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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Horrible version of Star Trek
17 March 2022
Like a lot of other viewers I've been a lifelong fan of the Star Trek franchise... And I've religiously watched every movie and series... Even the ones that weren't that good. Unfortunately, Discovery is a horribly written series and, in my opinion, the worst one produced yet.

First the good... The actors do a good job portraying the characters as they were written. The special effects are top notch and it's visually stunning. I love seeing the new species included in the Star Trek universe, and as a general rule of thumb, I enjoy how they're portrayed. Unfortunately, this is about the only good thing I can say about the show.

Now the bad... My biggest complaint with the show is it's not about the ship and the crew. As it's been on every other version of Star Trek. This show is quite literally about the character Michael Burnham and how everyone in it revolves around her. Now to be clear, my objection to this character has nothing to do with Sonequa Martin-Green. She's a fine dramatic actresses and I enjoyed her character on The Walking Dead. She's simply playing the part as it's written.

It's simply EVERY crisis on the show has Michael Burnham at the center of it, in one way or another. The writers seemed have made a conscious decision to make her the single most important character in the Star Trek universe. The fate of the entire universe has hung by a thread because of her. She'll regularly unilaterally deciding the direction and actions of the ship, and usurping the Captain's authority. There will be a crisis, and she'll simply get some intuitive feeling about it, and suddenly the Discovery is off following what she's said. Which is wrong enough times, someone should tell her to shut up when she starts talking.

And of course, there's the countless times she's used some moral superiority to decide she had the authority to break the chain of command, or go on an unauthorized mission only she knows about. Her character is about as self indigent as they come, and seems to lack any situational awareness. The character Michael Burnham regularly comes up with some emotional rational (Really weird for someone that grew up on Vulcan being trained in logic) to justify going rogue. Next thing you now, she's off creating a crisis the crew of Discovery must save her for. As someone the claims to value the institution of Star Fleet, her self obsession with her own idea of right and wrong is baffling. Even Spock called her "self important" once. Which fits to a T.

Next the Michael Burnham character has some weird balance of absolute certainty and insecurity at the same time. To be honest, it's annoying. Pretty much every crisis has the same formula. At the start of a crisis, she's dictating what the entire crew of Discovery should be doing. Next she's question what the crew is doing and why. And once the crisis has been resolved she gives some long winded speech.

Which brings me to something else that annoys me. The character Michael Burnham is CONSTANTLY giving these weird motivational speeches. For some reason, when she starts talking, everyone shuts up and listens to her. Including the Captain. A large group of the crew will be together in some situation, and she'll be the only one giving some long winded speech. Michael Burnham is always talking, and talking, and talking and giving speech after speech to everyone else.

This brings me to my next complaint. Pretty much every character is good for emotionally puking at least once per episode. Literally, every episode contains a speech from some character (Usually Michael Burnham) about "family", love, loss, acceptance, respect, cooperation, etc. They do this at the weirdest moments in the show too. On more than one occasion, the crew have been furiously working to resolve some life threatening crisis to the ship, and suddenly every character will stop doing what they were doing, to validate their or someone else's feelings. It's so predictable I can tell when someone's going to launch into a uselessly emotionally draining speech. Between the speeches and emotional puking... That's roughly 1/3 of every episode.

I could go on, but my last complaint is about the absolute lack of humor or jocularity. In pretty much every other version of Star Trek to be produced, the writers would find a way to work a little humor into their shows. Which always made past Star Trek shows fun. I understand there's a time & place for humor in a show, but Discovery is almost completely devoid of humor. This version of Star Trek is flat out depressing with how serious all the character's are.

Now how this show has a 7.1 IMDB rating is beyond me... It's horribly written. Other than the occasional mention of the Federation, I can't image any Star Trek fan recognizing Discovery as one that belongs in the Star Trek universe.
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Kimi (2022)
21st century Hitchcock-esque version of Rear Window
11 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Simply another remake of a Hitchcock movie... This time its Rear Window... It's given a 21st century spin with a female.protagonist.... Instead of a broken leg she has anxiety... Instead of a neighbor it's a wealthy CEO of the evil corporation she works for

So Zoë Kravitz character (Who has no name) works for a company with a Siri like device... And her job is to help correct communications errors and misinterpretations the device has with people... Which she does by listening to recorded streams... While listening to a particular stream she identifies what she thinks is a crime... And becomes obsessed with it and attempts to solve it

