
28 Reviews
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Outer Range (2022– )
Wonderful, creative, exciting
7 May 2024
This is a great drama of two neighboring ranching families in Wyoming who hate each other, along with a fascinating and original science-fiction element, which I won't spoil for you. I will say that the first season does not resolve all the mysteries surrounding the science-fiction elements. The characters, the dialogue, the direction, are all absolutely convincing. This is the best TV show to come along since Twin Peaks and Lost, although hopefully we won't have all the plot holes that were left open in Lost. Anyway, there are fascinating mysteries to be solved, and lots of unexpected plot and character developments. Every episode includes at least 2 or 3 new plot twists that keep everything interesting. The camera work and the visuals are all excellent, and the folk and country music soundtrack adds a lot. It's great that one of the characters is a great singer, who likes to sing all the time. All the characters are very distinctive and original. I'm looking forward to season two.
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Fallout (2024– )
Great plot and characters
17 April 2024
Fallout mainly takes place more than 200 years in the future after what was apparently an all-out nuclear war in the 1950's. There are several extended flashbacks to events in the 1950's leading to the nuclear apocalypse. The post-apocalypse world is quite complicated with several different factions and groups competing with each other. Some characters have managed to survive the entire 200 year period from the initial apocalypse to the present time of the show. There are many great songs from the 50's and 60's in the show. Two of the main characters, Lucy and Maximus, are absolutely delightful and often very funny. There are many very funny scenes and dialogue here. In addition, the show is well-plotted with many mysteries that are gradually unraveled. The final show of the first season leaves open several plot questions, so hopefully we can look forward to another season or two. The only negatives are that the physical appearance of the ghouls is horrifying and disgusting. The other negative is too many gun battles with people getting their heads blown off and etc.
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Sugar (2024– )
Unbelievable Protagonist
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The main character Sugar is just too good. He's a private detective not above working for the Japanese mafia, but the only jobs he takes are finding lost persons. He's so good at what he does that he doesn't need to take any other kind of private detective work. And he has perfect integrity. He sees a homeless person on the street and goes out of his way to rehabilitate him and reunite him with his family. He won't have sex with a woman if she's drunk. He doesn't like carrying a gun. We're supposed to believe he's a saint. Sorry, not convincing but rather off-putting. I've only seen the first episode, but that's what it is so far.
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Three-Body (2023– )
Intriguing but finally boring
31 March 2024
This is a drama of our coming conflict with an alien civilization, although we do not actually learn that until almost halfway through the season. The plot and visuals are interesting, but the pacing is sooooo slooooowww. Just the opening and closing credits take 3 minutes from each 50 minute episode. The filmmakers probably think they are building suspense, but in fact, except for a very few exciting scenes late in the season, this series is extremely boring. I skipped several early episodes entirely, and I did not miss anything plotwise. There are numerous long scenes of people walking or looking at the sun and basically doing nothing. I ended up using the fast forward button very often to get through this tedious series. I feel grateful, however, that there is only one machine gun battle, in contrast other series such as 12 Monkeys and Continuum in which every episode is full of boring machine gun fights.
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Constellation (2024)
Stellar, Captivating Sci Fi
12 March 2024
I can't understand why the average review is only 7. This is the best TV series since Star Trek: Next Generation, although it's a completely different kind of science fiction. I've only watched 2 episodes so far, and it's very mysterious and fascinating. I could almost believe that it was directed by David Lynch, my favorite director. The main character, Jo, played by Noomi Rapace, is completely convincing. A large part of the show is close-ups of her face as she's reacting to mysterious and unpredictable events. After only 2 episodes, basically everything is still a mystery for me. Although apparently the NASA experiment they did at the Space Station set off some kind of Time-Space anomaly. It's a very uncanny show, in which you can never be sure of what is real and what is not. I'm not sure, but I think everything that characters in the film (and us) see is real, due to the quantum mechanics of the multiverse.
