
29 Reviews
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The Counselor (2013)
29 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A all star cast, a well known director and a screenplay by a best selling author, you'd pretty much think this movie had to be great....only it's not. It's mediocre and predictable. It's your standard underworld criminal movie with a few eccentric characters, a lot of wealth thrown around and a central criminal plot. As things progress you kind of expect some action or something to kind of happen but it's really just standard story line that takes you pretty much where you would actually end up given the circumstances. By the end of it, and really through it all you don't really find yourself caring for or even wanting to care for any of the characters or feel much sympathy for them. There is little violence in this movie, which works for me since I'm not a fan of violence but my guessing is that most people who are into this genre loot forward to a few grizzly scenes now and then, and you really won't find much of that there, there is a lot of implication, but only 1 really violent scene. In short, if these types of low end, criminal underworld movies appeal to you, you'll like this, if not, you probably won't.
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Her (2013)
Absolutely wonderful
9 January 2014
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There isn't really anything new about this movie, it shows the same lonely and detached world that other futuristic movies show, and follows along a somewhat predictable storyline that leaves you feeling somewhat melancholy, yet, it's so good. I suppose that's the beauty of good direction, to really bring a story to life and completely pull you into it, of course it's backed up by an interesting script and great acting, but it's the direction that really puts this a cut above the rest.

As a side note, there is a orange-white theme running through out the movie, I don't know why, but I liked it. Also the outdoor scenes did not look like L.A. to me, it looked much more like China or Singapore.

In short, watch this if you like sad, romantic movies and are willing to welcome futuristic themes.
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It's like a Spring Break party
7 January 2014
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People might, and unsurprisingly so, go into this movie expecting that it's a stellar drama with fantastic everything, but in reality it's just a giant frat part. Yes, that's right, a frat party, you know the kind, Jackass and all that, yes, this is exactly like that. Sure there is an underlining message, that Wall Street brokers and bankers are soulless money hungry animals, but then we already knew that, and so there was really little need to nail that point in 5000 times in this movie. This sort of has a story, but it's mostly just people doing drugs, having crazy parties and showing the average IQ span of about 50, once again, like the American Pie movies, and when you do eventually find the story it's not that great, pretty much just "guy cons people....gets rich....then gets caught. The story, perhaps because it's so weak, has been filled with endless interludes of Lenardo DeCaprio doing cocaine; he does cocaine of his desk, he does cocaine of a plate, he does cocaine of a hooker's tits, he does cocaine on a boat deck, he does cocaine of his side table, he does cocaine.....oh well you get the picture. In short, watch this if you want to see an amalgamation of the Jackass movies and a Spring Break party.
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9 November 2013
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Well it seems like an interesting indie movie on the surface, but in reality the story just fails to establish itself. All through out you can just never really find yourself caring for the characters or what has happened to them. That of course isn't helped by the fact that the acting is quite very poor in places and the directing too seems somewhat amateurish at times although is reasonably acceptable as a whole. The movie is also cluttered with songs, at times you just go from 1 song onto another which is not only annoying, but, in my opinion also takes away some credibility from what is going on. Not to mention that it is plainly obvious that the numerous use of songs is just a cover to try and pull you into a story that can't hold its own. The end is anti- climatic and utterly unsatisfying, leaving you wondering what exactly this whole story was about anyway and why it just bounced around for so long and never really went anywhere. The illustrated cartoons within the movie however are really good, well animated, well narrated and properly manage to capture the setting of the movie and the characters. So in short, watch this if you feel like watching a cavalier, semi- romanticized movie about impoverished life in midland USA.
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31 October 2013
This was billed as a period romance, but in reality all it really is is a bunch of people roaming about the British seaside in 1913 with some art and poetry thrown in. The story is so weak and predictable and the characters are so bland even the most ardent Romance lover will end up disappointed. As far as the acting goes, Dominic Cooper is just horrible, and Dan Stevens is duller than cardboard, Emily Browning however, is thankfully somewhat better. I know the story here is based on real life events, and so calling it "weak" might not sound very just, but I feel that it is, for even if they were dealing with common themes and stories they could have at least tried to make them more interesting or even engaging, but sadly they don't. The only good part about it is that you get really beautiful views of the English seaside, so, in short, watch this is you really really really want to spend some time on the English seaside.
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Breathe In (2013)
It was okay
25 October 2013
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A foreign exchange student comes to live with a family in New York and ends up causing trouble and testing the bounds of their relationship. Predictably there is an attraction between her (the student) and the father, he seeing her as opportunity to recapture his failed youth and she seeing him as the father figure she never had.......all standard stuff. The story could have been built up better, because it really just jumps from point A (a foreign exchange student coming) and point B (an attraction between her and the father) in pretty much 5 minutes. Added to that you get a bunch of unrealistic scenarios and a few intense scenes that well....aren't really that intense. What is good about the movie, is the suburban New York setting and lifestyle, the house and the neighborhood were really beautiful and I enjoyed watching the drama play out there, but I don't suppose a lot of people would want to watch a movie just for that. In short, it's an okay movie, but don't expect any surprises or greatness.
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9 October 2013
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Pretty much your standard coming-of-age movie; isolated teenager with a troubled family life finds comfort and friendship with an outside parental figure. It's well done all around with good performances and really flawed parental characters that make you buy into the story more than if it was just the pretense of bad parenting. The ending too is very satisfying, I was afraid it would end in a cheesy everything-is-right-in- the-world-now sort of way, but the ending suited the plot and the story nicely. The 1 downside to the whole thing however was the character of Owen, he is just so exaggerated and unrealistically over the top that, to some extent, he pulls the seriousness and plausibility out of the story. In-spite of that, it's still a good movie, and better than most of the others in the same genre. In short, you'll like this if you like coming- of-age dramas.
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Sunlight Jr. (2013)
Dull and depressing.
8 October 2013
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A small time drama set in small town America.

