
17 Reviews
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Great Movie worth watching
16 July 2007
I read another review before this and this person seems to have watched a totally different movie, his Harry potter was 3 hrs long....."What The?". I will have to disagree with many people and say that the director failed slightly to capture the book, changing many crucial scenes, especially the ending which left me extremely disappointed. I am not saying that this is not a great movie, I just wish I had not read the book, which was much more intense, terrifying, thrilling and crushing. The effects are great and the acting wonderful although I would have thought that more time would have been spent developing the characters. It is a great movie and the ending although different was well executed and left me wanting to see more. Having been a fan of this movie franchise and also the books it is great to see the development of the actors. It would have been nice if the writers of the screenplay had taken a little more time as i felt it was missing too many crucial moments and at times during the movie It really does seem rushed. If the writers and director had put a little more thought into this movie it could have been a classic, but alas you cant have everything.
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Reverb (2008)
there is terrible
6 July 2007
and then a movie such as this comes along, please do yourself a favour and do not watch this movie, by doing so you will in the process do a favour for the entire world and encourage these people to NOT make anymore movies, EVER again. The rating for this movie was 8.3, which i surmise is from those involved with this debacle of a film. The acting is terrible, well EVERYTHING is terrible, problem is, this movie has quite a good storyline behind, however i would have found more enjoyment reading the book. It isn't very often that I want to throw something through my own television, well I now know how far I can be pushed and I hope to god i never ever revisit that place ever again. After getting halfway through this farce i turned it off and thought to myself "What The?", so my recommendation stay away from this movie like it has the black plague.
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Thrives on cheap scares then gets tired and falls over
14 June 2007
The beginning of this movie had me in tears of laughter the guy who opens who tries so hard to look scared just had me doubled over in fits of amusement I honestly thought "What The ?" this guy is confused maybe he got stuck in the wrong movie.

There are a few scares in this movie but all of which are of the cheap variety for example "ghostly shadow walks past in background" "deathly face in mirror" "hand coming out of the ground" the list really does go on and that is where all the scares come from seriously. The acting is very flawed and quite comical although I am sure that was not their intention.

You cant really take this movie seriously and it is quite unbelievable that movies such as this are made but even more weird they are unleashed on the unsuspecting public.

So unless you like the thought of a cheap chill and a laugh or too then you should most definitely stay away from this movie.
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Grindhouse (2007)
Seen 1 Tarantino Film you seen em all
14 June 2007
Quentin Tarantino does it again, literally, if you have seen 1 Tarantino film you've seen em all, there is nothing new here, same homage to the same people from the same guy....Rodriguez tried hard but seems to be swallowed up by tarantinos penchant for 70's movies, and as for Eli Roth he's kind of like a "mini-me" of Tarantino.

Now this double feature incl trailers is just too long, filled with huge segments of dialogue (blah, blah, blah), some dodgy acting, directed by roth and rodriguez who gave me the feeling they thought they were creating a work of art when it is all really just a long boring ride along Tarantinos Ego (very long) There are a few places where you do say "WoW that was very cool" but a lot more where you find your self saying "What The ?" and even more where you will be yawning.

Although there are many comments saying this movie was fantastic but I believe you will be hard pressed to find any (who have rated this movie highly) went to watch it again. Now that to me tells you whether a film is great, and I don't know anyone in their right mind who would sit through the endless ego trip this movie truly is.
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Sunshine (2007)
so close and yet so far
14 June 2007
This could have been a great movie truly it was so close to be a really good movie, but in the areas that mattered it just fell over. The movie could have quite honestly been filmed entirely within the confines of the ship, without any SFX, with absolutely nothing except the dialogue between the cast. You could even have placed the entire cast in a warehouse with a bomb to disarm that would save the world and that would have worked also.

To call this movie sci-fi is a little bit of a stretch, it is a psychological thriller based in space and that really does sum this movie up, you could change the environment of the movie and the content would remain the same.

I did like this movie don't get me wrong however I was expecting something different, I was expecting a sci-fi "What The ?".

The movie did well although I did struggle trying to figure out what the director was trying to convey "Was it about god" "Our relationship with one another" "facing our own demons" "or just a guy going crazy in space"
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Disturbia (2007)
terrible movie that offers one cliché' after another.
14 June 2007
wow a pg-13 horror that gives the impression that all teens are totally stupid and without any common sense what-so-ever. How anyone with half a brain could find this even mildly entertaining is beyond me. After reading many comments my son (15) and I watched this together, he left before I did and without any hesitation asked for a refund of his ticket stating "You must be stupid if you think i am going to pay to watch that, I want a refund" which he was then refunded his ticket price.

