's corpse and a bloody Joey holding a knife nearby, and Jennifer is now Joey's captive. Oh, so Joey is a complete psychopath and his relationship with Jennifer is completely a figment of his imagination. Wow, super creepy!

If you want to watch men and women argue, speak such that a swear word is every second or third word, treat women like objects, call women horrid names like "slut," "whore," and worse; and act like "he-man woman haters" to whom women are only good for sex and are expected to look beautiful and be sexually available at all times and enjoy a twist ending, the final 15 minutes of the movie redeem the other 75 minutes of seemingly unnecessary footage. All of the characters, except for maybe Joey's mother and Jennifer, are extremely hate-able, awful people. Otherwise, if men who behave like Neanderthals and believe in the principle of "bros before hos" aren't your cup of tea, skip this piece of oppressive, misogynistic, offensive amateur cinematic drivel.
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Blood (2000)
Unconventional Vampire-esque Thriller
21 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I started this movie thinking that I could watch/listen to it in the background while I worked on other things. However, the story and characters in addition to the dramatic tension and plot drew me in and would not let go.

Blood is a highly underrated film with refreshing originality. Although she is not a true vampire, Lix's dependence upon human blood for sustenance does have a sexual aspect as it often does in vampire movies. However, the narcotic effects of consuming her blood and the resultant addiction doing so causes humans directly parallels the final season of True Blood which came 14 years after this film was released. In other words, I find "Blood" to be ahead of its time.

By far, the most interesting character in the film is the little boy Jack. He is amusing, says really unintentionally funny lines which are made all the more funny due to his age and blunt honesty. I laughed out loud when young Jack said, "He smokes all the time, so I think he's going to die soon." The blunt honesty of children can be highly amusing and very true. Also, the way in which he quickly and easily bonds with Lix is heartwarming as is Lix's reciprocated admiration for the boy.

The soundtrack is very good and compliments the film very well with one minor exception. Although I was pleasantly surprised to hear Orgy's cover of "Blue Monday," which is one of my favorite songs, the instrumental theme was overplayed and became annoying by the end of the movie. Similar to the bell theme from The Exorcist, the same two or three stanzas of music were repeated ad nauseam for far too long in places and not always at dramatic moments. Therefore, when I heard it for the fourth and fifth times, I was bored with and tired of it.

Believe when I say that everyone should watch this movie for its insights on love, obsession, addiction, desperation, priorities, and relationships. However, if blood makes you squeamish, you may want to avoid it or cover your eyes for some scenes.
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Hide (I) (2011)
Scream with More Phone Calls
19 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Some brilliant director decided to create an homage to Scream by stealing the creepy phone call concept, the killers' voice, and the body count. Nothing ever happens in this movie. No one dies, the scares aren't really scary, and it makes no sense that the terrorized girl would keep answering the phone if she knew full well who would be on the other end. Seriously, this movie is terrible! The camera work, script, acting, and lame attempts to create dramatic tension are feeble at best.

Also, if you absolutely and unwaveringly hate the sound of a ringing phone that goes unanswered or ignored, avoid this movie at all cost. The ringing gets really old very quickly and I just kept wanting to scream at my laptop screen, "ANSWER THE STUPID PHONE ALREADY!" Nothing drives me crazy faster than a loud, repetitive noise, especially phones.

Do not watch this movie. You will regret it deeply.
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Bloodmyth (2006)
If You Hate Repetitive Noises, Skip This One
15 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If I hear the orchestral background music loop one more time, I will go insane! It plays nearly constantly in the background on seemingly endless loop with the only exception being the occasional addition of timpani drums and/or a slightly faster pace.

Most of the elements of this movie are terrible: acting, character development, weak plot, script, and special effects.

What got on my nerves almost as much as the redundant music was the characters screaming at each other a lot. If you watch this movie with earbuds or headphones, you will have to keep a finger on the volume controls, because your ears will bleed from the loud screaming complete with feedback/reverb from the speakers.

