
4 Reviews
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Whale Wars (2008– )
Best comedy I've seen in years!
4 May 2012
Thank God this show is back on...I haven't laughed this hard in years. The most hilarious part is that they don't think they're out of line with their tactics. To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if the ratings for this show would tank if they were actually competent enough to accomplish anything without endangering themselves. It's like they went to the Wilee E. Coyote handbook to get their ideas. I have to agree with some of the previous posters; I'm generally opposed to whaling but these morons make it hard to support their efforts. And being led by a guy that Greenpeace kicked out because he was too much of a nut bag doesn't help. The only thing I can think of that would make this show funnier is one of their boats ran over a whale and ground one up with their prop.
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The Happening (2008)
Who keeps giving this guy money to make movies?
18 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILER ALERT** It sucked. Plain and simple. I can't tell if this is a practical joke on moviegoers or if he's developed a love affair with a huka pipe. I mean, come on; the plants are mad at us and make us commit suicide. It isn't possible to make a watchable movie using that premise. And for those of you who are delusional enough to justify my wasting ten bucks on this thing by calling it "art": I have a used dog chew toy that i taped a dead flower to and glued onto an empty spaghettios can. It can be yours for the low, low price of only five thousand dollars. You can hang it on your wall and spend hours with like-minded people debating how it represents the emotional turmoil of the dying rainforests.
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High Tension (2003)
2 hours of my life I'll never get back...
13 June 2005
Proir to seeing this, I was warned that I'd have nightmares for a week. The only sleep I lost was over the fact that I actually paid money to watch this tripe. Ranks right up there with "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes", which I was forced to watch after losing a bet. Seriously, I can't think of a single reason to recommend this film. The acting is sub par, the script is a hybrid of any number of b-grade slasher films from the 80's, and the dubbing was horrendous. As a first-year student film, it would have been okay, but to market this as a quality studio horror flick justifies criminal charges to be filed somewhere. If this is something you simply HAVE to see, at least wait for it to show up in a 99-cent second run theater, but even then you may be getting ripped off. An Ishtar/Gigli marathon may be in order just to wash this thing out of my memory.
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Pushing Tin (1999)
More real than you may think...
19 November 2004
Okay, several parts of this movie were a bit far-fetched; (the wake turbulence from a heavy jet being one of them)but from a technical standpoint I can say that the phraseology, hazing, harassment, and ego trips are very accurate. Why? In a word, pride. Perhaps false pride at times, but pride nonetheless. The U.S. air traffic control system handles more traffic in a single day than any other country does in a week. Check the numbers, kids. It's true. The training is rigorous and relentless, and, at the risk of sounding like a commercial for the Marines, if you happen to be the one out of about a thousand who makes it through training to become a full performance level controller, it becomes a badge of honor. Very few people can do it. It is a close-knit family, which was also displayed in the film. If you'll notice the scene where a particular departure didn't "tag up" and one controller didn't notice it, several others jumped in to help out, and all joking and hazing stopped. Forgive my preaching, but this is the first movie that actually gave a somewhat accurate view of my profession, so hopefully I can be forgiven for being protective. (By the way, if I was married to someone who looked like Angelina Jolie, I'd keep her in the woods away from the slugs I work with, too.)
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