Why does this movie fail, the whole premise is just laughable, a huge sub-terrainian complex below the house, the list of improbabilities is just too much I myself on numerous occasions uttered the infamous words "What The ?" which is my complete review of this film "What The ?"
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Very cool, chic and fun but not great
13 June 2007
I have been a fan of the Oceans franchise and this latest installment was quite a let down, It follows the same formula as the 2 previous however to myself it really felt rushed. There was no area where you thought how the hell are they going to get out of this one as in previous movies, you sort of new exactly how it was going to happen.

There seemed to be just far too many characters and because of that the actors have no time to develop any depth to their characters.

The best points in this movie as always for myself is the wonderful dialogue between clooney and pitt, and the ultra chic music that thumps along and makes you want to run off to vegas and join Oceans team lol.

At no point in this movie did I exclaim "What The ?", was more like "cool but i saw that one coming" Overall this is a wonderful, fun filled ride, however ultimately it brings nothing new to the franchise and adds nothing fresh. I would be surprised if we ever see an Oceans 14.
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Mysoginistic, Sadistic, Depraved and Just Wrong
13 June 2007
How anyone can view this movie as a horror is beyond me, the use of extreme violence and extreme gore to create box office sales and scares is totally beyond me. How a person could watch this and say "wow that is a really good movie" is totally beyond me. Now Eli Roth the man who directs this movie believes because society has been through so much (he quotes 9/11) and our children are growing up in this environment (he quotes iraq war/ 9/11 directly) that this is the reason why he had to take it that 1 step further.

Now this movie relies totally on its extreme violence and gore to push its case, honestly if that is what you were after then maybe we should get a cut down version with just those parts in it and loop the tape so that those with a penchant for this sort of drivel can get there kicks. There are seriously some better horror movies out there that don't need mass amounts of violence, torture and gore. I watched this movie and instead of the thrill of anticipation before something grisly there was only the expectation that it was inevitable that something violent was about to happen.

When did we as a society actually accept this type of movie? when did we find it entertaining? I could never recommend this film to anyone, to me it is nothing more than a grasp at box office dollars and is a sad reflection on human society that this is now accepted. My biggest thought of this movie is "What The ?".

To Eli Roth shame, shame, shame.....
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Dead Silence (2007)
Not bad......Not bad at all
13 June 2007
In the line of recent horror movies released lately this is a refreshing and well balanced movie. There is nothing new in the plot and it brings no new ideas to the genre, however in saying that the way it is executed is excellent, with solid acting, appropriate music, and some decent effects it makes for quite an enjoyable horror movie.

There are some really scary moments in this movie, The whole dolls coming to life thing just really scares me, and in this movie it doesn't come off as cheesy which is a relief.

Directing is straight down the line with a no frills approach by James Wan, which reflects in the delivery by the actors.

My biggest problem was the ending which i thought was rushed, and just far too expected and i thought "What The ?" So if your sick of the "Tried to Hard" "Extreme" "Sadistic" "Mysoginistic" "Sub Par" horror movies released of late then this is a great movie to watch, just don't expect anything new.
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WOW now thats a really good movie
10 June 2007
This movie is by far the best movie I have seen this year, has a decent story although there are a few places where i thought "What The?", but overall it is a solid, sometimes chilling and thoroughly entertaining ride. Some great camera work especially the night scope scene, scary stuff, and a few other places where i was very impressed. Some solid acting and storyline, make this definitely one of the best movies that you will this year.

Just a few places that i felt disappointed were in the storyline where i couldn't help but think to myself "What The?". And there are some areas where you as the viewer will say to yourself "thats just stupid" and others where you will genuinely feel for the characters as you yourself would have acted in possibly exactly the same way if in a situation that was similar.

So if your after a few scares then this is definitely the best place to start.
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Shrek 3 "little bit yucky, but a bit good" words of my 4 yr old
10 June 2007
My 4 yr old sons words and review of this movie are as follows:

"The frog died, and because the yucky man was trying to kill Shrek. And the pigs were trying to fight the yucky guy which was really funny."

Now I watched this movie with my children and to be honest they weren't that impressed they preferred to watch Shrek 2, go figure. I myself was of the same mind as my children, wasn't bad and wasn't great sort of hanging out in the middle there.

What I wasn't impressed with however is this movies blatant use of sexual innuendo, passed off as jokes and gags. What demographic are the writers aiming at, there are a few areas in the movie where i was just thinking "What The?"
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Not Great but very solid movie
10 June 2007
Well what can be said about this movie, I agree with a few other posts how there are far too many villains which made it hard to relate to spiderman/peter parker, however in saying that I enjoyed the movie and thought it moved along nicely with some great effects, although there are some areas where i just cringed and thought to myself "What The?".

Now this movie seemed to have it all action, drama, romance, thrills and spills however i tried just a little too hard to squeeze it all into to 1 movie, and it all came across as just a little rushed.