It's not a great movie... but it's not a horrible movie either... it's just a predictable move... Especially for anyone that's seen the Rear Window... The pace has that old Hitchcock feel... And overall the acting is so so... Although Zoë Kravitz does give a solid performance

Unfortunately, it comes off like they wanted to remake Rear Window so badly... They never put much thought into the major plot point flaw... Which is how coincidental it would be that the main character (Zoe) could work for a company with potentially millions of customers... And identifies the CEO of her own company as the person that committed the crime... The general plot comes off as very lazy, lacking in creativity, or originality because of this

I'm only giving this 5 stars... And while I'm sure anyone under the age of 30 would probably think this was a great movie... it irritates me Hollywood would remake a masterpiece like Rear Window and not at least come up with a plausible plot.
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End of the Star Wars franchise...? Or is it!
2 January 2020
So they say this is the end of the franchise... But I suspect that like Palpatine... It will be mysterious resurrected with little explanation and making as little sense as Palpatine's appearance somewhere down the road
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Margin Call (2011)
Missed the mark on the level of intensity
26 September 2018
I've worked for several large financial firms and feel I have an insight to how executives at financial firms behave.... And because of that, I felt the movie didn't do the best job accurately portray this class of people during the financial crisis.

While the movie got it in the ball park with an amoral tone that comes from individuals that work in investment banks... It completely missed the mark on how intensely cautious individuals can be in them. Most people employed at investment banks border on being paranoid when it comes to losing money. and don't even like discussing the possibility. It's well documented that people were fired in this time period for simply making presentations outlining the dangers of Mortgage Backed Securities.

Decisions that were made in the course of a couple hours would have been drug out for weeks. I found the fact the events of the movie portrayed were presented over the course of a single evening to be laughable. Something like this would have been kicked around in meetings for weeks, out of paranoia someone was going to make a mistake, and to verify it's veracity before kicking it to the next level of executives.

I just kind of assumed this unnamed investment bank represented Lehman Brothers. Because of the timing of events and the fact Jeremy Irons character (John Tuld) seemed like a serious nod to it's CEO Dick Fuld. If that's the case they really missed the mark with Jeremy Irons character's calm demeanor. Fuld was known for many things, but his zen like acceptance at the thought of losing hundreds of millions of dollars was not one of them. Fuld was well known for his ruthless competitiveness and was even nicknamed the "gorilla or Wall Street".

Something else about the movie that irritated me was the fact that everyone looked as good at the end of the movie as the beginning. These people literally hadn't slept and spent the whole night debating their actions of kicking off a financial crisis. Yet, every tie was pulled up tight... Everyone was wearing the suit coats... Every suit looked fresh... every hair was in place... and about the only person that looked- remotely haggard was Demi Moore. I don't know about anyone else... But I have worked through the night in a suit and by the next day you're a mess.

I found it very puzzling that people were potentially losing millions of dollars in annual income, and seemed to understand they were going to start a financial meltdown.... and not one person lost their cool or raised their voice.

Overall I thought the actors did a good job... But I just found the lack of emphasis on how much stress was going on at investment banks to be unrealistic. It came off like the director didn't think viewers would believe a bunch of investment banks would have completely lost it.
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The Gong Show (2017–2018)
Lightning doesn't strike twice
15 September 2018
Like most other re-boots or re-makes... This misses the mark as a continuation of the original Gong Show. What viewers of the modern Gong Show probably don't get is the original was made by stoners for stoners... But was silly enough it slipped passed most straight people of the 70's.

The Gong Show was great simply for being at the right place at the right time and was a chaotic mess based on mindless entertainment. It was made during a time when rules and regulations weren't as controlled, and fact this show was fueled by weed and cocaine was an open secret.

More acts than not, they were just goofy and silly acts that made absolutely no sense and were done by oddballs that just wanted to be on TV. Look up acts like Gene Gene the Dancing Machine, the Unknown Comic, the "Popsicle twins", or the time one of the shows judges, Jaye P. Morgan, flashed her tits... And try to tell me that show is reproducible. That kind of genuine spontaneity can't be reproduced.

