
42 Reviews
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Robin Hood (2018)
If you get a chance to see this film, keep walking
11 April 2019
Yet another useless remake that depended more on special affects than it does acting quality. For starters, being a period piece, one would expect weaponry and clothing to somewhat duplicate what would be available during that time period. Not at all the case in this film. Another thing that sticks in your eye, is the overuse of certain movie cliche's that have been done to death. I have to wonder why this version was even produced. Looking at what it cost to make and what the film has brought in, it isn't even at the break even point. I don't believe I've ever seen Jamie Foxx act any poorer than int his film. I can go on and on, but, in conclusion, I just have to ask, why? Why was this film, ANOTHER remake, even made.
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Pandora (2016)
Should have left it in Asia
17 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this on Netflix, it should have been left in Korea where it was made. For a "disaster movie" it was sluggish, contrived, cliché', and unoriginal. It was a story you have heard so many times before in so many other films. Replace the reactor with a giant ape and you almost have King Kong, this is a dead horse that should stop being beaten. The special FX were good, that's where it ends. As in many Asian produced films, the acting was over done. Watch it for a laugh, that's about all it's good for.
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Titus (1999)
To full of itself
25 March 2016
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Since I can't go below a "1", that will have to do. I was never fan of Shakespeare, let's stat with that. That being said, I could barely make it 25 minutes into the film. It was not at all what I expected. I was looking for a period piece about a Roman General, I really didn't need the symbolism, I found the boy a major distraction, when the motorcycles came into the film, I turned it off. That was absolutely enough. I wanted to see some fine acting by Anthony Hopkins and Jessica Lange, that was not to be found. All in all, I found the symbolism taking more away from the film than adding to it. Guess it's partially my fault, I should have researched the film more before watching it. All in all, the short part of the film I watched was horrible.
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Should not have bothered making this film
3 October 2015
For starters, I saw this on HBO, the quality of the movie was horrible, grainy, the soundtrack was low, really had to crank the TV up, don't understand that one. Next, the acting was not even mediocre, at best. Very clichéd and schlock ridden. Parts that should have been moving, once again, relied more on special effects than quality acting. To many new movies are doing this, especially ones they want to call "blockbusters". You'll have no more actors such as Charlton Heston, Tyrone Power, etc. You'll have to depend on actors that can't hold a candle to good ole fashioned acting. The movies depend more on the audience waiting to see the sea open up, things of that nature. So, combine bad acting, schlocky dialogue, and really poor quality of the movie itself and you have a movie really worth missing. Avoid this at all costs.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Cliché'd, but entertaining
27 November 2013
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While watching this movie, I was reminded of a couple of films and TV shows from my youth, first was any of the original Godzilla films, the second, a TV show Ultra Man. The FX were way better here, but, it just made me think of them. I found the film entertaining, no Oscar winner, but, it was good. Some parts kept you on the edge of your seat, of course, rooting for the good guys.

I also had to think that mankind would have or could have thought of a better defense/offense weapon than giant robots. To bring a fight into the city would have cost trillions of dollars, perhaps Quadrillions of dollars. Okay, I'm reading way to much into it. Watch the movie, you will enjoy it.
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After Earth (2013)
Jaden Smith should find another pursuit
19 October 2013
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Where to start, Jaden Smith makes for a very annoying teenager, whining about almost everything.

As another reviewer stated, Will Smith is so fearless, he is wooden, not being "friends" with the camera. That being said, the FX were pretty good. I liked the oxygen masks not hooked to anything, a reviewer stated something about that, who knows what will be 1,000 years in the future. If you paid to see this film in the theater, bad move. I paid $1.00 from Redbox, that's about what the movie is worth. Spare yourself 90 minutes of your life you will never get back. At all costs, miss this film. I felt the film deserved a 4, there aren't any halfs, so I couldn't give it a 3.5.
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One Week (I) (2008)
What would any of us do?
29 June 2012
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First, I have to say, this film has left me choked up. What would I do? Would I profess my undying love for my wife and family? The first thing that pops into my head is that I'd try to spend every last second with my dogs. Quit my job, etc. Regardless, this is a story that could have been done very poorly, however, it was done to a fantastic degree. Joshua Jackson seemed to fit right into the character. The things he did, the sights he saw, as somebody mentioned in another review, it does tug at the heart strings, I've ridden through Canada, the States, and Europe on my bikes. What an adventure, what a joy, but, what would we do if we knew that it was going to be our last ride.........
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Year One (2009)
I've said this before
19 December 2010
Somebody, please tell me how jack Black keeps getting acting gigs? One better, somebody please tell me why I keep watching his movies? Granted, I don't pay for them, I wait until somebody in my office gets it from Redbox, then watch it. Yet, still, I feel cheated.

