
64 Reviews
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Finally! Proof that it is bad writing we hate.
30 January 2023
What a compassionate and well written episode. This will finally proof Disney and all the others wrong that always blame homophobic, transphobic whatever... internet trolls for their failures of content.

Not only do we have an amazing short story between formerly unknown characters, but also we have good character development for the others. So far this show has been like the game, but this episode really took the cake. We love good writing, we love good actors and we love when everything comes together.

Damn, anyway we can be sure now that anybody complaining about this episode are the real problem, but let me guess, there wont be huge outrage, there will only be applause because if you are a decent human being you will be able to feel this episode deep inside of you.
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Resident Evil (2022)
It can always get worse... and it did.
19 July 2022
Where to start? Well, everything about this series is pretty bad if not horrible. The fact alone that they tell two stories at once, past and present, alone is enough for the show to be boring to watch.

What i personally hated most was these shoehorned references to current real world events and people. Elon Musik, Covid etc. It's just so cringe it hurts.

My friend and me found a liking in watching bad TV shows thanks to Disney Star Wars (lol). But Resident evil really is something else. We always liked the movies as a somehwat guilty pleasure, but the series is bad bad.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
Holy disgrace
22 June 2022
I can already tell how Disney Star Wars fans are salivating about this episode. But in truth it is yet another mess. Plotholes? More like plot sinkholes. They don't even try to make sense or create a logical narrative, things just happen and you are supposed to accept them while you gasp in awe, guessing what is about to happen next. At no point does the story creat any tension whatsoever, additionally i still couldn't care less about Reva. It's all just so stupid i can't even get in my head how these people can think this is awesome, the fans and the creators. This is peak Disney dogsh** Star Wars at levels that rival Rian Johnsons The Last Jedi.

I guess Adorno was right. Disney is really the death of all culture.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part V (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Nobody at Disney knows what Star Wars is
15 June 2022
Yet another episode of yet another failure. Honestly i am just sick and tired of repeating myself reviewing every episode. It just feels like nobody knows what star wars is, or is supposed to be. The writers honestly seem to think they are on the level of Game of Thrones or something (not the last two seasons haha, or maybe that's what they are going for? Yikes) . They really tried to pull of some convoluted twist, but the set up across all other episodes is horrible, the execution is even worse. They are trying to forces Moses's character so hard it is actually unbearable.

Not only do these guys insult the Star Wars i love, or story writing/ movies in general, but also the viewers intelligence. As Anakin once said "I HATE YOU".
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part IV (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Disney SW is a perversion
8 June 2022
I thought Ewan could bring back at least a short respite after having suffered through Disney Star Wars. Turns out the writers still don't understand Star Wars. There is so much wrong about this, it just hurts. Maybe watch the Robothead video to get a glimpse of what the criticism is about.
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The Boys: Payback (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
This is what adults want
6 June 2022
Finally content that is consistent, socially critical, brutal and a good story. This is what entertainment is about. Not this watered down Disney BS. I watched the boys Season 3 with a buddy and after watching Halo and lots of subpar Star Wars content we just felt reinvigorated.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
It's pretty good, but...
1 June 2022
You know, after Book of Boba this feels pretty good... if there wasn't this one inquisitor. What a horrible character, no motivation, no character development/exposition, she is just flat out bad and shallow. Vader steals the show, that's what he does, every second with the inquísitor feels wasted. Imo just an insert to have a female black character in the story. The other inquisitors are all more interesting and could replace her part easily. Kenobi could be a prime example how shoehorning in diversity makes the outcome worse.

The Leia character has been on the brink of canon writing from the start. I am just glad that it hasn't been as bad as other Disney Star Wars content so far.
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Halo: Inheritance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
I feel insulted
5 May 2022
Holy mother of the Master Chief. How can this be so bad, how? How? How?. The writers are literally insulting my intelligence, especially with this epsiode. AHHHHHHHHH i cant express myself how bad this is, i dont want to think about it, i dont want to list why and how it is bad. Make it end, make it stop. Please release me from this pain.
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Halo: Unbound (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
I am actually losing sanity and braincells watching this.
31 March 2022
This is one of those game adaptations that just suck.

It is so bad it hurts. I hate everything about it. It just feels like they didnt even try.

Still can't get over the fact that the chief took off his helmet.

There are so many other things that dont make sense.
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Farming more nostalgia
5 February 2022
Marvel fans are just like Star Wars fans. It's not surprising that both are owned by Disney and it really shows. "He did the thing", "It's the guy", "Wow they did the joke". It's just so bland and Disney is just mainstreaming everything to be some bland cash in on nostalgia. Every now and then you can see an interesting concept or a good scene shine through but more often than not, it is ruined right away by some stupid joke or switch to a funny scene. There is no character no soul left in these corporate franchises.