This version of the Gong Show comes off more as some kind of cheap knock off of America's Got Talent with mildly funny actors.... than a show worthy of the namesake the Gong Show. As far as I'm concerned it's something that was thrown together by some people trying to use the name familiarity of the Gong show to pick up nickels and dimes off the street using the. I also personally suspect Michael Myers, who's in some weird make up and doing an oddball accent, is more embarrassed by this show than anything else and is doing his best not to be recognized.
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I'm Dying Up Here (2017–2018)
Not the worst... But has a lot of room for improvement
27 June 2018
I get that this is suppose to be a drama about a bunch of struggling comics in the 70's... But it would be nice if the comics on this show could tell a funny joke once in a while... The main problem that I can tell is it's a drama set in the 70's but written with 21st century political correctness... I lived thru the 70's and it's obvious whoever is writing this show didn't.... It's missing the some of things that were essentially the 70's.... sex, drugs, and rock & roll!!! I mean it was the 70's and the height of the sexual revolution! Random hook ups happened all the time.... but the sex in the show revolves around depressing relationships where the characters just want to be understood and accepted for who they really are.... And who thinks a bunch of comics living in LA in the 70's weren't coke'ed out or high all the time? I mean cocaine & weed were huge in LA in the late 70's but all this show delves into it is the occasional joint... And the best anyone can expect in the way of music is the 5 seconds of some little known song from the time period... For the most part the entire show can be described as the same 8-9 sad people bitching about who's act sucks worst and getting mad because they don't like the time slot they got.... it's nothing but a slow depressing failure
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Jug Face (2013)
Suprisingly entertaining
24 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Was bored and looking to kill a little time... Can't tell you why I stopped on Jug Face other than the title seemed surprisingly stupid... and I planned on snickering at what I thought was going to be a dumb plot description. What caused me to watch it was it has Sean Young in it... She had some minor fame in the 80's & 90's and I figured what the heck.

It's about a backwards hillbilly religious sect that worships a malevolent pit. When one member of the sect is possessed he makes a clay jug with the face of a person that needs to be sacrificed to it. The girl that is next to be sacrificed discovers she's the jug... She hides it to avoid being killed.... which brings the wrath of the pit on the group. I think the movie missed the opportunity to go to the next level of creepy by not exploring an incestuous relationship that exists between the girl and her brother... And there were some plot development that should have been explained better.

Overall though I thought it was well done for a low budget movie... I certainly thought it was better than a lot of the horror movies Hollywood pumps out
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The Comedian (III) (2016)
DeNiro's requiem mass
25 November 2017
Over the last 20 years De Niro has taken a lot of crap for putting out a lot of crap movies.... And justifiably so in my opinion... He went from being one of the greatest living actors to being a parody of himself. It seemed like this movie was his attempt to redeem himself by attempting to really act again. Sadly, he feel short. This movie was evidence he's totally lost "it" and he's never getting it back.
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Clerks. (1995 TV Movie)
Didn't even try
21 October 2017
Just saw this on youtube...not sure why anyone would confuse this with the movie Clerks... There's no Jay or Silent Bob.... They seem to replace those two with some some random ice cream store employee... Dante's obsessions are gone... I guess the original Dante & Randal auditioned for the show but didn't get the parts (How that happens is beyond me)... The humor is lame and that 90's G rated type humor that came with a laugh track at the most un-funny moments.... It came off more like an episode of Save By The Bell set in a strip mall... It even had the same sort of oddball half ass moral message at the end of the show like an episode of Save By The Bell ... The only thing that remotely reminded me of the original Clerks was they had "Can't Even Tell" by Soul Asylum at the end
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The Machine (I) (2013)
A prequel-ish movie to Blade Runner
13 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie on Netflix without knowing anything about it.

It's a dystopian future where Artificial Intelligence is finally created in a female robot. I really got the sense from the dark tone of this movie that Blade Runner, with it's moral questions about equality and what it means to be human, was a strong influence.

There are some issues with the movie and plot holes I didn't understand. Like why were mute cyborg's permitted to roam around freely, and apparently given access to top level meetings with no obvious purpose. This was obviously a movie on a shoe string budget. The special effects were minimal in my opinion, and the production value of the set's could have been better.

I feel if a viewer can connect with the plot though, these things could be overlooked and I felt it managed to deliver an entertaining movie and managed to hold my interest through out the movie.

I felt the female actress portraying the lead role of the robot managed to bring a believable performance as a robot being manipulated by darker forces. She brought an innocent/child-like characteristic I think an AI life form, similar to HAL-9000 in 2001 would have. I did notice a nod to HAL-9000 when her consciousness was being removed and she mentioned something about being afraid while her mind being torn apart. By the end of the movie I cared about the robot and its destiny.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie a lot. As a HUGE fan of Blade Runner, I felt this would have made a great prequel to it, if it had the budget and the plot had the rough edges removed.
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Oldboy (2013)
not a horrible remake but not great either
15 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Since it's next to impossible to not compare a remake to the original, Spike Lee took on an ambitious project with the remake of oldboy. I remember watching the original at the suggestion of a friend and remember being wow'ed by the movie from the start (And I HATE foreign subtitled movies).