Trust and believe me when I say that this piece of cinematic "work" should be skipped, passed over, burned, etc. Do not bother wasting your time. You will regret it!
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Wet Kiss (2009 Video)
A Low-Quality, Problem-Plagued Exercise in Patience
11 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There are multiple problems with this movie:

1) The video quality is poor, amateurish, grainy, and somewhat out of focus. 2) Echoes and background noise make the audio track very hard to listen to, understand, and regulate. I frequently had to adjust the volume, because the background noise drowned out the dialog or the music/sound effects was/were too loud. 3) The story isn't all that interesting and develops really slowly. 4) All of the characters are superficial, lack depth, and are not developed enough for us to really care about any of them much. 5) There was no need for this movie to be over 90 minutes long. It would have been easy to tell the whole story much faster, cut a lot of unnecessary scenes, shorten scenes, and still tell the same lame story. 6) The special effects are cheesy, poorly done, and very obvious. 7) You will never get those 94 minutes of your life back. 8) The moral of the story is, "No good deed goes unpunished." Really?!
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The Dead Live (2006 Video)
Most Annoying Zombie Movie Ever Made
6 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is terrible for the following reasons:

1) A lot of sexist lines against both men and women. 2) The soundtrack drowns out the dialog more than half of the time. 3) The special effects are extremely lame. 4) The acting is terrible. 5) Every character is very annoying and I don't care about any of them. 6) The audio track's volume and quality vary dramatically. 7) I kept having to adjust the volume to hear the dialog. 8) Nobody wants to listen to a baby's cry on infinite loop for 2 minutes. 9) The movie just sort of trails off to an ending without resolution.

Seriously, do not waste you time on this nearly two-hour, amateur, badly written, poorly acted, convoluted plotted detritus.
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Contagio (2009 Video)
Lame Movie with Horrendous Acting that Clearly Was Not Fact-Checked
5 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The main characters, Calvin and Iris, have foreign accents that are never explained in that we have no idea where they are from. Their English is atrocious and their pronunciation is bad.

The deputy they meet on the trail correctly assumes that the main characters are new to hiking and camping and that they have little clue as to what they are doing. Specifically, Iris is wearing a micro mini- skirt that shows the bottom curvature of her butt cheeks and Calvin is dressed in jeans, a button down shirt, and a driving cap. Clearly, these two naive people are going to meet with a hideous fate while in the woods. The least prepared people are always the first to die in horror films.

For those who care, you only have to wait 14 minutes for the first glimpse of bare breasts and a suggested sex scene (we don't get to see any of the action).

The injury that Iris sustains would cause her to bleed out rather quickly, yet when we are shown the gaping wound, it isn't even actively bleeding and the the blood looks like purple, partially coagulated blood. Also, she keeps rotating the ankle. With an injury like that, any movement would be excruciatingly painful and she would not be able to or want to move it. In reality, this wound would be free-flowing oxygenated blood and threaten her life. She would also be screaming in pain or passed out from the severity of the pain. Furthermore, Iris is remarkably calm for being so severely injured and alone in the bottom of a pit.

Iris is a whiny idiot. She actually thinks that a thin piece of twine can support her weight such that Calvin can pull her out of the pit. Then, when Calvin informs her of her moronic logic, she thinks he is making a jab at her weight when she is very thin, physically fit, and has very little body fat. What an arrogant, conceited airhead!

Skip to the 30 minute mark if you want to start the movie when the dramatic tension and crisis are presented.

Magically, Iris's wound doesn't hurt until Calvin pours some water on it and bandages it and they have escaped exposure to the poisonous cloud by being underground. Um, excuse me? The gas was wafting along the ground, clearly denser than air and would SINK INTO THE PIT, DUH!

Iris's reactions to pain are wimpy and weak at best. When they do manage to get out of the pit, Iris is hardly limping and is able to walk really well for someone whose calf muscle is half missing. Whoever fact-checked this script did NOT do any medically-based research.

Ooo, a pile of dead crows covered in ants. So not scary, y'all.

