
50 Reviews
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Some Visuals and Mid Characters
29 December 2023
Rebel Moon can be visually great and sometimes I don't like what I see. The visuals showing a new planet and some of the CGI can look pretty good. And sometimes it doesn't with the slow mo action and the lights in a lot of scenes are glaring on the scene. It can be very distracting during a scene like as if someone had a flashlight shining in my face.

Then there are the characters if I can call them that. The MC does get a lot of characterization from watching flashbacks but nothing too noteworthy. The villain seems pretty evil, but that's about it. He's not a very relatable villain with those ideals that you can kind of agree with. He's just evil and not like in a fun way like Palpatine is in Return of the Jedi.

There's the rest of the cast but they're pretty forgettable. You don't get to really learn too much about them and their lines are forgettable. Just overall nobody really doing a noteworthy performance that makes me want to remember the characters.

The visuals are there now and then, but the story and characters don't bring much substance which makes me not care much about the CGI if the plot behind it is very bland.
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The Way of Water
17 December 2022
All I have to say is that this is one of the few movies from this year that I actually felt strong emotions. I was all over the place seeing Pandora again and seeing Jake and Neytiri with their new family.

This movie uses that family well to convey deep emotions inside you. You get to learn more about them as characters and get interested in their roles for the later movies. You feel their deep bond. And I feel like that has been lacking in movies a lot for blockbusters. It's a nice fresh of breath air to follow this family and get into their struggles.

Please see this movie so that they'll make more. I want more movies that make me actually feel things again.
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995–1996)
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Series Review
17 July 2022
With a series that has 26 episodes and a movie for the ending, there is so much lore and characterization that goes into the story. It has more interesting lore and developed characters than most anime series with 200+ episodes. Part of the experience of watching this series is being confused because it's all not spoon fed to you. It's meant to be rewatched and debated about.

It's refreshing to find a series that really makes you think and reevaluate how you feel and what you want. I've been watching the newer Rebirth of Evangelion movie series and it's been a treat. It's just another retelling if this series but with different takes than the original. It just means more Evangelion for me to enjoy.
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Love That Psycho
27 April 2022
Probably my favorite performance by Christian Bale. The dark humor is just perfect and the movie is secretly deep. Bateman's inner monologue's can give a great insight into his character and also creates great comedy like the business card scene. This movie isn't for everyone but I feel like I wouldn't get tired of seeing this movie multiple times.
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The Batman (2022)
The Batman
20 March 2022
This movie was really good! Robert Pattinson was pretty good as Batman and Kravitz did well to make Catwoman a lot more likeable and relatable compared to other renditions of Catwoman in the past.

The movie is shot really well and paced so well that a 3 hour movie feels like 2 hours. My only thing that I wanted more from the movie is Paul Dano. I liked his performance but I just wanted more screen time for him. But that's my only critique and this movie did good for Batman.
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Naruto (2002–2007)
Naruto Part 1
12 November 2021
This series is of course very popular and iconic in the anime world. The plot is interesting and the setting is pretty cool with a world of ninjas but the technology is almost modern. Almost all of the first 130ish episodes are from the manga and then the rest are filler. Some filler is good but then it becomes forgetful and you want to just skip it and then start Naruto Shippuden where the main plot continues after this part 1 of Naruto. There are good fights and many emotional scenes that get you to care for these characters. Especially those part of Team 7 and their struggles. It's a great start to a long series that is still going on today from Naruto Shippuden and the Boruto anime.

Just avoid the toxic fans when you talk about it and you'll be fine.
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Naruto: Shippuden (2007–2017)
Naruto Shippuden
12 November 2021
Naruto Shippuden is overall a great anime. The fights and emotional scenes are really good. Everyone in Team 7 are my favorite characters to get invested in and the beginning arc was just fantastic to start off where Naruto part 1 left off. I will say that there is a ton of filler episodes but there are many guides online that people have posted that show which ones to give a chance and skip. The filler episodes can be inconvenient sometimes when the main plot is getting interesting. But overall it's entertaining, the main cast with Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi are my favorites and the action and emotional moments hit the spot.