The movie revolves around Melissa, her handicapped boyfriend and her low-life ex who keeps harassing her. You would think that would lead to an obvious plot line, where the ex steers up things and makes life Hell for them ending in a violent showdown, but no, that doesn't happen. As the movie progresses Melissa gets pregnant and they start facing financial difficulties, and you start to think that the boyfriend or her, desperate for money well end up doing something illegal and get arrested or caught up in something, but no, that doesn't happen. Then Melissa gets put on the graveyard shift at her grocery store job, and you think that she's going to get raped or attacked (probably by the ex) in the night and that's going to be tragic and horrible, but no, that doesn't happen. Melissa and her boyfriend are now so short for money that are forced to go live with Melissa's mother, who rents a house from the low-life ex, you'd think that would lead to the ex taking advantage of them or throw them out or just harassing them more, but no, that doesn't really happen. So what does happen then, well nothing. This is just a dull, sad portrait of life in rural America which will leave you either utterly bored or utterly depressed.

I suppose you could categorize this as a relationship drama, but really that just makes it sound more interesting than it is.

In short, you probably won't like this.
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1 of the best shows of 2013
6 October 2013
This is without a doubt 1 of the best dramas of 2013. A compelling story spread out over 10 episodes, with complex characters, a solid storyline and a satisfying ending.

What to me stands out the most about this show is the story. This is not some cheesy drama with bits and pieces stitched together or some crap show where they started off with a good story and then scrambled to fill the pages. There is no scene that doesn't really add up, or make sense in the larger story; There is no little annoying episodic arc story that only lasts a few episodes and doesn't fit in to the greater arc of things; there is no moment where you feel that a character has acted out of turn, said or done something you know that they wouldn't. All those things that make you feel like you're watching some hammy, episodic, so- called-drama which has no substance and will probably carry on for years without going anyway. No, this show is not like that, this for a change, is a good show.

To go along with that, the acting and directing is fantastic. Lennie James is brilliant as Joe Getties, 1 of the most interesting characters to come on TV in the past few years.

Sadly I don't think this show will get picked up for another season, as it always is, very few people appreciate a good thing. Honestly though, I don't mind, it's better to go out on top rather than have multiple season of crap. The show doesn't end in a cliffhanger, or have any loose ends, so even if it does get canceled, this season will still be satisfying to watch.

In short, you'll like this if you like good, fast passed, well told, well acted, drama.

