
56 Reviews
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Asphalt City (2023)
Oscar worthy Masterpiece by Sean penn
5 May 2024
Bring a paramedic ( EMT) in NYC must be officially, the most stressful job in the world. Film is well written, deep and controversial. General people don't like to face the harsh realities, and this film is exactly that.

Sean Penn Gene, protagonist perfectly the role of a burnt out veteran EMT. Everyday is chipping away a little from his soul. Gang bangers, drug addicts, dealers etc portray the decay of the society and a job that is thankless and soul destroying. The job has destroyed his marriages and any chance of a normal relationship with his daughter. The novice EMT Ollie, which is using the job as a step forward into getting in med school is naive and fresh. He is idealistic & enthusiastic. He observe and learn a lot from his mentor. While his other shifts with another EMT is totally the opposite. It is challenging mentally and ethically. Slowly he is also affected by the stress and horrors of the job. His own relationship and love life is destroyed because of it. The human interactions, the dialogue is mind blowing. I guess you must really work in the trenches of healthcare to appreciate the details which makes this film so great to watch.
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Best movie since lone survivor
12 May 2023
I couldn't sit still during this movie. It was great action, fantastic story, great acting. Richi did a great job as director. The movie is so moving because we know the story is true. Men with honor serving but often left behind. Politics is a dirty game but people on both sides are the real heroes in real life. Met many Ahmeds in my life, risking their lives due to honour and nothing else . Atleast John wasn't a standby character and paid his debt in full. Truly recommend this movie, you will not be disappointed. For those in real life having a problem with rescuing Afghan families, just wanted to say what would you do in the same situation.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Absolutely brilliant , fantastic
24 April 2023
As Iranian in Exile, I found this series extraordinary. For once actually near truth a story about Russian involvement in the global politics. How little common Jo Blog reading daily mail, actually understands about this political chessboard ( global politics). It is all about Arms deals and multi- billion pound industry that runs behind close doors. They are all in it together Iran/ USA/ UK. It was refreshing to see how things actually develops in a complex world of politics and how little they want us to know.

They couldn't have found a better protagonist than Kerrie Russell from the Russians series. I am a big fan, she is destined for great roles. I will put this series as high as Homeland.
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Obsession (2023)
No way a match for Damage
17 April 2023
The original by Jeremy Irons & Juliette Binoche was an an absolute unforgettable film. 1992 It shook me to the core, the ability of two humans (damaged individuals) to disregard all norms of the society. I could feel the passion, and the obsession between the two protagonists. The tragic ending however makes us question, was it all worth it ! If you have ever experienced such desire and uncontrollable passion, one could say yes.

Total disregard of morality, family rules and tragic ending of loss of a son. I recommend those not old enough to have seen Damage to watch it and decide for yourself.
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Happy Valley (2014–2023)
No match for In line of duty
6 February 2023
For those comparing this series to line of Duty, have to say, unfortunately there is no comparison! The plot is easy & not complicated at all. Good for people who don't want to use brain cells to exactly solve complicated puzzle of a story line. I gave line of Duty 10 as it was and is the most exciting and complicated BBC production to date. Tommy completely broke down in the end and wasn't the emotionally twisted pyscho, he was pictured to be. He had remorse and showed it. The detective solved 3 cases on her last day! Magically where the task force in charge of hunting the fugitive, organised crime & young woman's murder were completely useless.
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Hilarious comedy, absolutely must see
15 January 2023
Why did I like this movie so much ? Because 40 years ago, during Iran/ Irak war , I flee to Norway from Tehran. I was a teenager , eager to please & to be accepted. I learnt the Norsk language faster & better than anyone ever had before. I totally assimilated in the society. Walked & talked like them. Started medical school after one year. I have a lot of fantastic things to say about the Norway as country & it's people. Most importantly they gave me a refuge when I needed it. But I had so much to teach them too. Persian culture, food , generosity and hospitality. Eventually when I no longer needed nor cared, if they accept me as one of them ( you pass testes like in the film every single day for as many years as you live there), I became truly happy. Proud of myself, of the woman & the doctor I became. I kept the good from both cultures and didn't care for the bad.
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Woman of the Dead (2022– )
Absolutely engaging & trilling
8 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Can't wait to see the second season, I didn't think she had it in her. The story is well written and acting very convincing. If she was a bit all over the place & not such a professional killer, adds to credibility of a housewife wanting to find her husband's killer. I watched all episodes in one night and couldn't stop until the end. Many years ago a ring of high powered men such as mayors, priests , policemen were discovered as the worse peadofile rings in Europe's in Belgium. I found the story line of child trafficking, police coverups very close to the truth. These people should be dealt with exactly the same and no prison sentence is good or enough for them.
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Hache (2019–2021)
Queremos más porfavor
15 May 2022
I love Adriana Ugarte. She is phenomenal. Story isn't like money heist but I am a fan nevertheless. The idea of a woman, surviving in a mans world is appealing.
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Bosch: Legacy (2022– )
We want more of this incredible series
6 May 2022
Big Bosch fan. I want atleast 3-4 more series.

