
16 Reviews
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Solo Leveling (2024– )
From Bleach fan....Inspiring and sort of déjà vu..
4 March 2024
As I said I am huge fan of Bleach anime.

And when I started whatching this I felt déjà vu..

In Bleach you had Hollow monsters attacking humans, Shinigami with special powers killing them...aaaaand there was Ichigo with almost no powers (underestimated by all) getting stronger... and stronger... and stronger, never giving up. And with Ichigo was his cute, scared lady friend Orihime with healing déjà vu.

But story is different. I like this game level up system. It is crazy idea and it works.

Also the whole idea that you need magical weapons to kill monsters is great. And that magical swords dont you need to make money to buy new stuff all the time. Power up, get new gear...and so on.

It is briliant. The whole story is like a game. Love it.

I think every gamer can feel the buzz here.

I also like that this anime dont drag things to much. It moves fast for anime.

I am at episode 8 atm. It is clear 9/10 for me.

Love it.
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NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–2023)
I love it before...but it is going down fast
2 March 2024
At first I loved the idea. It was great alternative to original NCIS. Hetty instead of. Gibbs (both had that special aura). Not like patetic King from Nev Orleans...King????? Really????. Then we have the rest of the crew with different special skills. Just like original NCIS but different. Also location is different. I must say that Callen and Hanna have been better combo then McGee and DiNozzo in orignal NCIS. But Abby, Ducky ware way better then Nell and Eric. Kensi and Deeks has been funny at start but Deeks jokes have become old...very old as show goes forward, he is just anoying as hell. And Eric caracter is so anoying from start. It just dosent fit. It never grows up. Nell is also like a child. So we have 2 child runing Ops. Mosley was total miss...what the hell??? Kilbride is cool, but maybe to "cool" for his own good...main problem here is. We have caracters jumping in and out all the time. But you still you do not replace the empty Eric. And why dont you return to save crime and stop saving the world from Russians, Chinese, Serbians...all the time with this little NCIS group. It is getting old and stupid....
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The Defenders (2017)
Not that great transfer in to series
20 February 2024
I wantes to like it.

But...when you transfer story from comics to video you need to change it to make it more realistic.

They did that with avengers. This sword fighting in open just dosent work. Like it or not people have guns.

So Luke make sense. Bullets cant hurt him. He is perfect for modern world.

In movies Daredevil also make sense coz he is fighting in shadows using his senses. But here...cmon..this hand fights in open. Nobody using guns, just knives and swors..meh.

And Jessica, she should be crazy strong, throwing guys around like trash...but no, somehow she is strong about 5 times...the rest she is fighting like regular person.

And Iron Fist is similar to Jessica...getting his super fist few times, the rest he is just regular karate kid. Anybody can shoot him if he wants.

The whole group just dosent make sense. Like they ware trying to make mini homemade avengers, instead they got bunch of homemade karate kids.

Cmon make a show more real. Enemy using guns, Daredevil fight in shadows, Jessica trowing cars around, Luke forming shield for Iron fist, Iron fist actually using his fist....

Accept Luke I do not see any super heroes that matter here. They made them look patetic.
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Extraction II (2023)
Top class in action movies
7 February 2024
I dont know why everybody is complaining about story.

This is pure ACTION movie! Nothing more and nothing less.

And o boy it delivers!! When it comes to action it is easy best movie I saw in a long time!

It does not pretent to be anything else. First 40 minutes looks more like future game then a movie. Fantastic uncut scene!! WOW!! I had a feeling like I was in a FPS game.

Even second fight in a city is huge. Choreography of all the movments was on another level.

As I said. I do not care for a story in a movie that is packed with action 85% of the movie. The whole point of the movie was next level action scenes.

So switch your brains off amd have fun.

I love the movie for what it is. And want more like this. Not everything has to be drama to be briliant.
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Sisu (2022)
John Wick in WWII
4 February 2024
A lot off people said it was dumb, not much dialog, not real, brutal.... John Wick anyone?!?

It is the same. Just set in WWII and in war time.

John Wick was just as unreal ( fall from 3rd story on a car and just walk off).

So I do not know why Sisu is dumb, John Wick is so great on the other hand. They have same design. Only difference is speed. And to be honest I like a bit slower way Sisu moves.

Is it unreal? Sure. You could know that the moment they started about legend of immortal. If they said that, something in the movie will happen to support that claim.

I gave Sisu better score (6) then last 2 John Wick movies. I think it is better. New direction instead of old boring John Wick shoot, move and repeat style.
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Red Sky (I) (2014)
They had access to real Su 27 vesrsions and this is what they do with it?!?!?
26 January 2024
I am so sad.

