
11 Reviews
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Joshua (1976)
I am my mothers son
7 July 2009
Wow, what a great film, I can't believe how some of the reviewers did not enjoy this movie!!!! Sure some of the acting wasn't that great. The music really set the tone on Williamson's character. He was quiet, calculative and ominous. He wasn't riding to play no games, nor have much conversation - he was riding to avenge his mothers death and the music and lack of dialogue from him showed that.

Some people are just to critical on films like this. This movie was not made to win no Oscars or any other awards. It was made to entertain, and in my opinion it really did do just that for me. For those whom tend to be to critical I say - LIGHTEN UP!!! Just stop looking for things to complain about with a movie like this and just enjoy it.

Great film.
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Excellent movie!!!!!!
9 June 2005
I saw this movie yesterday morning at 6 AM on TCM during the celebration of Alexis Smith's Birthday Marathon.

Its about a widow Elinor Bentley (Alexic Smith) who seemingly can get to her wedding day dued to the fact her grooms to be get canned before the day comes.

So Elinor's grand mother sends out a add for 1000 bux for any man to be engaged with Elinor for 31 days.

A man named by Alexander Downing (Wayne Morris) who is called "Lucky" applies for the ad and takes the job not knowing that this woman is known as "The Kiss of Death Girl" He brings along his valet Clarence (The Infamous Willie Best) along with him to assist him for the monthly duty to achieve the 1 grand.

The rest of the movie is very funny, spooky, and a sort of mystery with it.

If people loves movies such as this, then I'd look it up on ebay and purchase it!!!!!
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Very well put movie
8 June 2005
I saw this morning at 3:00 am this morning on tcm and was like man! Browning made 4 awesome classic horrors in his time (Dracula, Freaks,Mark of the Vampire, and now the devil doll!) Very good movie with awesome eerie moody settings at the night of the streets of Paris! I give this movie a perfect 10 because all of the movies I've seen by Browning have been horrifically awesome, just to bad that he didn't make more than he did. So my message to everyone who likes the old horror movies from the 30's, then this is a movie you could not turn down by any means, get your hands on this while you can because its very good and very atmospheric at times as well. One last thing about this movie is, that it is tragic, all the way through. Even the ending is tragic, but then again it's compelling and emotional in a good way, I never really got it of what I felt a the ending, but I'm glad I saw this movie, because its a really good movie for classic horror movie lovers
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WWF in Your House: It's Time (1996 TV Special)
Very Good WWF PPV.
8 March 2005
This is one of the best In Your House WWF PPV's that I have ever seen.

We first start off with Free-For-All action with Salvatorie Sincere Vs. Rocky Miavia (who later was known as The Rock).

A very good match which kept my attention until the very end, when Jim Cornette interfered and gave Rocky the DQ Victory over Sincere.

We then go onto our first match of the actual PPV.

Flash Funk w/ The Funkettes Vs. Leif Cassidy.

Very good entertaining match with some good unique High Flying moves, and really showed what a real wrestling match was suppose to be.

Flash finally got the double flip star press from the top and got the 1-2-3 on cassidy.

The next match was the Tag Team Championship match between -

Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith (the champs) Vs. Fake Diesel & Fake Razor Ramon.

This was dead beat to start off, but things got interesting when a UN-invited Stone Cold Steve Austin made his presents felt. Davey got the pin of Ramon and remained tag team champions!

Our next match was a very big grudge match that had been going on for a very long time in that era and was for the Intercontinental Championship.

Hunter Hearst Hemsley (The Champ) Vs. Wildman Marc Mero w/ Sable.

The match went from outside to inside, a very grueling and intense match for both of them. The match finally wounded up again on the outside when gold-dust came out, and knocked both mero and hemsley out. Mero got in the ring just before the 10 count and won, however a title change can't change hands on the 10 count.

Now it's Semi-Main-Event time with the Armegeddon Rules match.

The Undertaker Vs. The Executioner w/Paul Beare and very shortly Mankind

The undertaker took it to the Executioner quickly when mankind came out and attacked the undertaker!

The undertaker then started beating up on both exe and mankind when it started to escalate out into the aisle way.

It was a first when i saw the undertaker throwing MANKIND Through THE WALL OF THE IYH LOGO!!!!!! AND THEN THROUGH THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

But anyways the undertaker got the tombstone on the exe and the executioner could not answer the 10 count afterward, so the undertaker won.

Main Event Time -

WWF Championship - Psycho Sid (champ) Vs. Brett "Hitman" Hart. (Remember, Shawn michaels was doing color commentary during this match.)

This was one of the best IYH Main events in my opinion.

It stayed clean and very intense all through the match.

At the end of the match Sid was outside of the ring and had face pushed michaels into the guardian rail.