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Looper (2012)
Don't waste your time
7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be one of the lamest Sci-Fi films ever made. The plot premise is completely ridiculous. Time travel has been invented, but the only ones who use it are gangsters, and the only thing they use it for is disappearing people; because disposing of a dead body is supposedly next to impossible in the future. Let's face it, the trope of the time traveler who has to kill himself is the biggest and worst cliche in the history of science fiction. I love time travel movies. A recent one that is pretty good is Predestination (2014). Don't waste your time with Looper. It's not enjoyable to watch, and the plot interest is zero.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Totally gratuitous fighting and violence
10 January 2024
So two characters wake up in the spaceship and go to the control room. One character viciously attacks the other and they fight, kung fu style (everyone fights kung fu style, of course). Later, when asked why she attacked him, she says, "you were in my way." When the android wakes up, she immediately sets out to kill everyone for no apparent reason--apparently some "safety protocol" was activated somehow. They reprogram her, and she doesn't remember attacking them. While Data was the most interesting and charming character in Star Trek, this female android is deliberately annoying, in everything she says and does. One episode was enough for me. The plot premise is interesting but violence doesn't substitute for interesting problems and developments. There's also a whole host of plot holes I noticed, just in this first episode.
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Farzi (2023– )
Nice try
22 October 2023
Basically, this is a crime drama; but they've made more interesting by making at least some of the criminals "good guys," who get mixed up with some very bad guys on the wrong side of the law. That's fine, but the writers have also tried to make the characters more interesting by giving them private, personal dramas. That's a classic strategy, and it's found in every TV or movie everywhere. Unfortunately, in this case, the private dramas of the characters are not very interesting or convincing. And the main crime plot is full of holes. Most viewers will find it interesting enough to keep watching, but it got old for me after a few episodes.
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One of the best Outer Limits Original Series
20 August 2023
This is perhaps my favorite Outer Limits show from the original series. The young man who has an alien father is a compelling character and he is faced with a hard choice. The father is a very compelling character too, who faces a difficult decision. And the man from the space agency investigative division is very sympathetic too. The small town sheriffs are narrow-minded and mean. The father has some interesting alien powers, but he is basically a good alien, even if he doesn't really understand his son. Altogether, it's a great plot with interesting characters, with some interesting twists. The alien looks horrible when he's not in disguise, but he's still a sympathetic character. This episode has a beautiful message too, about people who are different and dreamers.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Deeply Disappointing.
30 July 2023
It's a murder mystery, so it keeps viewers interested on that level. There are several plot twists that keep us attentive. But the two main characters are not psychologically persuasive or realistic. Just the opposite. Their motivations are contradictory and incoherent. There were several plot holes that were very annoying. The sex scenes and profanity were completely superfluous. But the main problem was the two main characters, who were simply not believable - not initially, nor as they were developed during the movie. I really don't understand how anyone could like this movie. I guess some people are only concerned with the plotting, no matter how unlikely. According to the novel/script writer Flynn, "The whole point is that these are two people pretending to be other people, better people, versions of the dream guy and dream girl, but each one couldn't keep it up, so they destroy each other." Ok, well, that might be a good movie, but it's not the movie that was made.
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Look Away (2018)
Nightmare Revenge flick
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I first starting watching, and seeing how this very vulnerable teenage girl was being mistreated by the other students, I thought to myself, "this is a revenge flick," and I wasn't wrong. It had an interesting dynamic at first, in that the girl in the mirror was teaching her to stand up for herself. But when she took over, she ended up being a total psycho who kills rather indiscriminately, even one who is on her side. The people she kills die rather easily and unrealistically. I was also bothered at the beginning by the fact that this incredibly beautiful and rich girl was so unhappy and let herself be abused by those around her. That didn't seem realistic at all. I guess the plot premise is that she was traumatized somehow by the events surrounding her birth, as was her mother. The acting of everyone in the movie was completely convincing, it was just the script that was not always so.