Who would the deputy pull a gun on Calvin? He's sick, bleeding from the eyes, and probably can't see all that well. Then, suddenly the deputy is stronger than Calvin and pins Calvin to a tree with a branch? Make up your mind. Either the deputy is weak as a kitten and leaning on a tree trunk for support or he has super-human strength and is going to kill Calvin.

Notice how the deputy's hand, although cleft in two, does not bleed. That wound would hemorrhage quickly.

Somehow, Calvin and Iris are the world's best hiders-behind-trees. Despite their constant crunching of leaves and twigs underfoot, the guy in a painter's suit sealed with yellow tape (lame and not how real HAZMAT controllers would be dressed at all) and gas mask carrying a machine gun hasn't heard their movements at all. He must have been hard of hearing.

So, Calvin is a sharpshooter and fully versed in epidemiology? I don't think so. His character is so utterly boring and unbelievable.

We're dealing with a space object that re-entered the Earth's atmosphere with a little extra. Whether it is gas, alien life forms, or something else, Calvin has it all figured out immediately based on seeing one corpse: it enters through the eyes and eats through the brain. Sure, because he's totally a scientist and know-it-all genius. To my shock and surprise, Calvin is proved right when they meet the guy who was hiding in the attic of a house.

Gangrene does not set in immediately and the guy in the house CLEARLY heard you say that the gun is empty, Iris. You're so incredibly stupid and annoying!

Calvin must be the strongest man alive to take a guy down with two blows of a baseball bat then choke another guy out with the bat. Seriously, these are the worst fight scenes I've ever seen. Whoever choreographed them didn't want to make them seem real at all. Also, the foley artist did not accurately capture the sound a a blow landing.

At that close range, that car would have been shot up, all of the glass blown out, all of the tires flattened, and both Calvin and Iris would be super dead. So unbelievable!

How can they have run over a person and cut them in half yet there is not a trace of blood anywhere on the pristinely clean white car?

The helicopter scenes are clearly stock footage from the Vietnam War and Gulf War.

Yup, Calvin is the world's strongest man, because he totally just pulled his own infected head apart at the sagittal suture. Uh-huh, right.

Iris is infected and destroys the only source of evidence of what really happened.

MOVIE OVER! What was the point of that waste of 90 minutes?
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Complete Waste of Time
24 April 2014
This movie is yet another piece of cinematic garbage brought to you by none other than The Asylum, whose work is always lackluster, heavily dependent upon lame CGI special effects, and badly acted. Just imagine that the British TV series Primeval had a swingers party with Real Steel, Howl's Moving Castle, Benny Hill, and a WWII farce set in Britain. The plot is very loosely based on Jack and the Beanstalk and largely nonsensical.

The acting is atrocious despite there being two or three recognizable, moderately big-name British actors in the cast. I stopped actively watching the film about 10 minutes in and just listened to it until an action scene came along, then I watched until that scene was over. If you have other things to do, you won't really miss any plot points (ha, what plot?) by not paying full or even half attention to the movie.

