
11 Reviews
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Inception (2010)
Flawless, fresh casting
1 August 2010
It takes a special person to make Inception the great movie that it is. Indeed, Christopher Nolan accomplishes the task with prodigious aesthetic skill, from the direction to the script. Even more impressive is the way the cast delivered their performance. John Papsidera's casting choices simply cannot get better, particularly in the manner of Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. DiCaprio reprises his existing roles as the anti-hero who saves the day, while Joseph Gordon-Levitt acts as his learned, trustworthy right-hand man. Michael Caine was also a good choice, once again acting as the influential, instrumental bystander to the events that take place in the movie. Actors who normally wouldn't appear in such a genre as Inception also deliver exceptional performances, such as Ellen Page as Cobb's impressionable student. While Inception itself is impressive, the casting choice only enhances the overall story and execution, transforming it into a classic of our times.
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Diff'rent Strokes (1978–1986)
My thoughts on Diff'rent Strokes.
22 July 2008
To be fair, this show had some charming appeal.

But to be honest, it has a weak plot and it is preachy and cheesy. I could write pages about it's plot, but I'd rather not.

Diff'rent strokes was written in an era when critical thinking was uncommon. Most people only cared about the fact that a rich Caucasian businessman adopted two black kids from Harlem. Granted the show's debut in the 1970's, such a scenario would cause a shock to many viewers at the time. To express the shock factor in today's world, it would be the equivalent of a show about a homosexuals adopting children. Racial prejudice is still alive, but even in the 1970's it was sharper. Diff'rent Strokes ushered in a new school of thought, and a new way of portraying minorities in the media. As a result, no one cared about how flimsy (or even stupid) the plots were, so long as they were funny and broke down racial boundaries. On such grounds, I commend this show.

Personally, I feel like my IQ is dropping by one point every time I watch this show. It's so unrealistic. If one tried to relate anything about the real world to this show, they will find a severe discrepancy between fact and fiction. Like I said, it is charming, but part of it's charm derives from the flimsiness of the plots.
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Certainly worth it.
20 July 2008
There is no part of "The Dark Knight" that can go unappreciated. From Heath Ledger's legendary performance as The Joker, to the masterful directing by Christopher Nolan, this film lacks nothing.

The plot of "The Dark Knight" is so intricately written, whenever the movie appeared to end, it instead built up from previous events and into more intense struggles between each individual character. Additionally, one admirable quality of the plot is the universal appeal without gratuitous violence or sexual innuendo, which is often excessive in recent movies. The trailers for "The Dark Knight" cannot accurately reflect the quality of this film.

If only all movies could be this good... but then again, if all movies were as good as this one, "The Dark Knight" wouldn't be so legendary.

10 stars out of 10.
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Home Alone 3 (1997)
I like it.
20 June 2006
It's not exactly as good as the first two, but not unpleasant. I happen to have an interest in B- movies and this movie doesn't qualify. Of course, it has elements that are criterion for such movies, but many movies do too. The first two Home Alone films are not exempt either.

All else aside, I liked the different plot that it had. Sure, international terrorists in a kids movie are not what we consider to be pleasant, but it staged a more intense feeling. The fact that Alex's parents did not believe him at first was very interesting. That was definitely something that stood out from the first two. Most people probably don't like it because Kevin is not in it. The mechanics of the movie (lighting, sound effects, voices, etc.) appear to be up to expectations. Everyone's a critic on acting, so I am not going to give my opinion on the actors.

So what if Kevin isn't the main character anymore? That's my opinion, at least. It's different, sure, but still nonetheless good.
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Ghost Dad (1990)
Comedy of errors
16 June 2006
This is a fun family movie, but the plot isn't solid. This movie left me with a lot of questions. What was up with the cab driver and who does he think he is? Why did Stuart threaten his best friend's father? That's pretty bold of him to do that. Why at one point, could Elliot talk weird in one part and talk normal in another? Also when the company comes over to visit, it's day time, and some minutes later, when Stuart calls, Elliot went to his house and the sun was already down long ago. That reminds me, if Stuart threatened me like that, he would have his bratty self have the police called on. And, not all was resolved in the end. Elliot lost his job, Danny lost a friend of his, and Diane lost a potential boyfriend. Still, nevertheless, Elliot's extremist and eccentric behavior was definitely funny. Though plagued by errors, this makes for a good family film and is better than Home Alone 4.
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This movie sucks!
4 July 2005
I thought this movie was going to be inventive, un-recycled and have new punch lines. Instead, they have to make this movie stupid, campy, and bland.

