
16 Reviews
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White Mile (1994 TV Movie)
Much better than the average score would have you believe
24 May 2024
First of all this is not an hour and 30 minutes of a high action survival film. Rather a morally grey character drama focusing on people's interpretations and motivations before and after the "trip." And in that sense if you go in with the right expectations you will be happily pleased. Every scenes is well shot, and superbly acted and lots of characters are well known. This story delves into people's moral compass. And sometimes the truth isn't as black and white. You can't say too much without spoiling it but it leaves you thinking, and certainly uneasy. It's not a cut and dry film in terms of good or bad and that there is where the film succeeds. Theres lots of lessons to be taught from this film as well. Would highly recommend for those looking for films with deeper meaning and asking tough questions about our morals and motivations.
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Some of thee worst most contrived character choices I've seen
9 March 2024
It has a decent overall story but the choices by the main character are so bad. It's full of cliches you can see a mile away. It's frustrating to watch these bumbling characters make the worst decisions. Some tense scenes here and there. If the movie was tightened up in a few places with better writing it could've been so much better. Overall just disappointing as you can there is a good film in there somewhere. It just has some serious eye rolling moments with character choices and the stereotypical in the woods shenanigans. I believe the story is good, but it needs to be remade with some better writing . Overall it's okay, just left disappointed.
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The Lesson (2015)
Almost as boring as an actual lesson in school
17 July 2022
Hard to sit through, and not because of the suspense or horror, nah it's just boring. Maybe my expectations were way off but holy it's a lot of drivel.
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Family Guy: You Can't Handle the Booth (2019)
Season 17, Episode 16
Interesting idea? Poorly executed
1 April 2019
Both commentary and a normal episode going on at once is quite distracting and discombobulating. Chuckled like twice. Skip this one. It's pretty dull.
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Jack Frost (1997 Video)
Cheesy goodness
4 March 2019
Cheese is on the menu tonight and it's glorious. Everything here is cheesy but very enjoyable. It's a comedy horror with constant laughs at the absurdity of it all. Great to watch with friends and have a few drinks.
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Painfully kind of enjoyable
4 March 2019
This is definitely a parody type film that doesn't take itself seriously at all. But it's just awkward, cringey, and tries too hard to be comedic. With a story like this just play it straight and that will be funny enough. But it just comes off as trying way too hard and it's off putting. Shame.
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Thirst (III) (2015)
Thought this was up my alley of creature features..
4 March 2019
This film just dragged and was boring. Special Effects are alright, like Sci fi channel good. I normally am a sucker for b grade creature features with cheesiness but this was just a complete drag. And it wasn't so bad it's funny movie it was just alright enough to not be special at anything really. Like completely mediocre. If it was at least funny or creepy I would've enjoyed it more.
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Breeders (1986)
Such a drag of a film that's just downright creepy at times
4 March 2019
So boring and hollow and the 'nudity' is not earned and it just feels like a creepy porno at times. Which I'm not sure what they were going for in the first place. 1 star up because some of the effects are actually pretty good it's just they are in such a hollow boring film which is a shame. If you're here for the obvious part... don't even watch it for that. This movie is just plain bad. Skip at all costs.
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Virus (1999)
Underrated gem with some amazing effects
4 March 2019
I want to compare this to 'the thing' but with a technological twist to it. Effects are top notch, creepy, and well crafted. Story suffices and characters are alright but the real star is obviously the effects. It is a great Sci fi horror film.
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Cube Zero (2004)
Expanded the cube lore
4 March 2019
Quite a different take on the 'cube' setting from a different perspective. It expands on the setting and story and fleshes it out even more. After watching all three cubes it's starting to make a lot more sense but the mystery is still there. I just love the concept at play here within the cube films and I love the mysterious aspect of it and what is actually going on. The ending is a bit to be desired though and left me hungry for more or just a different ending. A good watch none the less.
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Cube meets Sci fi
4 March 2019
Not as good as the first one of course, but this one expands on the universe and more. The Sci fi elements are in full force, are quite neat and add an extra layer to this psychological thriller. The unraveling of the cubes and story is satisfying and mysterious. Ending is interesting and I wanted more. It's worth a watch after the first one.
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Cube (1997)
Psychological thriller that tests the human spirit
4 March 2019
Story and setting is mysterious and not well explained but thats the whole point. The unraveling of the cubes is a ride and an emotional one. The story pushes the humans to their ultimate limits and made me uneasy about the thought of me being in the story. It is a well made constructed thriller about the human psyche.
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Breeders (1997)
Eh.. 1 star reviews are harsh, this one is a funny romp at least
4 March 2019
This movie looks like an 80s b film. The creature and effects are laughable and made me chuckle multiple times. The acting and dialogue are funny and enjoyable. Story is not satisfying and kind of confusing. But some of the aspects of the film here are hilarious. Like the cop parts costumes are so cheap it's hilarious. If you're looking for a cheesy Sci fi film with some laughs it's worth it. I rated it higher because it made me laugh out loud multiple times.
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Wow diamond in the rough with a fresh idea
4 March 2019
I came in expecting not much but was pleasantly surprised. What you have is a creepy atmospheric stranded type thriller horror creature feature with some decent effects. This is not a so bad it's funny movie. It's creepy and made my skin crawl about twice. The concept explored in the film is new and refreshing. With a watch for anyone who like horror with a creature.
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DeepStar Six (1989)
Decent B level underwater creature feature
4 March 2019
This isn't really a so bad it's funny movie so don't expect that. It's actually competent with decent characters you care somewhat about by the end. Story is a little lacking and setting but the effects are neat and commendable. Some chuckle scenes made me laugh. Worth a watch for people with a soft spot for cheesy Sci fi films made in the 80s and this one is enjoyable. Worth at least one watch.
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Toy Story (1995)
Great movie! Wrote this for English 120! Check it out!
5 November 2014
Have you ever wondered if toys come alive when you aren't looking? Well, the movie Toy Story answers just that!

