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21 December 2022
I don't get the reviews that say this movie is "less than"... I LOVED IT. Every minute of it. Cameron took the time to develop relationships - between individuals, between tribes, between life forms. The visuals are stunning. What is the problem with "light on story". What part of good versus evil has to be expanded on? It's a basic and often times tragic problem that is explored on several levels. The interaction of people and wildlife was again delicately and beautifully done. I did not feel the length at all and could have sat through more. I had many questions that were left unanswered. So I guess that's maybe what I hope next installment will include.
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Tár (2022)
Cate Blanchette is brilliant!
9 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Her performance is a tour de force! Right from the opening interview, I found this movie mesmerizing. The information about other composers and conductors is endless. Supporting cast is also amazing. I didn't give it a 10 because of the turn the story took at the end. After being taken on a wonderful, brilliant journey, they destroyed her character. To what end? What was the point? All brilliant artists self destruct? I left the theater disheartened. The other reason, I marked it down is because they made you sit through ALL the credits at the top of the movie. Considered leaving but thankfully, the movie started.
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Never pretended to be rocket science, LAUGHED a LOT!
19 June 2021
I am so sick of "reviewers" who think everything has to be of substance. The previews on this movie made it look like a fun romp. That's EXACTLY" what it was. I will admit the violence being actual violence was at times challenging,but the 3 lead performances were well worth the price of admission. I spent an hour an a half escaping the realities of this past year, laughing throughout.
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Max (I) (2015)
A Great Dog Movie!
27 June 2015
Who are these naysayers panning this film? They obviously lack hearts and/or pets. And what is wrong with a predictable movie about a heroic army dog? I found the script actually ambitious in trying to cover a wide gamut of issues. But always at the core of the film is great love for Max and the central characters. It's a family film filled with the angst that everyone experiences in family relationships. It's also filled with great love within the family and the challenges that come with expressing it. The action sequences are breathtaking! I was actually relieved that it was a Disney movie because in the scariest of moments, I hoped Disney wouldn't break my heart. I don't think children under 7 should see this without parents nearby to hold their hands. Tissues are recommended for all but the hardest hearted movie critics.
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Furious 7 (2015)
I loved it!
4 April 2015
I had not seen any of the earlier films in the series, so this was my first introduction to any of the characters. After reading all the "Hated It" reviews I went to see it anyway, due mainly to the pre-release interviews I had seen. I am a senior citizen and might be too old for it, but surprise! I still found it fun, surprisingly funny and engaging, with certainly plenty of crazy breathtaking, daredevil action sequences. I fell in love with the characters. I did not find the story confusing at any point - don't know what the naysayers are complaining about. Now I feel I should rent the earlier movies and watch them. Kudos to the team for a thoroughly entertaining 2 hours.
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A Loving Memoir
9 February 2014
I don't know what the critics expected this movie to be.. an action flick? a thriller? a war movie? Actually it is a war movie. It shows some of the worst of what happened to human beings during WWII. Clooney also takes the time to allow us to meet these men, who could easily have stayed out of it. Who instead, made the heroic choice to put themselves in great danger to save the soul of humanity - its art. Kudos to Clooney for not cheapening their story with the traditional Hollywood "flick". I did not know about this history event and I found it interesting and absorbing and I fell in love with every one of those men and I thank them for what they did.
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All Is Lost (2013)
seasick medicine required
18 October 2013
I am upset with myself for spending dollar 1 to see this. What was the point? Since the movie maker worked from a script inviting no personal investment from the audience for his character, what was there to care about? A documentary on the sinking of the Titanic would have moved me more. I left at about the 70 minute point. I was getting nauseous from the rocking of the sea (screen) minute after minute after minute after minute. I don't know why Redford put himself thru this drek. At the time I left, I assumed he was doomed, but I didn't even care. I had no desire to watch the slow dirge to death on the high seas for another 30 minutes. And if there was a Deus ex Machina at the end, so what. The movie maker offered me nothing but a filmed photograph of a bad event. I want movies to give me something to think about. My only thought is to stay off boats. I read somewhere that Redford permanently lost some hearing as a result of all the water being sprayed at him. Too high a price to pay for a meaningless movie.
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flat story, great actors
18 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I didn't give this a 1 (awful) is because the actors worked so hard to raise the material to something more than drek.

