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ChatGPT scenario
24 February 2024
I honestly think that this scenario is not written by person, it feels, sounds and plays like AI ChatGPT written story.

Guy couple, check Interracial Friends plus Guy Interracial couple , check Cliche after cliche , check I don't want to mention that whole story is absolutely unrealistic and unbelievable from the first to the last scene I mean it doesn't have to be realistic but it has to feel like it, take Notting Hill for instance, Biggest movie star falling for ordinary clumsy book owner guy, unrealistic yes but Julia Robert's and Hugh Grant through their acting skills and Richard Curtis with his story make everything believable .

This on the other hand is as believable as CNN news:)
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Black Fury (1935)
Good potential ruined by Muni Performance
3 March 2023
I never thought I will resent movie because of the performance of the main actor but Paul Muni certainly made sure I do .

Overacting , Terrible accent , body language of Frankenstein and as much subtlety as elephant in the glass showroom that is Paul Muni in short for you .

Imagine Peter Lorre in this role and you would get movie with 9 score .

I am surprised Muni get to act in another movie after this fiasco .

Funny thing is that everyone around Muni plays their part perfectly . Union insider, his girlfriend, his best friend even Police officer.

To think that Michel Curtiz directed this makes me question if he was sober most of the time shooting it.
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It's the worst Terminator movie and that is not small achievement
14 January 2021
After first two Terminators we got number of sequels that failed to live up to incredible high standards set up by James Cameron. Considering that we didn't really have strong entry in the series since Terminator 2, making worst Terminator movie in such a strong competition is not small achievement at all.

Biggest problem with this movie is really bad casting. Main female character looks like front runner of one of Disney TV shows and making us believe that she is leader of future resistance is harder then believing that Klaus Kinski is kind and god fearing man. Other female Cyborg character is another poor casting decision and any chemistry and attachment to these two characters from the viewer is non existent. Third bad casting decision is bad Terminator, just compare the menace of Arnie in T1 and evil persistence of bad Terminator in T2 and you will see that this one is just bland baddie wannabe .

So 3 bad casting decisions leaves you only with Arnie and Linda to root for and there is not much to it, to be honest. All in all this is the end off the series for sure. Who ever did the casting should be fired for sure.
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10/10 Drama Of Epic proportions
17 December 2020
One of the finest moments of British Television and any other television for that matter. Three decades in the lives of 4 friends covering their youth, their dreams, defeats, disappointments and tragedies while at the same time showing us all the changes happening in the English society from 1960's-1990's. First class acting, wonderful use of music to depict the time period and marvelous production values make this one of the viewing events that will stay forever in your memory since after watching this it will be hard to find anything better.

Masterpiece if there was one
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Granddaddy of all Spy Movies
3 December 2020
Bleak cold atmospheric spy movie that could not have been made today. Viewers today want flashy, eye candy movies in either James Bond or Jason Bourne style but what we have here is more like Dostoevsky of the genre. There is no morality whatsoever and human lives are just shortchange to be dispensed at will. This movie draws you in and it doesn't let you go until the very end and then with closing caption you realize that you just watched something that you will Never watch again. Perfect spy movie, part drama, part thriller, part morality play with the message that everything goes and there is no right or wrong as long it serves its purpose. This is the movie that predicted what world we will be living in and it's cold chilling one with no rainbow waiting around the next corner .
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Altered Carbon: Nightmare Alley (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
Bad casting
29 February 2020
Mackie as Kovac is one of the worst casting decisions ever made.From melancholy and restrained nature of the Kovac in the first season we got all 80's bad ass antihero Kovac interpretation by Mackie. On the top of that Netflix made sure to throw in some same sex scenes to make sure to appeal to niche audience as well and what you get is season 2 that is bad in every way. First season was solid 8 and had so much potential to build on it unfortunately that didn't happen instead we got sf flick with retro 80's character (think jean Claude Van Dammed, Chuck Norris and Dolph Lundregen). Another funny thing is that in the future they don't have any cameras at all. Killings are happening in night clubs and millioner houses and although they can extract DNA in the split of the second, camera system is beyond the reach of their technological level. How to explain that nobody has footage of anything happening in the public places and nobody ask for camera footage to be reviewed. Bad beyond comprehension
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2 most annoying kid actors ever
30 November 2019
I love the book and overall theme of the movie but Tom Cruise acting is annoying which is probably because he had to work with 2 most annoying kid actors ever seen on the film. I mean almost every scene is ruined by hysterical yelling of the 3 main characters. Little girl is the worst but Tom and his movie son are not far behind.