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To Live (1994)
Incredibly moving
9 June 2023
"To Live" is one of the greatest films ever made, comparable to that great classic "Farewell My Concubine." The acting and directing are all flawless. It's a shattering story of a family over a period of 30 or 40 years, suffering through the tumultuous events of the rise and reign of Mao Tse Tung in China. The portrayal of the parents' grief at the loss of their children is overwhelming. I'm surprised the Chinese government allowed this film to be made and shown, since above all it's a devastating critique of the communist regime in China; how Mao and his followers destroyed the lives of millions upon millions of ordinary people. Just as with Stalin, even loyal followers of Mao ended up being accused and executed. The "cultural revolution" ruined the lives of virtually all professionals including doctors. The movie shows the results in terms of the lives of ordinary people. The film is also a great love story, of a married couple who choose to stay together through good and bad, doing whatever it takes "to live," and finding meaning and purpose in their lives by their connection to family and friends.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
27 May 2023
This is an incredibly boring movie. There's literally no plot. An 11-year-old girl goes on a vacation in Turkey with her father. The parents have split up, and she lives with her mom. The girl is rather charming, but nothing happens to sustain the viewers' interest. The father is charming too. There's some mystery about why the father and mother have split up, and why the father seems to be psychologically disturbed in some way, although still a caring father. These mysteries are never developed or illuminated. It's not clear that the father has any job, and if so, who is paying for this vacation. The movie briefly flashes forward a few times to the girl as an adult. The girl records some of the vacation with a camcorder, and she views the recordings as an adult. That's it, the whole movie. There's no way to spoil the plot because there is none.
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Them (IV) (2021)
A Poem of a Movie
14 May 2023
First, the idea that "life is a dream" is very ancient, and it finds expression in various philosophic, religious, and literary works. Second, the belief in supernatural beings who exist on a different plane of reality, who govern our lives, and who have a close relationship with humans is equally old. This movie is a riff on these ancient ideas. The "watchers" who govern human life are referred as arriving on earth, suggesting they are aliens. But they are also said to be formerly human, and living in fellowship with humans. Their identity is left ambiguous, but they seem to govern human reality, although for what purpose is unclear. The movie suggests they save humans from destroying themselves. If one can give one's expectations for narrative closure, the movie is quite enjoyable, in the same way as a lyric poem or a beautiful piece of music.
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Portrait of a couple of Psychopaths
5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The reviewers that think this film has any commentary on class are off the mark, no matter what the director may have been intending. It's just a sad and sobering portrait of a couple of psychopaths who are apparently high-functioning apart from their occasional murders. The postal clerk kicks and kills her own 4 year old child "by accident," although she says she can't really remember exactly what happened. The maid is also apparently guilty of a murder in her past. So predictably, they kill again for absolutely no reason except for their resentment at anyone who has more happiness than them. It's true that the killers and their victims are from different social classes, but that's not really relevant when the killers are psychopaths. It could have just as well been reversed. Psychopaths are never lacking in reasons for killing.
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Something different
26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I read most of the other reviews here, and I have a different take on the film. Admittedly it was tedious to watch at first, but it works as a mystery. I read the plot summary which only says that the family is plotting something "sinister," but not what. So there's the mystery of what that is. There are hints that something is wrong, and what the ending will be is revealed about 3/4 of the way through. Most of the reviewers here see the film as critique of the protagonists and/or the society they live in. I didn't see it that way. They are not zombies with no purpose, soulless machines, as other reviewers say. Rather they are normal people living normal lives with normal purposes and dreams. They love each other! There's nothing really wrong with their lives or their world. But they make the decision to end it all, and they do it methodically and completely, taking their daughter with them when she agrees to it. What's puzzling is (1) that they feel the need to destroy everything in their home before they check out, (2) that they feel justified in letting their daughter die too, and (3) why they do it at all. For me the point is that they do decide, and while I don't condone their act, they are heroic in a very ironic sense. Camus would undoubted approve! I don't think it's realistic, however. Because they aren't miserable in their lives, they have each other, and they love each other. Such a family doesn't choose to commit suicide.
