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Dark Skies (1996–1997)
Do you like mysterious UFO plots? You are going to love this one!
26 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Dark Skies when I was about 13 years old on German television (channel PRO-7). As far as I can remember it was aired in summer 1997 while X-Files had a rest for some reason and was replaced by this series.

I was upset, because I am a huge X-Files fan and was watching it all the time. But it turned out to be a good choice and thanks to Dark Skies a great summer. I liked Dark Skies a lot, because it had a continuous plot, great actors (especially J.T. Walsh and Tim Kelleher as the bad guys, and Eric Close, Jeri Ryan and Megan Ward as the good guys) and was even more mysterious and scarier than X-Files at some point. This UFO theme has always caught me and Dark Skies was no exception.

(SPOILERS) It featured very bad and scary alien creatures that can possess and control human bodies. I always liked these possession kind of movies like: The Thing and The Hidden. They don't enable you to know who is good or bad at first sight. (/SPOILERS)

I read that Dark Skies should have had 5 seasons arriving at the year 2000 in the plot by the end. Unfortunately the other seasons were canceled due to low ratings. I am very sad, since I loved this series so much by the end of summer 1997 that I wanted to see it continue instead of watching X-Files again.

Too bad that the one and only season 1 was never aired again and I've never again saw it on any television channel here in Europe. I would definitely buy the DVD if it would finally be released. 10 / 10 from me. Awesome series! Good job!
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Hot Fuzz (2007)
Pure fun movie
19 July 2007
Last weekend I had plenty of spare time so I decided to go to the cinema and watch "Hot Fuzz". I chose this movie, because I saw all the nice comments on it on the IMDb and I was not disappointed.

This movie is pure fun! The acting is nice and you just have to see it.

At the beginning it seems to be a simple comedy and than it gets mixed up with action, thrills and let's say some horror too.

I saw it in Hungary and it was rated for people above 16. I believe what I saw was uncut and it should be for people older than 18. In some scenes there is plenty of gore.

I rated it: 9 / 10

Good job guys! I'm heading for Shaun of the dead now. ;-)
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Collateral (2004)
5 November 2004
As I look at the rating of this movie I must say that Collateral is overrated. Maybe you American people only get into the spirit of things if you see guns and people getting shot. This is what the movie is about.

As I went into the cinema I had the choice between Aliens VS Predator and Collateral and a lot more which I did not want to see.

What I did not like about the movie was that it is only shot in LA. All you see is this city and the clubs and so. Moreover all you get to see is people dying.

I also hated the ending. As Tom Cruise gets into the building. Why is he heading down to turn off the main power supply, instead of going two floors higher in the 16th and killing his last victim. Moreover he than keeps searching the woman in the dark. This was so stupid!

And the so clichéd ending. As somebody dies. He or she does not say such cool things as Tom did - just to remember as at the beginning and make us rethink the entire movie.

When I watched a movie I always keep on thinking what the writer wanted to tell us. Did he wrote the script just to entertain us or did he really want us to think about something. The message I got from Collateral is, if you would blame something very important, life could be more complicated. Say that Tom's first victim did not fell out of that window. Would he have any trouble during the movie? No!

I give Collateral a 4.3 out of 10.

Collateral is nothing special, however the music is very nice and over average for sure.
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The Village (2004)
Again NOT what I have expected
8 October 2004
Well I admit that I am a fan of horror movies and thrillers and that I really like scary movies that are intelligent. As I saw the trailer to THE VILLAGE I thought that this is going to be a horror movie. The only reason why I do not say that this movie is bad, is the acting of Bryce Dallas Howard - she is awesome.

After I watched THE VILLAGE, I just felt like after watching SIGNS. I got this CAN I GET MY MONEY BACK (OR AT LEAST SOME OF THE MONEY) BECAUSE THIS WAS NOT WHAT I WANTED TO SEE? feeling. I felt like WHY?

THE VILLAGE is undoubtedly an excellent peace of work about sociology. Is shows how people want to protect their child from what they think is not good for them and what they are willing to do to reach for love. But it is NOT a GOOD movie. It is TOO LIMP!

But what should Night do? He can't tell you in the trailer, that the monsters do not exist. How many people would have watched it than? I guess less than they did now?

I don't know how to describe it, but this movie felt like NOTHING and I do not want to see it another time, even if you would pay for it.

Night you will have to write a better story and script to impress me!! And for all you who think that a story needs a U turn to be impressive, it does not. Earlier movies did not have such things and future movies will later drop it too. This is just a habit of our generation as writers seem to enjoy this and always try to build such stories and fail to focus on the more important things.