I mean it's watchable but by the middle of the movie I was hoping aliens will take them down so we don't have to suffer this atrocity of acting
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Mindhunter (2017–2019)
First Season good, Second is awful
26 August 2019
First season of the show was interesting . It gave new perspective to serial killer shows. Insight in the minds of Kemper and couple of others was great and there was a great focus in what is important and what is this show all about, building methodology of future serial killer profiling.

Unfortunately second season falls of the cliff. Interviews with serial killers are far and between and they are pretty shallow (excluding Kemper) and then Netflix inserts decent amount of political correctness that doesn't add anything to the story and it feels just like a filler to the show. Gay relationship between Psychiatrists and bartender is boring and too long and pointless it doesn't add anything to the story and it's there because it is politically correct to have it in the show these days and it fills around 10% of the show time Another story line that is too long is Problem that Bill has with his adopted son. It seems that 25% of every episode is his wife crying or asking him 20th time to take vacation so they can help the kid. I am urging screenwriters to send this guy on vacation so I don't have to watch it again.

Then we have Atlanta child murders that deals more with racial tensions and politics and less with murders itself. Add another 25% of time on that because that is what is popular now, racial tensions with whole lot political correctness.

At the end you have around 40% of showtimes that deals with murders and around half is decent.

I would skip 2nd season completely because it's barely passable. First season I would rate 8, Second 5 and both season generously 7.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
From Era defining show to good show in the span of few episodes.
15 May 2019
Bad writing dominates most of the season 8. Up to the last season Game of Thrones had characters who developed and progressed through different challenges That shaped who they are and how they acted. This last season threw everything through the window. Characters behave as one dimensional paper dolls. Their decisions are shocking with no gradual development that makes us believe in them.

Take for instance Walter White transformation from high school professor to drug kingpin. Every step of the way Walter stayed true to himself and he developed little by little so at the end you don't feel shocked by his actions and decisions. Take Tony Soprano or Al Swerengen and it's the same. Sadly eight 8 turned GoT in just a good show from the one that was defining era until season 8 kicked in
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Only Fools and Horses (1981–2003)
It can't get better than this
3 December 2016
Simply the best sitcom ever.

I am naturalized American who grow up in Europe (Yugoslavia) in 80's and 90's. Watching OFAH was one of the things that marked our youth. Delboy, Trigger, Rodney, Grandad, Albert and Boycee are part of our folklore as much as they are in England.

I cant think of better show when it comes to comedy than this one, I like Fawlthy towers , Couples and Peep Show but OFAH are something that happens every 100 years

Together with Sherlock Homes with Jeremy Brett and Inspector Morse with John Thaw these are the staples of British and European TV and as such they should be regarded as one of the greatest achievements of TV in modern history.
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This movie started all
18 November 2004
This is probably first romantic comedy and this movie create basis for similar movies that will follow.It is really amazing that after 70 years this is movie is still fresh and more interesting then the most new romantic comedies. This only prove that Frank Capra was one great director with great sense for heartwarming stories and that quality is hard to find in any of the newer directors. And in the end I can say that i really enjoy Capra's movies and for me he is the greatest director of old school. Beside this movie my recommendations for any viewer of this comment are this Capra movies: It's wonderful life, Mr. Deeds Goes to town, Mr.Smith goes to Washington
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Breathless (1960)
one of the best movies
9 November 2004
Message for all people that don't like this movie. You should better stay away from great European movies like this and watch your garbage Hollywood movies where only thing that is really important is how much money it's gonna earn. USA is probably only country where they show movies before distribution in cinema to some test groups of people, so if they don't like something (like unhappy ending) they could change it in order to earn more money. Forget art money is what is important. Somebody in the post called this movie French Garbage, no this is not garbage, on the other side man who could tell this is man without taste and he should avoid real movies like this and watch good American movies like independence day day and similar other similar trash.
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Far Away The Best Movie Ever
9 November 2004
This is one true masterpiece, I can't remember any other movie (and I have seen a lot of movies) that is so powerful like this one. This movie has everything great ambient, scenes larger then life, hypnotic Morricone music and what is most important great acting. In this move Sergio Leone proved that he is one of the most unique directors in movie history. If you saw this movie you know that almost every scene is great piece of art in almost every scene you are amazed by visual style of Leone. In all other great movies (like: Godfather, Casablanca, Citizen Cane, Notorious,Big Sleep, The Third Man, etc.), you won't find these many great scenes like in this one. This is an ultimate Western and i want to say: Thank you Sergio Leone for your great vision and this masterpiece, after this one there is no need for any other western, in compare to this one John Fords westerns are movies for kids and women.
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