Plainly and simply put, jack Black cannot act, he is not funny, his films (if that's what you want to call them) are horrible.

The storyline int his film, was okay, but, jack Black ruins the film. Is his total claim to fame just this stupid grin? I cannot stress enough how much everybody should miss this movie. In fact, miss every jack Black movie.
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Redacted (2007)
28 August 2010
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I just finished watching this film and reading some of the reviews, it's amazing how clueless people can be.

I think a film such as this could very well be real, or at least the premise of the film be based on an actual event.

It's sad to see how principals, morality and discipline can go right out the window under certain situations.

It is also sad that our government would probably go to the same extremes depicted in the film to cover up these same events. How can these people sleep at night, let alone live with themselves.

The acting wasn't the greatest, but, I don't think Mr. DePalma had that in mind when casting this film. He wanted something like a video diary of actual soldiers in an awful situation and the horrendous outcome.

It seems that in wars that occur in places like this, Bosnia, etc., it's the children that suffer.
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The Road (I) (2009)
The fire within
11 January 2010
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I'm still without words to describe what I saw a short hour ago. The film shows humankind at it's worst and at it's best. In the post-apocalyptic US, man and boy are heading south, perhaps for warmth. As you read in the synopses and have seen in the ads, the atmosphere is cold, dreary, and seems to be endlessly wet, probably due to whatever ended the world and started the story upsetting weather patterns. We can all just assume it was "the bomb". There is much to be said for the story itself, I have not yet read the book, but, I see the human spirit, "the fire within" that burns. I am not sure I would have the spirit needed to go on, to wander aimlessly looking for food, other people, etc. What other people are around, will they try to kill me for my shoes, will they welcome me to their fire and a meal, I imagine all kinds of people will be met on such a journey. I read that Viggo wanted to take a break from film-making before this movie, I honestly don't think anybody could have done a better job as the man. He seems to fit right in. There is not much action, no explosions, just sometimes heart wrenching human drama. It is sad to imagine what the world would come to after such an event. Regardless, whether you've read the book or not, see this film. This is a hauntingly dark movie that makes one look at the human condition, the spirit to carry on. Would you want to
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Rockaway (2007)
Cheesy garbage revenge flick
15 August 2009
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I can't believe I watched the whole thing. Characterization-stiff, standard veteran returns home, family murdered, standard very clichéd villains. Have seen similar characters in the bottom of a box of cereal. Action sequences-standard. No big action explosions, etc. Although that isn't really needed int his film. Friend of the good guy-standard, stiff, shallow character. Not like old days man, etc. I would have to say that this film is worth a miss. Even the lead character was somewhat unbelievable, he is hurt by the villains, does what is not expected. Don't want to say to much so as not to put any spoilers. I simply cannot believe I wasted an hour and a half.
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Gran Torino (2008)
and.....Eastwood does it again
3 July 2009
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A Korean vet., Walt Kowalski is a racist and he is not afraid to let others know his thoughts. After his wife passes away Walt doesn't seem to know what to do with himself. His kids and their families don't have the time for him, nor do they live very close. He doesn't his kids, nor, they him. Walt's neighborhood is rapidly deteriorating, his neighbors are from the area where he lost his youth in a war far from home. By his own admission, Walt is not an easy person to get along with. Can Walt adapt? How will he handle the neighbors and the changing neighborhood? This is one of those few moving dramas that only Clint can come along with, it is simply, a must see.
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27 May 2009
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If I could score this movie higher, I would. One previous viewer stated there was no plot and the actors were playing their parts more for the camera, than for the movie, I could not disagree more, did we see the same movie? As a fan of not only the Terminator films, but, the whole genre, to often people go to films like these expecting acting on par with Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, etc. It won't happen. If you go expecting good acting, maybe not great, you will not be let down. I found the acting great. Christian Bale was superb in his role as John Connor, of course there a few corny twists here and there and one gaff, in particular comes to mind, when a pilot is shot down and rescued, they light a fire in the desert. The machines have IR, why would you give them a heat source to track on? Okay, that's my spoiler. If you want an action, a shoot-'em-up, a drama, a Sci-Fi, movie with plenty of "OOMPH" go see this film. I have been following Christian Bale since Empire of The Sun, and have found him to be a fantastic actor, he did not disappoint in Terminator. I am also rapidly becoming a fan of Moon Bloodgood, she did a great job her as well. All in all, I cannot say enough good about this film. Go see it.
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Why Do I Do This to Myself?
17 May 2009
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I sometimes watch movies that are listed as funny and are supposed to be comedies and am often very disappointed. So is the case with Tropic Thunder. A horrible waste of talent with the exception of Danny McBride, Ben Stiller and jack Black, those three deserve a movie this awful. I would first like to know how Danny McBride got into the business? A casting couch? What is the deal, he can't act, simple as that. Then there's Jack Black, he overacts and is not at all funny. Ben Stiller is not even worth a mention here because his movies, with the exception of "Meet The Parents" series and a few others are bombs. The action scenes where the huey's were orbiting and the A4's came in to do their bombing runs, were pretty cool. The druglords were humorous as was Alpa Pacino. Robert Downey Jr. was wasted as were other characters of the team. Matthew Connaughey had a minor supporting role, but, he played it with his usual good-hearted abilities. Tom Cruise, drop him, without revealing anything, even his talents were wasted by a poor script and being teamed up with less than adequate actors.
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Star Trek (2009)
What can I say?
11 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start?

