
15 Reviews
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Wolf (2023)
Ridiculous hammed-up deliciously dark delight
2 August 2023
'WOLF' on BBC iPlayer is a very different kind of drama - a ridiculously hammed up, deliciously dark delight - that is intended and succeeds in being nothing more than 6 hrs of pure escapist fun. Think Midsummer Murders meets Pulp Fiction - if stretched over 6 episodes and made on a BBC budget in Wales.

Juliet Stevenson looks like she agreed to star in this without reading the script and, as each episode unfurls it slowly dawns on her that she is in one of the goriest, most messed-up TV detective thrillers ever made. This series could well have been written whilst on acid. I loved it. The final episode doesn't disappoint and leaves the viewer satisfied.

Most of the bad reviews on here are from people taking this drama far too seriously, who have no creative vision, or who have only seen one episode. Why leave a review when you haven't even seen what you are reviewing?? That's like leaving a restaurant review on the food when you've only just sat down to eat.

Ignore the naysayers and give this a go - it is a fun, entertaining series like no other with a hugely satisfying ending.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Easy, uncomplicated watch but overall a disappointment
22 March 2022
I have watched the whole season and managed to do so in two sittings. Definitely entertaining, the costumes in particular are exquisitely designed. Most of the acting is good although I found Marion to be awfully miscast and dreadfully annoying.

The problem with The Gilded Age lies in the fact that it will always be compared to Downton Abbey being created, produced and written by the same person. This is no Downton Abbey and if you compare the two you will be disappointed. There are far more characters in The Gilded Age and they are far less developed and, on the whole, less likeable. The Gilded Age is also missing a Maggie Smith character. Christine Baranski does a sterling job in her role but the dialogue is less sharp, far less humorous, and ultimately, less powerful.

If you take The Gilded Age as a stand alone, soap opera drama purely created to entertain, set in an interesting period of American history, then you will enjoy it.

Overall there are many missed opportunities here. I will watch season 2 simply because it is an easy, harmless, uncomplicated watch but I hope it is written with less of a soap opera feel. Viewers are intelligent and should be treated as such. The Gilded Age is a "period drama by numbers" affair that could have been so much more.

5/10 for the acting, costume design & set design.
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Suspicion (2022)
Starts bad; vastly improves; then confuses the viewer
19 March 2022
Disappointed and underwhelmed.

First 3 episodes are watchable enough, but also annoying in parts.

Episodes 4 and 5 are excellent, gripping; fill you with hope for the rest of the season. Then - oh dear - just whimpers along to a confusing, unbelievable and disappointing conclusion.

One of the problems with this series is there are too many main characters; some have no real purpose. They are only included to add more of a "whodunnit" feel to the series.

The ending is poorly executed and unrealistic and could have so easily been different had the writers not insisted on trying to be too clever.

This could have been a complex, gripping thriller had they reduced the amount of characters, concentrated more on the finale and thought more of the viewer's overall experience.

Total let down. It gets 4/10 because it was easy to watch & entertaining, yet ultimately fails due to the underwhelming ending and convoluted storyline.
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Pam & Tommy (2022)
Enjoyable, entertaining romp for adults
11 March 2022
Really enjoyed this series. Extremely good acting. Great dialogue. Easy to watch. Well paced - no unnecessary filler.

Some reviewers on here seem to have missed the point though. This is about the sex tape Pam and Tommy made and the repercussions from its theft in an age when the world wide web was finding its feet. Pam and Tommy's relationship is not the main focus. People forget that Baywatch was the most viewed TV show in the world at that time, largely because of Pamela Anderson. She was a huge TV star adored by men all over the world, before the onslaught of pornography and leaked celebrity images/movies found their way into people's homes via the internet. I have never really been interested in Pamela Anderson one way or the other. I accept this is dramatised but, after watching this series, I now have a newfound admiration for her. What a remarkable woman. Tommy Lee did not deserve her.

It does clearly state at the start of each episode that there will be depictions of nudity and sex. Some reviews take exception that penis's are shown and one reviewer on here stated that having to look at the dancing and talking penis scene was the worst thing they had ever seen. They didn't object to the scene where guns were shoved in faces or the other few violent scenes in this series. I find it odd that violence is rarely commented upon yet someone will give a bad score because they saw a penis. Sex is rightly shown in this because the theme is sex. Its about a sex tape yet people complain there is sex in it.

The dancing and singing penis scene will be remembered and written about for years to come and will go down in TV history. It is funny and light-hearted, as it was intended to be.

A solid 8/10 for the acting, dialogue and entertainment value.
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Watchable entertainment
10 March 2022
This is an easy to watch entertaining dramatisation of the events leading to Joe Exotic's current situation. The documentary on Netflix is only briefly mentioned. This series is actually based on a podcast about Joe and Carole.

Extremely good acting. Some great dialogue and funny one-liners.