And now to the actors and actresses. I already told you that Bryce Dallas Howard was great. But Joaquin Phoenix failed to attract my attention. This was not one of his best performances. Sigourney Weaver had so little screen time that she did not even have the chance to impress me. I felt sorry for her. She is a great actress I think.

MY RATING for THE VILLAGE is: 5.8 / 10
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Paperhouse (1988)
MISTER Sandman, bring me a dream ...
10 September 2004
I first saw this movie when I was about 10 years old. Unfortunately I could not watch it to the end because it was aired late at night. Now I bought it on DVD because I can remember that I liked it.

This is really not an ordinary horror movie. It has some horror elements but I rather categorize it as fantasy. I liked it but I hoped for a bit more horror and scary scenes. Especially the scene when Anna's dad comes into the paperhouse trying to kill her is a bit short.

Now to the plot. This movie is about a young girl named Anna who gets ill. While she is ill and has to lie in her bed because of her high fewer she turns on to finishing her drawing about a house - the paperhouse. When she fells a sleep, which often strangely happens just immediately, she finds herself near the house on a big green field. She realizes that the house is exactly like the one she has drawn and that every new detail also appears in her dreams. One day she draws a boy into the house to have somebody to talk to. As she forgets to draw his legs (because he is sitting behind a window) the boy cannot walk. Later she is being told by the doctor, that a boy also has this strange disease and she realizes that with the boy she has drawn, she also got that boy into her disturbing dreams. She also notices that it gets harder and harder for her to wake up from her dreams. As she misses her father who is ofter abroad she draws her father into the house. She makes a mistake and her father is looking very angry on the painting. She tries to rubber him out but realizes that she cannot change anything already drawn. And next time she falls asleep the horror begins. Her father is mad and blind (because she draw s*** on his head to mark him as 'invalid') and tries to get into the paperhouse and kill Anna and his friend. Her dreams became a horrendous nightmare. They manage to escape and to kill her father and Anna can finally wake up. Than Anna finds her self in the hospital where her parents are sitting beside her bed. The doctors thought that she fell into a coma or so. They tell Anna that the other boy died and that they want to travel to the ocean to get over those tragical happenings. Anna draws a watchtower and notices that the same watchtower can be found near the hotel they traveled to. She runs to the watchtower and meets the boy (I am just not mentioning his name because I cannot remember it and do not want to go back to the previous html page) and can say good bye to him and forget those terrible dreams forever.

There were a few thing I did not understand in the movie. First of all it was the ending which I absolutely dislike. I think it is too long while the main part of the movie becomes a bit too short. How does the boy fly a helicopter and speak to Anna as he is supposed to be dead? Why did you have to put such a stupid radio on the wall? I hated that scene it was so dumb to me. It almost ruined the main horror scene.

Things I liked were the scene with the photograph of Anna's dad which was the first real scary and horror scene. I liked the boy. The actor was awesome. He was even better than Anna. I also liked how Anna tries to get her father out of the painting while she is asleep and how she is looking for it in the garbage.

Overall a good movie. I give it a 8 out of 10.
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Three (1998–2000)
5 September 2004
I watched a series - I can't remember what it was - one day at 10 PM on Kabel1 (german television channel). I opened up the teletext and saw a series called DREI STAHLHARTE PROFIS (~ three professionals as hard as steel) coming up just after the one I watched.

I thought what the f*** is that? I looked for a further description which than forced me to stay up longer and watch THREE too. I did not regret it!

It is a solid series with great actors. The episodes are always original and it is always funny that the three professionals do not really like each other. I really liked Amanda (Julie Bowen) but all characters were great.

However the episodes cover technologies that will never exist, like: a liquid substance that makes you hollow, a device that creates holograms and so on, it does not bother me and always shows that the three professionals are unbeatable. For a computer professional like me, it is always funny to watch the dumb things done with pcs in movies. Things that never could work like that and who the h*** has written this funny program with those blinking lights running on that notebook. It is the same with this series but I really did not care this time.

I was really upset when I read that this great series was a FLOP in the US forcing it to end.

Why, oh why? Why is three shut down and series like 7th heaven are still running? I heard that there are 13 episodes. This is not even enough calling it a season. I am worried and real sad that you guys canceled this one. Shame on YOU!!
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I just expected this!
24 August 2004
When I decided to go to the cinema and watch Terminator 3 I was afraid that this new sequel will be nothing but pop corn cinema. And I was unfortunately right.

