
11 Reviews
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Zombie Rage (2023)
Amateur time has arrived
4 November 2023
This was just so bad that I don't know where the good reviews came from. I can only guess that they are relatives and friends of those involved in the production.

Imagine 5 separate groups of friends and family who all decide to write a zombie story and then film it independently with no previous script/screenplay, acting or directorial then gets cobbled together into this amateur monstrosity.

  • Dialogue was delivered as though being read directly from the piece of paper it was written on.

  • At one point the actresses were clearly challenged when trying to speak, act and walk, all at the same time...snail pace.

  • Acting was so wooden I'm surprised they weren't covered in bandages from the splinters.

Do yourself a favour and give this a big miss as it has no redeeming qualities.

1 star - For Effort (either theirs in making it or mine for watching to the end)

1 star - For reasonable zombie makeup attempts on a couple of occasions.
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22 September 2023
I watched this based on a friends rave recommendation on how good it was - I was disappointed to say the least.

I literally had to force myself to finish all the episodes as by the second one I was bored.

The story centers on a barrister, named Ingrid Lewis, who defends John Webster against stalking charges, only for Webster to turn his attentions to her.

The story itself seemed drawn out with lots of repetitious flashbacks, poignant and pointless walks and silences that appeared to act as filler just to make it last 6 episodes. In the book, by Jane Casey, from which this series was adapted I could see that this would have been time used to give the reader the inner thoughts, monologues and mental turmoil experienced by the characters, however on the screen it really just resulted in boring overused filler that added nothing to the screenplay. The story is fairly basic and shallow with 'twists' introduced to try to fatten it up, however for those who like a good mystery it was obvious where this was all leading and the ending was no great surprise.

None of the characters were particularly likeable and failed to elicit even a modicum of empathy for the situations they found themselves in due to lack of character depth in failing to humanise them outside of the main mechanics of the story.

Ingrid Lewis, the main character, seemed to have no problem finding time in her busy schedule, as an up and coming career focused Barrister, to drop everything while she interfered in a Police Inquiry. John Webster being self employed it was easier to understand how he had the time available to come and go as he pleased. The other characters, whether victims or related family members didn't evoke any sympathy in the viewer and perhaps had some of the 'filler' time been devoted to fleshing out the characters a little this could have been avoided.

Emma Appleton was mediocre in the series. Perhaps it's just me but she seems somewhat limited in her acting skills, facial expressions etc. Or maybe she just tends to play repetitive characters.

Colin Morgan was excellent despite the poor script and screenplay he had to work with.

All other actors may have been very good but due to their easily forgettable characters they really didn't make much of a impact and were just there to provide some interest and complication in what was a fairly unimaginative story.

Overall if you have time to waste and don't want to engage your brain you may enjoy it. It's less of an edge of the seat story and more of a can I keep my eyes open to the end.

I rated it as 5/10 as it wasn't absolutely terrible but was no more than mediocre.
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Exit to Eden (1994)
Awful - a whole cinema audience can't be wrong
17 December 2021
I remember seeing this in the cinema when it first came out. Friend and I didn't have a particular movie in mind to watch so just picked this when we got there.....big mistake.

Despite looking forward to a comedy, who wouldn't with the likes of Rosie O and Dan A starring, this left us completely flat.

We still talk about it to this day, although my friend did end up falling asleep as it was so boring. It has to be the least memorable movie I have ever watched.

The cinema was reasonably full when we went in and the only entertainment we had was watching the audience walk out. Only 6 of us made it to the end credits.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Not very Original
14 October 2021
As per my title this isn't a very original idea. It's been done time and time again: Highlander (1986), Battle Royale (2000), The Hunger Games (2012), Animal World (2018) etc. The only difference is the venue/place where they are held and the winnings at the end.

I tried to watch this when it first appeared on Netflix, but after 3 episodes it still hadn't impressed me, and was quickly forgotten when I found something better to binge watch. After seeing all the hype about it I decided to give it another go, perhaps I should have given it 4 episodes? Nope it still didn't impress.