The original has a dark twisted intensity that one doesn't come across very often, and it's one of the movies that's always been stuck in the back of my mind when I think of twisted dark plots. When I first heard they were doing an American-ized version, my mind immediately jumped to the conclusion that it would suck. While I'll concede this remake doesn't suck... it doesn't add anything to the original that makes it stand out from the original and is slightly above mediocre in my opinion.

The general theme of the plot stayed close to the original, but of course there were plot changes that I mostly disliked. With the exception of the ending... I did find the alternative ending to be original, and a nice alteration from the 1st movie.

While there was a nod to the octopus from the original movie, it was the octopus scene in the original that sent shivers down my spine and made me grimace. So I was rather disappointed there wasn't an equally shocking scene in this version.

I was also greatly disappointed with the hammer fight. The original in the tunnel has gone down in my mind as one of the all time great movie fight scenes. While this one became larger & more epic, it left me wanting more and just not excited.

The movie also didn't delve into the emotional aspect like the original did, which made this movie less shocking and had me caring less for the characters like I did in the original. The love affair between Joe & Marie was dismissed rather quickly,and I generally disliked the new plot twist about why he was imprisoned for so long. Especially since this movie breezed over it so quickly.

Josh Brolin didn't have the intensity as the original actor. I don't know if that's because of his acting ability or was because of the direction he was given, but the final showdown between Joe & Adrian came no where near as intense as Dae-su Oh & Woo-jin Lee of the original.

While I think it lacked the level of darkness the original did, overall it was a watchable movie. I think many people who haven't seen the original will like it, but for those that have seen the original, I suspect they will be disappointed like I was.
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Riddick (2013)
This should have been the 1st sequel
19 January 2014
"Riddick" gets back to the roots of the original Riddick character in the movie Pitch Black. Which I was glad to see them do. I LOVED the movie Pitch Black and the original Riddick character is one of my favorite tortured bad a$$'es with a heart anti hero's of all time.

When they evolved the character to be some superhuman battling metaphysical forces in "The Chronicles of Riddick", it really irritated me. I loved the simple bad a$$ role and I just didn't get off on the over the top comic book approach.

The movie does get back to the Pitch Black roots a bit to much and the plot is surprisingly similar to Pitch Black. Enough so it had me going "wtf?" towards the end... I mean if you're going to spend $20-$30M to make a movie, at least take the time to come up with an original plot.

With that aside, the drama was sort of tired and recycled. While I love the Riddick character, I didn't find myself caring to much for any of the other characters like I did in Pitch Black. There was also a slight subtle humor in Pitch Black, and the original Riddick character had a really dry sense of humor that I thought was great. Unfortunately it was utterly lacking in this.

There was a lot of action in this, which I would expect in a Riddick movie. Some of it was a little over the top with a certain degree of comic book silliness in my opinion, but I'm sure it would satisfy most fans of the character. The effects were pretty good, with one that was graphic enough to surprise and excited this cynic.

Overall I liked it... And I think this should have been the sequel to Pitch Black in my opinion. My expectations might have been a bit high and I was a little disappointed, but it was much better than the 2nd Riddick movie in my opinion and leaves me with faith in the Riddick character.
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A good Quentin Tarentino knock off
1 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
15 minutes into this movie it really came off like a Quentin Tarentino movie. It has many plot elements that Tarentino uses, anti-social psychotic anti-hero's, violent groups of women, cheesy over the top violence, revenge and vengeance, an interesting plot twist, politically incorrect language.... Even some of the camera angles and camera shots reassembled Tarentino movies.

This isn't a thinking man's movie... There's no moral or message to be gotten out of it that you can't see in any number of movies. It did hit the spot though as far as entertainment goes... While there isn't much of a plot to speak of, there was no shortage of action. That action was mixed and varied enough to keep my attention. Over all it came off like "Kill Bill" meets "The Devils Rejects" (With even a nod to the Devils Rejects with the use of Lynyrd Skynyrd's Freebird which I caught and thoroughly enjoyed)

I'm not much of Billy Bob Thorton fan, with very few exceptions he's always come off as stiff and awkward. I felt the same about his performance in this and it seemed like he just phoned in his performance to me. I'm sure if your a fan of his, you might enjoy him in it though. I felt Eva Longoria's performance wasn't much better. Fortunately their screen time was limited and the actors that played the 3 brothers were the stars, and the action of the movie carried it.

