
3 Reviews
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Avoid the cult of Von Trier
18 March 2014
First off, if you want to see a movie that depicts sexual compulsion in an engrossing and compelling way, see Shame starring Michael Fassbender.

This film is not porn, not particularly raunchy, not in the least bit sexy, nor shocking in the least. What it is is a tiresome, disjointed, and utterly pedantic piece of faux-art.

The dialogue is so bad with its philosophical pontification that I physically winced many times throughout the film. This is the sort of wincing one does not at challenging art but at amateur, college level film. It screams intellectual phoney in every other scene.

Why is this film even 4 hours long? Because Von Trier was too lazy to pare it down for us. It's like when your friend posts 300 photos of his art project on his website and expects you to pick your 10 favorite, because he can't be arsed to do his own editing.

Lars Von Trier's surname, although pronounced differently in his native tongue, is very telling if pronounced as an English word. Try and try again, his scam art fools the gullible masses who will imbue his work with meaning themselves. It is akin to religion -- lacking in both profundity and truth.

Do not let the cult of Von Trier brainwash you into believing.
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The Invasion (I) (2007)
19 August 2007
The 70s remake of this film succeeded because it was a chilling psychological thriller with little to no horror film elements and a biting ending that lingered with you for days.

This film starts out with the premise and setup, but quickly deviates into a different film -- a rehashing of 28 days later and outbreak with illogical, formulaic action sequences that are literally lifted straight from any zombie film. As usual with sub-par screenplays, the plot requires illogical and implausible events to move forward and provide thrills. In the end, it couldn't make up its mind whether it was an intellectually compelling, psychological thriller or yet another zombie action film? The ending was ... eh I don't even want to explain it.
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What a travesty...
13 May 2007
Whereas 28 Days had subtlety, plausibility, real character development, and was only really circumstantially a horror film and actually a drama, 28 Weeks falls right into the tired, old horror movie clichés of ridiculously unbelievable events, inconsistent behavior based on established rules set up in 28 Days (referring here to behavior of certain infected), and exploitive 'gotcha' moments characteristic of every horror movie ever made.

I really REALLY wanted to enjoy this film, but it wasn't steeped in reality the way 28 Days was, and since I don't really care for the horror movie genre, I hated this film for being one of the biggest cinematic let downs since the Star Wars prequels.
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