The characters of Nic and Jules are written as such caricatures that I can only applaud Annette Bening and Julianne Moore for bringing their own humanity to try and give them life.

The writing didn't even deal with the initial impetus for finding the bio-dad - the son's feeling that something was missing and maybe it was a need for a male in his life. Nothing much was developed with this at all.

The most offensive writing, I felt, was in the character of Paul - the sperm donor. The kids initiated the reconnection - they went looking for him, not vice versa; and Jules did not hesitate to respond to his reaction to her as an attractive woman. Yet Jules was allowed at the end, to grovel family style, and apologize for her actions - and we believe the family will once again forgive and embrace her.

Paul, who found himself attracted to the two kids he helped create and to one of the bio-moms, is castrated and cast aside by Nic at the front door when he comes to make a similar apology.

I don't think this movie represents the many same sex couples with kid type families as they would lead you to believe. These characters are all in need of serious counseling.
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The Proposal (I) (2009)
Naysayers wake up!
27 June 2009
This movie is EXACTLY what you expect... a romantic summer comedy. It's not rocket science or brain surgery. There are no surprises, so why are people upset with that? Sandra Bullock is one of the greatest comediennes of our day. Her physical comedy is brilliant. The best part of this movie is that she gets out of the way of her fellow thespians and let's them steal scenes. Ryan Reynolds goes toe to toe with her and holds his own, if not bests her at times. Betty White just RIPS it in every scene she's in. I can just imagine Sandra saying "do your thing!". The script has enough substance to hold it together and actually has a few surprises. It's a Doris Day /Cary Grant movie. And yes, some of the scenes seem to be steals from other movies (even one of Bullock's own), but other movies steal from other, other movies. And wasn't it Shakespeare who said there are on 10 stories? If you want to sit back, relax, laugh and be charmed, I recommend this movie.
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In Bruges (2008)
This is NOT a Comedy
18 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is listed as Genre: Action, Comedy. If this is a comedy, then "There Will Be Blood" should be listed as such. As with "...Blood", there are moments of humor in this film, but this material weighs in more as a serious drama with very dark moments. The performances in this drama were excellent. Had I gone into the theater expecting a drama, I would have enjoyed it more (if enjoyed is the word to use for a violent film). Instead, I felt ripped by the depth of serious issues portrayed. It is well done, but don't go expecting a comedy. It's a tragedy with a number of violent scenes - I can't imagine what the other commenters thought was so funny.
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The awful writing outweighs some moments of brilliant acting
3 February 2007
I love Diane Keaton, but this was mostly painful. I can only point a finger at the writing because as predictable as this movie is, there are some absolute gems of BRILLIANT acting from both Keaton and Moore. I'm not sure why anyone is in this movie other than Mandy Moore and Diane Keaton because no use is made of them. I sat for the first half hour wondering what any of these actors saw in the script, but I will admit to laughing out loud several times at the painful "family" moments I think people will recognize from their own lives. Diane Keaton deserves a better script for her talents. And when TV actors are trying to transition to film, they should raise the level of their work.
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The Holiday (2006)
Too cutesy writing and a waste of amazing actors
3 December 2006
The writer took an interesting concept and waxed cute instead of substantial. I spent the first half hour waiting for the movie to get beyond very predictable "Cameron" and "Kate" stereotypical moments. Wondered why these actors ever said yes to this script. (Except that everyone is shot in the most Hollywood gorgeous manner - Jude Law and Cameron Diaz couldn't look more delectable.) Given nothing going on in the movie, just cut to Cameron or Jude looking fabulous. Just when I thought the film was a total waste, it did have some very interesting moments. However, you can hear the writing in spite of the fact that each actor is working very hard to make the script work. It was a pleasant enough movie, but I had hoped for so much more, with these four actors. Eli Wallach stole the movie for my tastes.
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