In spite of my criticism, I'd definitely give the movie a thumbs up and recommend it.
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Eden (I) (2012)
a "true story"? really???
27 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have a tendency to read up on the facts behind a movie as I watch it... Especially movies based on "true stories". More times than not movies based on true stories tend to be two disjointed details a writer has connected through some fictional thread.

I've learned from my research that many times a writer will take some minor event and write an over the top story about it to make it entertaining and interesting. Usually these movies go way over the top and when I read up on it, I find myself disappointed by what the reality of the fact are.

This apparently was not the case with the movie Eden. As I researched the movie, I kept reading more and more horrific events about the life of Chong Kim. He "true" story had her sexually abused by baby sitters, her fathers friends, teachers and principles... and then physically abused by her mother.

According to what I read about her on the internet, she was a Criminology major when she was kidnapped by a "boyfriend", and sold into sexual slavery. As her story unraveled she thought she was subjected of domestic abuse and not sexually exploited by pimps as she was sexually abused in warehouses with 40 other women.

Her story also involved her NOT calling 911 during an escape attempt, and instead wasn't able to find any help because she didn't have any identification, before her pimps/kidnappers found her. In another escape attempt she was shunned by a mall full of parents as she screamed and yelled for help. Apparently, her final escape involved her crawling through an air duct in a Vegas hotel, knocked a man unconscious with her shoe heel and made her escape by stealing his car.

As I read through her story as I watched the movie, I realized they had to scale back on these "details" about her life to make a believable movie. Which unfortunately puts this woman's story in a dubious position with me. I put in several hours of effort to find any evidence that her story was true.

All I could find were interviews with her.... No news stories, no connections to arrests, nothing. I would think in an attempt to identify how warehouses filled with women could occur in America she would at least testify in front of a congressional subcommittee. Unfortunately I never found any vett'ing by any news agency to back up her story.

While I feel the subject of sexually trafficking to be an extremely important one.... The more I learned about this women the more I find it difficult to take this movie seriously.

As far as the movie itself went... I found it to have value in the sense it has people talking about the subject. I felt the acting was well done and you could feel the fear of Jamie Chung character Eden. I also found the twisted, and emotionally crippled character of Vaughan to be interesting as he goes from looking at Eden as a piece of meat to thinking they were in a pseudo relationship.

There were the typical plot holes that one has to look the other way for like the mystery spray that instantaneously kills Vaughn, the existence of underground hospitals that imprison pregnant women for months at a time, the corrupt US Marshal that runs the day to day operations. Then the story tip toed around the underlying story of the movie... for a sex slave operation there was a noticeable lack of sex or violence. Which sort of left me scratching my head a bit.

My gut instinct tells me there is some seriously shady holes in this woman's "true story"... I just felt they should have scaled it back a bit more and made it grittier to really highlight the plight of the women in the sex trade industry. The way this movie is right now, I'm expecting to have to debating the truthfulness of Chong Kim's life rather than the topic of sexual trafficking.
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Kick-Ass 2 (2013)
It wasn't the first but it was still OK
5 December 2013
I loved the first one and have been waiting for this with great anticipation! When I saw it on Comcast On-Demand I immediately rented it. Like most sequels, this wasn't as good as the first and it's hard not to make comparisons to the first movie.

The first thing I noticed was the lack of a good soundtrack that went with the first movie. Scenes like Hit-Girl whooping ass to Joan Jett's "Bad Reputation", or the old Banana Splits song "Tra La La" Song totally made the first one awesome for me. The soundtrack was as important as the characters.

As the movie was unfolding I kept waiting for some funny/rocking music to play. Unfortunately, I was pretty let down that they didn't spend the money to acquire some interesting/funny/rocking songs for this movie.

Then the plot was sort of handicapped by the fact the characters had matured. I felt the actors all did a good job, but the built in humor that came along with an innocent naive Kick-Ass character getting his butt beat, or the irony of a 10 year old foul mouthed girl killing someone with the same zeal she would pursue a boy band with was gone.

I think they spent a little to much time developing the idea of a group of super hero's and and not enough time developing Kick-Ass & Hit-Girl characters. Overall, I liked it, and I'm sure most will... It just wasn't as fresh and new as the original.
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Jobs (2013)
meh... i should have waited till it was on HBO
1 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't see anything in the movie that offered me any more insight into Steve Jobs that I didn't already have. The movie leap frogged over years in his life to pack Jobs experience at Apple.