Kevin is a little brat now, just leeching off Natalie and his dad, who separated from his nice mom for a sybaritic, selfish twad. He disrespects the butler, who is an infinitely better actor than the others in this film. And most of all, MARV LOOKS LIKE HARRY FROM THE OTHER 2 FILMS! He even has a stupid hooker wife named Vera. French Stewart does a horrid rendition of Harry and Marv. They don't even do robberies anymore! It's now staged to the more dismal subject of child abduction.

It is also accompanied by atrociously bland dialogue, pitiful acting, hilariously bad sound effects, and the picture quality makes it look like it was filmed in the mid-1980's. There is even a shot of the houses at night done with a cheap home camcorder.

It's a good thing I spent only 1.00 on a crappy dollar-store tape for this movie! I was seriously disappointed. I've seen some MST3K films and some are way more noble than this crap!

Standing out 24 hrs in 10 degrees Fahrenheit is way cooler than watching this movie. -No pun intended
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If production wasn't so bad, it might have been a good movie.
1 April 2005
All I have to say is that this movie may not have been so bad if the actors were better, the special effects been done by professional people and not by any random layman.

Not to mention the elimination of that dorky "Hooray for Santy Claus" song.

It seems like it was just thrown together.

The sets could have been more professionally.

Sure, it

was made with good intentions, but it still is pretty bad. Story line

could have been revised too.

I would have named it Santa Claus and the Martians. Why? Because they don't get conquered in the movie at all
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A very positive and uncommonly pleasant Charlie Brown Film
8 January 2005
This is a positive, enlightening film that, until recently I almost forgot about. It's significantly less static than most other Charlie Brown films and programs such as The Great Pumpkin, even though it has been edited and is less static now. Charlie Brown is actually now a kid who has a solid ego. It is after he discovers the cabin and spends the night is where he develops his most significant leadership qualities. This is not a commonly shown movie and other movies maintain the stereotype that Charlie Brown is a sorry sucker. This is a great movie for kids to watch because of it's character and originality. The movie doesn't a bad soundtrack, either. The songs are lively and pompous. In short I think this is one of the best family/kids movie I have ever seen and I'd recommend it to any fan of Charlie Brown movies.

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7 January 2005
It's one of those movies you enjoy just for a day or two, but then after that it's another one of those many movies that do not make a lasting impression on you. The plot is on middle-school level. It's like the movies that show up at bargain bin stores. I have made home movies which plot is equally as good as this. So, I was only impressed for the week that I had seen it. I did not see a lot of movies in '02, and even then I found the plot to be very ho-hum. In short, I think this movie can be summed up in one word:


It's not as cheesy as some people may say, but the movie is definitely nothing to write Grandma about.

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Blockbusters (1980–1982)
It is really a great game show
16 November 2004
It's very sad that a show with challenging questions, creative elements (the hexagonal pattern), and Bill Cullen's hosting talent all had to go away when this show went off the air. It's even more sad that it's not as celebrated as Card Sharks, The Price is Right, Press Your Luck, Wheel Of Fortune, not to mention Jeopardy. Not these shows are worse than Blockbusters, but Blockbusters certainly deserves just as equal attention. Although the music is not as simple as those game shows, it is nonetheless upbeat and great to listen to. In my opinion, this show should be, even, just as Press Your Luck has been, brought back.

Let me sum it all up: It is really a great game show.
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The ButterCream Gang (1992 Video)
"It's about Pete..."
18 September 2004
The film is OK, I mean it teaches a moral, that's good, but this movie is loaded with hilarious drama and ideas. I think it's especially funny when Pete, being the psychopathic idiot when they give him pop and everything, goes ballistic in Mr. Graff's shop and rants and says: "That's it I'm gonna sabotage your whole shop." and starts breaking things and scaring people. I haven't seen the movie in almost 3 years but I reflect on it and now I laugh at that until my stomach cramps. And even then after I laugh it convulses rapidly. I just think that part of the movie is FUNNY!
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