If your looking to watch a solid movie, with a good story and some decent acting and action then this is a good movie for you.
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Sorry But I expected So Much More
10 June 2007
While this movie was indeed a good movie I really expected so much more. I enjoyed Johnny Depps great acting, however i did find some areas of the movie rather confusing. Also some character developments seemed just a little too much, hard to say which ones without ruining it for others, but those that have seen it should understand what i mean. There were many places where all i could say was "What The?" lol.

Now this is definitely enjoyable, however i did find myself wondering when it would end.

Although i knew this movie would rate very high here i do not believe that it should have rated so highly especially on its merits, in my honest opinion the POTC franchise should have ended with the Black Pearl, yep where it all began.
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So much potential, yet it is all wasted
17 May 2007
This movie didn't feel like it should be on the big screen more like a miniseries. The plot goes nowhere, it is just so confusing, seems like a huge rip off on King Arthur.

I really like historical movies but if your going to make one (Historical Movie) then the script writers should have done some research. The entire lookand feel of this movie comes off more like a fantasy adventure the Romans don't look, act or even dress like Romans nor are they even armed liked Romans. The main character carries a long sword rather than the short sword favored by roman legionnaires. The list goes on and on it is ridiculous.

I waited in impatient anticipation for this movie to say i was extremely disappointed would be an understatement. The fight scenes were dull the acting more so, as for colin firth as an action hero well seriously you gotta be kidding me.

6 years to write this movie hahahaha thats the funniest thing i have heard in a while, they should have just googled the historical facts and the story would have been much more accurate, fun and bearable to watch.

The potential of this movie was huge and it was all wasted, terrible casting, horrid script, music (atrocious), acting (dull) and poor camera work all add up to a terrible movie.

To be honest my recommendation is to wait for this to get to free to air television.

After reading a few posts i hvae decided to add more to this post, the entertainment value has nothing to do with special effects and gore, it comes down to the actors making the characters believable and drawing the viewer into the story. It has nothing to do with Gore (I watch horror movies for that), but if your going to have fight scenes and battles do them right. As for objectives well a movies main objective is in the main "to entertain", my son was as confused as I was with the story he walked off halfway through and I was 5mins behind him. As a movie I say once again this movie fails on all levels, it is neither entertaining, educational or emotionally engaging, seemed more like a pathetic effort by all involved with the making of this film.
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300 (2006)
Great film however not as great as they say
31 March 2007
Firstly this movie is really good, is it an epic no way, so what is it. Well it is a great action movie basically. Why the director bothered with the political intrigue side story is beyond me as it was both unnecessary and unneeded.

The action and fight sequences in this movie are unbelievable, however this movie is very lacking in the plot area, you learn little of king leonidas or his spartans only that they can fight and die really really well.

So if you are looking for a great movie you really need to see this movie if your looking for a great movie with a great story and in depth characters then you may need to lower your expectations slightly.

Has some great one liners in here and places that make you want to jump up and yell "take that".

I really liked this movie but mainly for the action sequences.
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Metamorphosis (I) (2007)
Horrible movie and I watched it all what was i thinking
31 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well where to start with this one, I felt i had to comment on this movie as another person had given it a fairly good review, that person was blind, deaf and extremely dumb. Terrible acting, terrible casting, terrible script, terrible effects, terrible pacing hmmmm i hope i haven't left anything out.

Being a fan of Christopher Lambert for many years and the B-Grade horror genre I cannot express in words my disappointment with this movie. It really is that bad.

I watched it to the very end with my wife as we laughed at how many stuff ups we could find, and trust me there are a lot. My 5 year old son has been in a school play that was better scripted, cast, directed and acted.

So why have i totally punked this movie, lets begin. The actors have no acting ability whatsoever (aside from lambert and Hoffman). Where in blazes did they dig these people up from, sesame street? no that would be giving them to much credit. Now as to the storyline ummmm what storyline, there is a general outline but it is never realized. The director must have come straight from law school because the guy has no idea how to make a movie. Quick question if you had been studying a person for years and was on the verge of writing a book you would at least be able to find the place where the person resided, at least thats what you would assume, yes but not here. As for the whole college student idea yeah doesn't work here.

Honestly it was never a good idea to make this film, and it is definitely not a good idea to watch it.
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Fairly good movie, but not great
31 March 2007
There are a lot of great things to be said about this movie, but that it deserves a 10 is definitely not one of them. Although the movie was paced well there are many holes in the storyline and in the plot also.

Nathan Fillion and Katie Sackhoff do very good jobs with their characters. As for caring about the characters you really don't get to know them that well aside from Abe.

The end of this movie well lets just say it borders on the cheesy and it left me thinking "what the".

There are many places that you will think "why did you do that" and "that was just mental" because it is in these areas that common sense should prevail, however that is not the case, and can be very frustrating. The movie at times is a little cliché, using cheap tricks to get cheap chills.

I felt i had to comment on this movie because of its 10 star rating when it is far from.

Watch this movie for sure however don't go into it as did expecting the best horror flick of the year and only getting an above average movie.
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