The movie came off as disjointed and awkward as the plot flew from 1974 to 2011, and did so with no real sense of what it was saying... other than the events that made up Jobs life. Most of his life, and idiosyncratic behavior is well documented, and all this movie did was rehash that.

Ashton Kutcher made a semi-believable Steve Jobs, he physically resembled him and mimicked his mannerisms, but other than that I just kept thinking "That's Ashton Kutcher pretending to be Steve Jobs" and never was able to forget it was an actor playing a character, and actually found him distracting in the role.

I was slightly baffled how the plot took him from a villainous role of an individual willing to cheat his friend Woz out of his share of the $5,000 bonus from Atari, screwing original Apple employees out of IPO shares, and denying his responsibility for his daughter... into a victim who lost his company to people with no vision, that somehow found peace in gardening and somehow has his daughter in his life... then back to a villain cruelly outing the CEO & Board... and then to saint within 15 minutes. There were no cathartic moments to really explain any of his transformations

If anyone wanted to know about him I'd recommended "Pirates of Silicon valley"
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Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth (2013 TV Special)
Mike Tyson 2.0
23 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is a one man show about Mike Tyson's life and experiences and runs the gambit... It's open, honest, humorous, sad, touching and inspiring. If anyone ever held an opinion of him, good or bad, then they should see this.

Mike chronicles his life as a child living in poverty and not really knowing either of his parents, to adjusting to finding love and acceptance with the D'Amato family, gives the viewer a sense of what it's like to be a rising star and world famous by the time he was 20, what it was like for a young man with $50,000,000 and wolves constantly nipping at his financial heels, his drug abuse issues, prison, his spiritual and emotional implosion, the death of his daughter... and most importantly his subsequent rebirth.

Even as he poked fun at himself, I got the sense of struggle he went through with what seemed to be a constant change of his surroundings, and the anger and mistrust he experienced trying to adjust to them. He gives you an idea of how surrealistic life can be when you're as rich and famous as he was, and how difficult it must have been to make sense of it. I can't imagine anything crazier than to be sitting in prison and having a surprise visit by Florence Henderson of the Brady Bunch.

The thing I took away from this show though was that there was most definitely a human being behind all the hype, and the PR that people saw on TV through the 90's and 2000's. Mike showed an incredible sense of peace considering everything he's gone through in his life, and demonstrated he came through it with a warmth, humanity, and an incredible sense of humor.

He seems to be the first to be able to laugh at himself, and his own mistakes. At times when he could have taken cheap shots at people he restrains himself, and others he lets the people have it with both barrels. Mostly, he finds the humor in the situations he was in good or bad. He did take time to talk about the losses of family members he's experienced in his life, and how it affected him.

Few people can lay claim to having been in the positions he was in life. After watching "Undisputed Truth", William Blake's line "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" certainly seems appropriate. Mike has a wisdom that is well earned and hard fought. I've been a fan of his from back when he first became champ, and after watching this I finally think I got a sense of who he really is. I certainly hope he has the best of luck with his career and life.
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Dark Horse (2011)
it might be funny if it wasn't so repulsive
11 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if "Dark Horse" was the most appropriate title for this movie. The term to me implies an outside chance of a win.

When the movie starts off, Abe seems like a lovable loser that was pampered and emotionally stunted by his parents. He's a 35 year old man-child that lives in his childhood bedroom, collects toys, and works at his fathers company with non-existent job responsibilities and labors under the delusion he's cooler and more important to everyone around him than he really is.

Abe meets his equal in Miranda, his self defeated love interest at a wedding. Abe's ignorance and self obsessed desires doesn't let him see that Miranda has no interest in him as he pushes himself onto her. She only becomes interested when she recognizes he's a bigger loser than she is, and won't pose a threat to her already battered self esteem. She succumbs to her fate as a self loathing loser and accepts his proposal of marriage a week after they meet.

In the beginning I was rooting/expecting for Abe to see he was his own worst enemy, and to reverse the course of his life. Unfortunately, the longer the film plays out the more I hated Abe and he losses his lovable loser status. He quickly slams into becoming an obnoxious, self indulgent, entitled loser, throwing tantrums and fits as he blames everyone around him for his faults and failures.

His world starts to implode and crumble as it becomes apparent to him that he is the loser everyone see's him as. This sets up a whole barrage of self induced fantasies he uses to try and explain why he's not a loser. Ultimately, it ends like a reverse "It's a Wonderful Life" and with the harsh realization that his life never mattered and everyone is better off without him.