Just avoid the toxic fans if you want to talk about it with other people.
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Code Geass (2006–2008)
Code Geass - More Writing Like This
3 March 2021
I am blown by how good this anime is. In just 50 episodes that are around 25 minutes long each, this show was able to include many characters with a great range of attributes and motivations that carry this show. There are a lot of shows nowadays with about 50 episodes but with episode lengths of about 45 to 60 minutes that still don't handle the characters and writing as well as this one. I would say it's not as good as Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, but it is pretty close. Lelouch is probably one of the best characters I've had to witness in anime, with all of his complexities of morals, being a top-notch strategist, and the drive of having the people that he loves to be alive and happy at the end of his plan to bring down the Britannia Empire and bring world peace. There is a lot of sci-fi action, mystery, suspense, romance, and comedy as well with probably one of the best endings in anime.
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Mulan (2020)
Mulan (2020)
14 February 2021
Has some good visuals but that's all that I can really say of praise. The fight sequences look weird and the characters are boring and wooden. It lacks a lot of the charm and fun from the original and it further shows why remaking a classic isn't a good idea.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Still Timeless - Ironically
5 February 2021
It was funny then and it's still funny. Bill Murray on one of his best roles and Bill Murray just being Bill Murray. The humor is still great and there are still scenes that make me feel so good from the comedy and it's surprising emotional tones as well. One of the best comedies around and is an inspiration for our movies that have adapted the stuck time loop plot like Edge of Tomorrow and Happy Death Day just to name some.
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Mad Max
2 February 2021
I would have to say this movie's action is really impressive. The music was awesome and the special effects are top-tier. It's a huge thrill ride til the end. What just brings the movie down to me is that the story wasn't that engaging the the second half and I didn't really get to care much about the characters. But if you great action and editing and music, this will be fun for you. If you want a great story and more development from the characters and better performances, you can still enjoy it.
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Soul (2020)
Soul - Pretty Good
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Soul is really good and has a great simple message about living life and not wasting it by being too obsessed with a "purpose" that you think you have in life. Joe and 22 were fun to watch and the jokes were good. I just think it would've been more meaningful if Joe's sacrifice of him not living on earth anymore stayed that way because 22 got to start her own life because of it. Making it so that they both just get to live again on earth just made the sacrifice not worth it anymore.
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WW84 - It's ok
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The last half of the movie is pretty good and it gets tense. But the chunk of the movie that's after the introduction and before the last half was really slow and was kinda boring at times. Some scenes where Wonder Woman is running or doing jumps looked really fake. I liked how the story got to Wonder Woman getting Steve back but she had to renounce her wish of getting him in the first place in order to save the world from the chaos being caused from the wishing stone. But of course I feel like the introduction part of the movie could be cut out because the lesson she was taught in that scene didn't really connect well with the rest of the movie. It's ok and the last chunk was good and it was touching and I was on my feet. But there is some boring and unnecessary stuff that happens before that that doesn't help it.
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Misery (1990)
Misery - Gosh I Love You
24 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You can say that this movie puts the protagonist into such misery throughout. Paul is broken up from his car crash and is being tended by a random woman who helped him who's his number one fan of his novels. She is so obsessed with him that she starts to do anything to keep him incapable of leaving her house. She's a psycho and Kathy Bates definitely shows why she won an Oscar for this role. She forces him to rewrite his latest novel since she didn't like the latest one that he wrote. The ending is so satisfying since he gets the typewriter that he was using and bangs her head with it and eventually kills her with a good brawl. It's great and it is one of the best adaptations of a Stephen King novel.
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Klaus (2019)
Klaus - Surprisingly Really Good Christmas Movie
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this last year when I was folding laundry one night with my wife. We decided to just pick a new random Christmas movie to pass the time. Let's just say the folding laundry part took longer to do than expected. This movie is really wholesome and such a touching story about another origin of Santa Claus. Jesper, once a selfish spoiled brat, learns how to be selfless by becoming a postman and helping Klaus give toys to the children of a town with heated feuds. The character development for Jesper is so satisfying and the Christmas magic of being selfless and giving is so inspiring.
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The Last Jedi - It is good. You know it to be true
15 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't understand why there are people that have such a huge problem with this movie. I remember seeing it opening night and it was one of the best movie theater experiences that I had. The employees and some fans were wearing Star Wars uniforms and everyone in the theater cheered when the movie started. I was blown away by the film and just wanted more after it. I loved that the film took a different direction with characters and events that really left me in awe with the surprises that were in store. The best parts were with Rey, Kylo, and Luke. If the movie had more time spent in these 3 more, I would probably give this movie a 10. Of course, the other characters besides them weren't as good but they were ok. Rey and Kylos dynamic was so good and I loved that they introduced force bonds like in Knights of the Old Republic. Please if you hate this movie for dumb or childish reasons, you can suck it! This is probably my favorite of the Sequel Trilogy and I hate that stuff that was built up in this movie got squandered in The Rise of Skywalker like Rey being a nobody. Rian Johnson is a great director and you can't make me say otherwise. This movie really helped the franchise and has better directing and performances than all prequel movies combined.