Trust me, do not waste your time on this. You will not regret skipping it.
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Grim (1996)
This Movie Has It All (Wrong, That Is)
23 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
From the grainy camera quality, low lighting throughout most of the film, and the inexplicable happenstance of several Americans living in what is obviously England yet none of them know or are friends with any Brits to the bad acting, horrible dialog and blatant misogyny and sexploitation, this movie gets it all wrong. The special effects are cheesy, lame, and poorly executed. The monster isn't scary at all and it's constant growling and slow, shuffling gate simply do not inspire the fear that the actors melodramatize into quite the laughable display of the world's worst acting. I am so bored by the plot, constant calling to everyone by their name, and the frequent female screaming and whining. There are twenty more minutes of this horrible film left? It just keeps going. Kill me now! I will never get these 88 minutes of my life back.
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Lizzie (2012)
Truly One of the Most Horrible, Awful, Terrible, Pointless, and Convolulted Films Ever Made
11 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There are several things wrong with this movie: 1) The plot makes no sense. 2) Things that happen are largely not explained. 3) When someone is swinging an axe, stand well away from them. 4) Weakly hitting a door with an axe a few times won't make it open. 5) Why wasn't Lizzie Allen freaked out when she awoke to see Maggie standing in her room holding an axe? 6) Why wasn't Lizzie Allen weirded out when Maggie/Bridget let herself into the house the first time? 7) Doesn't everyone know not to mix alcohol and medications? 8) We never learn what the deal is with the creepy old doll. 9) Why was there a random sex scene for a few seconds? Do breasts make a movie better? 10) Could the props department have chosen a more annoying alarm clock? 11) Why have Maggie/Bridget show up wearing a turn-of-the-century maid's costume? 12) What was the purpose of Jason being possessed by Lizzie Borden's mother? 13) How could Lizzie Allen not know her own address? That's just stupid! 14) Also, the police department wouldn't answer right away, and an address search would not be instantaneous. 15) So, are the ghosts of the Lizze Borden tragedy doomed to repeat their last moments for all eternity? Is that what we're supposed to glean from this sequence? 16) Gary Busey? Really?! He's certainly crazy enough to play the role very well. 17) So, Lizzie Allen sees Maggie/Bridget being raped and simply leaves the room? 18) Mr. and Mrs. Borden don't wield the hatchet with enough force to cause the bad special effects blood spray that results. Super lame! 19) The special effects are laughable, amateur, and shoddily done at best. 20) The Lizzie Borden house has not been a private residence in decades. No one could live there in modern times. 21) Continuity: Maggie/Bridget was NEVER wearing a yellow shirt in any of the scenes until her body is found on the floor. 22) With a neck wound like Jason's there would be more bleeding, spatter, etc. 23) Was the gun there the whole time? 24) Who would keep a gun in a certifiably crazy woman's house? 25) The ending montage makes no sense at all. 26) Shooting oneself in the head would leave bits of brain matter plastered to the wall, not just low viscosity blood. 27) Why would Lizzie Allen's father be missing an eyeball? 28) Lizzie Borden was acquitted of murder, so why does she say, "Society will pay?" That makes no sense whatsoever. 29) Lastly, a corpse cannot be possessed. Furthermore, why would Lizzie Borden's ghost want to possess Lizzie Allen's corpse in the first place.

Seriously, do not waste your time with this atrociously bad piece of garbage. You will never get those two hours of your life back, and you will be really angry about it.
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Paranormal Asylum (2013 Video)
Don't Bother
1 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie suffers from many problems:

1) Plot holes large enough to drive a truck through. 2) Horrible acting. 3) Bad cinematography. 4) Lame script writing. 5) Confusing, convoluted plot line. 6) Flat, moronic characters that we never get emotionally invested in, because we are never given a reason to care about them. 7) Continuity problems. 8) Bad, boring soundtrack. 9) Boring story that is never fully explained.

There is more I would complain about, but I don't want to waste any more time on this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad direct-to-Netflix release.
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Well, that was... weird.
15 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was engrossed, watching every scene with rapt attention and bated breath. At points, I was on the edge of my seat with fear and anticipation. This story had so much potential, tension, action, and psychological drama. However, to get me so wound up only to end the movie on such a nondescript scene with no real resolution and without answering all of the questions raised in the film is just mean. I have so many questions! Why did Martha enter the cult in the first place? What attracted her to the group? How did she find them? Who exactly was the cult leader and what was his deal/philosophy? What was he trying to create on that rundown farm? What actually happened to Marlene in the barn? Was she actually pregnant at some point, which was implied?

Until the screen went black and the end theme began to play, I thought Martha might actually get the therapy she so desperately needs, and that we would get to see some of her sessions, so that we would know what happened to her and see her start to heal, which she so richly deserves.

I am sorely disappointed by this film.
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Prepare to Hear "Baby" 1 Million Times
30 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
By twenty minutes into the film, I was already tired of hearing Fiona call Cyril and Hugh "Baby" every few minutes. As the story progresses, she continues to say "Baby" at least fifty more times. This gets extremely old very quickly.

