
4 Reviews
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Hatchet (2006)
An 80's horror for the new millennium
10 September 2007
I got excited when I heard that a true fan of old school 80's horror made a movie in vain of old horror movies. I'm a huge fan of Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and somewhat meh with Halloween. I saw this movie on its limited release and was very pleased with it. It's like it took its plot straight from an 80's horror film, but amped up the gore for the new millennium. With all the remake trash we have these days it is nice to have a breath of old air. Not to mention the casting was brilliant. With Kane Hodder, arguably the best Jason of the F13 series, Robert Englund, Freddy Krueger himself, and Tony Todd, better known as Candyman. The plot is simple, a bunch of people go on a haunted swamp tour, and there is a legend of a disfigured person who was killed there and that he haunts the swamps. Of course their boat gets beached and the next thing they know they're fighting off a killer who apparently didn't die. I wish the NC-17 version of this movie had been released because some of the death scenes were pretty nice. Do yourself a favor, check this movie out if you're a fan of old school horror. You won't be disappointed.
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8 May 2007
I have to say this movie was really a breath of fresh air. It's completely different from all those horror movies. Think along the lines of scream, but much more self-aware and not as stupid. This movie is basically about the next up and coming serial killer, who allows a documentary crew to follow him as he shows them what goes into being a serial killer and how everything is set up and done. Watching this movie you almost feel like it could be real. Has some great comedy moment, and it doesn't try to take itself too seriously, but the movie is smart, very smart. It's great to see creativity like this, considering the strings of horror crap we get recently. If you're hesitant about this movie or you're not sure, I highly recommend checking this movie out. It's not very gory or anything so don't expect that. If you're a fan of slasher horror films though, you will absolutely love this movie! Give it a rent. 10/10
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Good, but still missing some stuff
17 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I recently picked up a copy of this movie, which I have been dying to see for the longest time. Most fan's, myself including, thought the closest to this incarnation we'd ever get was going to be the Superman 2 RIC. Fortunately we were wrong. Upon having viewed this movie I have drawn the conclusion that this is better than Richard Lesters version by leaps and bounds. The story is tighter, it's not drawn out the way Lester's was, and it's a more serious film overall. The film has been drastically changed, even down to sound effects. Music is completely different in this film, which in some places is good and some bad. Marlon Brando has been restored into this movie, and it is definitely better than having Kal-El's mother. One of the biggest problems I had with this movie was the end sequence. As most people know already, at the end of the movie, to make Lois forget about Clark being Superman, Superman reverses the world...again...and she forgets. Now here was the biggest plot hole for me, everybody forgets everything that happened up until the first day that the chaos started. However, somehow the nuclear missile that frees Zod, Ursa, and Non doesn't get launched, which makes no sense, then Clark still goes back to the diner to fight the bully, who DOES remember him, which should not have happened considering he turned back time to before he gave up his powers, and a few other things. Another thing that bothered me was after the final battle in the Fortress of Solitude, you don't know what happens to Lex. Superman destroy's the fortress, presumably with Lex still in it. There was a scene in the RIC showing Lex and the villains being arrested before Superman destroys it, so I'm assuming thats the justification, only it's not shown.

Those are the few quoys with the movie, but overall this movie is a million times better than Lesters, even the opening montage is better. Definitely pick this up to see what should have been, not what is.
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See No Evil (2006)
Fun movie and much better than expected...
19 May 2006
So the WWE has done it. They have poured over into film;their first one being See No Evil, starring their very own Kane. I caught this movie and went in not expecting it to be a great film...It just seemed to cliché and looked like nothing new. To my surprise it actually wasn't half bad. A viewer stated above that it is good B-horror movie fun, and honestly thats the best way to describe it. Now the question I was asking myself was how was Kane going to hold up...Well let's just say he made an absolute bad ass out of the 'Jacob Goodnight' character. He sold the role really well, and really did look menacing. But what can you expect from someone who is almost 7 feet tall and weighs around 320 in solid muscle. The acting was decent, and the story was nothing new of course, but we all know that. The directing as well as the cinematography was done very well and the hotel backdrop really looked dilapidated and well done. Considering this was directed by a porn movie director, I was quite surprised. I'd recommend this movie if you're looking for mindless gore and killing and just some overall fun. Think of this movie as a modern day latter Friday the 13th film. And save room for the ending too, cuz it's a good one. And stick around after the credits too...
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