(Season 1 review)
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A mood setter.
29 September 2013
Well I expected more from this, but then again I usually expect more from things. This basic story, although somewhat cliché, is still good and might have worked if it had been told better. A lot of what takes place seems just to be a general overview of things lacking complexity and intercity, had there been better character development and an a more detailed plot-line, this would have been a good movie. The acting is standard, the characters are pretty flat and so there really isn't much opportunity to compliment or criticize the acting. The directing however is great, it is perhaps what really saves this movie, the slow placed, silent sequenced, coupled with fantastic shots of the rural Texas countryside add structure and really pull you into the story, something that the script sadly does not. In short, you''ll like this if you like minimalist, mood-setting, romanticized drama.
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5 September 2013
This movie probably lacks everything you want out of a good movie. To begin with there is no proper story, 90% of the movie is just kids playing around with shoes and bags, the characters are never really established or properly evolved, they are just there, doing things. The acting is dull and the dialogs are annoying, I'm not sure if this was intended to portray the bland L.A. wannabe lifestyle or just poor writing and acting, either way, it's boring to watch. You will also most likely want to slap some of these kids for being so vain and stupid. The directing is good, not great, but good, and I like the colour schemes in most of the scenes which gave the sense of the washed-out pictures you find on Tumblr and Pinterest. There isn't much action here either, you'd think in a movie about robbery would have some cool Ocean's 11 type sequences or something but not, none of that, most of the time the scene just cuts to when they are already in the house partying. The court trial at the end is also mashed up into a silly 5 second sequence where the court room door opens and closes. Emma Watson, is isn't the lead, is overly in focus through out the movie in a more than obvious attempt to sell her celebrity, in a movie like this, I just found that ironic. In short watch this if you want to see teenage girls play around with designer shoes and handbags.
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Planes (2013)
Not for adults.
25 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this thinking it was a Pixar production, which it isn't, and with those goes all sense of credibility. The story line is weak, it's your stereotypical average-Joe/ underdog type aspiring to be great and of course succeeding in the end, with some side characters/stooges thrown in. The script could have been much much better, the dialogs were bland at times and the jokes seemed to be out of a 1970s jokebook. This does not even feel like a big budget mainstream movie, this feels more like a Cartoon Network special or a straight to DVD type movie. In short, kids might probably enjoy this but there is nothing here for adults.
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Adoration (2013)
19 August 2013
The movie reads like an erotic romance novel, and really that's pretty much what it is. You know the type, the 1s you find in the Love section of a book store, the 1s that are later tucked away in the back of a middle aged woman's bookshelf. The movie is what you might expect it to be, the story is somewhat silly and the dialogue gets quite cheesy in places, but really that shouldn't be surprising. Much the same can be said about the acting and directing. That of course is not to say that the movie is bad, in fact it's actually quite good, within it's genre. The story is comprehensive, and plays out well, not giving you any of horrible moments confusion or unrealistic stupidity. It also has a lovely beachy, erotic sense to it, and thus provides a good setting/vibe to the storyline. Yes it's predictable and fairly generic, but honestly I'd say it's quite hard to exactly hit generic these days, and this film does it. In short, you'll like it if you like softcore romance novels.
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A bad adaptation
9 August 2013
A shockingly bad adaptation. Given that I haven't read the book, but as is always the case with classics, 1 knows the story fairly well without ever having done that. The fault with the movie is mainly the direction, the book and the story has a certain vibe to it, a vibe that the movie tries to capture, but the tricky thing about vibes is that they are quite hard to create on screen, and even harder to maintain. 1 simply doesn't feel the flow of this movie, it tries, but scenes and the shots and the cutaways just don't line up as they should. Added to which the acting is very bad, yes it's true, despite the all star cast the acting is very bad. Everybody is bland and empty, it's like watching people recite lines, there are a few good scenes but most of it is dull. I'm keen to blame this on the director, clearly there was a sense of miscommunication somewhere. Or perhaps it was the sets that failed to pull them into character, they certainly failed to pull me into the movie.The whole thing looks like it was done in a sound stage with cheap CGI to fill in the cracks. In short, it's a bad adaptation of an interesting novel.
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The Canyons (2013)
5 August 2013
Horrible horrible movie. To start with the story is far from original and the pathetic writing doesn't really add much to it. For the 1st 40 minutes or so you kind of feel like you're watching a bad B-movie, after which it turns into a bad urban suspense thriller, most of which will either make you roll your eyes or just laugh. The acting is pathetic, I'm pretty sure school kids could act better than this, but then again it's not like they had a lot to work with as I've already stated, but I feel distinctly sure that even if they did, they'd still be horrible. The directing is amateurish, trying desperately to make the movie seem "arty" but failing. A lot of the stuff didn't even make scene, like counting the days (Monday-Wednesday), why were we doing that again? How exactly did that fit in with anything else? Well that's about it for my review, just one more thing I'd like to mention is the horrible soundtrack which makes you feel like you're in a sleazy strip club. In short, don't watch this.
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Between Us (2012)
4/10 about covers it.
3 August 2013
The movie is based on a play, that is to say it's basically a lay in film form. Like so many plays, and play based movies, it revolves around couples and relationships and I'm getting somewhat tired of the recurring theme. It seems most of these moves are pretty much the same, sure they have different situations and settings, but the basic dialogs are the same, and that's exactly the case here. The movie/play juxtaposes 2 couples at different time in their life and deals with issues such as the frustration of long term relationships, finance, life choices, urban living vs. the country.....ordinary stuff which you've no doubt come across before and that isn't taken to new heights here. Some of the scenes are laughably over the top and that just really pulls you out of the moment and makes you doubt the credibility of the story and the characters. Apart from that the acting and directing was great, David Harbour was especially good although Melissa George was bland through most of it, bad casting perhaps. In short, watch this if you like quasi intellectual relationship plays.
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World War Z (2013)
Mindless action movie.
3 July 2013
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Mindless action, and I do mean mindless action. The action starts about 3-4 minutes in and lasts until the end, it's not cool, fun action like you might imagine in a big budget's stupid silly action with CGI zombies running around everywhere. Most of the time you don't even see the zombies, they are a blur running this way and that like a school of deranged fish.

