
14 Reviews
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Stumptown (2019–2020)
Groundbreaking...not so much
1 April 2021
The first episode was fine and then it went downhill from there. The main character's suppose to be an investigator but she relies on cops to do all here legwork. When she's not sleeping with the other character's on the show she's dispersing bad advise and getting beat up. Very most detective shows like The Rockford files without the humor and interesting characters. The fact that she is a woman with a military history (see derivative) does not invoke interest. Why is she not competent? A frivolous show with frivolous characters. Can someone make a PI show where the PI does not have some dark secrets that affects their every day life? A assume that there are such people.
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The Stupidly of A Long Distance Runner OR Portrait of an Idiot as a Young Man
16 February 2021
Ok.. I'll just start on some technical issues. These runners have the worst form that I have every seen. Flailing elbows and legs...had the directors ever actually watched an athletic event? This was very disconcerting and it is the typical thing that spoils most sports movies. But then again this is not a sports movie. It is really about a stupid sod who thumbs his nose at the "establishment" to prove a point...the point being that he enjoys and will continue to be a loser for the rest of his life. This was an opportunity to break the shackles of poverty instead of embrace them. Good got what you wanted.

The home-life and biographical elements of the film were quite good and should have insentivized the main character. Instead they did the opposite.

Disappointing conclusion plot-wise and sport-wise..
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Briarpatch (2019–2020)
The Big Bore-owski
3 April 2020
I have been hearing about this show for over a year as the creator has a podcast. I was looking forward to it. It has style...I will give the show that but there are NO likable characters and the plot is incoherent. The "hero" of the piece really does nothing. She just visits people and occasionally they just end up dead. I could care less about any of the characters other than the occasional zoo animal showing up. I have now watched 7 episodes and will continue to do so because I enjoy listening to Andy on his podcast but I am totally not engaged with the plot. The political plot is just uninteresting, incomprehensible and the characters are cliche..

Maybe they could have done this is 5/6 episodes with fewer characters and fewer static shots of inanimate objects. Trying to be "cool" doesn't always produce a great show. I read the novel over 20 years/maybe 30 years ago and remember it being a crisp read.

Andy...I can't see this being renewed.
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Letterkenny (2016–2023)
Corner Gas meets Trailer Park Boys
4 July 2016
Just watched the first season and though it was hilarious. I did not realize it was set in Ontario...thought it was set out Corner Gas meets Trailer Park Boys came to mind. Or perhaps the bazarro version of Corner Gas. The important things is that we finally have another Canadian show that reflects the real Canada...not the Avonlea, Murdock Mysteries hokum that represents...well...nothing really.

I think we all know characters like this...maybe not as colourful or aware but people we have all likes and hated over the years.

Let's hope it continues. I would hate for a "big screen" or "Americanized" version to crop up before this one really gets established.
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Cliché Ridden Romcom
5 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a paint by the numbers movie.

1. Man loses/gives away girl 2. Man wants girl back. 3. Girl find new man..apparently perfect. 4. Man wants girl back. 5. Man makes effort to win her back. 6. Man wins her back 7. Perfect man...ah...not so much. 8. We all live happily ever after.

Two things that bothered me.

1. Why is it that the "new man" is always found wanting. Would be really interesting if she dumped him even though he was a good man. This certainly would make the film more interesting. She then would have to make a real choice. As it is there is no choice.

2. You can't train for a marathon in 3 weeks. It would have been more realistic if the transformation took place over an entire year...for next year's marathon. It certainly would be more believable and demonstrate more of a dedication that would justify the transformation. Maybe transform the character in other ways: career, habits and lifestyle. I know its a comedy but this would have provided more depth and resonance to the story.
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The Big Heat (1953)
The Big Soft Heat
26 January 2009
I was really looking forward to seeing this movie and was disappointed. It is suppose to be a story of revenge but Glen Ford never really takes any. He leaves it up to a dame to take care of his business and only jumps in at the last minute to save himself. I suppose this has something to do with the morality of the times...after all you could not have the hero bumping off low lifes...that is not an issue today. Still the Ford character does more talking and drinking than action. Today we would have seen him throwing the coffee into Lee Marvin's face.

The movie was entertaining but hardly thrilling. It would be interesting to see what a remake would like like. If you have ever seen Rolling Thunder or Death Wish you have an idea of the tone that would be taken.
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Summit Series Abridged
6 June 2007
This is a very curious film. AT times it looks amateurish, at times it looks documentary like and at times it looks like a typical Candian TV Movie. The feel of the movie is greats with the music, clothing and equipment but if anything the film should have been longer and some of the roles expanded. Some characters never talk. I kept thinking it had something to do with the actors getting paid more for having speaking roles.

However the film was very entertaining. I only wish some roles had been expanded and the office activities elaborated on. The role of Canadian fans and their reaction seem to be minimized and we never did see that guy eat - i think he said hat. It would have been interesting to have seen his reaction. What was Vic Hatfield's reaction after the win? Did he applaud or hold his head in his hands in shame? There were a lot of unanswered questions.
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The Package (1989)
Packaged Thriller
16 July 2006
I watched The Package Last night and was mildly entertained by it. Hackman was his usual best and Tommy Lee Jones was very entertaining though he was not given enough screen time. The director seemed more amused by Russian eye brows. That being said I would like to take issue with comments that it was outdated. It was not outdated for its time. That would be like saying MUNICH was outdated because it happened over thirty years ago.

Get with it. If the story took place today ... yes it would be outdated. It didn't. It obviously took place in the mid to late 80s before the wall came down.