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Dogville (2003)
Interesting but flawed
3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The blueprint, staged setting is a defamiliariizing effect that tells us that this film has a larger meaning. It's not meant to be completely realistic, although the psychology of all the characters is wholly realistic and convincing. The name of the protagonist, Grace, has obvious allegorical resonances.

First of all, this is study of how a community or group of people can victimize a vulnerable person. What's remarkable is that the film shows how this process, step by step, appears perfectly rational and reasonable to the community. By the end of film, Grace is dragging around a large heavy iron wheel, wearing an iron neck collar with a ringing bell, performing punishing physical labor every day and hour, and suffering repeated rapes on a daily and nightly basis. Even though she has done absolutely nothing to deserve any of this, everyone in Dogville is convinced that she is getting exactly the treatment she deserves, and that there is nothing unusual or remarkable about her treatment. They are perfectly convinced that she deserves her usage and that they are acting in good conscience. In fact, they perceive themselves as the victims and her as the persecutor. It's a psychological study of the process of victimization. For me, this is a most interesting and valuable lesson of the film.

Second, the film poses the question of personal responsibility. Is a person who does something terrible a victim of circumstance, say a bad childhood or other trauma? Or, on the contrary, do those who victimize another person, even with the conviction that their actions are justified, deserve a similar punishment? Grace starts out the film firmly believing that people are not fully responsible for their actions, and that they must be forgiven. But her father, a gangster, points out that this is arrogant, since it places her in a position of hypocritical judgment. She would not tolerate such behavior from herself, so why should she tolerate it from others? Grace abruptly changes her mind at the end and hands out rather horrific punishment to the town, except the dog, which is only following its nature.

Such is the allegorical meaning. But there are several problems with any straightforward interpretation. First of all, her father is a gangster who makes his living from crime and murder, yet somehow he is supposed to be the "good guy" of the film. We're supposed to believe that Grace would put up with her treatment even though she could leave at any time. And we're supposed to believe that the whole town with no exception would participate in her victimization. Tom, Grace's sponsor, is reluctant at first, but eventually he becomes her worst persecutor, while claiming innocence. There are many other complicated factors. I'm guessing that the director wanted to confuse any simple and straightforward meaning by introducing all this complications, because it's supposed to a modern, sophisticated work of art, but they seem gratuitous to me.
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Maniac (2018)
Classic, Surreal, Comic, Dark, and Sci-Fi
13 June 2019
This is basically a comedy, but a very dark and surreal comedy. If you like the Coen brothers (think Fargo) and David Lynch, with a little Tarantino thrown in, then you'll like Maniac. A love story that explores the dark side of family traumas. It's also a quirky science fiction story, with retro-futuristic elements which are charming and interesting. Highly Recommended!
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Entangled (2019– )
Too much of nothing
23 May 2019
I watched the first episode. I'm a big David Lynch fan, and I had high hopes for this show. This is definitely a story with alternate universes which have managed to intersect with each other. There's quantum entanglement, spiritual forces, nightmares, about 10 different plot threads impossible to follow; although presumably some coherence will emerge in future episodes. The fate of the world is at stake! They forgot to add any characters we can care about. I won't be wasting my time watching any more episodes.
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The Frame (2014)
Well the time for Surreal movie fans
3 May 2019
I'm not giving away anything here by observing that the plot (as I understand it) has to do with the two main characters trying to deal with the effects of the past, which includes trauma and bad decisions. I think almost anyone can relate to this. On one level, at least, the "frame" is a traumatic past the characters want to escape, although it plays out on other levels too. The movie obviously has an allegorical dimension, but it never resolves into a coherent story, imo. But that's the nature of many surreal movies.
