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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Absurd story
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed 'The Witch' by the same director. I was disappointed at having spent the time to watch 'The Lighthouse' as the plot almost seems deliberately ridiculous. It's as if they were challenging themselves to make any old story into a gem of a film through brute force, with great acting, cinematography, direction, etc.

It had most of the elements of a great film, but the story was the low-performance chokepoint which set a low ceiling for how great all of the movie elements could ever hope to be in concert. Sure, you can throw all your talent and resources behind a reimagined SpongeBob SquarePants, but at the end of the day, it's still SpongeBob SquarePants.

A slow burning marathon of 'landlubber' talk, with dramatic visuals, sprinkle of octopus n mermaid sex, and finally, revenge of the thrashed seagulls, etc.

I'll give it a 5 for effort and investment. But if I had a time machine, I would probably reclaim my 2hrs and do something more worthwhile.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
His worst work
6 October 2021
I've enjoyed every single thing I've watched from Chappelle up until last night when I saw this. Practically the entire thing is about trans people, and the material was just not at Chappelle's normal level. Maybe funny if you're buzzed or high, but on its own, not really. I liked every prior Netflix special of his, but this one was not polished. Maybe he intended to bomb in honor of his friend who passed away.

He tried too hard in this one.
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Karen (I) (2021)
It was as expected
12 September 2021
It was like a made for TV movie so obviously is not going to be too serious or Oscar worthy. It was corny but a fun watch if you have a sense of humor.

All of the low reviews that complain about "woke" are just white supremacist spammers for the most part. We have plenty of real world footage showing Karens and killer cops doing far worse than what the movie depicts. They're not fooling anyone with their review bombs.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Not his best
14 December 2020
Big fan of Snatch, Lock Stock, etc., each of which I have watched at least dozens of times. Compared to his past films, this movie is just lacking in every area: direction, cinematography, score, script, acting, story. All just not up to par, not the quality I expected.

I watched it in the theater and didn't like it. Watched it again last night, many months after the first time with somewhat refreshed eyes, and didn't like it any better. This movie just did not have the grit of past Guy films I absolutely love. Feels like a soulless Hollywood turd with big names.
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Perfect movie to watch during quarantine
28 October 2020
Four years later, this movie really aged well. All the time and money spent on investigating these 4 deaths should have been multiplied one thousand times. What a heinous act this was. Biggest tragedy of our generation.

As I watch the COVID-19 deaths exceed 230,000 with only about 8 or 9 percent of Americans infected so far, and hundreds of thousands more to perish by the end of 2020, with my screaming Zoom-schooled kids in the background, and Clorox wiped bag of groceries, I am comforted by the fact that Michael Bay told this story that the world needed to hear, to do justice for these 4 deaths.

Don't let them distract you with COVID COVID COVID. It doesn't matter that America is in 4th place for most deaths as a % of our population out of literally every country on Earth, including those with higher population density. It doesn't matter that red states surpassed blue in cases per capita months ago. Hoax, I tells ya. This here, BENGHAZI, this is the real stuff of nightmares.
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Orange County (2002)
So underrated
13 October 2020
High schooler and aspiring writer becomes obsessed with going to Stanford, in part, to escape his friends, peers, and family, who he increasingly looks down on and has outgrown. Or has he?

Very funny movie throughout. Characters made with love, super talented cast, great direction. I really enjoy every bit of this movie. I've purchased it twice, first in SD, and then again in HD when it became available. Have watched 10 times at least.
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Maybe an important film
27 July 2020
Fairly lighthearted while dealing with some serious themes. I think it helped me be more open minded in my teens, when I saw this. At first it seemed like a gag, making fun of drag queens, but it got me to see past the spectacle and see humanity and innocence, at a time when the portrayal of these folks were very superficial and negative. Great fun to watch also.
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Unicorn Store (2017)
Another smash hit from Brie Larson!! A++++
5 April 2019
Really funny and quirky. It's no wonder she won an Oscar, and stars in mega blockbuster and record breaking Captain Marvel.

If you hadn't noticed, there is a large concerted effort by incels (involuntary celibates) to spam low ratings on every movie or show she does because she dares to advocate for diversity, and is interested in also hearing women's opinions. OH THE HORROR.

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Unplanned (I) (2019)
You gotta remember something...
4 April 2019

What evokes emotion by sight is not objective. People find many surgeries, like cancer removal, visually revolting. That doesn't mean all surgeries should be outlawed. The fact of the matter is abortions generally all happen before there is any sentience, both due to lack of development and chemicals suppressing sensation.