JJ Abrams did a fantastic job with the special FX. He paid so much attention to detail everywhere. When viewing the outside of the Enterprise for the first time, one could almost feel as if it was he or she approaching her for boarding, it looked that real. Kudos to Mr. Abrams.

I also thought the casting was top-notch. The characters chosen to portray the classic figures were spot-on. From Kirk to Spock to McCoy and even Scotty.

It's kind of hard to write a story that could seem plausible using the technology at that time. While this may seem foolish because the technology is fictional, a writer still has to stay within certain parameters. For very short periods throughout the movie, I felt as if it was a little hokey, maybe it was all the hype, maybe it was just me.

I gave this film an 8 because, again, at times it felt a little hokey, not what I wanted from a Star Trek film, I've experienced to many hokey Star Trek movies in the past.

Regardless, of all that, I highly recommend this movie. It was a good swashbuckling space adventure, kind of in the spirit of films 50 years older without all the special affects.
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A less than mediocre remake
26 April 2009
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I have to start off by stating that many of the characters were so unlikeable. The worst of the bunch was jade Smith. What a little creep, kill him, etc., that's all he kept ranting about, kill him, that's what my dad would do. I personally would have killed him out of the script. The usual unlikeable Earthlings, starting with the shooting of Klatatu, then the whole power we Americans have, we are the most powerful beings in the universe, uhhh, okay sure.

I thought Kathy Bates did a standard job as a standard unlikeable political figure.

All that being said, I think that once again Hollywood has depended on special affects to wow the viewer and draw our attention away from the lack of acting ability.

Somebody lent me this film, I never would have rented it myself, and rightly so.

If you are in the mood to rent something and the shelves are bare of other films, pick this one up.
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Nim's Island (2008)
Family fare
24 April 2009
Having read some of the other posts, I must say that I feel they are way off mark.

One talks of character development, somebody else mentioned the animal characters, one opinion just about gave the entire story away! I could not disagree with them more. The movie was a fun movie to watch. It was a movie fit for the whole family, no profanity, no violence, no blood, just a simple story whose father is lost at sea during a scientific expedition.

Maybe the other viewers were expecting some grand saga like The Ten Commandments or something like that. This movie is great for what it is.

A fun family adventure comedy! I say if you're looking to sit down with the kids and watch an innocent film, check this out.
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Babylon A.D. (2008)
First a question, maybe 2
22 April 2009
Why doesn't Diesel do moviedom a favor and learn to direct or something in that respect, because he cannot act.

Secondly, how does he keep getting parts in films? Granted the films are some of the worst made, but,t hey are parts nonetheless, is something wrong with filmmakers? No, forget I asked that one. Filmamakers these days just go for quantity of films made, nevermind the quality.

Now onto this movie, what a waste of celluloid. It was predictable, it was slow, it was stiff and boring.

I think that sums it all up.