Does anybody need this? The entire concept has a main fault. In Terminator 2, the robots failed to kill John Connor as a kid. Why are they sending a robot back into the past when he is grown up? He will probably be more prepared and ready for facing another terminator. I would have sent the new terminator into the past when Sarah Connor was a kid or even earlier when she was being born.

What I liked were the old terminators in the movie and Nick Stahl was really great.

What I did not like was the stupid sun glasses joke, the action scene in witch the T-101 is hanging on a vehicle which is just the equivalent of the truck chase in part 2, the scene when the T-101 has a malfunction and tries to eliminate John Connor and the entire movie... ... this is just pop corn cinema ignoring the higher needs concerning an intelligent plot for the real fans of the Terminator series. I was really disappointed. Will part 4 be an Alien clone?
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A must see movie, if you love horror movies!
28 June 2004
First of all this is a very strange movie! It is really funny and very interesting too. Well the plot maybe a bit boring, but the chase and horror scenes seem to be very original and intelligent to me.

The hero of the movie is Ash (Bruce Campbell) who opens the Necromonicon, a book that consists of human skin and is written with human blood, and thus gets kind of teleported with the book into medieval times. More interesting is that the book now lies on a cemetery and Ash will have to retrieve it in order to manage to get back into present time! Well the movie would have been a bit shorter if the book have been teleported right with Ash. Well let's believe this!

Ash, also has a chain saw instead of one of his hands to fight the creatures which terrorise the medieval kings and knights. Well, more should not be told, watch the movie it is very interesting!

Now to the original scenes. The one where Ash hides into a wind mill in and a broken mirror brings little Ashes to life which fight him is absolutely brilliant! I love this movie and when I first saw it I didn't even know that this is the third episode of a series! A must see movie, if you love horror movies!
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I have expected a way better movie than this!
22 June 2004
I saw the movie on DVD and it was probably not the original version, because I haven't seen all that gore and body parts others are writing about, but if a horror movie is good it really does not need such things. Well the first 20 minutes of the movie are such annoying. The kids pick up a disturbed girl who than shots herself in their car. My opinion is that a movie should kind of build a solid contact to the pop corn eater in order to get him amused and interested within the first part of the movie. Well this one really fails to do this. But it really includes several scenes that seem to be very original, and put a smile on my face when I see such scary clever done stuff! For instance the old man knocking on the ground saying: He is already dead, he just doesn't know! The chase in between the rags in the garden and the scene in the camping car are very scary and original! But the acting is very bad I think! The only person that accomplishes this task quite well is Jessica Biel who is thanks to god the heroine of the movie. Forget the others they really are bad! Well the ending of the movie is a bit strange and I really expected something better and more interesting. Because this is just another get somewhere, where are we? oopsss I am killed, oh no, get out of here movies! Nothing really new so, I will not recommend it to anybody!

It gets a 3.5 from 10 possible from me, but this is only my opinion!
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Phantasm (1979)
Very unique and original must have seen horror movie!
4 June 2004
Phantasm is one of my all time favorite horror movies! It is amazingly original and therefore has a number of unique aspects!

Unfortunately Phantasm was done as a low budget movie, it could have been probably more, because the sphere scene in the graveyard seems very dumb to me.

Although it has what a horror movie needs: an incredibly frightening and unique bad guy the tall man (Angus Scrimm) and friendly heroes who fight him!

The movie is about a boy named Mike who discovers on the cemetery - he is there because a friend of his brother died (killed by the tall man) - that the undertaker takes the buried coffins out of the earth after the burring! He investigates and finds out that the tall man shrinks the bodies to create dwarfs which are his servants.

Later he also finds out that the dwarfs are some kind of army that the tall man passes into another dimension - a gloomy red kind of planet in the movie, unfortunately just a few seconds to watch - and later use them to rule the earth.

Mike manages to get into the graveyard but gets spotted and hunted by the tall man. He also manages to convince his brother - another amazingly original part of the movie - and their friend Reggie to help him finish up with the tall man.

They get into the graveyard and open the doors to the dimension and get to know the horrendous plan of the tall man. They manage to defeat him but wasn't it all a dream? No it was not! Strange ending though!

As Phantasm is only the first part of this series covering 5 parts, I would say that it is by far the best part of the series! Part 2 is only about hunting the tall man and contains really silly pseudo-erotic scenes. Part 3 is absolutely unnecessary! Whereas Part 4 becomes interesting because it tells us more about the tall man and his origins. My opinion is that part 4 should have been part 2. Let's hope that part 5 (Phantasm's End) will be a perfect ending!

Phantasm gets 8.7 from 10 Points!
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