In top gun they did not had real mig-s, they used american F5 instead. It did not look real. But was good movie.

Red sky did had access to real russian Su 27UB planes. It was great! It was so much they could do with this!

But what did we get???? Basic american superhero story! Cmon!!!

Air fights ware patetic!! They have mostly it is WWII...jeez. Gun on moden jet is there for a backup at best. Not primary weapon.

And american pilots knew how to fly Su 27 after just 1 flight with it (it take few months to get just basic training in to new fighter jet). As i said typical american superhero!

They could do so much with russian pilots and Su27 and skip that pointles rainmaker story. They could give us more relationships between american and russian pilots. Real superhero crap.

And better coordinated air fights.

Could be top gun with russian accent (Su 27 and some russian pilots in the mix).

But no!

We got movie with 80-s script, modern,cheap look and epic russian fighter jet in the mix.

I am so sad.
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Bleach: The Fire (2022)
Season 17, Episode 6
Yamamoto shows Ryuujin Jakka true face
22 January 2024
One of the best episodes in Blood Wars.

We all have seen the power Yamamoto the Captain Commander of Gotei-13. His own power in combination with his zanpakuto Ryuujin Jakka was unstopable combination. He usually even didn't have to use his zanpakuto. Yamamoto raw strenght and knowledge was enough to win most fight. If not...the first stage (Shikai form) of his zanpakoto Ryuujin Jakka win the day. Ryuujon Jakka was fire based zanpakuto amd from what we saw the most powerfull one of them all. Simple shikai form was enough for brutal attacks!! Ryuujin Jakka in shikai form was more powerfull then other captain Bankai. So all this years we asked ourselfs...what would Ryuujin Jakka bankai look will need to watch this part to see it!! It is what you ware dreaming to be...and then some!
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Solid idea done bad
20 January 2024
I watches this on SCI FI channel. These days they only show crap like this.

First let me say that actors did do ok. Camera work was also ok. And effects ware also good for B movie. I saw worse. That is why I gave it 3 star.

Now I know it is mockbuster of the Abyss and Avatar franchise but they could try a bit better.

I really hate neoprene bondage-lite suits, pipes from walmart, sportbike gloves....and that should be space suit? And they glow blue when healty, red when not healty...They look stupid.

Not to mention script. Dialog is crazy. Let me make an example. On the planet after shooting: "we have armor piercing holow points". WTF? When it comes to bullets hollow point bullet and armor piercing are exactly the oppsite. Who write this stuff and why??? It is just pointless.

And why not use some interesting looking modern real guns insted of stupid things that they used in the movie. In combination with Walmart made suits and cheap effect plus bad writing it was fiasco that even actors could not save.

Most actors did try the best. Respect to them. They did good. But you cant do magic with bad script and crapy music.
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The Offering (2022)
Good horror that made a big mistake
13 January 2024
It is not a bad movie. It starts great and builds with great story.

I like the details. The thing I love in horror movies is the danger you can feel in the background. If movie can do that...then it works. And they do that here with story right up to the point we se the demon in the middle of the movie....and from here on everything goes down quickly. The demon looks like lost old dead goat that was run over by truck. Not scarry at all. I mean wtf??? After that everything revolves around demon. And because he is not scarry nothing else makes sense. It was more funny then scarry. Shame.

That demon was really big big mistake. Who the hell designed that thing. And it was center of the whole story!!

It could be a good movie if demon was not funny as hell.
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Transfusion (I) (2023)
To slow even for drama
6 January 2024
First mistake was going in to movie expecting action (labeled as: action, crime, thriller...).

Ok once you realize it is more of a drama talking about father/son life after father returned from start to watch with different expectation. But even for drama it is veeeery slow. Almost nothing happens for half a movie.

It is hard to get in to characters when it is so slow and tiresome to watch.

The story is good, they had good actors ....I do not understand why they had to make it so dull!!

Some reviwers said that it was so good that "we sat on edge of our seats" through the movie. What?!?!? Nobody will seat on the edge of the seat in this movie. Falling asleep in your seat...yes.

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Not good, but not so bad as some people here say it is.
4 January 2024
First of all, stop giving this movie 1 star score!!

What is wrong with you? There is a lot of movies waaay worse then this out there. So save 1 star for them.

People are giving this movie 1 star coz they saw Morgan is in there and they expected a masterpice.

Well it is not. It is not great movie that is true. Story lacks energy and mystique that Seven had. Dialogs are short and uninteresting. The whole Africa, Muti, power....thing could be presented with a lot more dark tone with mystique. Sadly it was all to simple and bland.

Freeman plays more of a support role. Not adding much to a film. And Hauser looks lost, almost no emotion even when he is angry.

