
5 Reviews
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Vivarium (2019)
interesting ideas... good acting from imogen poots
30 March 2020
Im expecting something interesting next from this director. he is fearless! this movie is vague, sure, but i feel it does hint at the fact that if we didnt have hope in god and religion and love, which is a leap of faith, this life, even family, children, is satanic at best....

reproduction, children, ego....existence itself... who says its a good thing? it could possibly be the worst of things.

is this life just an endless stream of meaningless reproduction? is this a nightmare beyond our wildest dreams? if there is no god, then yes, maybe,.

or maybe this movie is not about that at all. im just guessing...

i liked it enough... this director just needs a bigger budget and more resources, but hes on the right track. if he succeeds to get more resources, he will make a good picture. i gave it five stars because it was a raw effort, but i see a unique fearless voice behind it, so im expecting a taxi driver, or synechdoche new york next. whoever made this movie has balls of steel.

this was more a tv episode than a proper film, next up this director needs a more cinematic approach. thats all im saying.. i like where his head is at though. its good to challenge the status quo.

(btw, god damn imgoen is so sexy and cute!, she certainly does make this movie more watchable than it should have been.)
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Regression (I) (2015)
a flawed film...
21 February 2019
Visually, its quite interesting. the mood created by the color scheme is very dark, very mysterious. sets the tone and the mood for the story. the acting by the lead actor is impressive. ethan hawk is very good at playing a man caught in a whirlwind of events, like he did perfectly in training day. but the story is stupid. the turns and twists are dumb. the big twist is very disappointing and renders the tone of the film mute. overall, a terrible movie.
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Serenity (I) (2019)
Worst film ever made
19 February 2019
This looks terrible, the lines are laughable, the acting is atrocious. the premise is ludicrous. this is probably the worst movie i have ever seen. how is this possible that this movie was made, let alone released? if this was just your average, run of the mill bad movie, i wouldnt write a review, but i have to warn others that this is no ordinary bad movie. this is the most aggressively stupid movie ever made. its also terrible in every single way craft wise, the shots are stupid, the camera movement is stupid, just every single possible thing about this movie is stupid and possibly the worst ever. i have seen many movies, many bad ones, but not like this, not this bad. the whole time watching this i was thinking, did i dream that the main actor was in Interstellar a few years ago? hes doing similar stuff here, but its laughable instead of powerful. the writer, director of this movie should consider paying every person that paid to see this film their money back. he should atone publicly, and hurt himself publicly to show how sorry he is and that he will never, ever, ever make another movie again as long as he lives. i was not kidding in any of my statements, they are not hyperbole, what i dont have is enough hyperbolic sentences to say how terrible this movie is. if i could imagine a hell, it would be a room with this movie playing non-stop.
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great film, unique vision, beautiful images -- for acting, i guess look elsewhere.
2 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another seemingly inscrutable film from Terrance Malick. Can it be summed up as Mans search for Meaning in a seemingly meaningless world? Its definitely some kind of existentially themed flick, and there isn't much of a story or plot here, but the depth of ambition is quite deep. I felt the movie was very gentle, very genteel as well in its feel, all the dramatic yelling and cussing was muted aurally, and the camera moving gently about while the drama is exploding to the side certainly hammered that feeling home -- uncaring world, caring people. The movie didn't give any answers to the questions it raised, but it did accompany a certain feeling of unrest, of dread, but also of beauty and splendor. The score was beautiful, and all the songs used were really spot on and magnificent. The movie looks heavenly. Cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki made this movie look even better than The Revenant, but the Revenant had fancier camera work, choreography, and just bombast and ambition, however the colors were certainly prettier in this one. Was it Malick or Lubezki? How should i know. I don't think interiors have ever been more beautifully displayed in cinema than in this movie, and heck, the last shot of the desert took my breath away also. The way the shadows play with light is something to behold here. The director isn't even afraid to throw some jerky ugly disorienting camera movements this time around, or interject with some ugly footage, only to wow you with the real thing back again. I can still see the entire movie in my head 2 days later, so thats a sign that the images were something special, indeed. The only problem, and a trade-off of this kind of movie, is that there was not much of a plot and so I don't know how this movie will hold for repeat viewings. But it certainly leaves a strong indelible mark on you when the credits roll, and thats a mark of a great film. There isn't any witty dialogue or outstanding acting, but i don't think this particular film was going for that. Some people will fault this movie for that, but i think this isn't just that kind of movie where you quote the dialogue years later by heart. I wouldn't give out any acting awards to anyone here certainly. it reminded me of andrei rublev, a similar feel of something grandiose and spiritual unfolding before your eyes.
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Debug (2014)
worse than anything i have ever seen
5 December 2014
this is the worst movie i have ever seen. and i like the actor that directed this movie, he has been in some awesome movies. but maybe he should stick to acting, no offence. but i do mean offence though because this is literally the worst movie i have ever seen in my life, and I've seen superman 3. i don't understand how they could have made a movie so bad to be honest. I'm speechless. I'm speechless that there was a talented creative person at the helm of the worst movie i have ever literally seen in my life. this movie is only better than watching paint dry. whats wrong with it? everything. acting is the worst i have ever seen, the music is the worst i have ever heard, the cinematography, if you can call it that, is atrocious. and when i say the worst i have ever seen or heard, that is precisely what i mean here. watching this film is like watching a film on a high dose of acid, or when you try to watch TV after smoking copious amounts of crack. if you want to feel like you lost your mind, go ahead, watch this movie, it will give you a glimpse into what its like to be insane or on heavy dose of insanity inducing drugs. i am not joking at all, either.
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