What you're advocating, if you agree with the movie's message, is for the state--the government--to FORCE WOMEN to carry a pregnancy to term, and give birth. This is very invasive. And for what, to save lives? Is anyone trying to force men to donate their spare kidneys? If it's OK for the state to commandeer women's bodies to save lives, why shouldn't they do the same to men?

Carrying a pregnancy to term generally results in:

1) permanent body damage 2) unemployment

Other side effects may include:

1) shame from the very people who are pro-life 2) no help from the very people who are pro-life

Keep these things in mind.

It's OK to encourage having kids; I do it all the time, and I'm pro-choice. I love my kids, and wish I could have 20. But when you advocate for government to force women to carry pregnancies to term, then, you're not like me. Then, you're anti-abortion, anti-choice, anti-woman. That's fascism. If you call yourself "pro-life," which is a great euphemism, do remember that.
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Not great, but not as bad as people say--probably far right-wingers.
8 January 2019
It's not as good as any of the other movies with this duo, but it's definitely not as bad as the ratings would have you believe. Seems a lot of reviews are from the far right, who think Trump, gun stupidity, and oppressing women = America, so opposing those things is therefore unAmerican. They want Hollywood to stay out of politics unless it runs for president as a Republican, then you end up with Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Trump (fired reality TV star). Hypocrites.

The forced accents were corny. It was probably the silliest of the movies they've made, which is pretty damned silly (in a bad way). There were many funny scenes here and there, and the actors were great, aside from Ferrell and Reilly. The wrong director directed. Would have been better otherwise.
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Hereditary (2018)
Was tough to watch
4 July 2018
As a parent, and someone who has experienced grief from losing loved ones, this was a hard film to watch. I expected it to be the typical evil little girl type of scary movie, but it was unlike any scary movie I've seen.

The drama is so heavy, so well done. The acting was too good to not feel for the characters, and this made what happens to them literally painful for me. Add to that some very disturbing, graphic scenes, and it just leaves you sad and disturbed at the end.

I came away from this movie feeling very heavy hearted, without any happiness left in me. It was very well done. I almost regreted watching.
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Death Wish (2018)
Very cheesy, somewhat entertaining.
8 March 2018
I gotta say, Bruce Willis and Mike Epps are very unconvincing as doctors. What a laugh. There were a few scenes that were funny, but the action was sloppy, and the situations way too convenient. It was a cheesy and unrealistic movie that could've been done much better. Acting was OK and predictable based on past performances; the cast meets expectations in terms of acting. Eli Roth did a decent polish job on this, but the writing was weak.

The idea that finding an empty house to rob would be so complex was ridiculous. You need a valet to overhear someone's going to be out for the night, and they snap a pic of the address for that specific house? Do they even know what's in the house? The family didn't look that wealthy... Seemed very contrived as a foundation for the entire movie. Robbers can just park in a neighborhood and watch the comings and goings, or just go in the middle of the day when everyone's at school or work. Easy. And, really, the guy's got no alarm at a home like that in a place like that? With all the crap on the news which is in your face the entire movie? Talking down to the audience throughout. It just felt like a movie for dumb people. Everything spoon fed.

Setup was too slow and dragged. I was hoping there would be more vigilante killings n greater catharsis. Death Wish fell short on action thrills and comeuppance. It didn't have the satisfying conclusions from movies like The Count of Monte Cristo, or the thrills of vigilantism like Kick-Ass. I don't know if that was Brian Gardfield's fault, or Joe Carnahan's, but the movie sucked more than it should've considering the cast and director.
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
Don't watch this if you need purpose and hate loose ends
31 October 2017
The hate this movie has gotten is completely undeserved. This is a solid horror movie, though unconventional. People making comparisons to Funny Games completely missed the point of the movie. Seems the wrong people went to see this movie--in large part, perhaps, because Keanu's in it. Those folks should have known better based on the trailer and director. Disappointed Eli fans are likely too young or lacking in life experience to appreciate this.

Eli and the cast did an excellent job on the movie. It's about a good family man--yes, good--who finds himself in an unlikely sexual fantasy scenario, and despite several attempts to beat temptation, eventually gives in, risking to ruin his life, and bring shame onto himself and his family. This is a super relatable worst fear, particularly for husbands and wives with families.

What I found especially disturbing was how, when you really think about it, very little pressure and/or seduction was needed to make him cave. And I think the majority of men in his situation-- otherwise good, disciplined men--would fare no better. Sure, it's easy to avoid temptations that aren't there, but what if they fall into your lap with the promise of secrecy?

No doubt, this movie will make many people uncomfortable. It's good.
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A MUST-SEE movie if you care about the Alien story
25 May 2017
I was hesitant to go to the movies for this, given some of the harsh criticism, but I'm very glad I went anyway. I don't know what these people were expecting given that this movie picks up right where the last one left off, and fills in several gaps in the story from Prometheus, and tells the origin story of the alien species from the 1st movie. A lot of complaints talk about it being an unoriginal cash grab, but that is nonsense. Love went into this movie, and it shows.