The plot line is weak, it mostly just revolves around the fact that a virus has spread and turned people into zombies, that's pretty much about it. You don't get much more than that. I was expecting more, but it didn't come. Despite how bad I found the movie I was still very curious to find out how the virus originated and why, curiosity and all that, but we aren't told that, in fact the movie ends rather un- climatically. The movie basically just ends with him finding a cure, the zombies are not destroyed, we have no idea why all this happened, we don't even know how many "live" people there are left on the Earth. Along with that there are numerous instances which are just so unrealistic that they make you an airliner crashing and breaking into bits yet leaving Brad Pitt and his sidekick alive...stuff like that. As you can imagine there really isn't much in therms of characters here, it's a 1 man movie and that man is Brad Pitt, the rest of the people are just bystanders.

In short, it's a bad movie.
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In Our Nature (2012)
2 June 2013
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Judging by the basic summery of this you might end up thinking that's it's a corny, little family-relationship movie that has probably been done before, it's mostly what I thought as well. In reality however this turns out to be a really good drama/subtle comedy, sure it's not really groundbreaking or anything, but it is still really good. The story, despite being somewhat commonplace, is good and sold, developing slowly through the length of the movie towards an un-climactic it very satisfying end. Honestly it is the fact that is is un-climactic that it really works to be a good story, it would have been incredibly cheesy if they had just wrapped things up in a tiny bow at the end, instead we get what truly feels like an episode of a longer and perhaps more complex relationship/relationships.

The acting is great all around, the small cast almost makes this feel like a play and that all together in't a bad thing. The directing and writing is good, and the location itself is amazing, it's worth watching this movie just to get that feel of being in an beautiful, isolated cabin/house surrounded by trees and woodland. I don't know where this was shot, but from the looks of it I'm guessing it was Canada.

In short, you'll like this if you like small independent dramas.
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25 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting indie film about relationships and mental illness.

It's not a movie that really opens up in the 1st few minutes, or even the 1st hour, you really do have to stick with it to get an idea of what's going on. In the beginning it almost feels like soap story where a evil character comes in starts spreading lies about somebody and ends up having that person ostracized, and as it progress you feel somewhat more confused about what's going on, but the end puts everything into perspective. A lot of what didn't make sense early on, starts to make sense now and you have that moment of connecting the dots and seeing the full picture.

The acting is brilliant, often in movies like this the acting is mediocre or even bad, but everybody here is just great. The writing and directing too is great, all the scenes have a natural feel to them that really pulls you in. It's obvious that this was done on a really low budget and so it's really interesting to see what can be managed with so little.