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Elf (2003)
Elf - Still Good
24 November 2020
This is still one of my favorite Will Ferrell movies. It is genuinely funny and it has a heartfelt message about Christmas and family. I still chuckle at the fact that they portray the North Pole as a Rankin Bass stop action set from any Christmas classic like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. It's good and I enjoy it every Christmas season.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
The Best Show with the Most Disappointing Finale
29 October 2020
Seasons 1-6 really are some of the best fantasy tv that you could watch, especially season 4 in my opinion. Characters were strong and made great performances and the consequences of their actions turned out twists that enriched the story. Tyrion is by far the best character in this part of the series with his performances and lines and showing how smart characters can influence the story. Season 7 was ok, but it was too rushed and some character choices and logic started to get questionable. Then season 8 made some expectations not matter anymore and made you feel empty and disappointed. For having such a great run for the majority of the show, the finale had to be great or it wasn't worth it. I love the best parts of the show so much, I could just rewatch those parts. But if I want to actually rewatch the show, it's hard to do it because the finale was too disappointing after learning the fate of my favorite characters and how they turn out. There used to be tension where you wondered if your favorite characters would live. It came to where their choices didn't affect their consequences that much and the tension just wasn't there anymore. I hope GRRM finishes the books to where we can get the true finale and someone like Netflix or some other network could reboot the series. If you want an example that it can work, compare the anime series Fullmetal Alchemist to it's reboot Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Brotherhood is better because it's the true story that the original author of the manga planned out that didn't have concepts or stories made up like the original series because it was made when the manga was still being published. Do it for Game of Thrones. Do it for the sake of the arts and entertainment.
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Chernobyl (2019)
29 October 2020
Another great historical drama from HBO like Band of Brothers or John Adams. It is only 5 episodes so it only has good writing and performances throughout. Of course there are some parts that are historical inaccurate to make the story flow better, but the show still teaches the mistakes of the characters and the society displayed. The finale leaves a lasting impact on you and the series as a whole leaves you curious to learn the real history and discover the horrors of one of world's worst nuclear disasters.
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Halloweentown (1998 TV Movie)
29 October 2020
Great Disney Halloween movie to watch with small children and even to feel some nostalgia if you grew up with the movie. Of course it's cheap 90s effects and subpar story isn't for those serious movie goers. But heck, it's good nostalgia for my age group and it's for the kids.
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Parasite (2019)
30 September 2020
Holy crap this movie surprised me a lot. At first the movie seemed more of the tone of a mild comedy with not much of suspense happening. But then holy shiz nuggets it starts to get more tense and then so much crap happens at once. I can see why this won best picture. I was engaged and no moment was dull. It really sets how unequal classes of the rich and poor are and the truth of it just hits hard when you realize it. Please watch it is a must!
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Offred Faces The Invisible Man
29 September 2020
This is a horror that is actually more realistic and relatable than others. Of course no one has the technology now yet to turn someone invisible, but that's not the point. What makes this story good is bringing out a realistic horror to the premise. Just think of any abuser that you've had and gotten away from, what if they had the ability to be unseen and they stalked you? What if you have this feeling that you can never get away from their abuse no matter how far you run or where you hide. Of course the movie has some logic issues of traveling or using video cameras for evidence. But the performances are good and having the horror antagonist be a regular person just makes the story scarier since it makes it feel more real, taking aside the ability to turn invisible.
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Sonic vs Ace Ventura
22 September 2020
I am glad to say that there isn't a video game movie that sucks to the core. As a person who loves video games, I appreciate that this movie wasn't terrible. It wasn't like super fantastic either. The humor is ok and the story is easy to get along with with an ok message. Jim Carey was fun but it just seemed like he was just acting how he does in any of his craziest comedy rolls. You could say he was pretty much evil Ace Ventura with a twirly mustache that has like 5 PHDs. It was fun, but it didn't like blow my mind.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Just Ok
22 September 2020
Like the title says, it's just ok. It was fun at moments and Ewan Mcgregor was fine to watch. Harley Quinn does a lot of narrating like Deadpool does and I don't think it really works that well. The movie wasn't fantastic, but I think if you're looking for a movie to just watch with some friends but not pay attention too much, then I guess you could pick this as one of those.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
A Mature Pixar Flick
21 September 2020
Inside Out is really good. What impresses me the most is how it handles mature elements like depression and how there can't be joy without sadness. This all comes into flow about the emotions of a child trying to deal with a move that changes her life. This story puts into light of how mental illness can happen and that it can be a real struggle to remember happy memories when everything just doesn't feel right like it used too. It felt so relatable and moving of how a big life change can be so tumultuous to anyone.
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