Good pedestrian film.
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The Long Goodbye - Redux
20 November 2005
First of all lets get this out of the way. Who cares if its not the same as the book? I just recently re-read the book after just re-viewing the movie several weeks again. They're different - so what,end of story. Thebook is filled with wonderful language and interesting dialogue. The movie is filled with wonderful images and great images. I think it is certainly Gould's best work and one of Altman's best movies.. after Nashville. The music is great.. in fact I've been singing the theme song for the last two months and it is beginning to get tiresome. But that's another matter.

Altman and the script have pulled Marlowe kicking and screaming into the eighties but just because Marlowe has pulled his ethics with him does not mean he hasn't learned to adapt. Those people who have commented that Marlowe hasn't adapted are no better or worse than Lennox who derisively calls Marlowe a loser. I think that is where people are missing the point. I don't think of Marlowe as a loser. I look at him much as Chandler did. Of course the Chandler Marlowe would never have killed Lennox. Alman's Chandler does. Even he, Marlowe, can only be pushed so far.

Hurrah for Hollywood.
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Early Hitchcock - Out of Focus
8 September 2005
I found this film wildly entertaining and not up to Hitchcock's other earlier works. First of all the story in awful and that is always a bad sign. Fred is a complete dud and you would wonder why anyone would have anything to do with him. Maybe that Hitch's point. I guess there are all sorts of men like Fred. Maybe I'm one and just don't know it but everyone around me does.

The story itseld has no focus, a series of incidents hung together by placecards. There are a couple of Hitckcock touches that I noticed that might be of interest to Hitchcock fans but no one else. This is a movie that I would probably have never watch if it did not have Hitch's name to it. It seemed to me that it started out as silent movie and then was changed to a talkie.

If you are a Hitch fan you might want to see this otherwise skip it and watch "The 39 Steps", "Young and Innocent" or "The Lady Vanished" instead.
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Shows its Age ??? What ???
4 September 2005
OK. I'm reading these reviews and I keep seeing the same things. Its shows its age. What ? That's like saying the aircraft in a WWII movie show their age. Of course it shows its age - this was the 1970s. Did you expect to see Pentium 4s with DVD Drives? If thats you main criticism then the movie must be good.

It is good. Probably one of the most realistic and suspenseful movies of its kind ever made. Though PURSUIT was pretty good as well. Robert Wise does a very good job of building the story in a leisurely pace that keep you rivetted. I've seen the movie now about a dozen times and it still keeps me interested. Its not one of those movies where you can stop it and watch the remainder the next day. It has to watched in one sitting. I think the casting of ordinary Joes in the leads was very telling. This is a story about science not about characters.

It will be interesting to see what they will do with the remake. Obviously the story is still relevant today - maybe even more so then in the late 60s.
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Damn Cursed Video Company
28 August 2005
I was somewhat disappointed by this movie. I love Dashiell Hammett but the video I say, just over two hours, looks like it was edited by Picasso. There were some scenes that just didn't make sense. I would really like to see the entire movie if there is one available because I found the atmosphere and acting first rate though Coburn is as far from the Continental Op as a man could be. Frank Cannon would have been more appropriate. I understand why people are confused by this movie. At its present length it makes as much sense as a Richard Simmons workout video.

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Marnie (1964)
Marnie is Marvellous
28 August 2005
OK this is not one of Hitch's greatest films but it is certainly not one of the worst and far better than some of the psychological tripe that is being offered now. May have taken exception with some of the special effects. It did not bother me as they may total about 60 seconds of screen time.

The story itself is quite interesting with Tippi playing the frigid woman with her mother's twisted thoughts ingrained in her since childhood. Of course this is just the McGuffin anyway. The interesting part of the movie, for me, was the foreplay between Connery and Tippi. The film may have gone a little too long but it was very watchable and contained a number of very interesting sequences. The scene where Tippi robs the safe is a case in point. It was such a small scene that I found very suspenseful. It is unfortunate that films today do not allow director's to take such license. The MTV generation is not capable of sitting still for three minutes to watch such a sequence. The editing and sound, the lack thereof, are brilliant.

One negative thing that I did find was Bernard Herrmann's Music. I am one of his biggest fans but I found the music a little over the top at certain times - particularly during the opening title sequence. However the colour of the print I saw was exceptional.

I would definitely put this film in Hitch's Top 10-15. And that says a lot.
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Jaws (1975)
Sharks Attacks Man
21 August 2005
I remember seeing this movie when it came out. I was 13 at the time and I remember what I was wearing, a ball uniform, and the fact that I had a bad sunburn. The uniform was orange polyester and it was itchy. It did not dissuade me from experiencing the thrill of a life. I recall walking out of the theatre thinking that this was the best movie I have ever seen. Time has not diminished its impact. I saw it recently again and was amazed by its power.

The music, the directing, the acting are all first rate. I had forgotten some of the scenes and they amazed me again. The use of the camera when Brody is watching the shark from the beach is amazing. I never thought of it at the time.

And no they don't make movies like this anymore. Now there would be more blood and screaming - from the actors not the audience. Technically the film is so impressive - the editing is just right, not to much is shown but just enough to tantalize. I did find the special effects lacking but this was 30 years ago when Bruce had to be mechanical not CGI. I wish Spieberg would make movies like this again. His new efforts are first rate of course but they don't have the wonder of JAWS, ET and CE3K.

Now I want to get the new DVD. A movie that wants to make me see it that quickly must be exceptional.
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