The mental illness side of this was great and what really interested me in this movie, I hate movies where mental illness are wrongly represented (*cough* Silver Linings Playbook *cough*) and so it's really refreshing to see a proper portrait of personality disorders.

In short, a great indie film, but probably not something mainstream audiences will enjoy.
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Far too childish.
24 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well I suppose the general concept of this was good, although in no way original, but it was just badly carried out on every level.

To begin with the script. Better writing could really have saved this movie, despite all of it's other flaws, but instead we get underdeveloped characters, easy to spot plot-holes and an odd pace of things, that is to say that a lot of the boring introductory stuff is slow paced, which really didn't need to be so, and a lot of the later scenes in Oz, which really could have used the extra time, are rushed and feel almost silly. Added to all of this the dialogs and jokes are just plain bland, I understand that this movie was made for kids but still, you don't have to make it seem like a cartoon. Then we have the ending, which is utterly inconclusive, Oz hasn't killed either of the witches (and on that note it's worthy to mention that nobody actually dies in this movie) but simply forced them to run away, and we are told that they will soon return. Oz neither marries the Queen nor returns to his homeland, it just ends after the final battle leaving us wondering what exactly happened. Characters like Oz always return back to the real world, Alice did it, the Narnia kids did it, Hell even Harry Potter did it, you can't just leave your characters hanging in a fantasy universe. Bad writing.

Now for the CGI, almost 90% of the movie is green screen, and for some reason it's just awful. Pretty much all through out I could tell the differences between the actors and the background, they just didn't naturally blend into the background scene. It really felt like people standing in front of a painted cardboard cutout. A lot of the times the lighting and shadows felt a little off as well, especially in the field of sunflowers where the whole countryside was a bright brilliant yellow and the actors were walking in a much darker shade of light, it made everything feel so disconnected. Then we have the lightening that Rachel Weisz's character shoots out, it looks cheesy and ridiculous, I'm trying to think of something to compare it too but nothing comes to me, so in short, it's just stupid. Everything lacks realism, the castles the walls, the creates, they all look like they are made out of plastic, they just don't have any features to them. Speaking of features, the green evil look that Mila Kunis adopted after her character turned evil looked like a rubber mask, they could have at least done some proper prosthetics.

As far as acting goes, it was bad all around, James Franco seemed completely un-invested in his character and really just smiled and said his lines, quite possibly his worst performance yet. The "witches" were slightly better in that they tried to play out their parts, but still their performances were weak and had that "staged" element to them. My guess is that since all of this was green screen, none of the actors could really get a feel for their characters or the settings. Zach Braff was the only good 1 here, his 5 minutes of screen time in the beginning is sadly the best piece of acting you'll see in this film.

To sum up, the movie is entertaining if you're in the mood for a childish fantasy, but overall I doubt anybody over the age of 8 will actually love this film.
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Rectify (2013–2016)
Best new drama of 2013
7 May 2013
This is un doutably the best new drama of 2013, I know the year isn't even half over as yet, but I really doubt any other show can beat this, in fact I'm not even sure if returning series could compete with this.

In 6 episodes this show manages to take you to a depth which a lot of others fail to achieve in their entire run. The show is just so amazingly well done that 1 is almost tempted to label it as "flawless", although I understand that that might be a bit much.

Right from the 1st episode you realise that each scene, each dialogue and each silence, is pregnant with meaning, a meaning that slowly takes you deeper into this word and these characters. Most of the episodes are written by creator Ray McKinnon and that in itself is win situation in my book, whenever you have a show runner that's also handling the writing/directing then chances are that the show is going to be more focused and rounded, going on a single trajectory rather than having people just throw random ideas around.

The characters are all complex in their own way, although that might not be obvious at 1st, and as the show unfolds you start to see different sides of them which slowly emerge out adding shape to their personalities. Daniel, of course is the most interesting character of all, and after the 6 episode season you perhaps know him no more than you did when you started.

The show also presents a wonderful portrait of small town, rural American life. Not just in the settings and locations but also in the social environments, the beliefs and prejudices of the people who live there.