I am a huge fan of Titus and this detective serie. Right now enjoying the legacy but can't get enough. Please make more series. Characters are credible and actors play great roles. Bosch, maddy etc. I recommend this serie to all the detective lovers.
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The 355 (2022)
Entertaining by 5 very gorgeous women
17 March 2022
I want to see another sequel of this movie. Kept me entertained for 2 hours. It is satisfying to see women kick arse for a change. All the actresses were fit & beautiful.
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Snöänglar (2021– )
Tragic reality of incompetent parents
11 March 2022
As a mother, was extremely painful to see the struggle of children in this series. One person who wanted to help, constantly stopped. Some people should not have children.
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A Hero (I) (2021)
A true hero in a country full of government corruption
30 January 2022
I left Iran 40 y ago, with great sadness following the reduction of moral & huge government corruption at the high end. I lost my faith in humanity & kindness. This is the first film I have watched in 40 y and it make me warm in my heart.
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Typical incompetent scandi police department
8 January 2022
I was living in oslo when Palmer murder happened. Even though there was no CCTV or CSI those days, they totally messed up the investigation. Next time the tragedy happened in oslo , it took them 2 hours to get to the crime scene where that psycho killed 70 odd Norwegian kids. Maybe they need some training by FBI? So ridiculous don't know to laugh or cry.
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Four Lives (2022)
Utter incompetence of MET police
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I could have done a better job than the police in this case. Like no profiling, no DNA trace, WTF.

The family liaison utterly useless & incompetent.

I thought we had world class MET police. No wonder they can't catch the terrorists.
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Black Space (2020– )
Silly unrealistic plot
29 December 2021
So they couldn't check all students for GSR on the hands ? All we got from this serie was that israelí teenagers are as bad as every other narcissistic teenagers from any country.
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Witch Hunt (2020)
Very griping based on true story
4 December 2021
As Norwegian there was a time, when I believed corruption in high places & government level doesn't / shouldn't happen in the best democracy I know. Unfortunately we know now that no country is protected from greed & power that people with money & connection to high places.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
Socialist agenda really !! Wake up from stupid nap
16 September 2021
To those living in the USA, lucky enough to have medical insurance, news flash for you. We get all our medical needs met in the uk paid by taxes , available free to everyone who need it. You suppose to be a super power but only when comes to starting wars not treating your sick & elderly.
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Gossip Girl (2021–2023)
Another confirmation on entitled snowflakes
1 September 2021
Boring, stupid even for a teenage audience Bunch of entitled rich kids with no brain nor contribution to the society.
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Master piece, serie 2 is a must
29 June 2021
I am Scandinavian & obviously into all Nordic noir. One of the best I have seen and am waiting desperately for serie 2.
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French Exit (2020)
Not unrealistic, as I know people like this
28 May 2021
The word " getting a job" was never mentioned in this film. I have known woman like this in my life, just kept to the standard they are used to. Usually they don't end up like this character.
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Honour (2020)
There is no honour in killing your child
10 March 2021
Story about a girl failed by her backward family, then failed by police & everyone else. I hope girls in these families & culture learn about the rights in the society and save their lives by leaving it
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Someone has to pay for 11/7, anyone
4 March 2021
The script & acting is really good. The fact that it is a true story makes it more moving. Injustice is a daily occurrence in the world, and USA is no different. Those committing atrocities against humanity, should be taken into account. Thank God for whistle blowers abs human rights activists or we world all live in a web of lies and decit
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Complicit (2013 TV Movie)
Safety of the lives of our children, has no price
24 February 2021
I lost a family member in Man arena. People who have nothing but hatred for our way of life, our culture in our country, should have no rights. I don't care about the ethics& their human rights, when they wants us all dead
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Spiral (2005–2020)
26 January 2021
I have devoured every single episode and I want 10 more series! The best France has ever made. I have fell in love with laure & Gilu. Please give us more
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Bling Empire (2021–2022)
Zero is too much for this trash
21 January 2021
So this is what empty, useless life, young people aspire to? Sorry for them all with all there bling, they are never happy or perfect enough. Did watch the trailer and that was enough to turn my stomach around. I know a few billionaires in my family & unless they give to improve other people's lives, the rest live an empty, shell of a life, totally paranoid about what others think of their shallow lives
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