
45 Reviews
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burn it and bury it
27 March 2024
The nicest thing you can do for yourself and your friends and family is just never put this movie on and destroy every copy you find... Heck, thats the nicest thing you could do for the cast too! Im sure they wish no one would watch this travesty. I honestly could not watch the whole thing, so if you did you were either tied up a clockwork orange style or youre a stronger person than I am. Its so bad it actually made me like the cast less, melissa and leslie shame on you!! I mean obviously they only cast kate and kristen because they couldnt afford real talent like amy poehler and megan mullally, but melissa and leslie I believed in you! Youre better than this! Other cast members I already thought were bad proved they were even worse.. chris hemswoth we're talking about your majorly cringe performance...There arent even words to describe the cringe factor of this movie other than 'burn it and bury it'
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Plot hole city.. its just ok
27 March 2024
Saw this in theaters on a date, it was just ok. He liked it more than I did, but we both agreed the last one was better. It picks up right where the last one left off, so if you havent seen that youre going to be lost right out of the gate. Not that it honestly matters much, the movie is nothing but plot holes. The plot holes section for this movie should be 10 pages long..but only film buffs actually care about plot holes!

Heres the movie in a nutshell: The granddaughter phoebe acts like a complete brat and gets everyone in trouble over and over...then they trust her again for literally no reason over and over. Dont expect it to tie itself together and like she redeems herself or something. Nope, they just hand the brat the working only weapon after she caused all the problems... and let her walk off with it, no explanation...Its baffling to watch so hopefully youre only there for the cameos and cute ghosts. I get that bad parenting is a thing lots of people experience, but dang this mom is worse than the mom from Home Alone!
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Its a miss...
17 March 2024
I saw it in theaters but it was late and I had a few drinks so I thought maybe I didnt like it cause I wasnt paying attention or something. So I watched it again later, and naw, it was actually better the first time. I love the show but honestly the movie is painful to sit through. It focuses on the music which has always been the shows weakest part. Instead of quirky jokes theres dance numbers. It moves so slow its clearly only got as much plot as a single episode and alot of that plot, like louise and her bunny ears, a hole in the ground, asking for an extension from the bank etc, have all already been covered in other episodes. So its more of a mash up of the show set to forgettable music. Its too slow and boring for the kids, and doesnt have enough jokes for the adults.
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B movie classic
25 February 2024
So its after the apocalypse right: fashion is dead, the only music that survived is light jazz saxophone and fights are settled by putting men in baby bouncy the death! Wooo thunderdome! Then guess what, we get to spend the next half the movie with peter pan and the on-the-spectrum lost boys...yippee..Now dont you feel stupid for complaining about the ewoks? Since it turns into a kids movie theres only like one or two on screen deaths and little to no gore. In fact, most fight scenes are intentionally trying to be comical, at least I think its intentional... Just how many drugs were they doing when they wrote this?! Its a terrible B movie classic!
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The incredible wimp
17 February 2024
I remember seeing this when it came out and being very bored, gave it another try recently and yeah, still boring. The hulk is a fun character but this movie suffers from poor casting. Baby faced pretty boy edward norton just isnt a believable hulk, regardless of his good acting ability. And the blank eyed trout lipped staring typical of liv tyler doesnt help him out. The nonsense story line is expected in this kind of movie, as are the predictable fight scenes...but the long dialog free or whispering scenes between the leads are sooo boarding and unnecessary. Theyre trying to get us to care about the hulks domestic life or how sentimental the hulk is behind closed doors and like, nobody does or ever will, we just wasnt to see Hulk Smash! Not the incredible wimp.
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What there not to like?
22 June 2023
Whats there not to like? Theres adorable monster muppets, a cute little Halloween monster world, a ton of horror and retro movie and tv show references like Star Trek, Indiana Jones and The Twilight Zone. For the big mst3k fans theres a few episodes with voices by Trace Beaulieu.

The story about the tv station reminds me of SCTV, only with monster muppets. Its surprisingly tame compared to most adult muppet comedies, they tend to be very obscene, but has no actual muppet or human nudity. There are a few things that look phallic or like breasts for a laugh, and some adult humor but nothing outrageous. Too bad there arent more episodes!
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A total trainwreck
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So in a twist on the classic Alien series, now the crew are so poorly cast it hurts. They characters are also completely useless, stupid and clumsy, especially the women. They mention all their training but it definitely does not show, they dont even bother with suits on the alien planet. Theyre so bad at everything its like watching a train wreck but its so stupid you cant look away. Oh and everyone is in an ill fated marriage, how fun. Now mostly the aliens show up in broad daylight, they arent sneaky, theyre bright white and act like spider monkeys with butthole mouths. And sometimes theyre just CG sparkles...scary! Youll be on the edge of your seat for the scene after scene of one guy playing two androids hanging out together, teaching each other another how to play the recorder, quoting poetry and having a James t Kirk level discussion about love and humanity in a cheap british accent and have a mafia kiss and a Matrix fight... doesnt that scream "Alien" to you?! Yes its literally that bad, but if you are looking to make fun of it with friends youll be a happy camper.
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Just ok
19 October 2022
Its so slow without any twists you could not have guessed and tons of over acting, to the point I was laughing in the serious scenes. The end dragged so bad it was hard to care about the characters anymore.