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Electric Dreams: Crazy Diamond (2017)
Season 1, Episode 4
Compelling but flawed
19 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought "Crazy Diamond" was a compelling show, right up there with the best of the other "Electric Dreams." I only had one problem, which is how Jill dumps Ed at the end. Ed's boss is holding a gun to Jill's head, threatening to shoot Jill, unless Ed uses the QC gun/vacuum to vacuum out Jill"s consciousness. Meanwhile, Jill is begging Ed not to do it; but if Ed had point-blank refused, then Jill would be dead. By going along with his boss, Ed arguably saves Jill's life, since he gives her time to get a gun and kill the boss. Nevertheless, she judges him harshly and elopes with his wife, which seemed like a sop to the LGBT movement. The fact that Jill and Ed's wife take over what was Ed's dream seems deeply unfair. Ed's wife, after all, was considering turning in her husband to the authorities, and she considered Ed's dream to be a farce. So it doesn't make any sense that she gets rewarded at the end. I think if Ed had been allowed to sail off by himself at the end, while Jill and Sally went to Vegas or somewhere, would have been a much more satisfactory ending. But except for the ending, it was an entertaining story. The acting by Ed's character and especially Jill's was superb.
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Black Mirror: Metalhead (2017)
Season 4, Episode 5
Good suspense, but doesn't deliver
13 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The basic idea here is pretty simple: In some vague future, humans create a robot which will kill all the people. A little more context about who created the robots and for what purpose might have added some interest. But really it's a just a chase story with nothing surprising. I don't think the teddy bears at the end were really any kind of big surprise. Their discussion earlier made it clear that they weren't going after anything essential. I thought it might be morphine. It was a teddy bear. So what? My only question is why there's only one robot dog for most of the movie, and then at the end suddenly they're everywhere.
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Black Mirror: Nosedive (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
8 January 2018
You have to watch this for the final scene. It's one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen :).
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Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
Funny and a little scary
6 January 2018
Black Mirror usually isn't funny, but this one is very funny; a spoof of nerdish "Trekkies." The character called "Nannette" is great, and the actress playing her does a great job. As always with Black mirror, the show has fantastic plot tension. Some of the Black Mirror episodes are off-putting but this one was pretty enjoyable all the way through. I don't know why someone criticized it for being political. This episode doesn't really have any political or social commentary at all; it's just a spoof of Trekkies, with a spice of futuristic technology. The humor was a bit cheesy at times, but so what.
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Twin Peaks (2017)
Worth watching but a mixed bag
27 May 2017
This is trademark Lynch; the situations the characters encounter are like nothing any of us have or will ever encounter. And there are multiple mysteries that keep us watching. Addictive and compelling. Lynch's stunning visual style is on display here, although this series is rather indulgent in terms of spectacle, favoring style over substance. What's missing is the character development and character interest of the original series or his best films like Mulholland Drive. Everything here is very fragmented and surreal. This ranks up there with the most surreal films ever made by Bunuel and Dali or some of Lynch's previous works like Rabbits. There's too much gratuitous violence and sex. I wish we had a whole new cast, although that would have meant a loss of continuity. The actors from the original series seem old and tired now, just going through the motions, compared to their energetic and lively performances in the original series. BTW, I'm a HUGE Lynch fan, I loved Inland Empire, and I consider Mulholland Drive a true masterpiece, but so far, "Twin Peaks: The Return" is not on the same level. This is indulgent film-making from a master who is past his prime, unfortunately. For die-hard fans of Twin Peaks only.

The FBI chief, played by Lynch, is is deaf or hard of hearing; he yells all the time and can't understand people; Lynch apparently thinks such a character is hilarious but really his character is only annoying. That goes for several extended sequences, notably the Cooper character who has lost his memory. Lynch apparently thinks a man who has forgotten how to go to the bathroom is hilarious, NOT! Especially when we watch his life ad nauseum. I don't mind slow action, but there are long sections which advance NOTHING, not plot and not character and not mood. Twin Peaks: The Return is still better than 99% of the other TV shows this year, but that's a pretty low bar, folks.
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