HBK with anger and rage got onto the ring apron and Sid whipped hart into the ropes and hit HBK

Sid then POWERBOMBED hart for the 1-2-3

After the match hart took his frustration out on HBK, by violently kicking him, and thats how the show ended.

The reason i like it so much, is because it was before all this crap about DX and the HART Foundation and sh*t like that.

It was very clean and traditional wrestling.
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My Favorite John Wayne B-Rater
19 February 2005
This is my favorite B-Rater from the 30's of John Wayne!!!!! Ilove this movie, and the COach race and all, action pack john wayne 54 Minute movie that will keep u interested all through the movie! I have the pleasure to Own the VHS Copy of this movie and all its B-Rating Oater Glory right now!!!!!! John Wayne is my favorite actor of the 30's always have been and always will be. And for who ever doesn't like this movie or John wayne, then you really don't know good from bad!!!!!

On a end note, who ever likes b-rated westerns from the 30's this is a great choice to pick.

I HOPE THIS Review Helps you!!!!!!!
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Not as bad as i heard, show to shows that a lot of critics don't know what their talking about
17 February 2005
This isn't a bad of a movie like the Reviews above/below said it was. The Dubbness wasn't awesome (but i was ready for it dued to the low budget of this film). The film's music score was pretty good for a Low Budgetter, the vampire (whoever he was) was very seductive, kinda like a "Italian Christopher Lee". It's a very tragic, and sadden story about a Count and his newly married countess bride is tormented by a vampire in 1600 Italy, Wolfgang (the count) calls upon a Doctor Nietzsche . Doctor Nietzsche is the Van Helsing role of the film, who wasn't unusually not that bad for a amateur actor. So my overall view of "Slaughter of the Vampires is a ******** out of 10.
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just saw this on TCM
26 August 2004
Very funny movie i liked it and i thought North Alaska was the only comedy that the duke played in

MAN WAS I WRONG!!!! this was funny and i might just go buy it on vhs!!!!! thanks to tcm for lighting up my day GO BUY THIS IF U CAN FIND IT!!!! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!!!!!! JOHN WAYNE KICKS BUTTTTTTTT
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saw this today
24 August 2004
i saw this today in my Building Trades class I'm a member of VICA and our constructor Mr. Hamilton showed up this 30 minute flick on tool safety so we'd know how to use the tools properly .. very well demonstrated film!!!! and if u ever think about being into building trades or vica then my advice to u is to get into a building trade class or welding class and have some fun and puts ur hands and arms to use
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Raptor Island (2004 TV Movie)
LOL! I saw this last night
22 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers omg its like a video game man like sum of the other reviews its so fake i laughed my head off when 1 of the raptors ran up and killed the bald headed seals dude lol!!!!!!!!!!! that was so fake but it was hilarious man some wannabe jurassic park creators trying to hit it big with this movie ...... . and when the dude get chewed up at the end . is that suppose to gross somebody out?? lol and when the raptors follow the helicopter into the water man what does that even suppose to mean i mean how can they follow when their that small and the ocean is that deep???? it don't make sense i mean I've seen some goofy special effect tricks in my day but this has to be 1 of the worst ones I've ever seen man its just stupid i mean even i could tell it was fake when i saw the first Raptor man i mean i know all effects is fake but when u can even tell its fake first off then ya thats bad

another thing that i laughed about this movie is wat one of the other guys said about SEALS pose to be a crack shot and then in this movie they don't even aim at nothing and half the rounds they fire r misses man ? whats up with that and the lava and stuff i mean that doesn't even make sense .. alotta stuff in this film didn't make sense so i basically wasted a hour ina half of my social born life on this movie man !!!!!!! booooo well my advice is if ur blind and cant hear this movies for u.. get it ? get it!

anyways I'm outtie later and don't watch this movie ... "Advice of wisdom!
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Full House (1987–1995)
22 August 2004
my favorite TV Series of all time which should've gotten more credit from the critics that it got ..... I've seen basically every episode.

I'm 16 years old i grew up watching this on channel 13 on Friday nights as a little kid , i never missed a Friday KB Night Friday shows for kids it was a blast to watch this, home improvement, and other hilariously funny shows makes me feel likea lil kid again watchin this show on Nick @ Night now i wish there was a DVD of all of the Seasons because id certainly buy it

so ya if you want to get together with your family and watch a real family movie .... watch this
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Very good movie
7 August 2004
to me this ain't really hit me asa big monster movie as like other 1950 big monster movies hit me but it was very good the acting was great i really thought ken curtis (who went onto be festus in Gunsmoke) was gonna go crazy... but like i said it didn't hit me asa horror movie that much maybe cuz u didn't see the creatures much or maybe cuz of the drama building up between the people inside the house who knows so what they used dogs as the shrews why does it matter? the shrews were barely shown in the movie and if u ask me i really didn't know it was dogs only the running by the shrews shown that they were dogs nothing else hinted so ya
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