Don't even watch this movie if anybody gives it to you.
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I guess I'll never learn
12 April 2009
I gave this film a three, just because it takes some talent to get a movie made. I have learned over the years that if a film has Adam Sandler in it, then it's a must miss. The guy is simply put, not funny. My wife had read somewhere that the film was cute. I think there was a 10 or maybe even 20 minute gap int he middle that might have been "cute". Otherwise, it was almost the same Adam Sandler stupid faces, although he didn't do his stupid voices, I guess that can be looked at as a plus. If you take a child about 5-8 years of age, then you can enjoy it through their eyes, otherwise, avoid the movie. Adam Sandler is not funny to an adult, send the kids, save yourself time.
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Forget Forgetting Sarah Marshall
29 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have start by stating that I don't think I saw the same movie as some of the other reviewers. I found the movie actually tedious to watch, there were a few chuckles in it, but, funny, no. I did enjoy Jason Segal in the film as well as Paul Rudd, both are good in just about whatever they do. As for Jonah Hill, well.........him I could do without in any movie. Another viewer stated that if you liked knocked-up and Superbad, then you would find this enjoyable, well, i found the other two films just as bad. This film would do well as a light drama about a man trying to forget a lost love, but, certainly not a comedy. All in all, I'm glad I only wasted $5.29 to rent the film instead of $9.00 to see it at the theater.
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Sanctuary (2008–2011)
Almost great
25 October 2008
I cannot seem to figure out what this show is missing. It has a great cast, Amanda Tapping at her best. The premise of the show....excellent, offer sanctuary to those that might be "different" than the "normal" humans. the storyline is great....

Now, the show just seems to be missing something. Maybe, as another reviewer put it, the show needs to pick up the pace a bit. It is certainly thought provoking. I cannot say the show is bad, nor can I say that it is great. I'll close by saying that it is certainly worth a watch, probably need to view a few episodes before making any kind of decision either way.

I just can't get into it for some unknown reason.
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18 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There is absolutely no way I watched the same movie.

Here are a few key points from my point of view: 1. Why did anybody consider John C. Reilly as a lead, he is not lead character material...enough said there 2. The musician parodies...maybe, but poorly done 3. One reviewer said that he was laughing throughout, were they on drugs? 4. I will give Paul Rudd's John Lennon a thumbs up, that's where the 1 for 1 out of 10 came from. 5. Who writes, produces, and actually PAYS to see garbage films like this? 6. One reviewer wrote that the jokes were unexpected,not really. Only because the viewer didn't know the words of the horrible songs. Thank heaven for Starz and HBO! I find no redeeming value in this film whatsoever. The jokes were stupid. Miss this movie, it's not worth your time. I'm not going to give the reader examples, it would take to long. Let's just leave it said that the acting was okay, the characters themselves were stupid. The humor, nonsensical. Avoid this film
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Slipstream (2007)
7 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Why did I waste 1.5 hours of my life watching this? Why was this film even made? Why am I even commenting on this film?

One reviewer said this film took patience to watch and it was n't for everybody. I cannot figure out who this movie is for. maybe after dropping a hit of acid, SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE could watch this and make some sense out of it. It is incoherent, it isn't experimental, it's plain and simple garbage. The film follows no plot line whatsoever, just when you think you have something, don't.

I think the ending brought some finality to the film (no pun intended), the viewer gets a glimpse of what might have been going on. I don't think I put a spoiler in here, not that it would matter. This film is another must miss in the world of filmdom.
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Beowulf (2007)
Another film fails the hype
16 September 2008
This is a film meant ONLY for the theaters, and should be restricted to IMAX to boot.

I just watched this on a regular TV/DVD player. Okay, although it may have been a viewing experience in the theater it was boring at home.

I was bored, granted I didn't experience the film the way it was meant to be.

That being said, this was another film that banked mostly on the effects (computer 3d animation) and little on the story. Yes, it was a cartoon, basically, so what kind of acting can you get out of a cartoon.

All I can say is that the film ended with me feeling cheated.
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Did I see the same film?
10 September 2008
What a snooze fest!

I think there are certain actors that should reconsider their choice of a career in acting, the first that comes to mind, anybody with the last name of Affleck, Casey's whiney voice is enough to turn off the film, the second, Colin Ferrel, the third, Brad Pitt. This guy cannot act his way out of a paper bag. He is stoic, he is boring, he delivers his lines without inflection. This stole a great deal from the mood of the film. The film also could have done without the background narration. I thought that was useless and made this already boring movie even more so. All in all, the film, to me, was filled with actors I have no use or need for as actors. This may not make sense to anybody but me, however, if you consider watching this film, do so when there is absolutely positively nothing else to watch.
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