
258 Reviews
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A remake with additional concepts from another old movie
26 February 2023
This is the third remake of the original 1950 Father of the bride film starring Spencer Tracy. It really offers nothing new except being in contemporary times. However, it does offer the added issue of the bridal parties being from different ethnic identities and the extra stresses of the different families coping with those issues. A not so subtle commentary on racism. However, it could be said that this aspect is copied from another Spencer Tracy film from 1967, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Where the Fathers daughter is dating a person of an alternate racial identity and the Father learns to accept the young man and overcome his own bigotry. This additional concept, whilst done in a lighthearted manner, in this remake makes it more relevant to modern times.
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Grand Designs Australia (2010–2023)
Nothing is ever awful
17 February 2023
It is interesting to see the planning and construction of these houses. However, on the vast majority of cases these are houses being build costing vast sums of money. You do not get to see average people attempting to build a unique house of their dreams on a limited budget. I do get it that the show is called "Grand" designs and this inferring that the builds are expensive. But it is hard to relate to the show as an average person when you can't afford what is being done. The most frustrating part of the show is that not once have I heard the final structures being described as awful. On a number of occasions the final construct is woeful. ( Yes I know that is subjective) However, to laud over every building as a masterpiece, when clearly they are not, discredits the program.
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Unbearably Bad
13 August 2022
The film is just bad on all levels and has no saving graces. It is a D grade movie that appears to been made by an amateur film club on a $100 budget.
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Insulting to some countries
4 August 2022
This is another disaster movie from the seventies. It is the Posiedon Adventure or Towering Inferno on a train. Where instead of the ocean or a fire being the threat, it is a highly contagious virus. As a result you always know that they will be rescued it just working out who won't.

However, one of the most annoying things about this film, which is set in European countries, is that American authorities take charge, and tell all and sundry what to do. Whilst this may be appealing to US audiences it is actually insulting to Europeans.
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World War Weird (2017– )
Let down by wrongly associated film
6 July 2022
So very interesting short stories about unusual activities during World War Two. However, it is let down by playing film footage from the war that is irrelevant to that being discussed. For example showing film of allied soldiers in the desert during WW2 whilst discussing an incident in WW1. It's as if they treat the audience's as fools and they won't know the difference.
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A Prequel to a Sequel that should never had been made.
26 June 2022
The previous movie on which this prequel was based was just a blatant attempt to milk the success of the original Flinstones cartoon. It was bad all around and should never have been made. Then for some unknown reason they have decided to make this prequel, about which there is nothing good to say, which is even worse.
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Leave the Classics alone.
26 June 2022
Yet just another example of the film industry attempting to milk the success of a classic by creating a remake. In this case the original was a cartoon but the example still applies. Nothing about this film is good and it should never been made.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
No end to it.
23 May 2022
The series seemed like an interesting concept and worth watching. Whilst the acting and script might be a bit like a B grade movie. The storyline keeps you viewing. However, after a while you realise there doesn't appear to be a planned conclusion. It appears that the makers of the show are just willing to milk its population and keep it going with no end in sight With no finality it makes you feel what's the point of continuing to watch and you lose interest.
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
My grandchildren loved it.
16 May 2022
I believe this is another film that should not be rated from an adult perspective. As from that point of view you may find many faults. However, watching my Grandchildren enjoy the movie was rewarding as they thoroughly enjoyed it. There is also enough subtle adult content to keep you amused. Let your kids watch it and hear what they have to say.
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Out of Death (2021)
Milking Mr Willis
4 April 2022
This is a B grade predictable crime thriller with a script and acting to match, but it's watchable. The reason this film achieves such a low score is that it pretends that Bruce Willis is the lead actor, whereas in reality he plays a bit part. By this pretence they are obviously attempting to draw audiences and milk Mr Willis's saleability.
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Our Flag Means Death (2022–2023)
It's one joke
30 March 2022
Many talented actors appear in this show which was created by likewise many talented people. So it is sorry to say that this show is very disappointing. The main issue is that after you watch more than one episode, you realise that the series is just one joke repeated over and over which quickly becomes tiresome.
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Shiva Baby (2020)
A Hebrew death at a funeral
13 March 2022
This film and the British movie "Death at a Funeral" have virtually no similarities in their storylines whatsoever. However, they both share the awkwardness of inappropriate behaviour, actions, feelings that take place at a funeral and wake. The acting and script in this movie are fine but its major let down is that it starts off at a certain pace but that pace never changes and the film never reaches a crescendo and it ends as slowly as it started.
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Vanquish (2021)
All round bad
21 February 2022
This movie across the board is just plain awful. Acting, script, story, cinematography are all appalling with the whole thing put together on a shoestring budget. The only exception to all of this is the brief appearances by Morgan Freeman. Which has one wondering why he would attach himself to a project like this.
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White Tiger (2012)
Despicable and Disgraceful ending.
14 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What started out as a Russian made WWII film concerning the activities of a T34 tank crew facing an adept German tank crew. Soon alters into the Russians facing some sort tank with supernatural powers and the like. What commenced as an average WW2 movie then descends into the ridiculous.