Uncomfortable to watch in parts. Joe is certainly a predator who manipulates vulnerable people. I found his relationship with one of his husbands particularly upsetting to watch.

Carole is shown a lot of love in this series. While certainly a character some may dislike, I found her - while definitely annoying - also endearing, misunderstood, strong and fearless.

I would recommend this series for its entertainment value and the great acting and dialogue.
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Yeh Ballet (2020)
Great uplifting film that will make your heart smile
7 March 2022
Loved this movie.

Julian Sands is a terrible actor - have always thought so - but he is actually suited to this role. His first few scenes are cringeworthy but then you get used to his overacting and it doesn't harm what is otherwise a gem of a film.

Apart from Mr Sands, the acting is superb. The dancing is truly outstanding, as is the storyline. You don't learn it is based on a true story until the end credits.

The two young male actors/dancers featured are stars in the making. Hugely talented actors and dancers.

Gets a solid 9/10.

Entertaining, uplifting, great dialogue and a refreshing distraction from the world we currently inhabit. One for all the family.
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Trigger Point (2022– )
Oh dear.....
5 March 2022
Has elements of Line Of Duty and elements of The Bodyguard - its from the same producers. However both Line Of Duty and The Bodyguard are vastly superior to this series. Its like the Simon Cowell of thrillers - average, predictable and unimpressive

The bomb disposal team featured is the worst bomb squad in the history of bomb squads. Their leader then becomes involved in the investigation of the bombings - which would never happen. She is equally as bad at pretending to be a detective as she is at diffusing bombs.

The characters are let down by the terrible dialogue which results in everyone appearing unlikeable.

The identity of the bomber is so obvious that he may as well have had "SERIAL BOMBER" tattooed on his forehead.

Mix all that together with some explosions and the end result is disappointment on a grand scale.

It gets 3 points for some tense moments in 2 episodes.

The series is easy to watch and will entertain those who just want a distraction with a bit of action and a simple storyline.

However, it is totally unrealistic and underestimates the intelligence of the viewer.
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Entertaining & Emotional
5 March 2022
Very good film about family. Strong characters, acted well. Some great comedic moments. Made me laugh, made me cry and made me think.

Positive, uplifting and honest.

Bit over-dramatic in parts but overall this is a solid 8/10.

I watched this in the original Italian language.

Good choice to watch with teenage kids.
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The Bridge (2011–2018)
Captivating - leaves you breathless
27 February 2022
Television at its absolute best. Treat yourself to binge watching all four seasons - each series grips and won't let go.

Superb acting, direction and writing. The music adds another dimension. The theme song becomes an extra beloved character.

Can't praise this series enough.
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
Astonishingly Good - Superb From Start To Finish
27 February 2022
Quite literally the greatest television drama I have ever seen. Impossible to fault.

Each season is as flawless as the last. The final two episodes of season 3 (final season) literally take your breath away.

Perfect ending.

Saw this a couple of years ago and haven't seen anything as good since - and I have watched a lot of great TV and movies in that time.
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A Teacher (2020)
As a survivor I was blown away
7 February 2021
Incredible finale. Superb performances. The supermarket scene in the final episode. How his face changes. The dialogue in the final scene. Was blown away. Seldom does a series depict survivorship so realistically, so intricately, so intelligently, so respectfully and so humanely. Can't thank the team behind this production enough. At last someone gets it.
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Greenland (2020)
Vastly superior disaster movie for the whole family
7 February 2021
Character driven disaster movie. Vastly superior to most movies of this genre which often rely too heavily on special effects. Exciting to watch. Powerful ending. Thoroughly recommended.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Addictive & Highly Entertaining But Carries Serious Message
22 February 2020
Had me in the first 5 minutes. Fantastic opening scene. Don't know why there are bad reviews - they couldn't have been watching the same show. Absolutely nothing about it to dislike. Amazon have got it absolutely right with this show. Definitely worth watching.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Season 1 is phenomenal - Final 20 minutes are breathtaking
20 January 2020
Season 1 starts good then builds and builds to one of the best season finales I have ever seen. Incredibly well written. The whole season is a definite must see. The series was actually written prior to the whole #metoo movement so some of the negative reviewers on here need to get their facts straight. Also addiction IS created by trauma as well as being something you can be born with. Again negative reviewers should not base their reviews on falsehoods as this weakens their whole argument. This series should be shown in schools and colleges to all students both male and female aged 15 and over.

Season 2 is good but not great. Entertaining and easy to watch, great acting, but not as good a storyline as season 1. They should have changed location to a different TV breakfast show with different characters and actors.
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One Less God (2017)
Storytelling At It's Absolute Best
29 September 2019
Truly captures the terror & horror of the Mumbai siege in a manner not seen before. The final 30 minutes left me feeling raw with emotion and the last words spoken in this movie should be repeated around the world & taught in every school & community centre across the globe. This film will stay with me for a very long time. The actor who plays Sean (the Irish fella) gives a remarkable performance.
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