
7 Reviews
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Gareth Evans strikes GOLD again...
24 April 2020
Which you'd come to expect from him after his 3 masterpiece martial arts films Merantau, and his duology The Raid 1 & 2. Everything about this show oozes his previous works style in a much more grounded way. It's just as gritty, stylized and in your face just like his previous work except this time it's spread out across an entire season (which had me drooling). If you're a fan of his style you'll be right at home. But if it's your first time seeing something like this because yes it's in a vein of it's own you might feel confused about why something like this was even made because it's not for the faint of heart... it's hyperviolent and more frenetic than anything you've seen before... who knows maybe you'll find that hunger for blood like we all did when we saw The Raid 1 & 2. 9/10
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Peter Dinklage's acting was the only redeeming factor
20 May 2019
You already know if you watched it so yeah nuff said. They Dexter'd and House of Cards'd it
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one of the best of '18/19 that no one will see.. Unfortunately
22 March 2019
This is a slow burn in every possible way. Much more related to his previous film cell block 99 than his Bone Tomahawk before that. It's a step by step play the entire film almost 0 editing and everything falls right in order of the story and it's the strongest point of the film. Some might yawn at the long run time but In my opinion it's justified. I was never bored or needed to pause to take a break for the entire 2 hours and 35 minutes of showing because at any point you think it's going to drag across concrete and fall flat on itself it gives you just enough to continue the show and boy does it become a show... But without giving away anything at all I can say it was worth my time and if you liked his previous work it's worth yours as well. The acting is top tier all around and the script is probably one of the most creatively worded I've ever seen with humor all over it just because of it but in a great intentional way. Just a shame only a few lucky ones will get the chance to see it but I'm glad this Writer/Director doesn't do wide release because we'd be seeing a different version and probably not for the better... and I applaud him for giving Vince Vaughn the roles he deserves he knocked it out of the park alongside Gibson. 9/10
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Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
wish it was an hour long and 13 episodes a season
15 October 2018
Probably the best show out of Australia to date. Hilarious, dark, and visually stunning just wish they had more confidence and made season one longer but it did end on a high note! I'm glad it's already renewed and if it sticks around I can see this being right next to breaking bad for sure. The lead as well puts on a golden globe nod performance as well. Just brilliant 9/10
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Apostle (2018)
A film most will overlook and some will consider B horror..
13 October 2018
This is a Legendary director/writer in the making who brought us Merantau and The Raid 1 & 2 but decided to branch out and did a movie that should have been done by Jeremy Saulnier and Macon Blair perhaps as its pretty much their style... this is a movie almost in the vein of Red State but much more in your face like Black Death Starring Eddy Redmayne so it's up to the individual person how good this is since this is a very personal taste kind of film that some will love (like myself) and some will have a not so much pleasant experience much like his raid 1 & 2 niche it's hard to talk about but you'll find out for yourself.. or not
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All American (2018– )
cliche'd as can be... But that might be alright
11 October 2018
It's your typical smart kid with athletic talent but from a rough black part of town but they're doing it with flair and style. Everything so far is cliche'd to 11 but it's done decently well and the characters seem to be able to halfway act. This should have been way worse than it was and I'll tune in next week and perhaps a few more after that.. 8/10

P.S They even made the cool friendzoned chick at the new school hotter than the one he's interested in just to show us how cliche'd they can be... but again it's all okay
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if you're rating it 6 or below you missed the point... But we all have opinions
7 September 2018
I found this movie randomly last night and decided to watch it today and what I found was unexpectedly a gem.. The writing is ridiculously crafty and just off the wall in your face but that's not exactly a bad thing.. it's an hour and twenty six minutes of bickering but it's hilarious and 71.638146% honest and a nice change for Reeves to do instead of constantly shooting people in the face and neck! It's an 8/10 for me and I'll start watching out for this writer/director
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