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Bramwell: Episode #1.3 (1995)
Season 1, Episode 3
Very Offensive
25 July 2011
I just watched this particular episode, and even though I have always enjoyed this show, I must say that this particular episode left little to be desired. The whole theme bothered me, especially when the Black baby is treated as though it is simply Black and nothing more. The white mother was of no consideration at all, and this in itself is unrealistic. I just didn't like the way the story was written, with such a warped sense of understanding about the nature of human beings in regard to skin colour. There was a superiority about this episode that related to the audience that while it is perfectly normal to be White it is abnormal and strange to be of another ethnicity. Racism does exist and this is a fact, but the way the show portrayed this story line was extremely offensive to me and displayed the efforts of an irresponsible writer, who should never have tackled a subject matter such as this one without knowing the facts. Black people, whether in that time or now, are just as worthy and human as anyone else. The father and child were portrayed as anything but human and this is what really bothered me.
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The Lady And The Mob not so bad
26 June 2007
I watched this film on TCM and mostly wanted to view it because it featured a 21 year-old Ida Lupino, an actress who I adore. The movie tries to be funny, and the old lady who this film is mostly about is as cute as a button, but I think that the film tries too hard to be funny instead of simply being naturally funny. But Ida Lupino is not to blame for any problems with the film -- the writers are! She has always been a powerhouse actress and once she took on being a director, as always, she gave it her all! So watch this film if you are looking for something light-hearted and harmless fun. It's nice watching this elderly woman take on the mob in her own way and bringing them to their knees!
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a girl loses the money to pay for a goldfish and goes on a quest to find it.
21 May 2006
I just finished watching this delightful movie about a five-year old Iranian girl who is given money to buy a goldfish but loses it. The film, innocent yet interesting and enthralling takes the viewer along on her journey to find the money so that she can get her fish. She encounters many people along the way, all who try to help her to get back the money. There are many underlying themes throughout the movie as well, but above all, we learn to help each other and see each other as more than just strangers. Also, the plot summary given about this film is misleading and downright false. No one tries to take advantage of this little girl at all!
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Oleanna (1994)
Love this movie!
7 January 2006
I saw this movie and was blown away by how different it was. There is no shooting, car chases, or love scenes, yet this movie, with mostly dialog, kept my interest the whole time. Lack of communication seems to be the theme yet underneath it all there is an even more obscure message -- one of revenge brought on by self pity and life's circumstances. The young woman in this movie was angry underneath, maybe at her family or at the public in general. She wanted to lash out at someone and this she did once she found her perfect target, who was her professor. The last five minutes, in all honesty, was a secret wish that I had as I witnessed the shenanigans of this young woman, therefore when it finally came true I was elated to say the least. Please see this movie if you can. I had no problems whatsoever in understanding the dialog or its meaning. The point is this: A professor, although not perfect, took time out of his busy schedule to really reach out to a student. This student, however, did not want help as much as she wanted to be in control... of him!
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Elaan (2005)
Action and justice
6 August 2005
Elaan really entertained me. I especially loved Rahul Khanna's acting in this one. I also loved the special friendship that the five heroes developed as they plotted the ultimate demise of Baba, an evil man who needed his just desserts. Arjun was really good as well. I especially enjoyed the location scenes in Europe; the road action scene was spectacular! The women were pretty, especially the Sonia character, who is beyond gorgeous! I loved this movie so much that I bought it. I have recommended it to my friends who have also viewed and enjoyed it. Give it a try for yourself, even if it is just to see Rahul Khanna at work, because this guy can certainly act!
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Aetbaar (2004)
Thrilling and touching
24 February 2005
This movie had me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Not only did the sinister part hold my attention but also the loving devotion which the father had for his daughter. This movie is a must see! This film knocks down the familiar stereotypes which some may have of Indian parents, because we see love and devotion all the way. Also, the actors in this movie did a wonderful job. It's clear that this film was geared towards the father as the main focus, showing how he takes charge and protects his family when the need arises. After watching this movie I couldn't help but run into my father's arms to simply say, "thanks for everything!" Please give this incredible movie a try!
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