
3 Reviews
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Us (II) (2019)
The way I see it.
2 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so there are A LOT of negative reviews because of the lack of logic and realism. Some cite the argument that the mother wouldn't have been afraid of the shadows having been one herself. Well she could. If she knew of the world beneath them she would definitely be afraid of them and the chance her world, and life she had stolen, would be taken away from her. The mother acted totally different to the rest of the family upon the arrival of the others. She knew exactly where to go to find her son. She behaved differently when faced with the other versions of her children, she felt sorry for them, she felt their pain, she refused to kill them. The movie had to trick us don't complain! The movie is not supposed to be realistic much like other movies and TV shows that have higher ratings. I thought the movie was well balanced between thriller, horror and comedy and personally thoroughly enjoyed it. Would like to see more creativity of this kind in the industry please.
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Mad City (1997)
Fundamental plot flaws exaggerated by performances.
6 April 2019
I'm only wiring this (brief) review because there are so many positive reviews on here.

The plot has flaws which others seem to be happy to ignore which is fine but I cannot phathom how it's rating is above 5. Hoffmans character is desperate to be back in the big-time and so he effectively prolongs the hostage situation to gain some additional airtime and ratings. He, obviously, could've aicheved far more fame by simply ending the situation and becoming a hero. He has to chose to prolong the situation however otherwise the movie could not exist. Travoltas performance as a below-average-IQ hostage taker who recently lost his job, was poor possibly due to direction. His character was trying to gather sympathy from outsiders who could relate to him. Unfortunately, viewers of the movie will struggle to relate to his character at all. There are many times when Travolta over-acts the dumbness but subtle things like his eye moment off show a different story. There are far more problems but I was planning on bring brief.

After watching I feel the movie was made to be provocative and take a stab at the news media industry but forgot it's purpose of telling a story. Written as a book would be a better medium for such a story as the reader wouldn't create flaws. 4/10 worth a watch if you have literally nothing else on a Sunday night.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Did I miss something?
24 February 2013
Did I miss something? Maybe I did, but maybe thats the point, maybe this movie is an all you can eat buffet and you take from it what you want. Complexity walking sideways down a linear path that leads to where you were always never headed. Its like the film makers took a thousand piece puzzle and delicately cut each piece into smaller bits, tossed the lot into a blender then calmly placed each bit on the table randomly. The pieces fit together and the picture is complete, but the image in front of you doesn't matter anymore, watching it all unfold is the joy.

For me, great movies leave me feeling different afterwards. Somehow they touch my life and I am no longer who I was, even if this feeling dissolves after a few hours I can't go back to the world I was in before. I didn't feel like this after Cloud Atlas, I felt it most the way through.

The film is just shy of 3 hours but you won't notice thanks to the perfect tempo and structure. You will not rest, you will not desire rest, you will saviour every scene as if it's the last. The characters are brilliant and the dialogue is varied and important. The score. So much happens that I can barely recall half of it, no doubt snippets will find my thoughts throughout this week. I'm going to bed after writing this in the hope that my subconscious makes sense of the things my conscious could not.

Will your life be changed after watching this? No, of course not... But if like me, you long for that abstracted personality inside you to breathe life into you once more, this film has, well, bags of it!
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