Content like this doesn't matter, it is just like another Fifa or Madden game every year. They dont care about actually creating something worthwhile.

What doesn my opinion matter anyways. For every one of my opinion there are houndreds of thousands of people who have no expectations.
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Peak clownfiesta
15 January 2022
You know, the series has been a joke so far. But what happens in this Episode takes it up a few levels. In fact i firmly believe that this Episode has ruined the whole show with it's spaceballs writing and literal memes. You will never take this show serious anymore. Literally everybody is laughing at you Disney, you are a joke.
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11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode bored me to death. Additionally the costume and makeup looked cheap and uninspired. The characters were uninteresting and the fact that they are all a bunch of pansies at the end about the guy punching somebodies head in, did the rest for me. In times of The boys and Invincible this show seems to offer nothing creative of special. I skipped through half way and still feel like my time was wasted.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Solid game movie
24 April 2021
You shouldn't be taking this more as the fan service that it is. I never really played the games, but watched the playthroughs and story modes quiet a bit.

I always loved the Fatalities and you got them here, even some kind of inside jokes from the game.

I would really like another movie.

It wasn't a masterpiece, but it was enjoyable to watch.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
And the award for the most annoying TV mother goes to....
27 February 2020
What a nice Series. I hope there will be more. It is really a fresh breath of air. It reminds me a lot of Dark. European content is just a bit more different than all the US hocus pocus.
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Six (2017–2018)
Seals and their annoying wives
18 February 2020
Good story, nice action, annoying wives. I like the idea a lot that the series tries to portray military and family struggles. But god, did i mention the wives are annoying af ? Season 1 was alright. Seems like the second one is a bit more lackluster.
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Probably one of the worst movies i have ever seen
14 February 2020
If you thought Episode 8 was an insult to everything Star Wars, this might actually be on par with it, if not even worse. Considering i felt and still feel personally insulted by Episode 8 i have to admit that it saved me the hurt this time. I knew what to expect and they delivered absolute bullshit again. Nothing makes sense, everything gets redconned, expositioned. Things just happen for the sake of the story. This trilogy is disgraceful to any true SW fan and i am disgusted by everyone who can say they enjoyed it.
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I just fkin love this movie !!!
19 January 2020
Everything about it is freaking amazing. Or maybe it's because i literally have a crunch on all the cute girls in it. Whatever... ever since i've first seen it, i come back to it every once in a while and i still enjoy it every time, like the first time.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 8: Redemption (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
This is how SW is done
28 December 2019
I hope Disney is seriously taking notes here. This is the SW what we want. Not anything from 7-9. The Mandalorian gives me hope for Star Wars.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Much better than i ever hoped
22 December 2019
A really good adaptation of the witcher. Compromises have been made and the casting for tris and yen is the only awkward decision. BUT the writing and acting is good enough to let you kinda forget these concerns. Everyone is doing a great job and i cant wait for more.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 4: Sanctuary (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Still alright
30 November 2019
Probably the weakest Episode so far, but it is still quiet alright to watch. Baby yoda is too cute to the point they might actually overdo it at some point in the future.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 3: The Sin (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
22 November 2019
Damn. 6 more Episodes of this ? My body can only take so much. This is what we always wanted, this is what we love about Star Wars. Gritty stories, Heroes, amazing action, bad ass people. This Episode was AMAZING.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Disney SW and not bad ????
18 November 2019
Big thanks to everyone involved. Along with the new SW game the cycle might have been broken.Until Episode 9 comes out of course.

Two episodes have been released so far. And i enjoyed them quiet a lot. It is hard for me to imagine that good SW content can exist in the Disney SW world.
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Misogynistic Internet Troll here
6 November 2019
Jk i love women. Shoutout to my mom for being amazing btw. Imagine if movies, their creators and the media could shut the hell up about politics in fictional work. And if you want to implement such topics as artistic freedom and social criticism do it subtle and skillfull. Everyone who rides this weird hate train for some fictional internet trolls who hate women should just shut up. You are just alienating your fanbase and with Terminator, there is not much left i guess. The rights are worth almost nothing these days.

Heard it is a pretty okay movie though, shame the marketing f'd it all up, yet again :)
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The King (I) (2019)
This is exactly what we need more of.
4 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent movie based on the famous battle of "insert french name i can't remember". I am sure the makers took their liberties to make it an interesting story with interesting characters to watch. Nonetheless it is, while slow at time worth every minute and exactly the type of movie i like to watch and relax. It has authentic fighting styles, good gore and most importantly the vampire dude acting with a french accent and like a total dick. *wink*
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Joker (I) (2019)
A true masterpiece.
9 October 2019
A movie about a man suffering death by a thousand cuts. Frankly it won't be something i will be rewatching often but that isn't the type of movie you get here. You get an amazing first watch, with an amazing story. Joaquin Phoenix does an outstanding job.
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