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Superbad (2007)
Superbad = Supergood
10 September 2007
Beloved Reader, please glimpse at the star rating below. Yes, I may be just one critic. And this one critic may have given Superbad half-a-star away from the almighty 5. That is because this movie is a rare movie. It is not 4.5-star-worthy in same way as, say, Collateral. It has achieved that rating in the context of other Comedies. In that case, it has gotten that rating for three simple words.

It. Is. Hilarious.

First off, if you believe the rumours, this started off from the minds of two 13-year-olds. Doesn't sound promising, does it? But when one of them is Seth Rogen (Knocked Up), you know you're safe. Then there were the trailers and other assorted advertising. You could not be blamed for thinking it was another Animal House, or Porky's, or American Pie. Yet, with Judd Apatow (The 40-Year-Old Virgin) producing, this is more than a rehash. No, that would be plain lazy for these pros.

There are a few comedy classics with recurring gags. Back To The Future had Calvin Klein. The Big Lebowski had the Rug. Groundhog Day, well, had the whole 24 hours. And one could suppose that Superbad's recurring joke is the Cops. Drunk, incompetent, imbecile cops are something we've seen before. But when two cops flee from sirens that aren't they're own? In such a naturally comical way? That deserves some kudos.

As with the cops, we've probably seen the buddy-coming-of-age-flick-with-added-crude-jokes before. But not like this. This clichéd sub-genre of comedy has been kicked in the man-parts. That's both figuratively and literally. That is because, even in the fantasy scenes, it stays true. The daydreams of Seth (the brilliant Jonah Hill) as he prepares to steal liquor. Sure, they are beautifully over-the-top. But it stays true to the paranoia most teenagers have in that situation. Jonah Hill adds those subtle shuffles and shifty eyes. To which, makes you chuckle lightly, before exploding with laughter.

All of this adds to why it's so good. One would not expect a film such as this to be good. Deep down, you may go in, and think you will see the same B.S. The same, tired frat-boy jokes you heard years ago cut-and-pasted together. Not here. What starts as a laugh-out-loud farce, turns slightly dark. It starts with conversations of Orson Welles waistline expanding after Citizen Kane. Then it flows to an awkwardly funny car crash. All of which leads up to a climax that suits the previous events. Sure, some may say it is too neat and tidy. But it is fitting to the journey of the guys.

The characters of Seth (Jonah Hill) and Evan (Michael Cera) are so magically written. Some of you may carp about them being 'generic'. If that is the case, something has gone amiss. That is there are guys like Seth and Evan out there. Hell, you were probably best friends with them back in the day. To add to them, there is Fogell (Christopher Mintz-Plasse). Or 'McLovin', as he prefers to be known. He is the mirrored version of Seth and Evan. He knows that his attempts to be cool are embarrassing. Yet, that doesn't stop him.

What separates Superbad from the rest of the pack lies on one thing. Real Humour. It doesn't rely on canned laughter. Nor does it rely on forced one-liners. It uses humour in situations that could really happen. Fantastical daydream, or not.

4.5 out of 5 Superbad is one Gem of a movie. It may not be a work of 'art', like Citizen Kane (to which was so hilariously name-dropped here). But, if you want your laughs thick and fast, for 2 hours-straight, then here's your answer. As long as you go in with this warning. There will be too many fantastic quotes for you to remember.

For movie news, check out www.obsessedwithfilm.com
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Breach (2007)
Well-Made Film. An Acquired Taste, Mind You.
3 September 2007
Let me start off by asking you, the reader; do you like slow-burning political movies? If 'Yes', then push to the front of the queue for Breach. If 'No', then I suggest that you get your cinematic fix elsewhere. I start off like this, because this movie is an acquired taste. That said; again to those who said, 'Yes', don't expect The Silence Of The Lambs. Nor should you expect a big screen version of 24.

The story follows a surprisingly good Ryan Philippe working up the FBI. The ever-reliable Laura Linney puts him on one last task before making him an agent. The task being Chris Cooper's ageing, yet questionable, agent. Questionable in that he may be giving away Government Secrets. He also happens to be, "a sexual deviant". This may sound familiar, for two reasons. One being that it's a cinematic tale recounted before. The second reason being that it is "Based On True Events". (The "True Events" having taken place as George W. Bush first went into power.) Here, we see the start of the awards season. That's right. It's that time of the year where Deep, Meaningful Films crop up. Once they arrive at a multiplex near you, they scream. They scream out to get nominated for awards. Yet, with Breach, it is doesn't scream for those awards. It is slow-paced, subtle and muted in its style. To some, that may constitute as 'boring'. Not in this case, as that style is needed. A steady beat makes sure that the (non-) action progresses.

Director Billy Ray allows us to walk with the characters. Yes, he takes things slow. But he also makes things interesting. He uses the "Everything Is Not What Seems" philosophy. Yet, he makes damn sure we remember it happened. It may be this fact that draws in the audience. The most notable mishap in the American politics at that time was Florida's miscount. As the President got pelted walking to the White House, the FBI was in chaos.