Could of been alot better. Like maybe try actual suspense and not suspenseful music mixed with lots of shouting and crying.... and so many flashbacks it gets really really tedious.

Reminds me of sixth sense or fight club in that it was over hyped and the end was extremely obvious, whether or not a person guessed it is the only reason to like it or not like it. If you didnt figure it out youll like it, if you did figure it out youll be shouting at the screen 'get it over with already!'
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Duncanville (2020–2022)
Love Poehler but its unoriginal
15 July 2022
I just love Amy Poehler shes amazing...that said the plot itself is very unoriginal. Its just that old comic 'Zits' made into a cartoon. Would of liked it alot more if they just made duncan a girl and changed literally nothing else. There are no cartoons with a funny female lead. Zero. Its just one more cartoon about an awkward middle class white guy navigating life. You can practically smell the Axe bodyspray duncan is so douchey. And I didnt even realize Amy did duncans voice her acting is so good, if they had made some jokes about him having a girl voice or sounds like his mom maybe id of connected the dots and it would of made the show funnier?
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Spiders (2013)
Could of been funny but...christa...
14 July 2022
Could of been funny but the female 'lead' that plays his ex wife is completely unbearable. Shes one of those people that cant act so bad its not funny, cause the bar for B movies is so low already, any worse than that and its just PAINFUL. Like Paris Hiltons acting looks like Meryl Streep compared to her, I wish I was joking! Every scene her face is like just hey I got too much botox and goth hair dye from hot topic... like even scarlet johanson in that marvel movie where she couldnt move her mouth when she talked cause of all the botox and it looked like all her lines were dubbed in later...even that was better than this.
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made for mst3k jokes
13 June 2022
Honestly its a painfully bad movie with nothing but cliches and crappy CGI. Theres your mumbly buff white guy, your panicking black guy, your greedy evil scientist with a British accent, and your dumb chick thats supposed to the attractive but has teeth like a bulldog, a bad dye job and a TERRIBLE southern accent that changes every few minutes. The fact they put this out and thought anyone would take it seriously is just beyond me. But if you are actually looking for a movie so bad its funny then youll enjoy making fun of this crap fest. None of the animal facts are correct. The stupid little monkey is smarter than the actors. Theres more holes in the plot than a crocheted blanket. More pointless screaming than Friday the 13th. What a mess!
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Rough start but good overall B movie
5 May 2022
The start feels rough with bad acting/unbelievable characters but I felt like it ultimately payed off so hang in there. Sure there are alot of missed opportunities to be funny or scary, perhaps from the low budget, but its still unique and fun. Worth a watch, good cinematography. Acting got better as it went on. I enjoyed it as a fun B movie, alot better than most of what passes for horror these days!!
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Knives Out (2019)
A big disappointment
19 April 2022
I had seen commercials for this for a while and it looked like itd be funny and it had a good cast, but when I finally saw it it was a huge disappointment.

-If youre a fan of mysteries there is no mystery here, its obvious from the beginning what happened and whats going to happen. They call out every 'clue' like they think youre definitely not paying attention. Its like they tried to write a mystery for children who have never seen one before. Its so dumbed down and slow it feels insulting and almost unwatchable.

-They set up a nice big cast they hardly use. Instead youre stuck with scene after scene of craigs terrible accent and bumbling detective skills and some annoying chick who cant pick an accent and seriously cant act. I keep hoping she'd get killed to finally give the movie some twist or something interesting only to be seriously disappointed.

-Its not funny at all, Im not sure why they tried to sort of be funny because they never commit like Clue did. It just comes across as stupid made for tv level gags. Maybe they should of just put in a laugh track to let you know when its supposed to be funny like they do in tv shows, thatd be an improvement!

Overall, its not any good. Save yourself the trouble and just watch an episode of Columbo or Murder she wrote.
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Big Legend (2018)
Its sort of watchable
18 April 2022
Its pretty slow throughout, like nothing even happens in the first 15 min. The dialogue isnt really believable, like the guy's girlfriend has apparently never seen a waterfall before or something, and the two guys say chief so much it started making me laugh during dramatic scenes. The Bigfoot apparently just tosses people around and stuff, im not sure if he even is trying to kill people or just rough them up, so its not that scary. And the main character tries to annoy the big foot to death so make sure you have the mute button ready, you'll know what i mean when you get there.