I found the disjointed, time-jumping method of story-telling to be a bit hard to follow.

Also, I think that the sexual nature of the relationship between the two couples started too quickly after everyone met. It seemed unnatural. There should have been a more gradual progression toward full swap.

I'm still not sure what the point or moral of this story is.

The chastity belt scene was really hard to watch. Hugh is a sick, twisted, sadistic bastard. What Kathryn could possibly see in him is a complete mystery. Also, I fail to see what Cyril sees in Fiona other than eye candy.

Overall, I liked the movie for its exploration of open marriage and alternative sexuality.
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Dawning (I) (2009)
Slow Start, Great Middle, Major Disappointment at the End
9 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
FOREWORD: Until the last 1 or 2 minutes of the film, I wanted to give this little indie gem a 7. Then, I felt robbed and cut that score in half.

This movie gets off to a very slow, snail's pace of a start. Not until the dog is injured about 15 minutes in do we really get a sense of where the plot may be going. Then, the creepiness and confusion set in for the next hour or so. Just when the tension and weirdness reach their pique, the movie is suddenly over.

There is no explanation of what was going on, no resolution, no tying up on loose ends, nothing to really end the movie. Rather, one of the cast delivers an eerie one-liner and fade to black.

I am so angry that I wasted 90 minutes on this film. I liked the otherworldly feel, the oddness of the mood, the terrible dysfunction of the family, and the use of telepathy. I really wanted to know what was happening, why we were hearing snippets of what the characters really thought about their family members, and understand why they started going crazy and killing each other off.

But, this movie is kind of like a Tootsie Pop, because "the world may never know" what the point of this film is.
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Vampegeddon (2010 Video)
Worst Vampire Movie I've Ever Seen
8 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever edited this movie missed a lot of con trails in the sky. You know, from airplanes which did not exist in the old west. Yeah....

The Indian girl at the campfire is wearing a gold chain. Indians did not wear gold or work with precious metals. Also, the blankets laid by the fire are Mexican style, not Native American.

Seriously, heavy metal juxtaposed with the old west does NOT jive. It's just jarring and off-putting.

The foley artist and sound mixer made the fire sound too windy and loud.

Igor, from the Frankenstein lore, is actually a Nosferatu-esque vampire? WTF?! Wow, really bad makeup work, overacting, melodrama, and horrible fight choreography on top of even more modern music that adds nothing to the scene.

I'm only 9 minutes into this film and I already hate it.

Then, suddenly a quartet of middle-age goths of various types appear and we're in modern day.

Gratuitous female boob shots (one from far away, one close up of surgically enhanced chest cantaloupes).

Yeah, because all goths believe in Wicca, vampires, and play D&D. NOT! Oh, and it's painfully obvious that they were holding small blood packets in their palms that they pierced with the dagger. Bad attempt to conceal prop blood. Had it been actual blood, drinking it would likely make them vomit. The human stomach does not tolerate blood very well at all.

So, why is the redhead immediately drawn into some strange guy's house to buy stuff? Why is that not creepy to her? Especially when he starts rubbing his enormous gut in an oddly sexual manner. Then Fatty McFatterson is surrounded by four naked vampires flashing their boobs and draining him dry. Yeah, that was the weirdest garage sale EVER!

How many sets of breasts will you see in this movie? A whopping seven!

The foley track has no sounds other than the characters' voices most of the time. No footsteps, gravel, birds chirping, dogs barking, neighborhood or traffic sounds, etc. It's eerie.

During the campfire scene's circle kiss, you can clearly see a cameraman's shadow on the rocks.

How can vampires feed without dripping blood everywhere and making a huge mess? They can't. Yet, the redhead feeds on the Nosferatu dude with no bloody lips or drips.

Why would a vampire with sharp canines need to wear and/or use a bloodletter? That's what his teeth are for, duh!

So, Liz has been possessed by a spirit, but the accent slips from an unknown British dialect to sounding more Aussie or Kiwi.

The big guy would not still be flailing with his hands after being decapitated. He should have gone down immediately. Also, the skinny guy must be really, really high to think getting doused in his buddy's blood is funny or cool.