But that is the thing. The acting is superb. Linney and Cooper showing their usual credentials. Philippe proves that he can, in fact, act. Ray being sufficient behind the camera, like 2003's Shattered Glass. Yet, the "True Events" tag that truly brings in audiences. Although the film is above average, it will have a meagre box-office performance. Why? Because it's nothing more fantastic acting and well-timed political relevance.

Breach is not without clichés. Cooper's agent is God-fearing, although accused of espionage. Philippe is the young agent wannabe, also wanting peace at home. Linney is the lonesome, hard-as-nails agent giving out missions. Yet, these are real people. And the actor's play them as such.

All-in-all, catch this if you want slow-burning, thoughtful films. Watch it once. I, personally, doubt that it'll reward on repeat viewings. Yet, I'll put my bottom dollar that you'll be in line for The Simpsons Movie for the umpteenth time. Oh, well. You'll probably take notice when you find it in Blockbusters.

3.5 out of 5 -Breach is of an acquired taste. For those who have that taste, this will not disappoint. Although it may not bear well on repeat viewings. It seems to be more suitable for DVD. The acting should gain awards and kudos. Therefore, I predict that it'll bode well come the awards season. Damn shame that it can't find its audience now, though.

-For more movie news, check out www.obsessedwithfilm.com
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Drugs movie.... in the sense that it takes you for a ride
16 October 2005
Where to start? When I read the book, I had "high" expectations for the film. I knew already that it had fantastic people having worked on it, but I was curious to see how it would turn out.

Sure, some bits were left out. Some bits were different to how I imagined them to be. But I can't help but love every second of this film.

On the surface, it's two dudes getting wasted and trashing Las Vegas. But if you look deeper, you'll see that it is an examination of the "American Dream" and the culture back in 1971.

It's just the conveniently placed "how did i get here?" type of line in between long periods funky, far out humour that make this film a film to be reckoned with... even if you haven't taken enough drugs to appreciate it.

Buy The Ticket... Take The Ride

Dr. Gonzo Pineapple
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The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning
5 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Million Dollar Hotel sees Wim Wenders make another brilliant film about American life. Sure, this movie is not like his classics, such as Paris, Texas or even Wings Of Desire, but I know this movie is a great one.

I know a lot of critics and audiences DON'T like this film, but as one person said "You have to be of a certain personality to like this film."

This maybe true. But when you watch the end when we find out that Izzy actually jumped, not pushed, a normal person should feel a ray of emotions at experiencing this end and everything before it.


"Thanks for listening, viewers"

Dr. Pineapple
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"Food King! Food King! Food King!"
2 December 2004
In my humble opinion, "Animal House" is not only the best campus comedy, not only the best comedy, but the best film I have seen.

It made John Belushi a star, which is in no way a bad thing. It set director John Landis up for The Blues Brothers, which, again, is no bad thing.

Comedy films are seen as a lower form of films, because once you know the punch-line, you stop laughing. Not with this film. Once you have seen it and see it for another time, i guarantee that you will still laugh.


"Thanks for listening, viewers"

Dr. Pineapple
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Probably the best musical in the world...
25 October 2004
Music is essential to the world of musicals. That's obvious. So, tell me, why do some musicals have crappy music?

Anyway, i turned to 'The Blues Brothers' and first time in my life my musical ears have been cleaned. How can such a music genre be so... excellent. Blues music is influential, and so is this film. Since watching this movie, i have found myself engrossed to the world of Blues music. How can a movie be anymore influential?

This movie is not for the faint hearted, because it will grab you and shake you up real good.


Dr. Pineapple
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Magnolia (1999)
I can see why...
25 October 2004
I can see why some people don't like Magnolia. It is long and slow. But is it boring? Personally, i don't think so.

Everything about this film from the Tom Cruise's evil turn to Jon Brion's gorgeous music score is perfect. Some bits were so moving, i nearly cried.

PT Anderson is definitely a force to be reckoned with. He writes dialogue like Shakespeare (with swearing) and directs the camera like Di Vinci painted.

PT Anderson, please make more movies.


Dr. Pineapple
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Collateral (2004)
Oh, Mann
25 October 2004
What can i say? Here is another gem from Michael Mann. Why isn't he as widely recognised as he should be?

Some people say that it is a rare "baddie" role from Tom Cruise. Hell, even some people say that Jamie Foxx acted very good as well. These are true, but you are missing the point. IT IS MANN'S FILM. Well, more than it is a Cruise ego trip.

Don't get me wrong, i like Cruise, especially as Vincent. But Mann makes it SO much more than just a Hollywood thriller. In fact, he has practically made a new, improved genre.

Suspenseful, thrilling, and truly and thoroughly entertaining.


Dr. Pineapple
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