All that aside it could still be a decent low budget B movie if it just had better camera work, the camera is CONSTANTLY moving and doing fast cuts and it made me motion sick. Overall Id only recommend it to Bigfoot fans who took some Dramamine first.
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Fairview (2022)
Ignore the haters, its funny
5 April 2022
I cant figure out the hate for this show, its actually pretty funny. Its no south park but its worth a watch. Each episode has a decent laugh out loud moment, which is more than I can say for shows like big bang theory or that 70s show.
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funny movie but female lead is not
25 March 2022
This movie has a lot of laugh out loud moments and fun cameos... it should have been as well rated as the scary movies series but poor casting really sinks it. The female lead is no Anna Faris, shes not pretty like her or funny or able to carry a scene on her own because her performance is so weak and forgettable. She literally never makes a joke, like you might as well take a bathroom break every time she has a scene but youd spend half the movie in the bathroom if you did because she gets more screen time than interesting or funny people like kevin hart or leslie nielson. They even have Regina Hall do a cameo like just to remind of what this movie is really missing and rub it in your face! So all the gags are there and all the celebrities just like scary movie, only minus the funny female leads that make them memorable and classic.
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Fairview (2022)
A few good laughs
3 March 2022
Its no south park but its good for a few laughs. The first episode was a bit weak but the later ones had a few good LOL moments each. They make fun of both sides on alot of things. The animation is weird and cheap, they look like those chunky lego style playsets for toddlers. Thatd be funny is they made fun of it like they do with master shake from ATHF or tom servo from MST3K but so far they havent. It played after south park so I watched it, expecting it to be really terrible, and now im interested in seeing the new episodes so I guess thats the best way to watch it judging from others negative reviews. I didnt even know it was tied to colbert, Id of expected more if I had obviously.
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Is there going to be a fourth one?
8 February 2022
I thought it wasnt bad.. better than the second, not as good as the first, but definitely made me want there to be a fourth one. Theres still alot they could do and id watch it.
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nut shots..are they still funny?
7 February 2022
Why are men so obsessed with hurting themselves idk lol...why are they so obsessed with hurting their crotches ill never know but I miss the old stunts! If you dont have man parts (and you dont just want to see men get tortured for a laugh) your just left sitting there going...ok...i cant relate...when does this get funny...I loved the original but its just downgraded so much and thats saying alot.
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So bad its funny...Its pasta time!
29 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about a hot mess...everyone talks and acts like real people never act. The music makes no sense in any scene, its like the start of a low budget 80's music video. The whole thing is over the top drama with bad acting like a soap opera, or full of gratuitous european nudity or sleaze. The whinny cop literally reinvents the wheel(chair) after a run in with explosive italian food then pulls off some cartoonish hi-jinx like swapping peoples dogs for other dogs in order to bring down the mafia...or maybe a serial killer or is it the band salt n pepper or whatever, good luck making any sense of it!
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Upright Citizens Brigade (1998–2000)
15 December 2021
This show is a classic for true comedy fans, like SCTV and Brass Eye put together ... I remember seeing it back when it came out and im surprised its still so hard to find. The cast is perfect. The way they make constant references to jokes that build up over each episode and season...its a snowball of hilarious. Now yes I get that not every segment is that funny on its own when its first shown, like little donnie, and the danger squad, but they are still hilarious because they serve as a framework for other jokes.
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Magic Mike (2012)
laughable but not because its trying
29 November 2021
I remember seeing this (or at least most of it) at a friends house and I was shocked how its so clearly a gay movie pretending its for women, all us women just laughed at it and thought it was terrible...and not because it was trying to be funny or anything, it was really lacking in the writing...and directing, and it was funny because it was painful. Its obviously made by men, for men, but it doesnt have the guts to say it. So its just like any strip club lets be honest lol... from a chicks point of view I gotta say its just plain stupid.
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Probe (1988)
Didnt age well
18 November 2021
I saw the reviews and finally gave it a watch...I can only assume the people who like it now are the people who saw it when it aired, because it did not age well. By modern standards its almost unwatchable. Its the same old set up, so dumb shes smart clumsy girl helps so smart hes dumb weird guy as he brilliants his way through everything.... Only if you know anything about science and technology by todays standards hes actually stupid and just obnoxious, everything is so out of date or just plain wrong, I dont think thats what they were going for.
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Squidbillies (2005–2021)
Why did you ruin it?
18 November 2021
This show used to be one of my all time favs....then they changed the voice of the main character and completely ruined it...why? What were yall smoking? Just take it out of its misery and cancel it.
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Poor mans tales from the crypt
17 November 2021
The title says it all, its like a cheap imitation of a tales from the crypt episode where the only famous actor is only in it for the first scene. The art is fun, the story is fun, but thats about where the fun ends. The artists are obnoxious and the acting is terrible. Some scenes feel like the quality youd get from a daytime soap opera, there are stupid sound effects, at times its just painful. Probably needs the mystery science theater 3000 treatment to be enjoyable.
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