I watched this film not only from the morbid entertainment value, but also from a weird psychological standpoint. I know a 30 year old man- child that works for his father and lives in his childhood bedroom. Somehow, this guy I know, like the character in the film, refuses to see himself for what he is and acts like an obnoxious, self indulgent, entitled loser that thinks he's cooler than he really is and blames everyone around him for his faults and failures. It offered me quiet a bit on insight to his world.
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CBGB (2013)
Enjoyed it a lot
3 November 2013
Apparently, I'm practically the only reviewer that wasn't there or personally knew Hilly himself. I grew up in a smaller-ish mid-western town and was introduced to punk by a girl from high school in the late 70's, and became aware of CBGB in the mid 80's. CBGB was always a mecca I wanted to visit but never got the chance to, so I leaped at watching this movie.

First off... It' important to remember this is the fictionalize account of the legendary New York city punk club CBGB and Hilly Kristal, and not a documentary. I went into watching this with the expectations there would be many factual errors. I noticed some items like band stickers on the walls from the wrong decade, but it's a Hollywood movie... not a documentary. I think the end credits says it best where it says "And we know that Iggy Pop never played at CBGB... Just deal with it.".

This location was so instrumental to music that I doubt a 3 hour movie could have done it justice. They had to pack a lot of story into a short amount of time so no one watching this movie should do so expecting a historically accurate movie. I enjoyed how they interweaved Punk magazine into the story. I felt it helped keep an upbeat, lighthearted message about Hilly and CGBG and kept the plot moving.

Now it's a double edged sword here with my criticism. The plot got pretty thin in the middle of the movie as the director tried to give the viewer a idea of the energy that was going on with the bands playing there, and some of the insanity I'm sure went on there on a regular basis. While the plot got non-existence, it was still enjoyable to imagine being there and seeing bands like the Ramones, Blonde, Patti Smithe playing.

Even though I thought there were points where the plot got lost, and the acting was somewhat awkward and forced at points, I still thought it was well done. My one big complaint is the ending was sort of sudden and anticlimactic.

Overall I really enjoyed the movie personally... but I didn't have high expectations on what it was going to be either. I guess if you're a punk purist or were actually there, then someone might be disappointed in the movie.
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Stalker (1979)
Not a sci-fi thats for sure
30 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why people go on about how great this movie is. I watched it based on a friends recommendation. He's a serious movie buff and knows more about movies than anyone else I know, and he's recommended many good movies. He totally missed the mark on this one in my opinion.

First off... it is long! Almost 3 hours so watching it is a commitment. Second... It's boring! Mind numbing boring! These guys spend this whole time wandering around the woods talking.... and talking... and talking. thirdly, the ending is pretty much absolute non-sense in my opinion. They are headed to the "zone" where all their wishes can be obtained in it. Some magical mystical place on earth that grants wishes. The director builds up getting to this magical place only to reach the "zone", and the plot takes a twist and getting there becomes this MASSIVE non-event.

After wasting close to 3 hours of my time on it... I was pretty upset at the ending and the fact I even watched it. I really felt that I was duped. When I saw my friend next I pretty much went off on him over his recommendation... he laughed at me but completely understood why I was upset... but stood by his original statement that this is one of the best sci-fi movies out there... I personally think he's nuts when it comes to this movie and I don't even consider it sci-fi in any form.
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After Earth (2013)
Typical boring M. Night Shyamalan movie
30 October 2013
I'd heard this movie was a horrible stink-fest... While I'd doubt if I'd recommend anyone spend movie to watch it, I've certainly seen worse. I've even seen worst M. Night Shyamalan movies (Which isn't saying a lot in my opinion).

One thing I'd heard was it was slow moving. Which it was, and I attribute that as a typical characteristic of an M. Night Shyamalan movie. He always seems to try and turn action movies into some type of Hitchcockian thriller and he always fails horribly at it.

While I found the general premise of the overall plot to be intriguing, it was simplistic and predictable. There was an attempt at character building to make you care about them, but it simply didn't develop them enough. As the movie unfolded I just didn't care what happened to these people. Considering the premise of the plot, I'd usually be rooting for the characters, but I never really did.

It seemed to promise a lot on action and simply didn't deliver either. I come to expect a lot of action out of Will Smith movies so I was disappointed at the pace and felt it was a poor choice in venues for him.

