
3 Reviews
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Why do people say this is good?
2 August 2023
This is an Americanised version of a fantasy adventure movie. Full of American accents and cheesy dialogue lifted straight from the 2020's (why would that exist in an ancient fantasy world?). Pretty terrible, although the special effects are pretty good, I'll give it that.

A man trying to resurrect his wife and regain the trust of his daughter is making wisecracks all the way through? I don't think that's realistic.

It says I have to get up to 600 words. What else can I say?

Here are 200 random words to get me over the word count:

1. Apple 2. Book 3. Chair 4. Dog 5. Elephant 6. Fish 7. Guitar 8. House 9. Ice cream 10. Jigsaw 11. Kite 12. Lemon 13. Moon 14. Nest 15. Orange 16. Piano 17. Quilt 18. Rainbow 19. Sun 20. Tiger 21. Umbrella 22. Violin 23. Watermelon 24. Xylophone 25. Yak 26. Zebra 27. Anchor 28. Balloon 29. Carrot 30. Dolphin 31. Eggplant 32. Flamingo 33. Giraffe 34. Honey 35. Ice 36. Jellyfish 37. Kiwi 38. Lemonade 39. Mango 40. Nutmeg 41. Octopus 42. Penguin 43. Quail 44. Raspberry 45. Strawberry 46. Tomato 47. Unicorn 48. Vanilla 49. Walnut 50. X-ray 51. Yam 52. Zucchini 53. Airplane 54. Boat 55. Camera 56. Dragon 57. Elephant 58. Feather 59. Galaxy 60. Hat 61. Island 62. Jacket 63. Key 64. Lighthouse 65. Map 66. Necklace 67. Owl 68. Panda 69. Quill 70. Robot 71. Star 72. Telescope 73. Ufo 74. Vase 75. Waterfall 76. Xylophone 77. Yoga 78. Zipline 79. Apple 80. Balloon 81. Cat 82. Dog 83. Elephant 84. Flamingo 85. Grapes 86. Honey 87. Ice cream 88. Jellyfish 89. Koala 90. Lemon 91. Mango 92. Narwhal 93. Octopus 94. Panda 95. Quokka 96. Rainbow 97. Sun 98. Tiger 99. Unicorn 100. Vulture 101. Watermelon 102. X-ray 103. Yak 104. Zebra 105. Ant 106. Bear 107. Cactus 108. Dogwood 109. Elephant 110. Fern 111. Giraffe 112. Hyena 113. Iguana 114. Jackal 115. Kiwi 116. Lemur 117. Monkey 118. Nectarine 119. Octopus 120. Pomegranate 121. Quail 122. Raspberry 123. Strawberry 124. Tulip 125. Uakari 126. Vervet 127. Wombat 128. Xenops 129. Yucca 130. Zinnia 131. Alligator 132. Buffalo 133. Cheetah 134. Dolphin 135. Eagle 136. Flamingo 137. Gorilla 138. Honeybee 139. Iguana 140. Jellyfish 141. Koala 142. Lemur 143. Moose 144. Narwhal 145. Ostrich 146. Penguin 147. Quokka 148. Rabbit 149. Shark 150. Tiger 151. Uakari 152. Vulture 153. Walrus 154. Xenops 155. Yak 156. Zebra 157. Albatross 158. Beaver 159. Capybara 160. Dolphin 161. Elephant 162. Fox 163. Gorilla 164. Hummingbird 165. Iguana 166. Jackal 167. Koala 168. Lemur 169. Manatee 170. Newt 171. Ostrich 172. Penguin 173. Quokka 174. Rhino 175. Shark 176. Tiger 177. Uakari 178. Vulture 179. Walrus 180. X-ray tetra 181. Yak 182. Zebra 183. Antelope 184. Baboon 185. Cheetah 186. Dolphin 187. Elephant 188. Flamingo 189. Giraffe 190. Heron 191. Iguana 192. Jaguar 193. Kangaroo 194. Lemur 195. Macaw 196. Numbat 197. Octopus 198. Penguin 199. Quokka 200. Rhinoceros

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A funny spoof and an intriguing mystery story
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit that some of the reviews of this series on Google are funnier than the show itself 😂 it's a spoof people! Some people don't seem to realise, which is hilarious!

While it is a spoof, the laughs are pretty few and far between, but when you catch one (they're not all in-your-face obvious) they can make you laugh out loud. Like when you're two or three shows in and you realise that the handyman has been repairing the mailbox for days. It's not pointed out, but you may eventually realise. Then at the end it is revealed he's been fixing it for years! And in the last episode when she uses the same 'clever response' every time someone asks her how she's doing 😂 really silly and funny! And how you eventually realise that she's always taking chicken casseroles to people she visits! But even though it's not all laugh out loud funny, it's a good whodunnit in its own right.

I really enjoyed it, one to watch.
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Eeeeuurgh, great Kung Fuuuuuuu!!!
4 September 2004
This film is absolutely awesome. I saw it with my brother when we were kids, and we found it hilarious.

I'm not sure if it's supposed to be funny, but by god we were hurting by the end! Like the bit where he showing the bad guys what he's learned at the Shaolin temple, and he's working his way up from showing them a mere 50% of his new powers, to "the full 90%".... What happened to 100%?

And the bit where, in order to show his pals what he's learned, he beats them all up! He whacks his best mate in the stomach, and his mate (who has teeth that are literally about two inches long sticking out of his mouth), bends over and exclaims; "eeeeuuuuurgh, GREAT KUNG FUUUUUU". It's a classic movie moment!

If you have chance to see this film, do it. It's brilliant!
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