However, what ruins the film. Is the final scene of Adolf Hitler talking to God or the devil. During which states that he was only doing what the rest of Europe wanted and continues to want. That being the destruction of the Jews and the nation of Russia. Whilst it is supposedly just drama, it is a shameful and disgraceful ending.
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Twist (2021)
Not a bad little effort
9 February 2022
The obvious contemporary retelling of Charles Dickens Oliver Twist is not a bad effort. The film is held together by Michael Caine both through his quality and celebrity status. Together with a good nasty representation of the Bill Sykes character by Lena Headey. In their absence this is just another movie by unknowns about troubled youth fighting back against authority.
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Something's missing in translation.
6 February 2022
This historical Japanese action/drama is a good story and reasonably well acted. However, the one issue that I believe lets it down is the translation. It always appears ,based on actors replies to other comments, that more has been said, or explained. Thus pertinent information is missing. These omissions probably would have given greater depth to the movie and may have enjoyed it more.
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A beautiful story
21 December 2021
Describing this as a romantic comedy may not quite fit this film, however, its as close to a genre description you may get. Perhaps the first half of the movie is frustrating as each scene seems to be a repeat of the previous and the movie doesn't seem to be progressing. It then transfers from being comedy to drama but still it makes no sense. But when the movie enters its final phase it becomes a beautiful story and all the previous parts fall into place. Whilst it maybe difficult people should persist with the film and reach what is a beautiful ending.
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A Christmas Wish (2019 TV Movie)
Great lead actress
11 December 2021
This film may be a mediocre run of the mill Christmas movie. But what separates from others is the lead actress Hilarie Burton has infectious good vibe about her which sets the movie apart.
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Puberty Blues (1981)
19 November 2021
This film does show how life was growing up in 1970s Australia. However, the acting and script are appalling. It also depicts rape as normal without consequences for any of the parties involved. An utter awful film.
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Buddy Games (2019)
Low brow humour at its best
7 November 2021
The acting in the movie is ok. However, the lead character has been terribly miscast. The actor just does not fit the role. The movie is terribly let down by the quality of the humour. It is not subtle or witty but just gutter comedy that would appeal to 14 year Olds.
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One of the most overrated films of all time.
25 October 2021
This film may contain some leaps forward in a number of areas. However, it is tediously slow and pretentious causing it to be painful to watch. I recall when it came out and I had the same criticisms. Only now i believe the film hasn't aged well and is even worse. It has received rave reviews, however, I still believe it is one of the most overrated films in history.
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Similar to Neverending Story
19 October 2021
There are many similarities to Never Ending Story. But I will not continue to review this film as an adult as it is unfair. Only I will say my six year old grandchildren loved it.
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Great educational show for children
12 October 2021
The show is a greater educator for young children. It shows events occurring or machines working, then at a level that children comprehend, conducts experiments explaining the science behind how they operate.

Australian Grandpa.
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Dad's Army (2016)
Should never have been made
9 October 2021
Dad's Army tv series is a classic British comedy tv series. History has taught us that they should be left alone and never remade. The makers of this movie seems not to have learnt this lesson. This film is not a patch on the original and never should have been produced.
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Never should have been made
9 October 2021
The Yes Prime Minister series will go down as one of the great classic British comedies. History has taught us that the classics can never be remade with the same results. The maker of this show has not learnt or remembered this lesson. This should have never been made.
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