This movie has me by my heart strings. Growing up when I was a wee lad of small age and stature. I had grown in love with toys. As all small boys I imagined them being alive. So you can assume when I was a child and saw Toy Story for the first time I was off my rocker and was enamored with this glorious depiction of toys being alive. My childish mind had loved the idea of toys being alive and all the way till today. This movie is a part of me and my childhood. I have a whole box of toy story figures to prove it.

The film starts in a small boy's room, named Andy. It is a regular day in 1995 I'm assuming. Cardboard boxes are set up to look like an old western town. Woody, a cowboy doll and one of the main characters, voiced by Tom Hanks, is "sheriff" in the town. Andy is playing with his toys and pretending Hamm, a piggy bank is wreaking havoc upon the town. And Woody is there to stop him.

Within the first two minutes of the film, you have tasted the whole buffet of what you're getting yourself into. A story driven adventure with toys. The toys are lively, relatable and moody. The two main characters are complete opposite in all aspects. There's Woody, a sheriff cowboy, aged with years of play and kind of an old outdated toy, complete with a pull string that says "There's a snake in my boot." Buzz Lightyear, voiced by Tim Allen, is a space ranger of star command. He is updated with all new bells and whistles complete with a "karate chop action," a laser pointer, and he glows in the dark. The antagonist is the next door neighbor kid, Sid. A creatively destructive boy that likes to blow stuff up.

When Buzz shows up unannounced, and threatens Woody's "spot on the bed" Woody is determined to get rid of him. And what ensues is a wonderful plot that is carried on with lively, entertaining characters. Supporting characters are just as special and well thought out. Mr. Potato Head, is based on the actual toy Mr. Potato head. He, of course is mad at the world and generally grumpy, probably due to the fact he gets his face knocked off many times throughout the film. Slinky, is based on the slinky with a twist of being a dog. His character is rustier and offers the maturity compared to the rest. Rex, a toy tyrannosaurus, is silly, clumsy, and the comedy relief. Hamm, a piggy bank, is the witty, one liner, know it all. Bo Peep, a doll shepherd and the love interest in the movie. Although this plays a very small role in the movie. Sarge is a veteran small plastic army man, who leads a small battalion of little green army men. Lastly there is RC, who is a remote controlled toy vehicle. He doesn't say any words in the movie except his "revs" he does to communicate with the others.

The lovable characters, and beautiful voice acting come from a diverse cast of celebrities and voice actors. The movie also pays close attention to detail to everything you expect and more! I've seen this movie over the years, well over 15 or 20 times. Each time I watch, I notice something new. For instance, I noticed some of the adult jokes in the movie earlier I had not gotten. In one of the scenes Mr. Potato Head gets frustrated and removes his mouth and touches his butt with them. As an innocent child I had disregarded this gesture as something else but in retrospect I now know that he was implying the saying "kiss my ass" which made me laugh out loud the first time I had gotten it. I had been so naive and innocent before. And now watching the movie with my adult "glasses" I have gotten a whole new look of the movie. Makes me love it even more. When it offers something to the parents as well, you know you're making an excellent movie.

My critiques are few and probably nit-picky. This movie is a well- rounded film and I don't have much to complain about. First off, I wish some of the supporting characters had more screen time to flesh out their personalities even more. I loved the interactions they had and I was sad to see there wasn't much of them throughout the film. Owning the Blu-Ray version of the film made me spot some technical animation errors as well. No film is without errors of course but I thought I'd mention them. The toys' feet seem to shake a tad when they walk and they seem to awkwardly float a little above the ground at times. Also the facial animations can get a bit funky and odd at times. I have no idea how difficult it is to make facial expressions animations on computer software, but I'll give them credit where credit is due. They did a fantastic job and I applaud them.

I am no expert on films, but I am just an average joe. A joe that knows a good entertaining movie when he sees one. There is probably more errors or more critiques that I haven't mentioned or noticed but to me the film is as good as it needs to be. To be a kid friendly toy adventure. If you're a kid at heart, I'd still recommend this movie to you. Your inner child will thank you. I know I'll be watching this one for many years to come.
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