The acting wasn't the best at all... I think this is the first time I've seen Jaden Smith in a movie. As an actor he's simply not ready. I found his introduction of the movie to be extremely annoying. It seemed like his dictation and pronunciation of what he was saying was off. Almost like he has some sort of speech impediment. As an actor, he simply isn't skilled enough to carry a movie like this. He should keep it small and build his craft and slowly move into larger roles. He certainly bit off more than he could chew.

I'm not sure if I felt Will Smiths poor performance was his fault or the fault of M. Night Shyamalan direction. It seemed extremely forced and unnatural. Most of M. Night Shyamalan characters tend to have a lack of passion and emotion to them, and they tend to come off as boring. Will Smiths character in this movie is no different. While I usually enjoy his movies, I'd have to say he should probably stay in his nitch of fun action movies.

There were some thought provoking scenes and some so-so minor action but overall it was a long movie that was hard to keep my attention. If I were to guess, I'd say this might be the last we see of M. Night Shyamalan. I'd give this 4 stars out of 10.
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hated it
28 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the original Escape From New York... I saw it in a East Coast theater and everybody applauded at the end. It ran for years on HBO thru the mid 80's late at night, and I must have watched it at least 50 times.

When this was released in theaters back in the day I drug the woman I was dating to see it, telling her how great it was going to be. Not only did I feel stupid after it was over, she thought I was an idiot for talking it up as much as I did. I spent the next hour trying to backpedal with how badly they screwed it up.

The original, while campy, had a serious, dark, menacing undertone that was missing in this one. It was replaced with over the top attempts at campy cheap action that came off very sophomorically and failed hard. I understand a lot of it was an attempt at poking fun at Hollywood, but I didn't go to see John Carpenter poke fun at Hollywood. I went to see Snake Plissken be a bad ass.

Trying to figure out what surfing, basketball, transsexuals, tiny homemade hand gliders had to do with anything took away from what could have been a great plot about how the political right & left have taken away all our rights. John Carpenter was prophetic with the part of the film about no swearing, no sex, no red meat, no smoking, or no alcohol (in everyones best interest of course) part of the plot... I just wished he had stayed away from the temptation of cheap gags.
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Bio-Dome (1996)
The only Pauly Shore movie worth watching
28 October 2013
OK... After seeing this movie get ripped apart in the reviews I had to come to it's defense. It's hilarious! Is it stupid? yup! Is it sophomoric? yup! Is it stoner humor? yup! But those are it's charms... I've seen other Pauly Shore movies and I was bored with them & never found them funny, Bio-Dome is the exception. A lot of my friends as well find this movie funny so it's not just me

If I were to give any reason as to why I find it so funny it would probably be the interaction between Pauly Shore an the Baldwin guy. They are so stupid their funny and I put them in this movie on par with Dumb & Dumber.

If this movie doesn't tickle your funny bone then go to the doctor and have the stick removed from your butt.
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War of the Worlds (2005 Video)
horrible knock off
18 October 2013
This was produced by a company called The Asylum. They are known for "Mockbusters" type movies. Movies that have a similar plot and title as blockbuster movies released around the same time.

I first became aware of them 10 years ago when I grabbed one of their movies by accident thinking I was grabbing the real movie at Blockbuster. I'm guessing they made a lot of their money from people that didn't realize the title of the movie they were grabbing wasn't the right movie.

This particular movie was released around the same time Tom Cruises War of the Worlds came out. It's has cheap production values, the special affects suck, and the dialog is horrible. If you aren't looking for anything good... and want something campy, and cheap then this is for you.

Now one finally fyi... the company that made this movie did recently score a hit with sharknado.
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loved this movie
2 October 2013
I sorta kinda remember hearing about this movie a few moths ago, but didn't think much of it at the time. I was bored this evening and saw it being promoted by Comcast so I figured what the heck, and I rented it.

They sort of slowly unveiled the plot, which was good... If they had sprung the concept of the movie on me in the beginning I possibly would have disliked it... But they eased into it, which let me work my suspension of disbelief into it.

Maybe my expectations were low but I thought it was hilarious. It was obvious a lot of the dialog was ad libbed... but with a few exceptions where I thought the dialog was a little awkward & forced, I cracked up through the whole thing.

I particularly enjoyed how a lot of these actors let themselves get parodied & particularly thought some of the cameos were hilarious. Which possibly made this movie for me. Between Danny McBride, Michael Cera, the big scene for Emma Watson, and Channing Tatum towards the end... I was laughing threw the whole movie.
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