I have to question the '111 million fans' claim by Netflix. I'm more inclined to believe it is 111 million 'Viewings' that include the multiple viewings by single individuals or their group friends at home or around at their friends houses when their parents are away. Viewings do not correspond to fans.

The acting is your usual frenetic Korean overacting, overdone facial expressions combined with family honour/disappointment.

The main characters, although given back stories, aren't what you would consider likeable so you don't really invest too much empathy into who will or won't survive, bearing in mind that 'There can be only one' (to quote Highlander) winner at the end of the game.

My only real interest was in working out who was behind the whole setup of 'Squid Game' and who the 'Frontman' was. The clues are there and it didn't take me too long to have a (correct) working theory.

I suppose if you are looking for some 'bloody' entertainment, that you can disengage your brain to watch, then this will meet your needs.

I gave it a generous 6 stars as while it isn't as good as it is hyped to be it certainly isn't as bad as some of Netflix's underwhelming prior offerings.
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Fun Little Watch
9 July 2021
Having seen Fear Street Part 1 I did wonder if this one would basically be much of the same, but with a 70's music score. I was pleasantly surprised to find this one was better than Part 1.

There is only so much that you can do in a slasher movie, that hasn't already been done. Normally there is minimal story line, lots of screaming and bloodshed and possibly a single survivor at the end - no spoilers there. This 2nd instalment is set in a 'Summer Camp', so quite reminiscent of Friday the 13th, only this time the addition of the kids makes for more blood spillage.

The thread of story line woven through the trilogy keeps you hooked, as you learn a little more each time. It's also interesting in the way that the story is in reverse, instead of starting at the beginning.

The acting was really quite good, given the ages of those starring. Far better than some I have seen lately where teens have been played by twenty/thirty somethings who are so wooden and stilted they are painful to watch.

My one big gripe is that I know filming at night is supposed to make it more frightening and to build up tension but that fails completely when the audience can't see a thing or barely glimpses what is happening.

If you are into the old 'slasher' type movies you will probably find it entertaining, for younger viewers, expecting the big production CGI horror, it will no doubt be underwhelming.
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Lacking in laughs
4 July 2021
I normally enjoy a low budget British film with quirky humour but this was so disappointing I really struggled to make it to the end.

It's clearly a bit of a low budget 80's homage movie, heavy on the blood, gore and screaming. No CGI but some fun 'monster' costumes and prosthetics.

One of the main problems was that the teenage characters were clearly played by more mature, late 20's to 30's, actors and actresses. The characters had a few good lines but on the whole the script was mediocre, as was the acting. I honestly had the feeling that they were just reading straight off the script, without learning lines, as there didn't seem to be any depth to the performances. The main character seemed a bit ineffectual and was upstaged by her 'sidekicks'.

I think perhaps this movie tried to incorporate too many ideas; Monsters, witchcraft, mean girls, lesbianism, role reversal etc. So that the film became a bit muddied in its story telling.

Although not the worst movie I have seen I certainly wouldn't recommend it when there are so many others that are far better.
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Average viewing
7 June 2021
I really wasn't at all impressed with this show, it was more talk than action. I binge watched it, luckily or not, in the hope that successive episodes would get better, they did but only just.

Apart from walking around in costume the 'Super Heroes' didn't seem to actually do anything. Yes, they talk about what they have just done/saved etc. But you don't see it happen. The story doesn't move with any speed and you are drip fed with scraps of back story.

I'm not sure if this was Netflix answer to 'The Boys', which is on Amazon Prime, but it failed miserably.

Acting was okay but not particularly great, they did the best they could with the script and story premise.

Costumes were unimpressive, but should be easy to copy for any cosplayers proficient with a sewing machine and a knack with lycra, topped off with cheap wigs and beards.

Unlike other superior Netflix series that have been cancelled I won't lose any sleep wondering what happens next, as this was/is easily forgettable.
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24 January 2021
It's not often I would give a 10 star rating but this Short Film was absolutely wonderful, with nothing to fault.

The storytelling was clean, with no superfluous dialogue or wasted images.