Always, always, always put out your campfire and make sure it poses no danger before leaving.

If you stake a guy in the heart, the stake will NOT be pulled out clean and completely devoid of blood. Seriously, how many more mistakes does this movie have?

Since when do vampires and pentagrams go together? What is going on here?

The vampires' palms are normal skin color. Makeup fail.

The director is super seriously into boobs. We get to see a pair every 10 minutes or so. As a woman watching this movie, it's really annoying at this point, because it doesn't drive the plot and is completely unnecessary.

Redhead wakes up suddenly, screams, and passes back out. What was the point of that?

Once again, when you stake a vampire, the tip should come out covered in gore. Also, slamming two car doors makes no noise at all? How did she know where the keys were? How was it suddenly morning (even though that is really a sunset)? Mistake after mistake after mistake. Worst editor ever?

Wow, that was terrible.
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1313: Billy the Kid (2012 Video)
A Veritable Cornucopia of Historic Inaccuracies
8 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
From the first moment of this film, in my head I heard the director thinking, "Hey, guys. Let's use a yellow filter (although I think s/he was really aiming for sepia-tone, which has more of a brownish tint) to give this flick a genu-wine old west feel. What do ya say?"

The guy walking through the desert (for 8 solid minutes without uttering a word or doing anything interesting whatsoever other than hold his left arm in a death grip) is clean. He is absolutely devoid of dust and any sign of sunburn. The desert is dry and dusty by nature and the sun is relentlessly beating down for hours, yet this man is filth free and not sunburned?

Why is he walking around wearing a vest (with historically inaccurate side-cinching ties) without a shirt on? In the read old west, he would have been considered inappropriately dressed as his nipples, belly button, and bare chest can be seen. Think of the women! What a scandal to cause a woman to swoon. The hat he is wearing looks like a child's costume hat. Lastly, black skinny jeans did not exist in 1881.

The whole walking through the desert scene could have been cut down to less than a minute and have achieved much the same effect.

Croatoan? Really?! What does a reference to the lost colony of Roanoke Island, VA have to do with anything?

There was no need to have the dream sequence of watching an Indian run through the woods and duck under tree branches for a solid minute.

Lottie should have her hair in a respectable updo. Respectable women in the 1880s did not wear their hair down in public or in front of strangers. The light fixture in Henry/Billy's boarding room at Lottie's is clearly a ceiling-mounted electric light. Tiled islands/bars were not standard in kitchens in the late 19th century. Modern door handles and closures can be seen on all of the doors. Henry would swelter if he were really wearing thermal long john pants.

A blacksmith would not likely be stupid enough to work shirtless. Flying embers, fire, and molten metal are dangerous. The more layers between his skin and the item he is working on, the better. Blacksmith aprons are very long covering most of the chest and legs and are always made of thick, protective leather; not a flimsy cloth thing that hangs low on the chest.

Seriously? Is every man in this movie shirtless or does the director just have a male nipple fetish?

So what's going on with the disembodied voice?

Okay, we get it. Henry/Billy is tied to his bed and cannot free himself. We don't need five minutes of film time to understand this concept.

Air conditioning/heating vents in the ceiling reveal that the house is modern as does the cast-concrete patio furniture, upholstered modern sofa outside, plastic flower pots, spice rack, cabinetry, bendable desk lamp, and the sliding glass doors/windows. To the left of the boarding house's front door, a burlap throw has been thrown over a flat screen TV on a media stand. How do I know? Easy. In a previous scene, someone neglected to conceal it. It looks like very little attempt to conceal modernity and/or stay true to the time period was made. Blame the low budget, but it's really hard for me, a History minor, to ignore all of the historical inaccuracies.

I'm pretty sure patent leather Doc Marten's did not exist in 1881, blacksmith dude.

Seriously, that's how it ends? Lame. What a waste of time.

This movie does have one redeeming quality: the guys playing Billy the Kid and the former sheriff are very attractive and physically fit.
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