First off, James Franco was unable to ruin the movie, so anyone worried about that can rest easy. Danny McBride played a dramatic role, and was not jokey at all--great job. Every actor performed well, particularly the 'man of faith', in my view.

This was much better than Prometheus in just about every way: casting, dialogue, action, plot, direction. Cinematography was as good as before. Covenant really showcases the brutality of the alien species, and completely exposes the underlying reason for their brutality. I consider this a must-see movie if you care at all about the Alien story.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Not for lack of trying.
4 May 2017
The show is decent. Story is interesting, acting is pretty good, direction and cinematography are a bottleneck but still acceptable.

A considerable amount of criticism against this show stems from right-leaning Christians or their apologists, defensive about the portrayal of the USA's favored religion--over 70% of the population is Christian, and basically 100% of our presidents have been also. But it's really only about the conservative Christians--as you'll recall, there was a priest that was executed. These same apologists for authoritarians of the Christian variety say this is implausible in the USA... not for lack of trying. This perception is really only thanks to the U.S. Constitution and the judiciary.

No doubt, the reply is 'but Islam has burkas, rape marriages, and throws gays off rooftops.' But that isn't true in the USA. Now, if you want to go outside of the USA, let's play that game: In Nigeria, where Christians are the plurality, being gay can be punishable by death. There are several Christian majority countries where being gay is illegal today--by the way, the USA barely got its last anti-sodomy (i.e., gay sex in private) laws struck down in 2003 (Lawrence v Texas). In Jamaica, where there's a Christian majority comparable in size to the USA's, gays still get stoned to death to this day.

Let's talk about the USA. The majority of Muslim women in the USA do not cover their hair. American Muslims were more supportive of gay marriage than Evangelical Christians--and that was before the Supreme Court struck down the bans enacted by right-wing Christians just 2 years ago. Today, still, in the USA, we have religious laws, of the Christian variety, banning blasphemy (PA teen convicted for posing with a statue), banning alcohol sales on Sunday, banning revealing clothing, forcing women to give birth, etc. That's today, in America. The last one (forced pregnancy/birth) is a doozy, because we don't even force corpses to give up organs to save lives--you need to opt-in while you're alive or the organs go to waste, because we have to respect the dead. But if you're a living breathing woman with a 9-5 job, barely getting by? Your body is property of the state, you have to give it up to save somebody else--carry them for 9 months, and get over the permanent affect on your body.

'Christianity has reformed,' the right-wingers say, falsely taking credit for the liberal adherents of their faith and the impact of the courts. Sure, in the USA it's not so terrible, but it doesn't count as reform when it's the highest court dragging you kicking and screaming into modernity. And not a single day goes by where American Christians on the right don't work to turn the clock backward.

Is this plausible in the USA? Absolutely. No question.

If you want to learn more about how the USA's laws--never mind the acts of ordinary civilians--have treated women, and not that long ago, go search this on Google:

"Timeline of Major Supreme Court Decisions on Women's Rights."
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I Origins (2014)
If you liked Another Earth, you'll like I Origins
9 December 2014
A very touching movie. I'm an atheist and anti-theist, and did not think this film was an attempt to reconcile religion and science or encourage unreason. It's a story about a guy overcome with guilt who found absolution through uncertainty. Just because he finds emotional relief doesn't mean he regards this, his feeling, as objective, scientific, etc.

It was a very good movie. It achieved so much with so little. It had a few flaws, felt rushed in some areas, a little cheesiness, but I can't even recall specifics for this review. The people who worked on I Origins and Another Earth are definitely ones to watch out for.
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Neighbors (I) (2014)
Some people don't get when a movie wasn't meant for them
25 June 2014
Self-awareness, understanding of the world outside of oneself. Some people need to work on that. If you hated the movie, then it just wasn't made with you in mind, and you don't get it. You're an outsider relative to the demo for this movie. This is a slacker comedy, so if you're uptight and unfamiliar with the charm of frat life, you should just avoid the movie.

This was a funny comedy with great writing and actors. Rose Byrne was funnier in this movie than in any other--great to see her really let go for this one. Zac Efron and Dave Franco were also at their funniest. Seth Rogan was his familiar everyman funny self--nothing groundbreaking for him, but enjoyable. If you liked Old School, you'll probably enjoy this movie. Also nice to see a cameo by the cast of Workaholics in a flashback.
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Excision (2012)
Destined for Cult Classicism.
4 March 2014
If you're like me, on an endless quest to find horror movies that don't absolutely suck, then take a breather, grab some popcorn, and watch this movie. This movie has it all: it's clever, well acted, funny, and it's got a very original plot.