Timothy Spall played the main character to perfection; loneliness and taciturnity conveyed in a short 13 minutes, something many full length films are unable to duplicate.

There is an element of sci-fi via the 'robot', however this doesn't overshadow the storyline or Timothy Spall's excellent performance.

This is a heart-warming and subtly emotional film, that is easily watched more than once.
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Hungerford (2014)
17 January 2021
I think I am being generous giving this a 2 star rating, for effort. I hadn't heard of it before and didn't read any reviews prior to watching it......that was a big mistake as for once the negative reviews were justified.

This movie takes the usual 'found footage' shakiness to the extreme, so much so that it is barely watchable. Wobbly camera work, glitching film and blacked out visuals with just audio do nothing to increase the atmospherics. Irritation at the poor film making was about the only emotion I was capable of drumming up.

Clearly this film was made on a shoe-string budget, and it shows. The script was absolutely cringeworthy as was the amateurish acting, not helped by the fact that the Director and Writer, Drew Casson, chose to cast himself as the main character. The other characters are easily forgettable; overplayed panic and nonsensical decision making eclipse any sense of storyline, of which there is very little.

Make up effects - minimal; dash of blood and some dirty clothes. CGI effects - non-existent

This should have stayed as a classroom piece for a media (Btec?) course and never seen the light of day in mainstream viewing. Often this low-budget type of movie injects a bit of humour into the situation by making bad decisions funny, unfortunately this didn't happen on this occasion. I'm still not quite sure what direction this film was intended to take; not serious, not humorous, not horror and with minimal sci-fi, it failed on so many levels.

I watched it on Netflix, which unfortunately believes in quantity rather than quality when it comes to their movie offerings.
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Mediocre at Best
15 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this with an open mind, not having read any reviews, and not having previously heard of it.

Inspired by 'true events' I found the story to be very bland. I'm not quite sure what the writers, director etc. Were aiming for, but clearly they missed the mark. If the story is about religion then this should have featured a little more strongly and obviously in the story telling, instead this film ended up with a dilute version that seems to shy away from any explicit mention of Islam. The message of hope, courage, overcoming oppression and gaining equality could be applied to any number of religions and 'heroes', and has been with far better effect. Perhaps the propaganda machine got in the way trying to give a softening edge to Islam, in the hope that it would woo Western viewers? Whatever the reason it was to the detriment to the somewhat muddled storyline (beginning and end but what happened in the middle?).

The majority of the animation was reasonable but had the feel of a trailer for a new Playstation or XBox game. I kept waiting for the words 'Not actual gameplay' to be displayed at the bottom. There were some beautifully rendered animation features for the hawks and horses, although for the latter quality did slip when in 'group' situations. Fight scenes were well rendered but not outstanding and had no originality.

I'm not sure that the voice stars were actually a good match to the characters. I recognised Ian McShane without having to refer to a cast list. Perhaps it was the poor script and film direction but the characters appeared and sounded wooden and without any dimension. The film started well but quickly deteriorated to the basic good guys and bad guys with no real character building, resulting in very little viewer empathy.

Musical score was easily forgettable, and I have, so no review possible.

Having watched this once I wouldn't consider a repeat viewing. Boredom has it's limits.
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Night of the Wild (2015 TV Movie)
Spot the Mistake
25 August 2020
The plot line, what little there is, could be a amalgamation of Cujo and any virus infected meteor flick you've seen. The characters are flat and without personality, so much so that you really don't care who lives or dies and are hoping and praying that some of the more annoying ones die immediately after they are introduced. The introduction of many of them appears to be just so they aren't nameless individuals being attacked and killed. Script dialogue is minimal, and appears only to be there so that there as a punctuation between the dog/wolf attack scenes. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was written in a single lunch break. I was actually going to stop watching until I noticed the incredibly large number of continuity errors and goofs, after which it then became a fun game of spot the mistake, in nearly every scene. If there was an award for continuity errors then this movie would be at the top and winning an Oscar.

This was less of a Movie and more a game of spot the error and goof.
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