Story is ok, script not so much, actor performance is B movie level. But hey it is stil 5 star movie. Not 1 star. Jezus people, it is not that bad.
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It is OK, but just OK
16 December 2023
Evil Dead was always part comedy and part horror. It is true it got more horror less comedy every next edition...but this time it lost all comedy aspect.

Also in Evil Dead it was always about fight vs evil. And we get a feeling that humans are strong against evil.

Here on the other hand they are trying to tell us we have no chance right up to the end.

Instead of Evil Dead fight vs evil we get typical horror familiy that runs around scared. It is just another horror movie that is easy to guess.

Why did they do this? It is a shame.

Not bad if you like horror movies. But if you loved Evil will miss that in this movie. Hint of Evil Dead in last 5 minutes.

This is why it gets only 5 stars.
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Red Tails (2012)
Mustang with magical powers
2 December 2023

American heroes, german bad guys...American planes have superpowers, german planes are underpowerd...patetic.

Cmon it is more like cartoon then a movie.

Mustang with 6 machine guns destroys a warship. Cmon guys, they are just 50 cal machine guns. You can not blow up a WWII warship with 6 machine guns!

It is the same when they are attacking airfueld with P40-s. Everything they shoot with machine guns blows up! And german air defence (flak- anti aircraft defence that was famous and deadly) can not hit anything.

German Me 262 jet shooting through the american pilot like it has rifle guns. Me 262 jet was armed with 4x 30 mm cannons!!! And all he is making in the movie is small holes.

Interesting. American machine gun bullets magicaly explode. German cannon shells do not!

Only thing missing is captain america!
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It is not that bad
1 December 2023
You need to take it for what it is. Typical 90-s cheap action movie. I did like street fighter game...and it is shame they did go with this military plot. But fights are strret fighter 90-s cool so is the cheap story.

Take it for what it is. There is no real story or great plot. Story was made up for fights.

So if you go in to the movie not expecting to much I think you will like it. Just know it is 90-s cheap action movie. That should tell you what to expect.

I think It would be better if they would drop this military plot...but it was still ok.

I had fun.

If you miss some 90-s action. Go for it.
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Megalodon (2018 TV Movie)
Bad acting, bad script, bad equipment....
25 November 2023
Right from the start you notice: modern uniforms, modern times...but ship is ooooold. Not a single display, guns are manual, WWII era. And ship this size should have 400 + crew size..but we see like 20 people running around. It is so unreal.

And then we have admiral with fingers full of rings.

2 russians almost take over whole ship.

The dialogs are also idiotic. Admiral wants to leave small sub and its crew behind for no reason at all. He just wants to go. Why?

Madsen acting was bad, sooo bad. It was like he was doing this first time.

And why was Navy having WWII era ship cruising around? And onboard they had "modern" sub with primitive instruments..

At least they could wire some computer displays in it to make it more advanced then it is.

They put zero investement in this.

I knew acting will be bad, but I didnt know everything will be so unreal. Whole script was terible.

So real story is " The crew of 20 with admiral on board, on a WWII era military ship that should have crew more then 400, with advanced submarine with WWII instruments onboard...runs in to Meglodon".

Oh for god sake.
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The Expendables 2, unexpected result
8 October 2012
I sort of liked first movie. It was OK. But just OK.

This one (number 2) however was something really special.

This movie does not want to be serious, does not want to have real plot, no real story. It is just pure fun. Comic book hero style.

And this "something" is missing in movies like The Avengers, new Batman movies, Superman ... and so on. They try to be serious. And of course if you fly in a Blue/Red dress ... you can not be serious! Almost all new superhero movies have this obsession with some obscured reality. It just doesn't work.

The Expendables 2 has managed to achieve a special feeling from comic book super heroes. There is no pretense. Just a movie full of clichéd actions and statements. Finally! That is super hero movie.

What really impressed me is use of myths, jokes, and personality of individual actors from films which are known for.

Chuck Norris represents the jokes that revolve around his name. Arnold Schwarzenegger acts like Terminator (movie), Special Agent (movie) Governor (real life)... and more. Arnold (in the middle of the fight) also mention " The Rambo" And definition of Rambo is what? Stallone of course. Leader of the team in this movie and his old rival in action movie scene. The same goes for Van Dame and his famous and elegant roundhouse kick.

So... you watch the movie in the expectation.... for new/old hero to come in....

Where is Chuck? Will he be the legendary "Chuck Norris" we know? Will he kill the whole platoon with one kick? Where is Arnold? What will he be? Commando? Terminator? Conan the Barbarian? .. and so on.

This movie really is something I waited for a long long time.

Great movie if you understand what it is. And what it wants to be.
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