It's a story about a weird girl who dares to dream, and dares to make her dreams a reality. Unfortunately, she is overconfident and overhasty in realizing her dreams, and ends up doing something horrendous as a result. The spine-chilling screams that follow are a perfect ending.

Your quest has come to an end for now. Watch this now, and have your faith in the genre restored, if at least for a day!
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Broad City (2014–2019)
Kind of like Workaholics, but better... and in New York
14 February 2014
I'm a fan of Workaholics--though that show has been going downhill--so I saw this show because it happened to come on right afterward. It was a very pleasant surprise.

It's like a female version of Workaholics, but smarter. Ilana's idiosyncrasies are very funny, and Abbi is a nice not-too-serious foil for her. Lincoln is Ilana's lover and dentist, and is also funny and a regular on the show.

The only 1 star review that I can take somewhat seriously is the one where you can tell they watched the show. But the show must be too fast paced for them. Neither of the girls is bulimic, and the show never hints at this at all. Ilana was throwing up because they'd been drinking heavily, and she was actually going to eat pizza afterward, and not before as a bulimic would... If these obvious details go over your head, you definitely won't catch the subtleties that make this show great.

I'd be shocked if they didn't get renewed for another season. If you like slacker comedy, don't live in a cave, and can keep up with everything that's going on, you should be able to appreciate and enjoy this show.

Oh, and if the locksmith in episode 3 looked familiar, it's probably because you played GTA V. It's literally Trevor!
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Not funny enough, and not serious enough. A mess.
2 January 2014
I'm a fan of crude--I've got no problems with nudity, sex, drug use, foul language, etc. But this movie tried to be two things and failed at both. It's listed and well reviewed as a comedy, but it's not very funny. It tries too hard because it's simply not witty, almost throughout. The writer, Terrence Winter's funniest contributions to culture were Sister, Sister and Xena: Warrior Princess (4 episodes combined). That's fail #1.

The attempt at being a cautionary tale is fail #2. Most people walked away amused, maybe disgusted. But who walked away with any genuine anger or sadness after this movie? Maybe a handful of people. The duped investors, and society at large are the victims of the crimes shown on screen, but you never see them, never feel their pain. There isn't even a character to develop on screen in that respect.

I would've rather they'd gone all out with glorifying the crimes on screen, with actual funny dialogue and creative scenarios--that would've require another writer for sure. I would've been thrilled by that. But this movie wasn't funny, and it wasn't cautionary either. It was just a hyped up mess of a movie.

This was a painted up trollop version of Boiler Room. Go watch that instead.
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Kroll Show (2013–2015)
Brilliant Caricatures
25 April 2013
This show excels at highlighting the peculiar and hilarious aspects of real people and reality TV. Nick Kroll's attention to detail and direction are impeccable, illustrated by the cast's portrayal of idiosyncrasies that not all may be quick enough to notice, but are instant classics once absorbed. Some examples of this are Pony Tales, Ghost Bouncers, PubLIZity, and Wheels Ontario, all of which could be made into their own successful TV shows.

Acute specificity being a mainstay of the show's humor, some of its best moments may verge on cryptic for those less culturally aware or perceptive, but there are still many components with mass appeal. Writing, acting, direction, production, editing—all fantastic. This show is a museum.
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movie can be summed up in one sentence
1 October 2012
"obama is an anti-colonialist." that was the main accusation of the film--which takes its sweet time getting to the point. ironically, our nations founding fathers were anti-colonialists, hence why they rebelled against the British, who used to be our colonizers... also thrown into the film--of course--the obligatory pro-colonialist, feel-good belief of "maybe if whites were still in control over indigenous people, they would be better off." along with some inaccuracies...

supposedly obama will do nothing to stop Iran from acquiring wmd... i guess dinesh didn't catch the news about assassinated iranian scientists, and repeated hacking of their nuclear facilities... i bet dinesh was one of those guys with the "osama loves obama" bumper sticker on his pickup truck in 2008. and lets not forget the folks who were salivating at the thought of sticking it to the hippies once wmd were found in iraq!

oh, and supposedly obama wants to sabotage the USA by getting us into debt... funny, dinesh didn't make this accusation against bush, when he set our current economic trajectory. in fact, obama has slowed the increase in government spending when compared to bush, whom dinesh probably voted for twice.

the films main message is: "let our government take care of your country." and this is coming from the guys that say government cant do anything! this movie is a tome of wisdom for its key demographic, but comes off as a comedy to the informed viewer.
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