To sum up, this is an absolutely brilliant new show, and if you like through provoking, philosophical, intense dramas, then this is the show for you.
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6 May 2013
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I thought this might be edgy and new, a sort of non-commercial indie masterpiece, but instead it's just a stupid frat movie. It plays up on every cliché you could think of. The plot is basically this, loser guy gets dumped by his horrible, mean girlfriend and then desperately tries to get back with her, during the course of which he meets somebody else and ends up realizing that he's in the love with her.

Apart from the horrible plot this also has a terrible script, the jokes are what you might expect to find in 90s joke books and the emotion aspect of it is so bland that you end up rolling your eyes through the "serious" bits. The characters are empty, and don't really evolve much from that.

In short, it's stupid, you might enjoy it if you like such movies (American Pie, Van Wilder type) but if not, I'd recommend you avoid it.
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The Following (2013–2015)
30 April 2013
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When I 1st heard of this show, I was quite excited, I thought FOX might come up with a new, innovated crime drama that pushes the edges of what we have seen so far. Suffice to say this was far far far from that.

Right from the 1st episode you know this show is stupid. This situations presented are so far fetched that they at times just make you laugh rather than anything else. A serial killer who manages to charm 100+ followers into organising themselves and carrying out coordinated attacks......all while being locked up in jail. If that's hard to swallow the police response to this will leave you gagging.

You would think that a nation wide band of crazy serial killers would warrant some sort of elite task force or something of that sort, but instead we have a small group of barely 5 people who seem to be managing everything.....badly. They are assisted by Kevin Bacon's character, your standard bad-ass do-gooder who is the center of attention and has a bunch of 1-liners. Together they manage to accomplish next to nothing.

As the story progresses the plot gets sketcher and sketcher, characters start dying like flies. You would think that would add a sense of realism to the show, but honestly it is just annoying. You find that a character you liked and who's story you wanted to keep watching just ends up getting murdered rather casually. By the end of the show most of the characters are dead and you feel like you've just seen a crappy slasher flick.

All that being said, the show is still entertaining, in the absolute basic sense of that word, like how watching watching clowns shoot plastic arrows at each other is entertaining.

To sum up, don't expect much from this show, however if you want to kill some time, it'll do that for you.

(Season 1 review)
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Starlet (I) (2012)
27 April 2013
A good movie about a young, energetic, friendly woman who, as a result of various circumstances, befriends a lovely, somewhat grumpy old lady. Not very original, as you've probably already surmised, there have been tons of movies, and TV shows covering the same relationship dynamic, and quite possibly the same basic outline. Some of those good, others bad, still others horribly bad and cliché, this however is 1 of the good 1s. The acting, directing and story-line were all good, resulting in a mellow, slow paced film with tiny peeks of highs and lows.

It's shot in suburban L.A. and has a distinct L.A. feel to it, at least it did to me, in the neighborhoods, the mountainous backdrops and perhaps too in the characters. I suppose that might not be really important, but I like to get engrossed in he cities and countries I see in movies.

The 1 bad thing I'd have to say about this movie though would be the ending, it seemed really abrupt, I assume the director/writer wanted us to mull over the last scene as we finished he movie but really it just left you wanting to see that scene/conversation played out and wanting the words that were implied to actually be spoken.

Overall a good movie, not great but good.
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Ripper Street (2012–2016)
23 April 2013
A good show with interesting plot lines that keep you engaged and entertained. Though it's called Ripper Street we don't actually see Jack The Ripper but instead live in the overarching shadow of him, which quite frankly was a much better story line that simply having him run amuck, not only has that been done before but we all now how it ends.

The series instead, depicts life in 19th Century Whitechapple, and does it very well, through the 8 episode season we are shown the hopes, fears, troubles, growths and grim realities of the time; everything from the development of science (and opposition against it by some) to the pestilence of Cholera. I'm not an expert of the age so I can't really say how accurate these depictions actually were but from my estimation they were quite true to the point.

So now we have an interesting show during an interesting period, what we need now s interesting characters. Sadly we don't get them. The characters here are as stereotypical as they can come, and so are their personal story lines, which we see bits and pieces of throughout the season. Had the creates taken some more time and come up with complex, un-predictable characters he show might have evolved into a higher dimension, but non-the-less the characters we have are good enough for entertainment and makes the show fun to watch.

(Season 1 review)
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